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gunflame needs to pierce


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In pvp wvw I'm struggling with this build. It's crazy how often I am blocked..it takes time to set up all the triggers so a wasted shot usually  means death. Its never like the videos you see with a gunzerker 1000 yards away picking off people leisurely. I get swarmed! Also down states tend to pop up on me too...crazy! Maybe it all chalks up to me sucking but still determined.

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31 minutes ago, Xperiment.6923 said:

In pvp wvw I'm struggling with this build. It's crazy how often I am blocked..it takes time to set up all the triggers so a wasted shot usually  means death. Its never like the videos you see with a gunzerker 1000 yards away picking off people leisurely. I get swarmed! Also down states tend to pop up on me too...crazy! Maybe it all chalks up to me sucking but still determined.

i got to the top 50 playing 3 signets gunflame meme and I can't tell you how many times I got blocked because a random AI decided to walk across the projectile path

and tanks can just sit in your projectile path and block the entire gun flame for the focused target, especially when high DPS targets are used to hang in the back of the team fight.

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First gunflare needs a dmg nerf. Got hit by nearly 18k on a 2.8k armor ele on wvw. No ranged skill should do so much dmg in 1 hit. If I didn't had 20k hp I would be one shotted. People complain about thief, and yet thieves don't hit even half of this in 1 skill. 


Blocking/reflect is not a solution because warrior also has instant 6s unblockable from signet that has no cast time.  

Edited by Edu.6984
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1 hour ago, Edu.6984 said:

First gunflare needs a dmg nerf. Got hit by nearly 18k on a 2.8k armor ele on wvw. No ranged skill should do so much dmg in 1 hit. If I didn't had 20k hp I would be one shotted. People complain about thief, and yet thieves don't hit even half of this in 1 skill. 


Blocking/reflect is not a solution because warrior also has instant 6s unblockable from signet that has no cast time.  

true shot does more damage

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28 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

true shot does more damage


Guardian has no access to unblockable so it can easily be reflected/blocked. Guardian also doesn't  have easy access to insta 25 stacks of might. Guardian hp is also about 8k lower than warrior. A warrior running berzerker can have 19k hp, a guardian 11k, so you don't see them running full zerker very often. They mobility is worse than warrior, outside of WB, but if they are running WB than they don't have a bow. True shoot roots while cast.


I've seen some guardians hitting hard with hammer and GS, but those are melee weapons on way riskier builds with lower hp, less mobility and less immune to dmg frames.


ps: I use guardian symbol on forums, but main ele, not bias in favor of guardian

Edited by Edu.6984
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17 minutes ago, Edu.6984 said:


Guardian has no access to unblockable so it can easily be reflected/blocked. Guardian also doesn't  have easy access to insta 25 stacks of might. Guardian hp is also about 8k lower than warrior. A warrior running berzerker can have 19k hp, a guardian 11k, so you don't see them running full zerker very often. They mobility is worse than warrior, outside of WB, but if they are running WB than they don't have a bow. True shoot roots while cast.


I've seen some guardians hitting hard with hammer and GS, but those are melee weapons on way riskier builds with lower hp, less mobility and less immune to dmg frames.


ps: I use guardian symbol on forums, but main ele, not bias in favor of guardian

haha what, spear is unblockable CC with 0 sacrifices in the utility slot

doesn't matter tho, guardian has so many damage modifier it doesn't need 25 might

bruh my trapper DH run berserker all the time and it is go to for the build.

also its funny how you think it is 1 skill when in fact it has to get into combat first then press like 4 skills before using gun flame

and i guarantee you trapper berserker DH true shot will do as much damage if not more also survive way better then meme gunflame glass canon

Edited by Lighter.5631
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8 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

haha what, spear is unblockable CC with 0 sacrifices in the utility slot

doesn't matter tho, guardian has so many damage modifier it doesn't need 25 might

bruh my trapper DH run berserker all the time and it is go to for the build.

also its funny how you think it is 1 skill when in fact it has to get into combat first then press like 4 skills before using gun flame

and i guarantee you trapper berserker DH true shot will do as much damage if not more also survive way better then meme gunflame glass canon

Funny how you keep repeating it's a meme build in every post and yet here you are, pushing for buffs for it 😄 
I don't see why it would need pierce. So you can meme xxk multiple people at once?

