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How do I destroy an entire game mode even further?


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10 hours ago, Min Min.9368 said:

In short, ANet still doesn't listen to player's feedbacks and continue to do what they want. After 5~6 beta testing and still nothing changed. Population is still very imbalance and server jump is still the only way out. I am beginning to be convinced that beta test is just a delay tactic, all talks and nothing much is done or can be done in reality. And worse, now with all these assaults only achievements, WvW is slowly becoming a attack only no defense play. Eventually many more will leave this 'cornerstone' mode and soon it will be another EoTM. Lifeless and cold.

You will have to take a deep breath my friend, and relax quite a bit. Nothing has changed because we are still in our good old system of matched servers. The work of alliances and wr is underway, Anet has also made a communication recently where it declares that it wants to launch the next beta only when the part of alliances will also be implemented, and not just the redistribution of players. 

The work that Anet is facing is complicated and articulated, the various betas go live for all the checks and data collection that serve the development, so players must also do their part to help, that's why you will still need a lot of patience.

In the meantime,

the advice I have already written to Anet, and if you help me, could become a choral advice is :

If you advance time from the work of alliances and wr, if you want to concere and help the waiting of the players to this important change, consider 3 things that have been mentioned several times, which do not engage you too much because they will only be parameters to be modified and check how the players respond in the game mode.

Let's try to redistribute players with a more active attitude. Reduce access to any WWW map from 70 to 50 players temporarily for 4 weeks, in the same period grant free transfers to any non-full server. At the same time, reduce the threshold of 10% or so of the number that defines a full server. After this 4-week period edit the transfers, put them under control and grant them only for the 2 weeks before the usual relinks.

Everything you do outside of the work of alliances, I recommend you do more for the balance between the servers . Because whatever you want to update in good faith, falls on your players in a lopsided way, making any new initiative useless. ( although it is really something innovative and effective ) because you will hit 30 players of a server and 3 maps in the queue of another server.

with the natural consequence of receiving negative feedback from your community. even when it shouldn't be.

It's a bit like someone has just crossed the desert and is thirsty, dying of thirst. Also on the street someone promised him that if you go that side you will find a wonderful resort super equipped. When the resort manager arrives, he offers him all the specialties of the kitchen, meat, fish, desserts at will. But that guy never likes anything, it all sucks because what he wants is just fresh water to drink. and until he has drunk, You won't be able to appreciate everything else.

Ps. hey this example is not bad, it seems to me that it well represents the expectation of the average WWW player for the new alliance system. Anet we are thirsty, we are dying of thirst.😊

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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On 2/8/2023 at 3:25 PM, Markus.6492 said:

Dear team of ArenaNet,


the patch itself didn't sound so bad, we were open-minded about the whole thing, but the weekly achievements, you honestly didn't do yourself any favors.


- Ruin Runner

- Intruder Incinerator

- Keep Crusher

- Camp Capturer

- Dolyak Denier

- Tower Taker

- Stonemist Castle Conqueror


All achievements only include attack, so why should any team defend anything if nothing else is rewarded except attack.


Not to well actually you but since they've added these most of the stacks of intruder incinerator have been from defending. 

Theoretically you could get that many from ganking people. But most people are going to get the achievement from killing players trying to get the other achievements.

Edited by Daniel Handler.4816
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19 minutes ago, Daniel Handler.4816 said:

Not to well actually you but since they've added these most of the stacks of intruder incinerator have been from defending. 

Theoretically you could get that many from ganking people. But most people are going to get the achievement from killing players trying to get the other achievements.

I haven't. In the 2 weeks I've been doing these achievements I've gotten that one mostly from being in a blob attacking. I think YMMV on that one.

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As an addition to my previous fun fact post, we end on about 2.15 million k+d, with 1.05 million of that being kills. 

It's unfortunate that the sites only have the weekly data and no past database but from what I've seen of the past average the PPT achievement patch seem to have increased the amount of fights between players in the short run (if anyone do have the data from the week before the patch, feel free to correct me).

I still think it'll die down and eventually no one will even care about them though.

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1 hour ago, idpersona.3810 said:

I haven't. In the 2 weeks I've been doing these achievements I've gotten that one mostly from being in a blob attacking. I think YMMV on that one.

That's fair. But in that situation there was still someone defending. And they were the ones trying to get the achievement. 

It isn't purely "attack" based as OP potrays

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22 hours ago, MarzAttakz.9608 said:

This just makes me sad. Granted there were some fun times to be had though.

However I feel you touched on a very important point pertaining to guilds and guildmates: people like that either try to game the system most efficiently or feed their egos aggressively. And that's what concerns me the most about Alliances.

Placing the power into the hands of players is not a good thing due to simple human nature.

Yes I'm a server pride guy. Practically extinct. But I have a place I've called home since Beta. A home still standing despite all the drama of the guilds (some great, some not) that have passed through. A home filled with like-minded individuals who have been here for years. A home filled with fellow combatants who fight united by the same ideals. We're in different guilds, different countries, and speak different languages yet we're the same. And the day that dies will be a sad day indeed.

Server pride side myself and hear you. Best options for server pride is the community guild creations. That said the user interface in WR project might create issues there but until tested....

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16 minutes ago, Daniel Handler.4816 said:

That's fair. But in that situation there was still someone defending. And they were the ones trying to get the achievement. 

It isn't purely "attack" based as OP potrays

Okay, but then it's really just 6 attacking and 1 that can be attack or defense.

From my experience (not reflective of everyone's) that one has mostly been attack. Not necessarily on objectives either, but just 2 blobs running into each other.

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2 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Why do I imagine the lord just yelling "SON, GET UP HERE AND DO SOMETHING!" as you begrudgingly get up from the SMC basement to kill enemies before you quickly disappear again...

The smc take was pretty meh actually. We popped in at the end of the night after gbl dried up because ebg was the only map with no queue for FA. Looked like mag had a good farm going with BG so we went to smc to join in and BG dipped to attack mags keep. Most the mag left. Easy flip.

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