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I'm tired of extremely high level characters tearing through low level zones.

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People paid to be more powerful (expansions provided specializations and other benefits). They wanna/gonna use it everywhere they go.

A way to deal with this would be to disable said expansion specializations and revert it back to core spec IN low-lv zones;

but nobody that paid/invested for more power wouldn't like that very much. It all comes down to the individual and their willingness to hold back. 

Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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2 hours ago, Noidea Incognito.9607 said:

A way to deal with this would be to disable said expansion specializations and revert it back to core spec IN low-lv zones;

How would that even work? Anet's gonna give free gear/build slots to accommodate that? Besides, even core level 80s properly built will tear through the low zones.

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  • GWMod.5903 featured and unfeatured this topic

Power creep in general is the main culprit, not just elite specs.  Unfortunately for some, ANet designed this game to keep all (most?) [some?] content relevant so max-level players will always be returning to older areas.  I mean, it literally was a whole different game back when the Flame Shaman in Plains of Ashford was eating our lunches and now we can just press 1 to win, regardless of build.

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I will admit, I didn't read all 6 pages of this, but I will give my opinion. When I am in a lower level area with a high level character I try to keep in mind that there are players there that simply cannot do the damage that I can. If we are going after the same mobs I will tag it once, maybe twice depending on what it is, and then move on. I don't try to kill everything. As long as I get a hit or 2 in I am good. The only time that I will do more is if I see that the other player is having trouble. If I can heal them, like on a Tempest, I will. If not I will help them kill it. Just my opinion but maybe high level players need to maybe be more aware, and more careful.

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6 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

How would that even work? Anet's gonna give free gear/build slots to accommodate that? Besides, even core level 80s properly built will tear through the low zones.

It doesn't have to even be level 80. Completely new character, with gear from leveling up and drops (just selected carefully and not completely haphazardly), with the few traits skills available selected well, in the hands of someone that knows what they're doing will also tear through initial zones with no issue whatsoever. Done enough of leveling runs (and weekly keys) to know that.

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I just took my first new level 80 out to do the encoded letter missions in a level 29 zone I forgot the name. And some low-level players were trying hard to take it down. So I went in just using auto attack and circling the mod and he was focused on me so they all could burn him down. I went down once and they revived me and started over. Finally killed it and they said thx for the help. It was really fun.

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