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Support will not remove account restrictions

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I'm a new player, purchased all DLC and gems in game.


I've been fighting with support as I'm not able to use the trading post. Shows the following message:

Temporarily unavailable: purchase in review.


I was using ExitLag while playing and was told this was an issue. I have stopped using all VPN's while playing.


Here is the last email I received from support:


As mentioned previously, we are unable to disclose any information about the characteristics your account is exhibiting that are being flagged by our security system. Please be informed that this issue has been fully reviewed to the highest degree, and our decision not to override the restrictions on your account is final.

At this time, there is no further assistance we can provide you regarding this account or issue. As such, further replies or new support tickets regarding this account or issue may not receive a response.
We hope for your kind understanding.


Guild Wars 2 Support Team


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55 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

True; if your issue is just the 'new account restrictions' policy, you will just have to wait the 5+ days. 

If it is something else, again you will need to discuss it with the CS Team. 

If I remember correctly it is 5 played days in time so if you play 1 hour a day it will take awhile.

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58 minutes ago, BeefyCheetos.5094 said:

I've got over 100 hours logged on Steam with the game. It's not a brand new account. I've been playing for over 2 weeks now.


I am currently in China for work, could that be a problem? I don't know if China is blocked from this version of the game seeing as they have their own version.

that could be the case , i had similar issue buying gems while my Vpn was active , and doing the same while it wasn't active gave me the same message as you had . And the same happened while in Spain and when coming back from holydays . Was solved after a couple of weeks.

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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20 minutes ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

that could be the case , i had similar issue buying gems while my Vpn was active , and doing the same while it wasn't active gave me the same message as you had . And the same happened while in Spain and when coming back from holydays . Was solved after a couple of weeks.

How did it get resolved?

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8 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

When did it become a paid account?  No time is registered whilst using a Play4Free account.  And/or how long since no longer using VPN?

Its been a paid account for over a week and I stopped using ExitLag 2 or 3 days ago.


Its just strange that I had no problem using the trading post until I made a gem purchase.

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On 1/7/2023 at 8:20 AM, BeefyCheetos.5094 said:

I've got over 100 hours logged on Steam with the game. It's not a brand new account. I've been playing for over 2 weeks now.


I am currently in China for work, could that be a problem? I don't know if China is blocked from this version of the game seeing as they have their own version.

There's both some legal and technical issues going on here.


I don't know how much you know about China, since you say you're just there for work, but the Chinese government doesn't allow people to play online games that aren't released through Chinese companies. Of course, alot of people bypass this and other restrictions with VPNs, but its still the law that companies outside of China have to obey, even if users often get away with ignoring it, and its still a personal risk regardless.


On top of this, this game doesn't technically allow VPNs, and because the gemstore and Trading Post are actually web browsers it can create some confusion with connections and the appearance of having multiple IPs, in which case the devs basically have no way to tell that its you at both ends.


There's also an entire underground industry for hackers, botters and gold farmers, and alot of the connections for this kind of behavior in MMOs historically come from VPNs.

I imagine your account has been flagged high-risk as a result.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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9 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

There's both some legal and technical issues going on here.


I don't know how much you know about China, since you say you're just there for work, but the Chinese government doesn't allow people to play online games that aren't released through Chinese companies. Of course, alot of people bypass this and other restrictions with VPNs, but its still the law that companies outside of China have to obey, even if users often get away with ignoring it, and its still a personal risk regardless.


On top of this, this game doesn't technically allow VPNs, and because the gemstore and Trading Post are actually web browsers it can create some confusion with connections and the appearance of having multiple IPs, in which case the devs basically have no way to tell that its you at both ends.


There's also an entire underground industry for hackers, botters and gold farmers, and alot of the connections for this kind of behavior in MMOs historically come from VPNs.

I imagine your account has been flagged high-risk as a result.

I'm also thinking it's because I'm currently in China and its notorious for hackers here.


The funny thing is, even though my account is flagged as high risk, it still allows me to make gem purchases with my steam wallet. 


Also annoying that if I didn't make any gem purchase, I could be playing the game right now with no problems.


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Using the trading post is quite critical for playing the game and progressing your account/character normally. It's disappointing that Support is not clear about the reasoning of the block. I think you have the right to know what the reasoning is for the actions against you. Even a criminal that is sent to court gets a full explanation of the judge explaining the reason why he/she gets a punishment.

