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How will Alliance Rosters and their caps Work?

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4 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:


Again, complete misconception on how we know the system would work.

The wvw guild selection is for the bi-monthly sorting and team assignment. 

Swithing wvw guild (or even joining/leaving an alliance) will do exactly nothing until after the next team assignment. Because you are on your team for 2 months and play that teams matchups for 2 months. Just like WvW today if you are a link.

Repping different guilds wouldnt do any more -or less - than repping different guilds today.

lol, not trying to give you grief my friend, it's more on us both assuming things. My assumption is you have one WvW guild and you can't switch unless they are all in the same alliance. Which is not the same as switching to a guild that is in a different shard/server. Hence the questions and needed testing.

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The "WvW Guild" selection, is a own thing, and is separate from the clicking on which guild to represent.

The WvW Guild thing is set just/only for the game to decide which server to put you in. Has nothing to do with anything else. (like active guild rep, or claiming etc).

I could set Guild A as my WvW Guild, and get grouped together with them in a server. Then get matched against another server where my Guild B happens to be placed. I can then represent Guild B and go hunt them with their own Guild represented, take their camp and claim it for Guild B. 

Just like we can now.

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The "Select a WvW Guild" just amounts to "Select a Server" as we currently have. The guild part makes it confusing for people. They probably should have done something else or used different labeling to get separation from the regular guild and wvw guild. 🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

lol, not trying to give you grief my friend, it's more on us both assuming things. My assumption is you have one WvW guild and you can't switch unless they are all in the same alliance. Which is not the same as switching to a guild that is in a different shard/server. Hence the questions and needed testing.

No, its because your assumption is wrong. 

We already know how guild selection, matchups and the bi-monthly sorting of teams work because Anet have told us.

You dont end up in another matchup when you select another wvw guild, period.

When you choose your wvw guild or change it, there is a 1-8 week delay on you getting sorted to the team of your new wvw guild.

An assumption would be that this also extends, but isnt linked, to your current alliance. if you choose a new wvw guild, you would obviously force leave the alliance. But you dont automatically join the alliance of your new guild. You are a member of the guild, not the alliance. If you are invited to the alliance of the new guild, you would have the same 1-8 week wait until you actually join them. A change only happens bi-monthly.

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3 hours ago, joneirikb.7506 said:

I could set Guild A as my WvW Guild, and get grouped together with them in a server. Then get matched against another server where my Guild B happens to be placed

This statement of yours makes me think of the Ciat that I can normally read for my guild A and my guild B. Only that they are playing against each other. And I keep reading the ciat of both. so I know in real time where I am, what I want to attack or defend etc etc. espionage will go through a bad time 🤭

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3 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

This statement of yours makes me think of the Ciat that I can normally read for my guild A and my guild B. Only that they are playing against each other. And I keep reading the ciat of both. so I know in real time where I am, what I want to attack or defend etc etc. espionage will go through a bad time 🤭

You can already be in the same guild and play against each other, how is that any difference from today?

As a sidenote on that since WvW guild selection cannot be directly linked to alliance membership or the entire system of wvw guild selection wouldnt work, you could probably technically be in guild A as your wvw guild and fight the team that has the alliance that guild A is in. I dont see any way around that.

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9 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:


Again, complete misconception on how we know the system would work.

The wvw guild selection is for the bi-monthly sorting and team assignment. 

Swithing wvw guild (or even joining/leaving an alliance) will do exactly nothing until after the next team assignment. Because you are on your team for 2 months and play that teams matchups for 2 months. Just like WvW today if you are a link.

Repping different guilds wouldnt do any more -or less - than repping different guilds today.

This is what I said....

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11 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

I intentionally skipped guild rep in my post and was talking about alliance rep. So nothing of this have anything to do with what I posted.

People keep thinking that wvw guild selection is directly/passivly linked to the alliance the guild is in. It wouldnt work like that because it cant as I previously mentioned. You would obviously be able to have a WvW guild selected, but not be part of its alliance.

I guess my imagination is playing up. Your WvW guild selection like it is in betas is what's used for the bi monthly shuffle and that determines which "server" you're in whether because your guild is a free agent or part of a bigger alliance.

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17 minutes ago, apharma.3741 said:

I guess my imagination is playing up. Your WvW guild selection like it is in betas is what's used for the bi monthly shuffle and that determines which "server" you're in whether because your guild is a free agent or part of a bigger alliance.

And that's why I said I intentionally skipped the guild rep part. I was responding to: Forcing guild/*ALLIANCE REP* in WvW would be a wild and questionable direction. 

Hence why my post only talked about alliances rep, not guild rep. I had no problems with what you wrote earlier.

If you got hung up on the "again" part in my other response, it wasnt "again a misconception in this specific discussion chain going back to earlier response" it was an "again, people in general say something wrong about the world restructure system (that changing your WvW guild would change your matchup)". Sorry for the confusion.

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2 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

And that's why I said I intentionally skipped the guild rep part. I was responding to: Forcing guild/*ALLIANCE REP* in WvW would be a wild and questionable direction. 

Hence why my post only talked about alliances rep, not guild rep. I had no problems with what you wrote earlier.

