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Bundles of Fundles (now dark mode friendly lol)

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Guild Wars 2 has been with us for over a decade and t this very day, players log-in to meet with friends online to do various activities.

Guild Wars 2 has been with us for over a decade and to this very day, players log-in to meet with friends online to do various activities. Some of them want to do endgame content like raids, strike missions, high level fractals. Others want to get into the more competitive game modes like structured PvP and World versus World. Let us say, however, that you, like me, are one of the casuals who don't really want to do any of those things and find more enjoyment by exploring the wide world of Tyria? What if you don't really want to do anything too serious and just want to shut your brain off for some mindless fun?


Fret not my friends, for I have the solution foryou.

Introducing, BUNDLES!
Yes, those weird items you often get in-game that switches your weapon skills for one-offs that don't really do a lot of damage or do other kinds of weird effects. These nifty aubles can often be seen scattered throughout Tyria, but for the purpose of this post, we shall focus on the purchasable bundles from NPCs.


This is intended to be a fun romp for newbies looking to get some weird items that are easy enough to get just be playing the game normally.

But why though? 

Story time!

Back in ye olde times when we didn't have raids, strike missions, or expansions to enrich our gaming experience, me and my old guildmates had to make our own kind of fun. We tried to find new ways to play the game like who could escort a level 2 character to the furthest point in Cursed Shore without them getting killed (while they absolutely tried to sabotage the runs without resorting to falling off cliffs intentionally), to good old-fashioned asura ball.

One time, me and a guildmate were doing a bit of map completion for their first legendary weapon when we stopped by the small lake on the southwest area of Queensdale with the fishing hut vista and did the "Protect the old lady's beehives" random event. When it was finished, the NPC started selling Jar of Bees, a bundle that stacks to 250 in your inventory and can be used on your enemies or dropped on the floor. This item gave us a wild idea in our heads.

"Can we slo champions using only bundles?"

This was only one among many of the outlandish ideas we started thinking of, and we started to look towards the GW2 wiki and find all sorts of purchasable bundles. From then on, we had way more fun prior to the announcement of the first expansions, but before all of that could occur, Lion's Arch would be bathed in Harpy Pheromones.

With story time out of the way, let us get to the meat of this post...


Honorary Mention - Frost Gun

The Frost gun is an interesting case. There used to be a time when this bundle was surprisingly strong until it was nerfed. It may not be as strong as it was years ago, but hey. It still lows some cool wind in your friend's face.


10. Portable Position Rewinder

This is one very valuable item to have if you are keen on doing jumping puzzles or guiding others as a Mesmer. Upon using the bundle, you can mark your current position, and when used again, you will teleport back to the same location. It is a great tool to have in case you fall a long distance down and need to get back up but for some reason don't have access to mounts.


How to get the item:

You can purchase the item at Eastern Complex in Sandswept Isles from NPC Hafren for 75 Difluorite Crystals and 175,000 Karma.


9. Jezza's Flamethrower

After you drop the axe to the nearby undead ship and clear the coast,you gain access to this nifty flamethrower. It may not be powerful, shoot similar flames like its engineer counterpart, and has a better alternative bundle that can be found elsewhere, unlike the other bundle, Jezza's does not have an internal cooldown and can be used indefinitely. It is also great for tagging enemies whenever you are farming.


How to get the item:

Finish the event at Fort Cadence in Sparkfly Fen involving sinking the Ash Horizon. You can purchase them from Cogl for 96 copper but only if they are at the beach.


8. Snowball

During Wintersday and in certain Norn areas, there are places that you can use snowballs to knockdown enemies, NPCs, and other players for fun. With thisbundle, you can make everyday Wintersdade and engage in some impromptu snowball fights.


How to get the item:

Finish the event at Duskstruck Moors in Brisban Wildlands involving smiting creatures coming from an asura gate. You can purchase them from the nearby Gatekeeper for 40 copper.


8. Summoned Allies

Do you want to have minions following you around but are not a Necromancer, Ranger, Mechanist, Thief, Elementalist, or Charr? Want others to do the dirty work for you? Do you have no friends? With this item, who needs them when you have your personal NPC army? There are six summonable allies in-game, so start collecting!


