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buff necro :)


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hey Anet.. .please consider buffing necros .. since EoD they are not good harbringer was good but nerfs to harbringers also resulted in nerf to necros..  
right now both Death Magic and Blood magic are entirely useless traitlines that offer 0 of 0..    death magic maybe still somewhat work on harbringer only..  but right now. .necros dont have resistance to handle cc..    and they dont have decent condi clean to deal with condi builds..    they are simply..  bad and weak right now. . .and they need some buffs to help them deal with the current CC/invun meta  ty

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5 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

all it needs is for the weakness on crit trait to be fixed

it's straight up broken right now

thats condi necro use it. .  and its not so good right now either. . it have 10 seconds cd and last 2 seconds

Edited by noiwk.2760
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16 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

all it needs is for the weakness on crit trait to be fixed

it's straight up broken right now

Too much damage dampening when its on crit with some elites. It needs some trigger that doesn't make everyone slapped with weakness just because necro is close by.

Edited by Vancho.8750
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16 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

all it needs is for the weakness on crit trait to be fixed

it's straight up broken right now

They fixed it a couple of patches ago. They just never mentioned it anywhere. It also doesn't really matter since most the problem classes have decent or more access to resistance covered by large amounts of boon generation vs the post 2020 nerfed boon corruption/removal.

Edited by Dr Meta.3158
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I wouldn't say that both Death Magic and Blood Magic are entirely useless, but they definitely could use a few buffs. Even without Death Magic, necromancer has the most abilities to cleanse conditions, like Consume Conditions, Well of Power, Spectral Walk, Putrid Mark (staff 4), Deathly Swarm (dagger 4) and many more.

I think necromancer would deal with crowd control better if ArenaNet brought back the Soul Reaping trait called Foot in the Grave, which turned shroud into a stun breaker with 3 seconds of stability. In 2020, ArenaNet replaced Foot in the Grave with Eternal Life, a boring passive trait that gives 3 seconds of protection when you enter shroud and life force when not in shroud, but only up to 66% in PvE, 20% in WvW and 10% in PvP.

If berserker can have Savage Instinct, which turns berserk mode into a stun breaker with 2 seconds of damage immunity, I don't see why necromancer can't have Foot in the Grave back.

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38 minutes ago, Karras.2945 said:

I wouldn't say that both Death Magic and Blood Magic are entirely useless, but they definitely could use a few buffs. Even without Death Magic, necromancer has the most abilities to cleanse conditions, like Consume Conditions, Well of Power, Spectral Walk, Putrid Mark (staff 4), Deathly Swarm (dagger 4) and many more.

I think necromancer would deal with crowd control better if ArenaNet brought back the Soul Reaping trait called Foot in the Grave, which turned shroud into a stun breaker with 3 seconds of stability. In 2020, ArenaNet replaced Foot in the Grave with Eternal Life, a boring passive trait that gives 3 seconds of protection when you enter shroud and life force when not in shroud, but only up to 66% in PvE, 20% in WvW and 10% in PvP.

If berserker can have Savage Instinct, which turns berserk mode into a stun breaker with 2 seconds of damage immunity, I don't see why necromancer can't have Foot in the Grave back.

hey Karras <3 you know you are the person i respect probably the most in this game.. 

but i have to disagree with some stuff you say here and let me explain my self please ! 
"necromancer has the most abilities to cleanse conditions" this statement is far from being true and ill explain now why. 

1: Consume Conditions yes.. this healing skill actually remove 5 conditions. . but it has fairly long CD and its also the healing skill sometimes you will use it to heal so when you need it for condition clean its on CD.   on top of that it suffer from having very long cast time 1.25  which often is hard to cast especially during this CC meta with spell breaker and chrono spaming cc

2:Well of Power is not good anymore for pvp and why its not being used..   its very much unrealistic to stand in 1 spot for 5 seconds to clean conditions..   it pulses and you can not use it to clean conditions while you are escaping you have to stand inside a small era which is never gonna happen.      not only that but necro is very strict on its utility skills..  playing without spectral walk and worm for teleport and stun break..  means being very much dead..  

3:Spectral Walk : Spectral walk have been nerfed alooot over the years..  and its now only clean 1 condition every 2 seconds. . its not correct approach to count the total conditions that it can clean over duration because if you have 4-5 conditions on you and you need to clean conditions  removing 1 condition every 2 seconds wont help you..   because.. its RNG you are very much unlikely to remove the right condition that is dmging you..   you cant depend on it..     its RNG...   for example if you have 10 stacks of burning on you 2 stacks of torment cripple and vunability stacks..    your chance to remove the burning is only 1/4  in most cases if specral walk is your condi clean you are gonna die.  

4:Putrid Mark : staff 4 is great skill.. .  but lets not forget that it has a downside. .  unlike warrior when you swap into staff (100% utility and kiting weapon who does not dmg )   you are to stay in staff for the next 10 seconds. .  you cant use it in the middle of fight to clean conditions becuase if you are power build you gonna need your axe/focus to deal dmg..   yes you can go into shroud but thats assuming you have life force and assuming also shroud is off CD..   no class other than necro has so many restrictions limitation and awful quality of life when comes to something so basic.. 

dagger 4:  dagger 4is great skill but again the only class who can use it..  is condi necro and not even condi necro...  but power necro simply dont use dagger and cant use dagger..    

alot of necro stuff are outdated blood magic and death magic are traitlines that currently not working properly with 99% of necro skills.. .       necro is really struggling right now after all the nerfs and it feels hella clunky class ..   alot of issues so little ways to deal wth the current meta..    its really in a bad spot right now..  you need to build life force to deal dmg but even when you build life force spell breaker will CC lock you in shroud and take all your life force while you cant even use cc break .  because cant use utility on shroud. .   

i do agree with you about foot in the grave this will be great..   and they should also make it that leaving shroud is also a stun break..  so we can leave shroud while being cced and can use our utility ..   but right now..  necro is helpless while in shroud. . we get cc and we cant even leave shroud or use utility..     theres no stability and really rough shape..  

that being said..  i still think that regardless to that blood magic and death magic should be reworked to work better with necro weapons and skills.. .   like trait that active on 5 stacks of bleeding when only 1 weapon apply bleeding.   its way too specific 

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Just now, Morwath.9817 said:

Pre-EoD : 2-3 Necromancers on each team in Ranked.

post:EoD: Harbinger deletes nubz.

*some time passes*

Average Necromancer on forums: Buff Necro!

i dont entirely disagree..  necro was op.. and deserved a nerf..   for sure..   but the nerfs were way too much and many of them were nerfs just to nerf down harbringer instead of nerfing harbringer directly they nerfed traitlines.. .  i main reaper..   harbringer is basically the only necro that still playable..    and ever harbringer over nerfed and got pushed out of the meta..  so yes..  i do think that Anet should buff necros to bring some of their power back or quality of life..     

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1 hour ago, Goldilock.2584 said:

They only need to buff spite on necro as its a pump trait line so taking it means u loose a defence trait line. And its a core trait line so its available for all. 

spite can still be somewhat useful on power harbringer ... due to might generation but to be fair they also need to buff death magic and blood magic to make up for the nerfs they done to it..   these 2 traits suspposed to be our defense but they provide nothing..   after the nerf to death magic all it provide now on any none harbringer necro is 1 condi clean every 3 seconds on shroud and some thoughness and blood magic ..  basically all traits gives nothing other than last one who only clean 2 conditions now  vwhen leaving shroud 

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