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Arenanet, what are you even working on?

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What are you actually working on because it seems like you are putting fewer resources into GW2 overall. The latest patch, Gyala, is underwhelming, and the community is more confused than ever about the game's future because you will not communicate in a way that isn't vague. It seems like the game as a whole is just getting significantly less content overall going forward. 

Despite promises of increased transparency and content release plans, there has been very little new content in the past year. The first bit of new content, Gyala, is disappointing, and the EoD Strike Challenge modes are not new content, just additional difficulty modes. The re-release of season one was much needed but clearly didn't require the entire team to work on it.

PvP and WvW/Alliances are not receiving major development, and the future of PvE content looks bleak. The community would appreciate it if you communicated what you are working on and what we can expect from the game going forward in a way that wasn't incredibly vague.

It seem's like the only thing that will be getting enough content going forward is the cashshop.


We know about the Unreal5 project but aside from it being a thing we don't even know anything about it, is it a GW related product? The horizon MMO? A new IP? Singleplayer or Multiplayer? etc. 

Edited by Gerplunka.3861
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2 minutes ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

Yeh, ppl  like you will never be happy xd

I love the game and I want it to be as good as it can be, the game going to a place where it has less content going forward overall is sad. 

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10 minutes ago, Gerplunka.3861 said:

What are you actually working on because it seems like you are putting fewer resources into GW2 overall. The latest patch, Gyala, is underwhelming, and the community is more confused than ever about the game's future because you will not communicate in a way that isn't vague. It seems like the game as a whole is just getting significantly less content overall going forward. 

Despite promises of increased transparency and content release plans, there has been very little new content in the past year. The first bit of new content, Gyala, is disappointing, and the EoD Strike Challenge modes are not new content, just additional difficulty modes. The re-release of season one was much needed but clearly didn't require the entire team to work on it.

PvP and WvW/Alliances are not receiving major development, and the future of PvE content looks bleak. The community would appreciate it if you communicated what you are working on and what we can expect from the game going forward in a way that wasn't incredibly vague.

It seem's like the only thing that will be getting enough content going forward is the cashshop.


We know about the Unreal5 project but aside from it being a thing we don't even know anything about it, is it a GW related product? The horizon MMO? A new IP? Singleplayer or Multiplayer? etc. 

... ... ... ...


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9 minutes ago, Swagger.1459 said:

Im well aware of the post and guess what, all it says is that we're ultimately getting less content despite getting more expansions, as it stands right now they are not doing anything for spvp, WvW/Alliances are all but dead in terms of development and now PvE will be getting less content. If they struggled to develop the game before when they ignored sPvP and WvW and now PvE is even getting shafted that is a bad sign, right now it feels like they are moving to developing the minimal required amount of content to get people to keep buying stuff on the cashshop which is the only thing that actually gets regular consistent "content".  The new plan will not suddenly make it so they can develop sPvP or WvW more or that we'll get more/better  PvE content.  Moving to a system of only 3 maps, 2 strikes and a fractal per expansion is not good. 

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18 minutes ago, Gerplunka.3861 said:

I love the game and I want it to be as good as it can be, the game going to a place where it has less content going forward overall is sad. 

If you know the history of this game you know Anet are going to release a few more LS episodes for EoD likely over the next year.  

I mean, how about this ... just PAY ATTENTION to the communications we do get from Anet as well as what Anet has done in the past. There, now you know what they are working on so you don't have to pretend they aren't telling us. 

... and no, the 2023 studio update does NOT say they are going to deliver less content. That's simply what you want to believe to make an issue out of it. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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I'm guessing that with the new mini-expac model, they are putting most of their PVE resources into that since its paid content. Unfortunately, that seems to indicate we'll just be getting 1 hour Gyala-style updates once every quarter while all the resources get put into mini-expacs every once a year or so.

1 minute ago, Obtena.7952 said:

If you know the history of this game you KNOW Anet are going to release a few more LS episodes for EoD. 


There will only be one more free quarterly episode between Gyala and the next mini-expac with the new model.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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 Gyala part 2 sometime after May then probably the first mini-expansion at around $20 ...

6 minutes ago, Gerplunka.3861 said:

Im well aware of the post and guess what, all it says is that we're ultimately getting less content despite getting more expansions, as it stands right now they are not doing anything for spvp, WvW/Alliances are all but dead in terms of development and now PvE will be getting less content. If they struggled to develop the game before when they ignored sPvP and WvW and now PvE is even getting shafted that is a bad sign, right now it feels like they are moving to developing the minimal required amount of content to get people to keep buying stuff on the cashshop which is the only thing that actually gets regular consistent "content".  The new plan will not suddenly make it so they can develop sPvP or WvW more or that we'll get more/better  PvE content.

At least for the first of those expansions t is supposed to be 3 maps, 3 strikes and 1 fractals so there is PvE stuff with the release split into 2+1

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3 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Nothing should give you the impression that there is 'less content' going forward. 

If you know the history of this game you KNOW Anet are going to release a few more LS episodes for EoD. 

I mean, how about this ... just PAY ATTENTION to the communications we do get from Anet. There, now you know what they are working on. 

Expansions overall will have less content than they do now mixed with the already nonexistent development of content for spvp or wvw means overall less content in the game. How about you actually pay attention to what they are saying and actually releasing. 

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2 minutes ago, Poormany.4507 said:

There will only be one more free quarterly episode between Gyala and the next mini-expac with the new model.

