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Deadeye animation is not visible enough


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On 1/24/2023 at 8:32 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


They don't?

Nope, they dont.

On 1/24/2023 at 8:32 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

I think it's pretty obvious what a longbow ranger is doing entirely visually; rapid fire looks like a machine gun, hunter's shot they stealth, PBS you go flying backward, and barrage has like a 3 sec animation.  Not really listening for audio cues on any of these.  

Yeah except, if youre attacked by them, you cant actually tell until youre hit, and even then you can only tell because of the result on hunters shot and point blank shot. With DE you can actually tell some of the attacks apart mid-flight. And ultimately, all of this is after youre hit. If you wanna react, you gotta listen, first.

On 1/24/2023 at 8:32 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Can extend this to both shortbow and axe on ranger as both poision shot and splitblade are super visual.  Even winter's bite is visual with a frost trail behind it--the only ones that are not are shortbow 4 and 5 (even 3 is as they leap backward).

Even something like Druid staff you have visual indicators on literally every skill: the auto has a giant beam, the two is swirling ball/wisp, 3 the ranger turns into a flying ball, 4 huge vines, and 5 a literal wall on the ground.  

Oh if were including the character too, then Deadeye is super visual. All 4 attacks have entirely different animations on the Deadeye. Ontop of different particle effects. 

On 1/24/2023 at 8:32 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

For others we have dragon hunter's true shot that has long visual animation and stuff like virtuoso burst that is literally flying purple daggers coming at you.  

Again, Deadeyes shots are very visible due to the black and red tinge. You literally cant not see it.

On 1/24/2023 at 8:32 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

So that's why I think telling someone to listen for DE audio cues isn't all that helpful because the big thing you want to dodge has a large laser pointed at you, and the rest of it revolves around predicting when they go in and out of stealth.  If they're sitting there autoing or skirm shotting while standing or kneeling you don't need to listen, just move or you are going to die.  

I mean your point was that you cant tell DEs shots apart. But audio cues and visual cues do in fact mean you can. The entire thread is nonsense because deadeyes visual and audio cues are far more visible than rangers.

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I play almost exclusively based on sound, and thieves are the loudest and most telegraphed profession in the game.  Seriously, that dodge is stupid loud.

It is possible to play based on sound, and the sound in GW2 consists of very distinct cues throughout the game.  Differentiating different sounds is extremely easy compared to what I have to do in real life.

Just throwing this out there for anyone thinking it's impossible to play based on sound cues and audio feedback.  It's more than possible, the sound is the reason I'm even able to play this game.


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@Sahne.6950 sounds like you have an incredibly optimal experience of GW2 (sub 30 ping, can always see Dragon's Tooth, stealthed enemies always render in time with their animations, etc). I'm happy for you! That's definitely the way the game is meant to be experienced. Just bear in mind that many (most?) of us aren't so lucky, and our experience of the game might be quite a bit less...optimal than yours.

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 Bugs occur but they are far from the norm.


I record every bit of my gameplay.. 

Most of the time when im mad, cuz i think something bugged or something acted funny , i rewatch the footage only to find out that i simply had a brainfart. 

I sincerely believe alot of people simply make mistakes and blame it on the game. If i wouldnt record everything i sure would.... becaus in the midst of all this visualvomit its easy to miss things. 


Maybe im just blessed... who knows 😉

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40 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

@Sahne.6950 sounds like you have an incredibly optimal experience of GW2 (sub 30 ping, can always see Dragon's Tooth, stealthed enemies always render in time with their animations, etc). I'm happy for you! That's definitely the way the game is meant to be experienced. Just bear in mind that many (most?) of us aren't so lucky, and our experience of the game might be quite a bit less...optimal than yours.


Sahne's in the rock solid connection gang. 

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16 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

 Bugs occur but they are far from the norm.


... For you.

Again, I'm really happy for you that you have such a consistently great experience. But that's not what other people experience. I routinely don't see the DT animation, and animations coming from stealth are frequently delayed. Heck, many of my movement skills don't go anywhere (and I'm not immobilized) because of packet loss apparently.


20 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

I sincerely believe alot of people simply make mistakes and blame it on the game. If i wouldnt record everything i sure would.... becaus in the midst of all this visualvomit its easy to miss things. 

This sounds oddly similar to:


White person: "I never get pulled over by the police. I sincerely believe that Black people get pulled over more frequently because they are doing something wrong."


Don't assume everyone shares your experiences. They dont. That's not your fault; but it's not necessarily their fault, either.

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2 hours ago, UNOwen.7132 said:

Yeah except, if youre attacked by them, you cant actually tell until youre hit, and even then you can only tell because of the result on hunters shot and point blank shot. With DE you can actually tell some of the attacks apart mid-flight. And ultimately, all of this is after youre hit. If you wanna react, you gotta listen, first.


I'd love to know how you tell the sound difference between Hunter's shot and PBS mid-fight.  As maining ranger and fighting ranger's, I never use sound for these two, purely visual.  

I guess it comes down to playstyle, but with all the art in the game and the great lengths they went to color code professions, it seems they were after visuals way more than sound when you are fighting things.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


Sahne's in the rock solid connection gang. 

Hell yeah 😄

we even could play smash without any kind of lag... altho hes NA and i am EU... i was hella impressed by that.  Sonic Internet! 🦔

enabling/disabling certain ports and blocking bad ips, works wonders when it comes to latency!

Could that be a factor? I modified my routersettings quite a bit🤔 

59 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

... For you.

Maybe its alot worse for other people... 

a inconsistent gaming experience would be one hell of a reason to quit and never come back.  

All of the things you mentioned did happen to me too. But its like once or twice a month, and mostly to blame on weak connection when the whole family is at home and streaming stuff.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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