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Nomad´s Advance animation doesn't make sense for Revenant


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A skill called Nomad's advance you'd expect to be a dash of some kind, instead what we have is a HULK SMASH looking skill, which imo doesn't fit revenant AT ALL, on top of this the sound it has is super loud. 

A change to this ability's animation would be awesome, and the sound toned down, cause oh boy does it blow your ears out every time you use it. 

Anet please fix ❤️ 

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I mean not just this one but all of the borrowed vindicator animations could be reworked to be more rev themed instead of some taken from reaper. Altho its probably not a priority for them now to do anything like this.

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4 hours ago, AnnaKruse.3280 said:

A skill called Nomad's advance you'd expect to be a dash of some kind, instead what we have is a HULK SMASH looking skill, which imo doesn't fit revenant AT ALL, on top of this the sound it has is super loud. 

   Nomad's Advance is based on Guardian's  hammer skill Mighty Blow, just with a much larger leap and instead of wielding our current weapon it just fades (but you still can seel the hands gripping the air as if the hammer where there). 

   It remembers me a bit what happened with some of the animations in the basic skills (resource generators) from the Crusader class in Diablo III: whereas in Diablo II whenever you  use the basic skill in a Paladin to attack the swings are performed with the weapon you wield (sword, flail, axe, hammer, mace, spear, etc...) in Diablo III when a Crusader uses Smite  or Justice your current weapon temporaly  dissapears and is replaced by your empty hand and a new visual effect, while Punish uses your shield to hit and  Slash is the only basic attack which really uses animations with the weapon you're wielding in your right hand.

   It doesn't looks right, but most of the animations in EoD specs are borrowed from previous skills in the game, and specially in the Vindicator. The main reason was to save resources: from what I heard ANet used to rent the facilities, stunts and hardware (including motion capture suits and cameras) to do the work in the past and the numbers were in the north of 25k $ x DAY of recording those animations, so sadly for EoD ANet chose to make cuts in that regard.

   That's why I think that there's low chances of new weapons and skills being added in the expansions and making spec weapons and legends/utilities open to every core/spec already in the game is the most plausible landscape. They already have the animations and skills, and since some of the weapons are weaker without the specific spec traitline balanced the added versatility would be easier (and much cheaper) than meaking entirely new weapons and utilities.

   Being said that, I love the sound design in both Vindicator and Willbender. You can adjust the sound fx separatedly if you find them loud, albeit would affect all your characters and not some.

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I made a post complaining about Scavenger Burst's one not long ago; that animation is used in 10+ skills across all Revenant utilities!

So yeah, it would really help our enjoyment for the profession that ANet had a look at it. Not even necessary to make new animations from scratch, just use the ones they have better. Variety is key.

Edited by Ulysses.2058
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It fits the archemorus theme though , i found it pretty badas-s to leave your weapon , jump and hammer your target with both hands , especially the asura animation is neat (roll , roll , roll ...kick in the ballxx) ! matter of taste i guess

Edited by zeyeti.8347
badas-s , ballxx ... are we in a kindergarten ?
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On 5/7/2023 at 5:31 AM, Dumira.8524 said:

What woulda been cool was if you got to wield the Archemorus spear, charge forward with it, and then do a swing. (to fit how the skill currently works) 

Instead of generic hulk smash.


In general I think retooling the slot skills to all use the spear and the urn would give Vindi some much needed identity as a sort of "artifact apotheosis" job fantasy.

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  • 1 month later...

    I would add also to my previous comment that Nomad Advance extracts the animation from Guardian's hammer Mighty Blow that in the Charr race the animation from Guardian's greatsword Leap of Faith is also the same, but the cast is only 0.5 seconds instead of .75 seconds as in Mighty Blow or Nomad's Advance. Same range, also. 

Edited by Buran.3796
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5 hours ago, Esufer.8762 said:

I don't find Nomad's is any louder than other skills?

That said, when Nomad's Advance bugs out and my character leaps forwards still holding the greatsword it looks absolutely awesome and I wish it was just how the skill was meant to look.

Weird, for me it is noticeably louder, especially the tail end of the choir chant's sustain, right before release. There are some percussive sounds too, I think, but the lower frequencies are not over powering, it's the mids and up where the choir lies.

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8 hours ago, Esufer.8762 said:

I don't find Nomad's is any louder than other skills?

That said, when Nomad's Advance bugs out and my character leaps forwards still holding the greatsword it looks absolutely awesome and I wish it was just how the skill was meant to look.

yeah i think the invisible weapon portion is no good. it should either use your current weapon or even give you a giant spear of archemorus in your hand while leaping that you slap the enemy with

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On 5/3/2023 at 1:29 PM, Buran.3796 said:

   Nomad's Advance is based on Guardian's  hammer skill Mighty Blow, just with a much larger leap and instead of wielding our current weapon it just fades (but you still can seel the hands gripping the air as if the hammer where there). 

   It remembers me a bit what happened with some of the animations in the basic skills (resource generators) from the Crusader class in Diablo III: whereas in Diablo II whenever you  use the basic skill in a Paladin to attack the swings are performed with the weapon you wield (sword, flail, axe, hammer, mace, spear, etc...) in Diablo III when a Crusader uses Smite  or Justice your current weapon temporaly  dissapears and is replaced by your empty hand and a new visual effect, while Punish uses your shield to hit and  Slash is the only basic attack which really uses animations with the weapon you're wielding in your right hand.

   It doesn't looks right, but most of the animations in EoD specs are borrowed from previous skills in the game, and specially in the Vindicator. The main reason was to save resources: from what I heard ANet used to rent the facilities, stunts and hardware (including motion capture suits and cameras) to do the work in the past and the numbers were in the north of 25k $ x DAY of recording those animations, so sadly for EoD ANet chose to make cuts in that regard.

   That's why I think that there's low chances of new weapons and skills being added in the expansions and making spec weapons and legends/utilities open to every core/spec already in the game is the most plausible landscape. They already have the animations and skills, and since some of the weapons are weaker without the specific spec traitline balanced the added versatility would be easier (and much cheaper) than meaking entirely new weapons and utilities.

   Being said that, I love the sound design in both Vindicator and Willbender. You can adjust the sound fx separatedly if you find them loud, albeit would affect all your characters and not some.

Omg. If they weren't going to invest in the resources to make a new set of especs up to the standard of HoT/PoF especs, then they shouldn't have made them at all.

The EoD specs are pretty universally underdeveloped and all of these balance patches are dragging down the rest of the game's brilliant design to try to make them fit in better.

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