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How much time do you need?


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Overloads not giving their 100% alac value ,Vapor form kills you, weaver primordial stance bug when mounting , you name it, now this? 


Its been almost 10 hours since you shut the weaver spec down I was online when you did show message ingame , should not take this long to fix some class features but then again this only shows how bug and messy the entire Ele class is.


10 hours , and more to wait for some "minor traits", i've never seen this in any other MMO ever, disabling a class spec for 10hours , 6 years after its launch.

Edited by keykey.9182
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Unless you were playing weaver at the time, it's been 10-15 minutes longer than you think - weaver was broken for a while before the message came.

Would be nice to get an ETA, but I suspect it'll be a matter of days rather than hours, especially since many of those hours have been in the small hours of Sunday morning.

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I saw ele catalyst yesterday at echovald meta, doing 180k , when I checked arcdps the only skill that showed there was Sunspot with burning condition being above beyond understandable this is a Fire Traitline bug. Something to do with Battle tonics too


But they have disabled Weaver spec instead, while catalyst still is playable? 

Don't get me wrong its something that clearly needs to be fix asap, but feels like they looking in the wrong direction.....once again

Edited by keykey.9182
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Just now, keykey.9182 said:

I saw ele catalyst yesterday at echovald meta, doing 180k , when I checked arcdps the only skill that showed there was Sunspot with burning condition being above beyond understandable this is a Fire Traitline bug.


But they have disabled Weaver spec instead, while catalyst still is playable?

Can only imagine its an interaction with weaver and the combat tonics + Sunspot and then changing into Catalyst, idk


Probably be fixed Monday

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Get used to it. Its always been like this, if there is a bug that is beneficial in any form to ele, its insta fixed/removed (arcane buff, barrier generation bug). But bugs that are debilitating to ele are not fixed for years (woven stride, double attunement bug when you dismount etc.). 

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They even didnt understand the bug about weaver x2 attunement , going transmo. tonique , going catalyst .

They disabled the sunspot trait , but the bug worked with Healing Ripple , Electric Discharge , and all other traits who procs on attunement change... i am not a programmer and have little knowledge about that , but sunspot didnt needed to be disabled as all trait i mentionned work the same as this one , having electric discharge spam each 0,05 sec is pretty busted too ... i really don't understand ...

Fun , it's about 3 months tempest has alacrity pulse bugs , ... but nothing , no changes at all ... the class is becoming more and more of a meme , i personnaly am off , will never play again the whole ele cluster f uc k class , only if a huge change come with it , ...

And to be specific on the bug who can spam attunement swap traits every millisecondes , it happens when you are double attuned as weaver in any of them , then use a combat tonique to just change your appearance then go into catalyst or core ele traitline without any e-spec (tempest not working cause of its overlaod mech) , that make your attunement with 0 cooldown , so you can spam f1 and load sunspot like 50 time in 1 secondes making it 200++ burning stacks in secondes , but that also work with glyph of restauration , making you heal for tremenderous amount (being literally unkillable , except one shot ) and any other trait who works with attunement swaps , so it's pretty understandable they disabled weaver , cause the bug start with this e-spec , but sunspot ? no i don't understand why ... think it's more an emergency situtation , remove all to be safe .

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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Why Anet chose to cripple an entire class instead of just disabling combat tonics (which was part of the exploit) is beyond me.  I guess since it's ele's, and Anet hates ele's, they chose to make the ele classes largely unplayable (except for the few builds that don't rely on SunSpot as part of their DPS).


and like Zey said, it the exploit worked an all the proc traits, not just SunSpot.


Combat tonics are a novelty in the game, disable them. If people complain they can't use their favorite tonic to goof around in, oh well. At least they are still able to have an effect class to play.

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57 minutes ago, Ram.5981 said:

Why Anet chose to cripple an entire class instead of just disabling combat tonics (which was part of the exploit) is beyond me.  I guess since it's ele's, and Anet hates ele's, they chose to make the ele classes largely unplayable (except for the few builds that don't rely on SunSpot as part of their DPS).


and like Zey said, it the exploit worked an all the proc traits, not just SunSpot.


Combat tonics are a novelty in the game, disable them. If people complain they can't use their favorite tonic to goof around in, oh well. At least they are still able to have an effect class to play.

I would like an answer to that question as well, but there's no need to jump to nonsense conclusions like "ANet hates ele."

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I can only assume that since the bug was put on blast over the weekend Anet just didn't have any coders on hand, so a crisis team that didn't really know what they were doing just slapped together a quick fix by knee-jerk reaction in a blind panic. I'll be surprised if we get a fix before Tuesday or Wednesday, but I would hope that at the very least whoever shows up on Monday morning at the office will realize how insane the 'fix' was and just turn off tonics instead of literally crippling an entire class.


And I would say it's less a matter of Anet hating ele, and more that they just don't care. The ele is one of the most complicated playstyles with so many moving parts involved that it is inherently a nightmare to balance, so they just tune it down a bit so you need to work twice as hard for the same returns. That's my theory at least. If they actually hated Ele then Catalyst wouldn't be near as good as it is, but Cat is both a bit simpler than Weaver, and also newer, and newer classes in general tend to get all the love since it is new and shiny and poorly understood balance and build-wise. Once that new car smell wears off though, if the class isn't really popular or really busted, then it gets to sleep in the closet with all the other forgotten ugly stepchildren.


I'm honestly used to that, and I'm okay with bugs needing to take a while to fix, or being low priority in the long run, but I am FUMING mad that Anet would think it was okay to respond to this by just taking away an entire class until further notice instead of just turning off a COSMETIC. The ability to turn into a random NPC is apparently more critical to this game than an entire class.

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2 hours ago, Dimitri Filichkin.3954 said:

I can only assume that since the bug was put on blast over the weekend Anet just didn't have any coders on hand, so a crisis team that didn't really know what they were doing just slapped together a quick fix by knee-jerk reaction in a blind panic.

Yeap, thats how thing work most of the time with game development. Noone actually expected that there would be any fixes during weekend. I cant speak for everyone else here, but im just memeing on "anet hate ele" theme. 

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