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yep it should pierce, that'd be nice, also gunflame hits for fluff without investing 3 traitlines and a full skill bar into the damage.


other classes can output the same burst with lower investment and higher survivability.


its actually quite bad on its own and anyone that is worth anything will have no problems quickly dispatching a gunflame warrior.

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2 minutes ago, eXruina.4956 said:

yep it should pierce, that'd be nice, also gunflame hits for fluff without investing 3 traitlines and a full skill bar into the damage.


other classes can output the same burst with lower investment and higher survivability.


its actually quite bad on its own and anyone that is worth anything will have no problems quickly dispatching a gunflame warrior.

So what exactly is the point of suddenly tacking a pierce on it?

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8 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Funny how you keep repeating it's a meme build in every post and yet here you are, pushing for buffs for it 😄 
I don't see why it would need pierce. So you can meme xxk multiple people at once?

Its a meme, because only 2 skills on the weapon are worth using to any effect. That it can meme players with a certain build and also be in need of buffs elsewhere on the kit are not mutually exclusive.

The meme build is a meme just like the Sic'em Sniper is, it requires blowing your entire utility bar, full glass stats, and if you screw it up you get sneezed on and put into down state. At the same time the AA, Rifle 3 and Rifle 4 are regarded as being too weak as power skills.

They do apply a ton of vulnerability, but that just feeds the meme build. Overall warriors would rather the weapon stand on it's own without having to rely so heavily on the burst and primal burst. I'd gladly exchange vuln stacks on Rifle 3 and 4 for a 1 to 2 exchange for coefficient increases (1 vuln stack removed, gain .2 coefficient on the skill).

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9 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Funny how you keep repeating it's a meme build in every post and yet here you are, pushing for buffs for it 😄 
I don't see why it would need pierce. So you can meme xxk multiple people at once?

funny how you have no idea what you are reading

what's meme is the entire build(doing 18k damage)

a single skill can simply not be a meme build and this thread is about this single skill which is called gun flame.

one skill being part of a meme build does not disqualify it from getting buffed.

i can build every single skill in this game into a meme build, then why buff anything at all?

go learn some critical thinking, you need it in life

Edited by Lighter.5631
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10 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

haha what, spear is unblockable CC with 0 sacrifices in the utility slot


Does minimal dmg, the CC is on a 40s cd witch can be completely ignored with stab....


10 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

bruh my trapper DH run berserker all the time and it is go to for the build.


The most popular version is full marauder or mixed. Anyway, what point are you trying to make here? That DH needs a nerf? 


10 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

also its funny how you think it is 1 skill when in fact it has to get into combat first then press like 4 skills before using gun flame


Gotta press 3 skills before gunflame: berzerk mode, signet of might and signet of rage. Two of them are insta cast, and the other is 0.25s cast. Doesn't matter if you have to press 10 skills, if they are instant it doesn't make the combo any slower. 



In spvp it may be balance, because if you are running away from point to setup a combo or regen hp you are losing the points. In wvw where one can just run away or inside a tower and return, 1shot builds like gunflame are broken and need the dmg spike reduced. Some buffs may be applied to compensate, maybe increase base dmg, but reduce the scaling.

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28 minutes ago, Edu.6984 said:


Does minimal dmg, the CC is on a 40s cd witch can be completely ignored with stab....



The most popular version is full marauder or mixed. Anyway, what point are you trying to make here? That DH needs a nerf? 



Gotta press 3 skills before gunflame: berzerk mode, signet of might and signet of rage. Two of them are insta cast, and the other is 0.25s cast. Doesn't matter if you have to press 10 skills, if they are instant it doesn't make the combo any slower. 



In spvp it may be balance, because if you are running away from point to setup a combo or regen hp you are losing the points. In wvw where one can just run away or inside a tower and return, 1shot builds like gunflame are broken and need the dmg spike reduced. Some buffs may be applied to compensate, maybe increase base dmg, but reduce the scaling.

Sounds like you want to limit build diversity. Do you want glass builds removed? Glass builds kill things fast, and they die just as fast. Ranger for example does gunflames job arguably better and a lot more ways to deal if the burst doesnt work out.