How to get the item:

Ember - Flame Elemental Powder - NPC Jhalles Coalgrip at Fuller Cistern in Fireheart Rise after finishing a random event nearby.

Random Ogre Pet - Ogre Pet Whistle - NPC Gortho, Son of Malik at Gladefall Run in Iron Marches only after completing the escort and defense events.

Jade Armor - Pocket Jade Armor - NPC Explorer Rakk at Caliph's Steps in Ember Bay

Sunspear Paragon - Sunspear Paragon Support - NPC Quartermaster Zineb in The Astralarium at Domain of Istan

Portable Cannon - Cannon In A Box - NPC Quartermaster Akina in Corsair Landing at Domain of Kourna

Raven Spirit Shadow - same name - either NPC Anette Eymundrodottir in Jora's Keep at Bjora Marches or NPC Kjep Corrson in Hall of Monuments at Eye of the North

-EDIT (thank you commenter for reminding me of this!) -

Shadow Mender - same name - NPC Olmakhan Quartermaster in Pact Command at Dragonfall


6. Bandit's Improvised Bomb

Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb. Drop these bad boys from your bag of tricks all around cities and give your villain's speech. This bundle dealsdamage to enemies and can be dropped for others to pick up. In fact, drop more of them into pretty patterns. Become the agent of chaos you were born to be.


How to get the item:

Finish the event at Bandithaunt Caverns in Queensdale involving defeating the veteran bandit lieutenant. You can purchase them from the Bandit Turncoat for 16 copper.


5. Harpy Feathers and Gunk

Want to randomly disappear in a puff of smoke as if you were Batman without being a Thief or Mesmer? Looking to show your displeasure at the terrible dancing and lack of musical prowess of your friends and peers? These two items are tied simply because they can be bought at the same location. Harpy feathers and gunk are identical to their non-purchasable versions in the overworld: one grants you temporary invisibility and the other can be thrown at enemies, causing decent amount of condition damage and sludge to form on the ground. Gunk is used more for its comedic value though.


How to get the items:

Finish the event at Arca Lake in Harathi Hinterlands involving protecting skritt stealing harpy eggs. You can purchase both items from Forager Hitkiti for 40 copper.


4. Mortar Seed Turret

It looks like Sylvary aren't the only ones who can create these environmentally friendly turrets now. This bundle allows players to plant said turrets on the ground to aid them in battle. 


How to get the item:

You can either get this bundle from Captain Bren at Wychmire Swamp or Saraid at Sandycove Beach, both in Caledon Forest for only 16 copper.


3. Molachev Cocktail

Some players just want to watch the world burn. With this bundle, you can take your first step in doing so. By equipping it, it functions similarly to items you pick up randomly in the world. Hurl it to the ground to cast an AoE of fire that damages any enemy that walks through it. You can drop the item and it will leave a smoking bottle on the floor. Use this information however you'd like. 😉


How to get the item:

Finish the event at Molensk in Wayfarer Foothills involving killing dredge. You can purchase them from Leidulv Groat for only 16 copper.


2. Experimental Rifle

If you are an Engineer, Mesmer, a Daredevil, or have item no. 10, you may not need this item. 

Do jumping puzzles make you cry? Tired of sucking at platforming? Do you have access to Stability? If so, this handy-dandy bundle is right for you. Equip the Experimental Rifle and launch yourself to other platforms with ease and make jumping puzzles like Not So Secret and Branded Mine a piece of cake.

Warning: This bundle cannot be used in ceratin instances like dungeons, raids, strike missions, WvW, and PvP. Do not use it with stacks of Stability because it may misfire and explode, launching you off a platform. The author is not liable to any unnecessary emotional damage sustained from any premature explosions sustained from failing at jump puzzles.


How to get the item:

Finish the event at Karst Plain in Malchor's Leap involving undead chickens. You can purchase them from Agent Livilla for 1 silver and 28 copper.


