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I Will Never Understand PvP/WvW


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On 12/13/2022 at 4:00 AM, Akisohida.8963 said:

Walk in as a Renegade:
First, Maguuma has the ENTIRE map on lockdown.

Second, a solo player is basically camping our front door. And winning.

Third; I can't do 5% of his HP with all five 1-5 skills, yet he somehow downs me with one skill. ONE SKILL. The rapid-fire arrow skill of the Shortbow as a Ranger. Nevermind how he out-ranged me when we both had shortbows. That's another question.


So, looking at the power disparity (I can't do 200 damage, he can do 24,000 in one skill).

The absolutely broken teams (Maguuma owns the entire map and can steamroll anyone who logs in)

And how I'm basically unable to play it..


...HOW do people find this fun?

I'm genuinely curious. Because I've never, in the history of GW2, ever won a 1v1.

It's never been a close fight, either. No matter what happens; I get facerolled in about 2 seconds or less and I'm left wondering why I never saw their HP bar move a pixel while they sneezed on me and killed me.

Ranger? Tried it.

Warrior? Turned to paste.

Renegade? Can't even leave the MFing spawn fort TO ONE PERSON.


Great fun. 🙃

Edit: I should add, if you enjoy it; cool. I have just never had a fun time in WvW. It has never been anything short of me getting destroyed in a matter of seconds, even 1 on 1. Heck, with today, that one guy literally killed me with ONE SKILL.

He pressed ONE button and did 24 thousand damage.

I don't believe it is supposed to be this way... but Anet's Algorithms like Tweets are corrupted. GL

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23 hours ago, Evenge.4067 said:

You literally ran into to epitome of the biggest problems in WvW.  Oppressive servers (over population) and oppressive  builds. Learning how to avoid both is important in this game mode.

I agree. You should play servers with only day time fighting and avoid servers with off hour ppt guilds like the plague, unless you are in their time zone and don't want fights in eu. Those servers will get you matched with servers that have opressive bandwagoning. I would also avoid mag unless you want to afk allot, I believe most of the players either just leave gw2 running in the background or run two computers with mag up on one. It is really a boring server to play on and outside of the weekend it is dead  except for the few that stand outside of enemy spawn. Really, the safest place in ebg when against mag is at their keep, you can gank solos when they come, and take their camps to facilitate that trickle. Other than that, avoid the ppt servers and you will have more fun against players who play solo or in a traditional group, rather than form a line of rapid fire, aura eles, immob dh, and unkillable necros who just troll waters.

Edited by oatsnjuices.1698
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On 12/12/2022 at 8:27 PM, Akisohida.8963 said:

I'm fairly sure.

He shot a spread of arrows that made me think 'Ranger' from outside my Renegade Shortbow range. This spread literally oneshot me. I was down before the animation ended.

Then he pulled out a GS and twirled over to me to chase off my ally and Finisher me.


Most probably the atacker had quickness which is the most strong boon in game, Ranger with LB and GS is a thing can do a ton of damage but theres counters against it as well, blind, dodge, interrupt, dome VS projectiles, KD, KB etc.

Max damage in single skill ive seen in game was arround 37k and that was long long time ago, still there are classes that can burst a total of 25k-30k damage and hit over 15k in a single hit, but these skills are needed due how Anet loves to carry perma boon groups where 40 out of 60 are  tank healers specs..

Btw one can be built towards big damage and still be sturdy, don't need to be that of a glass cannon, and some classes do it better than others due their power queficients scability  in the skills and weapons justt need to search and be a good lamer dog and embrace Anet gimmick.


Btw revenant is a good class that dont punish with projectile hate but can defend against it.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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On 12/12/2022 at 3:27 PM, Akisohida.8963 said:

I'm fairly sure.

He shot a spread of arrows that made me think 'Ranger' from outside my Renegade Shortbow range. This spread literally oneshot me. I was down before the animation ended.

Then he pulled out a GS and twirled over to me to chase off my ally and Finisher me.

Fan of Fire is incapable of one shotting anything if fired at max range. At point blank range it can hit hard, but even then, the total coefficient is 1.32. If that did 24k to you then you must be wearing lower leveled green gear.

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Cele ren is a great roaming class. I played it a lot when I was new to wvw I’ve since moved to herald because it absolutely explodes folks once you get used to it. Like you have a trait that completely shuts down a long bow. Let them blow their load. Knock them down with bow 5 turn shiro on spam your load. After that swap to jalis throw roads on that hoe. Swap to staff and turn hammers on and then plow into them with staff 5. 

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Pvp is a game of finding a window where opponent's defensive abilities and dodges are on cool down. Thats the time frame in which you do dmg . Even better if you manage to stun or daze or CC the opponent because you prolong that window.  All those defensive utilities and traits that you mostly ignore in pve, all of those are crucial in pvp. 

For example it looks like you got hit by a combination (nothing can really do 24k dmg in one hit) of hard damaging abilities and based on your description it is a good chance these were projectiles. A single projectile block ability would completely negate all dmg, a projectile reflect would actually dmg them instead of you. Dodging and other defensive abilities also universally work.  

The more you play, the easier will be for you to identify opponent abilities and you will be able to react accordingly. If you become good you will learn to anticipate what the next opponent's move will be (or could be the most devastating to you) and you will be able to protect yourself preemptively. Is that easy? No, and the sky is the limit. And thats the fun part. Even when you think youre good someone will destroy you and you have a new step to climb.

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