Sure ... so the answer to the OP's question is ... obvious. It doesn't say there is less content, that's just an interpretation because people are scared of changes. I mean, this thread is just a ruse to complain about the new format.  No one has to pretend they don't know what's happening to justify dissatisfaction with something they haven't experienced yet

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3 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Sure ... so the answer to the OP's question is ... obvious. It doesn't say there is less content, not yet anyways. I mean, this thread is just a ruse to complain about the new format. 

Tell me how the new model is not less content. only 3 maps(EoD has shown that they hit the limits of what they can do with zones), 2 strikes and a fractal is what expansions will look like going forward and spvp and wvw will not be getting any real content for the forseeable future. Seeing this new plan as Anet themselves described it as anything more than them release the minimum required amount of content is delusional. 

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Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

I can't ... the same way you can't tell me it is less content. 

It is less content overall though for a higher price. Likely no new elite specs (completely left out on Anet's post, which probably wouldn't be the case if they were planning on adding them), reduced number of expac maps, and masteries are already downgraded from previous ones (compare the usefulness of the masteries in EoD with those of HoT and PoF).

The new model pretty much replaces 3 LW episodes with a mini-expac and puts a $20-25 price tag on them, when they were previously free (all you had to do was log in for 1 second on one day out of a few weeks/months).

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5 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I can't tell you it's not less content ... the same way you can't tell me it is less content. 

You can absolutely use your brain and think about it their plans for the new expansions going forward: 2 maps at launch and one more later before the expansion after, 2 strikes at launch with cm's later, one fractal later. That is overall objectively less content than what we've gotten before. Those maps will not be any bigger than PoF or EoD maps as they have hit the limits of what they can do in a map with the engine. sPvP and WvW/Alliances are all but dead and they show no real intention to develop content for those modes. We're most likely not getting elite specs anymore either (which is actually a good change)

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2 minutes ago, Gerplunka.3861 said:

You can absolutely use your brain and think about it their plans for the new expansions going forward: 2 maps at launch and one more later before the expansion after, 2 strikes at launch with cm's later, one fractal later. That is overall objectively less content than what we've gotten before. Those maps will not be any bigger than PoF or EoD maps as they have hit the limits of what they can do in a map with the engine. sPvP and WvW/Alliances are all but dead and they show no real intention to develop content for those modes. And as always the best rewards will be in the cashshop. 

I can use my brain well enough to figure out that no one knows how much content Anet can deliver in the new model.  You're just making assumptions here to justify the fact you don't like it. 

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Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

No you don't know that. We don't know how much content we are getting. That's completely a function of what Anet delivers over time. 


We do because Anet have literally told us, expansions going forward will be only 3 zones, two strikes and a fractal. 

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2 minutes ago, Gerplunka.3861 said:


We do because Anet have literally told us, expansions going forward will be only 3 zones, two strikes and a fractal. 

That's not a measure of how much new content Anet can deliver in the new model. That's just how much they are planning to release in a single mini. Do you know how many mini's they are releasing in a year? No, you don't. 

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5 minutes ago, Gerplunka.3861 said:

Tell me how the new model is not less content. only 3 maps(EoD has shown that they hit the limits of what they can do with zones), 2 strikes and a fractal is what expansions will look like going forward and spvp and wvw will not be getting any real content for the forseeable future. Seeing this new plan as Anet themselves described it as anything more than them release the minimum required amount of content is delusional. 

1 fractal is a lot more fractal than what we got in quite a while. So even 1 per year would be a massive improvement.

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13 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

 Gyala part 2 sometime after May then probably the first mini-expansion at around $20 ...

At least for the first of those expansions t is supposed to be 3 maps, 3 strikes and 1 fractals so there is PvE stuff with the release split into 2+1

I expect it to be bettwen 25-28 bucks since they said slightly reduced price.

And were did they say next expac will have 3 maps and 3 strikes?

What they said in the blog post was 2 maps with 1 coming later in one of the quarterly updates + 2 strikes then cms for those later and 1 fractal right?

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Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

That's not a measure of how much new content Anet can deliver in the new model. That's simply how much they are planning to release in a single mini.

And if you've paid attention to Anet over the years you know you should only expect exactly what they say or less. Anet has talked many times over the years of restructuring things for the better and that it'll allow them to make more content but it never seems to pan out, seems like a chronic issue with the company. 

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2 minutes ago, Gerplunka.3861 said:

And if you've paid attention to Anet over the years you know you should only expect exactly what they say or less. Anet has talked many times over the years of restructuring things for the better and that it'll allow them to make more content but it never seems to pan out, seems like a chronic issue with the company. 

No one should be assuming that the cadence of their mini releases are inline with what they have done in the past to judge how these mini's are organized to claim it's more or less content. It's a different business model. 

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3 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

That's not a measure of how much new content Anet can deliver in the new model. That's just how much they are planning to release in a single mini. Do you know how many mini's they are releasing in a year? No, you don't. 

We know they are doing one every 1-2 years based on their plan. If you think they'll release more than one a year you are delusional 

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2 minutes ago, Gerplunka.3861 said:

We know they are doing one every 1-2 years based on their plan. If you think they'll release more than one a year you are delusional 

No, that's not me delusional, that's me not making assumptions about how much 'content' Anet will deliver in the new model. 

But here is some reality ... we have been getting content at a VERY GOOD value for far too long. The brand has proven it's worth. It's time to test if that content is worth it's value to people. Your complaint about the new model here is not justified because of 'not enough content'. 

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