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Server transfer


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On 2/3/2023 at 9:16 AM, Sholagar.8352 said:

So I play on Fort Aspenwood, and I am considering transferring to Maguuma.  I don’t want to get into a long story on why, I think thats

obvious…. But considering I am fairly new, are there any glaring reasons why I shouldn’t?  I have 3 legendaries, they are account wide, correct?  Is it just everything on one character and their inventory that would transfer?  So basically load

up one character and their inventory to maximize what transfers?  I’d appreciate any suggestions, thanks

You literally can't transfer to Mag it's sitting full and has been for forever and just cause I'm confused what in the world do your legendaries have to do with anything? They're irrelevant in wvw outside of flexing and just for the record they're account wide so your characters always have access to them no matter where they are. 


Also do yourself a favor don't try to just hop on a server so you can just bandwagon to easy WvW wins that won't make you a better player, get a tag and try leading and learning how to improve your server even a little bit it'll be better for you in the long run rather than just taking the easy way out. 

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11 hours ago, Atticus.7194 said:

You literally can't transfer to Mag it's sitting full and has been for forever and just cause I'm confused what in the world do your legendaries have to do with anything? They're irrelevant in wvw outside of flexing and just for the record they're account wide so your characters always have access to them no matter where they are. 


Also do yourself a favor don't try to just hop on a server so you can just bandwagon to easy WvW wins that won't make you a better player, get a tag and try leading and learning how to improve your server even a little bit it'll be better for you in the long run rather than just taking the easy way out. 

Wow aren’t you a nice poster!  I hardly consider 3 legendaries a flex, I asked because I didn’t want to lose them if I transferred, but apparently everything transfers regardless so no problems there, and they are account bound anyways, which I stated in my original post “they are account bound anyways, correct?”.  So dunno where you get off thinking I’m flexing… they are a huge investment so I’d be very careful not to lose them.

and my solution is to simply wait out my server match with Maguuma, and hopefully they’ll fix server imbalances with Alliances some day.  But you’d know that if you had read the entire thread instead of just replying to what I opened with some super snide reply.  I thank everyone who has replied.  

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2 hours ago, Sholagar.8352 said:

Wow aren’t you a nice poster!  I hardly consider 3 legendaries a flex, I asked because I didn’t want to lose them if I transferred, but apparently everything transfers regardless so no problems there, and they are account bound anyways, which I stated in my original post “they are account bound anyways, correct?”.  So dunno where you get off thinking I’m flexing… they are a huge investment so I’d be very careful not to lose them.

and my solution is to simply wait out my server match with Maguuma, and hopefully they’ll fix server imbalances with Alliances some day.  But you’d know that if you had read the entire thread instead of just replying to what I opened with some super snide reply.  I thank everyone who has replied.  

I'm extremely nice that's why I gave you a helpful suggestion on how to be a better player but sure go off on my inference rather than the substance of what I said so you can find a reason to be upset. 

Also I'm not reading your whole character arc thanks but you can go ahead and edit your original post if you want to stop this from happening in the future its easy and free. See more helpful advice in fact you can just call me Mr Rogers if you like. 

HFGL out there

Edited by Atticus.7194
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Maguuma generally only stays open for a week whenever its population drops to Very High.  Its been this way for a couple years.  However on Dec 19, the last time it opened up, it was for two weeks and the community had a fit, despite it being an automated system.  "Overstacking" can only occur in the week long windows between Server Population updates (on mondays).  During this period no guilds that I know of moved to mag, just pugs.

On Feb 4, the last NA raiding guild on mag left the server, so there may be a chance it opens again on the 13 if the number of people moved exceed the number of players who arrived between December 26 and January 2nd.  At the moment the guild has had about 45 people leave Maguuma, a portion of them moved after the Feb 6th population update.  I wouldn't hold your breath though since the wvw weekly achievement update did increase logins from folks already on their servers.  I wish you luck though on your endeavor to join maguuma, so be sure to check every monday.

Edited by neven.3785
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On 2/3/2023 at 3:59 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

In what way do you expect one person to help a server in a productive way against a server that is overstacked and still has one of the biggest links of all the servers?

Just curious.


 Anytime there are solid fights, which is what they are after, FA and MAG both have ques- your 'overstacked' remark is the same old irrelevant red herring. 

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Transferring to larger servers with more players from differing time zones might give you a longer wait in que.  Also, each server has it's own "attitude" and style.  I treat servers like I treat shoes.  Either it's going to be a comfortable fit, or it's going to be uncomfortable.  Depends on you.  Depends on the people you play with.  Are you wanting to transfer to Mag because they're top dog?  Jade Quarry was top dog once.  So was Blackgate.  Maggumma is top dog.  But if your wanting to switch to a top dog server, that's on you.  Just remember one thing.  Rome had it's rise, and it had it's fall.  Just like Jade Quarry.  Just like Blackgate.  Same thing will happen to Mag.  I recommend you join a server where your fellow guild or friends play on.  The friends that play together, stay together.  Don't switch servers if it has anything to do with "losing all the time."  It's not worth it.

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On 2/3/2023 at 9:16 AM, Sholagar.8352 said:

. But considering I am fairly new, are there any glaring reasons why I shouldn’t?

It depends. But I've been linked with them enough to know.

Those with thin skin and expect tags to follow will not have a good time. If you don't pull your own weight, you will get left behind. You will be expected to take care of yourself in any given situation. If you manage to do that, then you will have a great time.

A lot of people would define these things as "toxic" or "gatekeeping" but it's really what it takes to maintain certain standards. But the Gw2 community at large hates that kind of thing because many are extremely entitled.


While I fully understand why you'd like to leave a server like FA, the truth is if you have to ask, then you probably shouldn't, at least until you develop such a mentality. You may find yourself down some gold for little gain. FA does have very good tag coverage after all.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 2/3/2023 at 12:13 PM, Sholagar.8352 said:

Okay thanks all, I didn’t realize it transfers everything.  I really have loved Fort Aspen, but it’s just oppressive now.  Maybe dropping to a lower tier server would be ideal, I just want good fights.  Haven’t seen smc flip at all this week (me personally)

Knew this would be a Mag thread lol. Just fyi, if you think steam rolling every other server that can't even try to fight back because it's a Mag with 40000 zerg no skill fest then you won't be getting any 'fights' from over there either but y'okay!

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