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1 hour ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

Using the trading post is quite critical for playing the game and progressing your account/character normally. It's disappointing that Support is not clear about the reasoning of the block. I think you have the right to know what the reasoning is for the actions against you. Even a criminal that is sent to court gets a full explanation of the judge explaining the reason why he/she gets a punishment.

I can still play the game but without access to the trading post there really isn't much point.


Without knowing what the problem is, there's literally nothing I can do.


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When you buy gems thru Steam it is a whole dufferent type of transaction and rules than buying them from ANet.
I also don't understand why you think the game is unplayable without the trading post. Even though I use the tp multiple times a day to sell stuff from my 4 accounts I still could get along quite well without it.

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4 hours ago, OutOfMyMind.9613 said:

When you buy gems thru Steam it is a whole dufferent type of transaction and rules than buying them from ANet.
I also don't understand why you think the game is unplayable without the trading post. Even though I use the tp multiple times a day to sell stuff from my 4 accounts I still could get along quite well without it.


If you're into any serious account progression you will need a lot of materials for legendary crafting. If you have to farm every material yourself and can't use your gold to buy materials off TP you're at a severe disadvantage. Same for some achievements like collecting miniatures.


If your account is new try if you can get a refund. Then when you're in a supported territory like Europe or USA, make a new account from your home IP. (No VPN)

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8 hours ago, OutOfMyMind.9613 said:

When you buy gems thru Steam it is a whole dufferent type of transaction and rules than buying them from ANet.
I also don't understand why you think the game is unplayable without the trading post. Even though I use the tp multiple times a day to sell stuff from my 4 accounts I still could get along quite well without it.

My matt storage is capped at 250. Had to start dumping excess on my alts.


Wouldn't really be able to use those matt's because I can't level my crafting, need to buy supplies from the trading post.

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4 hours ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:


If you're into any serious account progression you will need a lot of materials for legendary crafting. If you have to farm every material yourself and can't use your gold to buy materials off TP you're at a severe disadvantage. Same for some achievements like collecting miniatures.


If your account is new try if you can get a refund. Then when you're in a supported territory like Europe or USA, make a new account from your home IP. (No VPN)

I've got over 100 hours played on Steam. I doubt I'll be able to get a refund.


Thought about creating a new account through Arena Net and not Steam but if an account can this easily be restricted and support not willing to do anything, kind of seems pointless to play the game.

Edited by BeefyCheetos.5094
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Don't know what Steam's policy is, but ArenaNet gives refunds up to 30 days.

For refund requests concerning purchases made from Steam, please contact Steam support for assistance.

Are you discussing the issue with the Steam Support Team?

For issues pertaining to account management, access and game, gem, or other purchases made through the Steam store or Steam wallet, please contact Steam support for assistance.


Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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3 hours ago, BeefyCheetos.5094 said:

My matt storage is capped at 250. Had to start dumping excess on my alts.


Wouldn't really be able to use those matt's because I can't level my crafting, need to buy supplies from the trading post.

What do you need to buy from the trading post to level your craft?

Since I cant remember anything I needed when I leveled mine

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With all respect, 100 Hours is not that much for a MMO. I would at least request a refund. And no matter if it gets approved or not: leave the account.


Something on your account must have spooked ArenaNet into considering your account a threat to the in-game economy. As I'm just an user, I cannot judge about this. I know all too well of players who undeservedly got bitten by ArenaNet security monitoring (AI) but at the same time players are just coming to forums and social media to play the innocent angel when they got a ban that they deserved.


The longer you play the more hours you lose on this account. It's not worth continuing as you will need the trading post to get any serious account progression. Continuing just sets you up for future frustration. Or if you're bored while in China, use it only while you're there, then leave it.


Then when you're at home, you have to consider if you trust ArenaNet enough to buy/make a new account. If yes, Play from your home internet connection, don't use VPNs or services that change your IP. Don't play from blocked countries. Your current account is flagged as risky, so better not transfer goods from your flagged account to a new account or vice versa as things like that may spook the ArenaNet security AI again.


If you don't trust ArenaNet, It's probably better to find yourself a different MMO. And if you did nothing wrong: I'm sorry to see players leave for reasons like these. Good luck.

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