1. Jar of Harpy Pheromones

If it wasn't obvious from story time, this bundle is clearly the best bundle in my humble opinion. It has been a classic tool for mischief in major cities and some events. When you use the bundle, you are granted an item to throw at enemies or on the floor which gives everyone the splash zone heart effects above their heads. It is best used during Valentines Day and spreading love all around the server, killing them with kindness whether they like it or not. It is the bow to the gift that keeps on giving as you share the love with your in-game friends.


How to get the item:

Finish the event at Terra Combusta in Blazeridge Steppes involving harpy glands for Wark. You can purchase them for 88 copper.


Closing Thoughts

There are many more bundles out there that you can use to spice things up. While others see them as useless items that waste your inventory space, to those who are willing to step out of the box and get creative, they make your in-game more fun and immersive. Whether you cause a tempest of comedy with them or challenge yourself and using only said items to fave PvE foes, however you choose to use these items are up to your imagination.

Edited by robintan.4068
Rewrote the entire thing because it hates Google Docs lol.
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14 hours ago, robintan.4068 said:

9. Jezza’s Flamethrower

After you give the axe to the nearby undead ship and clear the coast, you gain access to this neat little flamethrower. It may not be powerful and only shoot flames unlike its Engineer counterpart, it is still great for tagging enemies and does not have an internal cooldown.

There is a better one. In Cursed Shore, Compass Plaza at Meddler's Waypoint. Zetta Clenchfist is the NPC. She heads out north-west to hunt an Ooze champion. After defeat, she sells the flame-thrower.

It works exactly like the Engineer kit. Jezza's only has two buttons and the 2nd is a self-destruct iirc.

15 hours ago, robintan.4068 said:

There are many more bundles out there that you can use to spice things up.

True. Thanks for this awesome list!

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11 hours ago, Garrison Storm.3046 said:

Nice... that's a great summary of some interesting items.

In particular, the Position Rewinder is beyond fun; it's extremely helpful for those who struggle (like me) in general with those precision jumps, and many of those cases occur within mount-disabled areas.

So true. It has saved me tons of times trying to get the achievement for Chalice of Tears and that Aetherblade one in Gendarran.

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6 hours ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

There is a better one. In Cursed Shore, Compass Plaza at Meddler's Waypoint. Zetta Clenchfist is the NPC. She heads out north-west to hunt an Ooze champion. After defeat, she sells the flame-thrower.

It works exactly like the Engineer kit. Jezza's only has two buttons and the 2nd is a self-destruct iirc.

True. Thanks for this awesome list!

I've seen that other one. The only reason I didn't put it in the list over this one was because it had a time-limit whereas Jezza's could be used indefinitely. I could do some more testing with it now that I have more time on my hands. 😄


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  • robintan.4068 changed the title to Bundles of Fundles (now dark mode friendly lol)

We have no text color options, and Invision seems to preserve some of that when pasting from other sources or something.


What did you do when editing to fix it? Looks fine now in the dark theme, but it is a rather light font for the default/light theme's bright white background. (edit: as far as I care, this is fine; I don't use the light theme)

Edited by synk.6907
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2 hours ago, synk.6907 said:

We have no text color options, and Invision seems to preserve some of that when pasting from other sources or something.


What did you do when editing to fix it? Looks fine now in the dark theme, but it is a rather light font for the default/light theme's bright white background. (edit: as far as I care, this is fine; I don't use the light theme)

I usually just copy and paste from Google Docs since that's where I do most of my work and spreadsheets. I guess I could redo the entire thing. BRB while on break.

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1 hour ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

No shadow mender on the summoning allies one? 

I heard this one is kinda powerful in some metas. 

OMG I was wondering why this wasn't a part of the list in the actual wiki and couldn't remember the name of this. Finished editing it and it should appear now. Thanks for reminding me! 😄

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Fire elemental and ogre pet could be useful I guess idk...

I often splash harpy pheromones when players standing idle waiting for meta event timer...

The 2 stuff I hope work in other maps => sirens landing boosting melody flute thingy and the supercool turrets from kourna

Also I noticed players using some poison pot bundles and other stuff in dungeons and elsewhere... Idk where to get them

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