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Switch character before the match start shouldn't be allowed.


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  • Peter.3901 changed the title to Switch character before the match start shouldn't be allowed.

Would need the PvP lobby to be actually useful for this to happen. 

Meaning, you would need to be able to see who you are comp'd with before the match starts and have a grace period to change--this is different to now as it would be before you were matched with another team (not after) so the matchmaker could still do its job. 

As there needs to be some way to fix when matchmaking decides three thieves to a team is a great idea.  

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ppl abuse it but not the way you thinking


there're no 3 supps, if you get 3 tempest or 3 guardians their counter parts could be all dps


but yeah, ppl abuse it like


q up as double weaker class (all classes have at least one strong build right now), so ppl just q up as the class they counter the most in their main, like a cc spam war q up as necro

Edited by Khalisto.5780
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Swapping before match starts is fine. If other people do it you should do it too. It's important because it allows matches to reflect a player's skill in the aspect of how many classes/builds that player can play. It can be used to bait/seed certain comp groupings while avoiding your team from getting a certain class, but this is an algorithm problem, not a swap before match starts problem.

Swapping class in the middle of a game during ATs however, is redundant and stupid. The pregame timer is more than enough time to decide what class you'll load into. The allowance to swap class in the middle of match serves only to create a sweaty log-out log-back-in meta to keep trying to counter what other people are bringing. It's dumb and it needs to stop because no one wants to spend time in their character select screen and load screens in the middle of a match. ATs should work the same as Unranked/Ranked, where you can only swap in the beginning with pregame timer.

Also like to note that I would however like to see a beta season ran where we were allowed to swap build/gear templates any time we were OOC in the match, but no class swapping. This would be fast to do and require no time spent in the character select screen or load screens. It's already in the game code for custom arenas. Would be fun to see how the dynamic plays out, if people liked it. Honestly this game is 10 years old and we could use an addition to deepen the game like this.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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I don't really like switching and don't see the goal of it in random matches. They should be random.


Also, I see many players (wrongly) assuming builds and play styles. I play Elly/Tempest and players too often assume that I play support sometimes even so far that team members demand that one of the Ellies switches to other profession because they assume we have two supports. Not asking. They just assume all tempests are support.

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On 12/20/2022 at 1:25 PM, Peter.3901 said:

The matchaking try to mirror two teams,  then some smart kitten go comp, pick dual or 3 support then switch the character, so what's the point of matchmaking then?

How many times do players need to request the same thing before anet devs are willing to listen?




Its a tolerated form of match manipulation imho.



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4 hours ago, JosephKatz.9375 said:

Its a tolerated form of match manipulation imho.

At this point, all forms of match manipulations are not only tolerated, but even allowed.

And due to the lacks of actions against that, some people even feel they are encouraged to manipulate matches.

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Good we can swap. With some roles being so crucial for team performance, where not having one of those could be equal to instant defeat at similar skill level. Just think about RA in GW1 where majority of teams would want to surrender just by seeing Monk on enemy team and not having one on their own.

Keep in mind its more important to match players by their MMR rather than classes, or even roles. Expecting matchmaking to solve all problems in your life may have some huge flaws.

Tip: If you can fix something by being flexible yourself, do it. Drop that mainism mentality.

Edited by Morwath.9817
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On 12/23/2022 at 1:04 PM, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

I don't really like switching and don't see the goal of it in random matches. They should be random.


Also, I see many players (wrongly) assuming builds and play styles. I play Elly/Tempest and players too often assume that I play support sometimes even so far that team members demand that one of the Ellies switches to other profession because they assume we have two supports. Not asking. They just assume all tempests are support.

It's not random.


They fit for class.

The system attempts to keep the number of duplicate professions to a minimum,  and you can play lot for the system.

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  • 1 year later...

If Anet had defined roles for each match I would have a problem with it, but too often I log into matches where my team has 2 thieves and 3 DPS builds and the other team has 3 supports. At that point I'm swapping from DPS to support. (and I always look at the match-up before the match starts).

Sure, there will always be players who try to game the system (be that PvE, PvP or WvW), but blame Anet for not adjusting the algorithm when they essentially went from 8 classes to 18 classes to 27 classes to 36 classes. Or blame Anet for completely abandoning the game-mode entirely, which they absolutely have.

Edited by Ronin.4501
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