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Hide Ally Visual Effects didn't show green circles of others

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Having the same problems and also

The sniper shot in KO doesn't seem to show up for me with hide ally target.

The Flux bomb aoe circle doesn't appear which is a huge problem with Captain Mai Trin boss fractal when it is already difficult to see there.

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13 hours ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

It does not hide any of the mech eyekitten. Barrier signet and all the other effects as blinding as always.

Because they are considered mob effects, not player ones.

Meanwhile most (if not all) aoe marker mechanics that are attached to player (like samarog friends circles, deimos greens, etc) or even stuff like mesmer portals which should not get disabled end up invisible.

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9 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Meanwhile most (if not all) aoe marker mechanics that are attached to player (like samarog friends circles, deimos greens, etc) or even stuff like mesmer portals which should not get disabled end up invisible.

🤦‍♀️I hope this will get fixed before the end of the week.

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it hides all effects attached to a player, without checking if they came from an enemy. this is basically anything that tracks the player, including green and orange circles (strike missions, raids, siren's reef), and damaging attacks that come directly from players like the toxic instability in fractals.


also why is it buried in the main options menu instead of being in graphics options?

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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I just ran several OW meta events with "Only Squad" active, and several enemy effects did not render.

Examples: The Riftstalkers' orange shockwave rings during the Death-Branded Shatterer meta. And during the Drakkar meta, I saw the green circles popping up, but they would quickly vanish long before they were deactivated by players standing inside them.

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On 6/6/2023 at 8:29 PM, biom.8723 said:

Would be nice to know what it actual hides. On Samarog i couldn't see other players green circles with Hide All enabled. So boss mechanics are included?

Not only greens btw. It actually hides spears too. You'll see Spears pop up the very last moment instead of actually showing the spreading AOE. 

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On 6/6/2023 at 6:19 PM, Nephalem.8921 said:

It does not hide any of the mech eyekitten. Barrier signet and all the other effects as blinding as always.

The Untamed giant green gaseous cloud elite skill STILL obscures strike mechanics. PLEASE make it more transparent. Or make it disappear with Hide Ally Effects.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Same, although it seems turning on postprocessing to high(very unfortunate) makes them visible again. I changed my settings before a fight and was able to see them. Then, during the fight, i died and while laying on the floor, tweaked my settings again because I dont like the b&w overlay. There happened to be a green going on at the same time as i did that, immediately the green circle disappeared 1 second before the effect triggered(i could still see the ice shards falling on the players who were standing in the circle).

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20 minutes ago, gobiasthegreat.2481 said:

Same, although it seems turning on postprocessing to high(very unfortunate) makes them visible again. I changed my settings before a fight and was able to see them. Then, during the fight, i died and while laying on the floor, tweaked my settings again because I dont like the b&w overlay. There happened to be a green going on at the same time as i did that, immediately the green circle disappeared 1 second before the effect triggered(i could still see the ice shards falling on the players who were standing in the circle).

Yea I happened to be in an AH strike cm group. I couldn't see the green at all except when it was on me. I thought I was just slacking and not paying attention and I even said I would do better and then next pull I couldn't see it again. I got flamed by a few and the tag, prob most toxic tag I have ever met in 10 years of this game. I got kicked, it was as soon as I got kicked I thought wait maybe it is a settings issue as I was literally searching for the green the whole fight and never saw it. So I msged him still in a respectable manner but of course he was even more toxic and called me a liar and blocked me. Anyway I am here wondering if it really is fixed since I could not see it at all. I have my post processing off as well so even if that's a 'fix' it would not have helped me.

Edited by Godfather AL.8374
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I was resistant to even try turning post processing on because it makes the game almost unplayable in a group for me. Everything is so bright and flashy, it hides important animations because the boss will turn into just a big ball of white glowing visual noise. But I thought, its worth a shot to see if that changes anything. Also, just turning post processing from "High"  to "Low" is what made the green circles invisible to me(unless it was on my feet). I appreciate the effort to make the game more accessible but, this issue makes end game group content much more difficult without very clear and precise voice communication(who has the green).

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