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Along side gun flame I feel that all Hammer skills should get piercing as well since we are talking about power wise🤔 I mean it only makes sense. I mean all skills can be dodged even so called meme builds or abilities or anything in general most classes get 2 for freeeee 😄 and if one can dodge a wrench they sure as kitten can dodge a gun flame. If not then the one that gets hit by the gunflame is not aware of the environment they are in where a attack can come from anywhere. One must have their eyes on their back ,sides, elbows, armpits, ears, and toezies. As such is the loveable mayhem of player versus player or world versus world 😎

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3 hours ago, eXruina.4956 said:

mhm? o~O its my legit answer to your query, respond to it how you will.

What is a legit answer to my query? This is what you wrote in your post:

13 hours ago, eXruina.4956 said:

yep it should pierce, that'd be nice, also gunflame hits for fluff without investing 3 traitlines and a full skill bar into the damage.


other classes can output the same burst with lower investment and higher survivability.


its actually quite bad on its own and anyone that is worth anything will have no problems quickly dispatching a gunflame warrior.

Which part of this post is somehow addressed by slapping piercing on that skill?

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Sobx.1758, I have not commented on the thread topic, I was pointing out that the meme build for the weapon and the weapon needing buffs are not mutually exclusive.

Ok, I missed that then, sorry. But I'm not exactly interested in some broad takes here, I'm commenting specifically on what OP wants, which is also why I misunderstood your response I guess.

1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Gunflame piercing is not on my list of buffs that rifle needs, mostly because kill shot does and is an option available out of Berserk Mode.

👍  All good.

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3 hours ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

Sounds like you want to limit build diversity. Do you want glass builds removed? Glass builds kill things fast, and they die just as fast. Ranger for example does gunflames job arguably better and a lot more ways to deal if the burst doesnt work out.


Glass builds are ok, 1 shotting the enemy is not. Not from 1200 ranged in a class that has base 19k. We are not even talking about 1 shotting someone running zerker, but deppending on your hp even running 3k armor you could get 1 shotted by gunflame. Other burst classes apply quick combos, but do not 1hit kill the enemy. 


Gunflame takes 0.75s. Ranger rapid fire is a skill that takes 2.5s to comply cast. That is more than 3 times longer. 


If a bunker had a  skill that gives 1 minute of immune people complaining would not be "against build diversity", they would be in favor of proper balance. 

Edited by Edu.6984
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/28/2023 at 2:08 AM, Edu.6984 said:


Glass builds are ok, 1 shotting the enemy is not. Not from 1200 ranged in a class that has base 19k. We are not even talking about 1 shotting someone running zerker, but deppending on your hp even running 3k armor you could get 1 shotted by gunflame. Other burst classes apply quick combos, but do not 1hit kill the enemy. 


Gunflame takes 0.75s. Ranger rapid fire is a skill that takes 2.5s to comply cast. That is more than 3 times longer. 


If a bunker had a  skill that gives 1 minute of immune people complaining would not be "against build diversity", they would be in favor of proper balance. 

That is the point of glass builds though? they die just as fast as they can kill. 
just that glass builds across all classes are not balanced considering some has a bunch invuls

Edited by Firellis.7954
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6 hours ago, Firellis.7954 said:

That is the point of glass builds though? they die just as fast as they can kill. 
just that glass builds across all classes are not balanced considering some has a bunch invuls


Killing fast and killing in 1 unblockable hit from range are different things. Gunflame also has the potential to 1 shot more than 1 people at same time. No other glass build has this much one shot potential. 

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8 hours ago, Edu.6984 said:


Killing fast and killing in 1 unblockable hit from range are different things. Gunflame also has the potential to 1 shot more than 1 people at same time. No other glass build has this much one shot potential. 

gun flame can not one shot, unless you are severely under-geared or glass yourself.

you are joking. also big hit from range is so bad, but teleport while channeling melee attack is fine, LUL.

still ignoring the fact that true shot does the same damage. ok


also gunflame requires 2 utilities, 1 elite, and berserk mode. which are 4 skills before actually pressing gunflame with obvious animation, yet it's bad.

while other classes, same, using 4 skills, but as instant cast damaging skills, damaging enemy spontaneously at the same time, while having teleport/stealth/range is fine, while minimizing blind/weakness effect. simply because it's dIfFeReNT skILls and it's mUtiL hIT?

such a big joke. get some critical thinking

Edited by Lighter.5631
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