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buff defensive siege again


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2 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Downed finisher should have stayed, even if it only affected one target, it helped get some kills off blobs before they could use res skills or f.

Exactly. It added a layer of dynamics to zerg fights to have some players hang back on the warclaw to finish downs. Superior Battle Maul did do too much damage, but the bleed stacks should have stayed.

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Cannons and Oil are fine. They're meant to be high priority targets and if you can get pulled, you can also get outright killed anyways by a zerg.

I would buff Hardened Siege to increase the damage of all player placed siege in the structure.

Chilling Fog should also give allies alacrity. Right now you can just get on a mount and ignore it, and most organized groups can ignore it as well.

I would also buff Auto Turrets, because they are useless.

Personally I'd also like a return to the old WP behavior where you could waypoint in between defense events.


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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23 hours ago, mysticozzy.3589 said:

As we all know defensive siege is utter kitten right now, May as well run around with a wet noodle slapping people 

Instantly pulled off the wall
Does little to kitten dmg to boon stack balls 

Bleed (skill 2) is utter pointless and does little dmg to consider as a skill
Is a supply drain for bots rebuilding things...

Give a permanent buff (through mastery) like the oil gives. permanent no cc buff with a 90% dmg reduction. (As all zergs tend to aim for the cannons first)
Give a flat dmg of 5k minimum to players through shields. 
dmg to siege is fine no need to change that.

CHANGE skill 2 to shoot a poison field instead of a bleed

Arrow carts:
May as well use a rangers barrage (IF you know how to ) its much more useful than spending supply on this so called siege.
A group of 5 can sit in AC fire and heal through the dmg thats being put out..
Poison field does not last long enough to be effective and can be instantly cleansed off rendering the skill useless. 
Skill 2 and 3 useless, bleed does near 0 dmg, doesnt scale with condi dmg on self. Cripple again pointless as its cleansed off


Buff AC dmg again to not be able to be healed through or allow it to scale with power and crit
Make condis applied by acs scaled by self condi stats
Make the fields created by the AC a lingering field which cannot be cleansed off unless they are off the aoe.
Change skill 2 into a vulnerable inflicting skill "piercing arrows: inflicts 3 stacks of vulnerability to the target every pulse of arrows per 1 sec



Too much effort. Doubtless Ahat will just remove all siege from the game instead. Like they did with Orbs and Quaggans and Borderlands Siegeraiser. They always take the lazy way out - when they're not spending 6 years pretending that WvW doesn't exist ofc.

Edited by Svarty.8019
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22 hours ago, hugeboss.5432 said:

Nobody really cares that much about defensive siege these days, since almost nobody plays capture+hold / PPT anymore (the game mode has evolved slightly into more of a "capture + move on" type of thing, partly also due to the "pips minigame"). These days, you usually need player numbers to successfully defend an objective, and if u have those kind of numbers, then you don't usually need defensive siege.

If they ever want to revert back to the old style capture+hold gameplay, then they will probably rework the defensive siege to make it work properly again. But first, we will prolly have to see what direction alliances evolves the gamemode (when implemented).



I admit, I don't like losing my sides stuff. Hence I defend quite more than I should and it bugs me when we lose something we could have held. The additions years ago of increasing the value of objectives as they ranked up helped getting more people to defend. But all the nerfs to defending over the years has more than way offset that. Even while attacking its sad to see a wall you damaged and they drove you off, and then you come back to it and its still in the same damaged state. Sure it makes it easier for you, but you knowing your side is doing the same thing somewhere else. Won't go OT about needing more incentives to defend since that's a bigger discussion and one I hope ANet engages players about as we move into stage two of the WR betas.

I fall on the side that walls are close to death traps for defenders. And don't get me wrong, fishing for defenders is a fun game if you are attacking but some balancing could be seen here. Some options on the siege might help, so might be a slow stability pulse for people on walls. Slow enough that it still favors attackers but gives defenders more gameplay options those on siege and those using just range.

If siege damage is reviewed, don't base the damage numbers on glass cannons or tanks, use a balanced set of gear stats when reviewing the numbers. I admit I am also still not a fan of the Shield Generator for either attack or defense. If it stays maybe some adjustments to what it does as well as a separate review.

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Just get rid of walls. Hear me out... all defensive siege complaints, gone. All offensive siege complaints, gone. Life is simpler. 


Fixed everything \o/ Now it's just who has biggest/best boon blob balance, wins.

Wait, that's kinda what it already is. 

(for giggles, lord ring strips a boon randomly every 2s). 

Edited by Chips.7968
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4 hours ago, Chips.7968 said:

Just get rid of walls. Hear me out... all defensive siege complaints, gone. All offensive siege complaints, gone. Life is simpler. 


Fixed everything \o/ Now it's just who has biggest/best boon blob balance, wins.

Wait, that's kinda what it already is. 

(for giggles, lord ring strips a boon randomly every 2s). 


🙂 I will trade you one. Instead of no walls, when an objective flips it does not auto-repair. So if you want to make a mess going in you will be left with a mess to deal with to try and hold. Still think if that was an option for a test week it could be interesting. 

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11 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


🙂 I will trade you one. Instead of no walls, when an objective flips it does not auto-repair. So if you want to make a mess going in you will be left with a mess to deal with to try and hold. Still think if that was an option for a test week it could be interesting. 

I like this. Lets do this.

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11 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


🙂 I will trade you one. Instead of no walls, when an objective flips it does not auto-repair. So if you want to make a mess going in you will be left with a mess to deal with to try and hold. Still think if that was an option for a test week it could be interesting. 

Oooo I like it enough to want to see how that played out 😄 😄 I mean i'd probably hate it in practice, because you'd never ever get it repaired, so in practice it'd just be... no walls 🙂 

We used to have the two little workers in keeps that'd take supply to do upgrades... re-employ them to give repairs now 😄 


Edited by Chips.7968
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