If you got hung up on the "again" part in my other response, it wasnt "again a misconception in this specific discussion chain going back to earlier response" it was an "again, people in general say something wrong about the world restructure system (that changing your WvW guild would change your matchup)". Sorry for the confusion.

No that's fine then. I think there's not really a lot of good ways for it to work outside of saying alliance is almost the same as server now and who you're guild is allied with or not will determine who you play with.

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1 minute ago, apharma.3741 said:

No that's fine then. I think there's not really a lot of good ways for it to work outside of saying alliance is almost the same as server now and who you're guild is allied with or not will determine who you play with.

Yeah but at the same time it's not quite a server since it's not the only thing that determine who you play with. People confuse things because they are staring at specific feature while ignoring everything else (such as selecting a wvw guild, or being member of an alliance, or the team assignment) which end up in them not grasping the concept as a whole with all the features working together. It's not that easy to describe it a way that everyone can easily understand it, especially not when some response then inevitable say something we know for a fact is wrong. 

I would describe it more that your wvw guild selection is the primary way that determine who you play with, alliances is just an extra convience tool to avoid people having to leave/join guilds to play with friends that also doesnt have to leave/join other guilds. It's not this big overarching "server" organization that people see it as. It's just Anet already having designed the tool that people cry they need for world restructure in every other thread about alliances, without them realizing that's the tool right there.

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20 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

"Forcing" alliance rep (however it will visually show a player is part of one) would be rather logical since I highly doubt people will be able to just turn off the alliance they are part off like a guild rep.

In fact regardless of how it is managed, I suspect alliance rep will be "forced" even if you technically have already chosen to leave it or joined another - you wouldnt be "allowed" to change your alliance status until the following reshuffle.


11 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Not sure I agree, you are linked to your WvW guild so I don't know if you will be able to switch guilds after that since now you would be in a different matchup.

My dudes. The comment I responded to is talking about guild claims on objectives. You will be able to rep any of your 5 guilds or rep no guild. That functionality shouldn't change. 

Also I'm pretty sure you are going to be able to change your Alliance or guild at anytime. You just won't be able to join their world until the matchup ends. Having to wait for the match up end makes no sense since the next match up starts ~5 minutes after the last one. And they can't do some grace period because people will just use that to stack worlds. So if you can't change your Alliance or WvW guild during a match up, when can you? 

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6 minutes ago, Zikory.6871 said:

Also I'm pretty sure you are going to be able to change your Alliance or guild at anytime. You just won't be able to join their world until the matchup ends. Having to wait for the match up end makes no sense since the next match up starts ~5 minutes after the last one. And they can't do some grace period because people will just use that to stack worlds. So if you can't change your Alliance or WvW guild during a match up, when can you? 

Dont know whether to laugh or cry, considering everything else we've just talked about above.

matchup is a 1 week fight between 3 worlds (or 3 teams under world restructure). 

The bi-monthly reschuffle under world restructure (or bi-monthly relink under current system) is when the teams - and thus wvw guilds and alliances - change. That's when you will be able to join their team. As Anet described it, 7+1 weeks (you cant select a new wvw guild or alliance the last week as that option would be blocked).

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5 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

The bi-monthly reschuffle under world restructure (or bi-monthly relink under current system) is when the teams - and thus wvw guilds and alliances - change. That's when you will be able to join their team. As Anet described it, 7+1 weeks (you cant select a new wvw guild or alliance the last week as that option would be blocked).

So you are locked for 1 of 8 weeks? Sounds like you will be able to change just about anytime then...

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1 hour ago, Zikory.6871 said:

So you are locked for 1 of 8 weeks? Sounds like you will be able to change just about anytime then...

Conveniently ignoring the slight issue of "you just won't be able to join their world until the matchup ends" of your own claim and why this is even an argument. It's the exact same thing TheGrimm said and why I responded to that.

I am pretty sure you can set your wvw guild and leave/join an alliance at any time up until the last week - that's not the argument here. It wont change until the reshuffle has happened, which is every 8 weeks. Not every matchup. The last part is not really debatable. We know how that is supposed to work per Anets description of world restructure functionality.

Most likely scenario of how that management is visually seen is that a new alliance member before a reshuffle is in "on hold/greyed out/different team" status in whatever menu the guild leader use to manage alliance members, whereas the wvw guild members would simply be listed as being on another team.

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5 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Conveniently ignoring the slight issue of "you just won't be able to join their world until the matchup ends" of your own claim and why this is even an argument. It's the exact same thing TheGrimm said and why I responded to that.

I am pretty sure you can set your wvw guild and leave/join an alliance at any time up until the last week - that's not the argument here. It wont change until the reshuffle has happened, which is every 8 weeks. Not every matchup. The last part is not really debatable. We know how that is supposed to work per Anets description of world restructure functionality.

Most likely scenario of how that management is visually seen is that a new alliance member before a reshuffle is in "on hold/greyed out/different team" status in whatever menu the guild leader use to manage alliance members, whereas the wvw guild members would simply be listed as being on another team.

That being from my 2nd comment and my first having nothing to do with world placement. Not sure what you are trying to say...

But yes. I'm misused the term "matchup" as I was referring "8 week" period on your world. I assumed this would be pretty obvious. 

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