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June 27 Balance Update Preview

Rubi Bayer.8493

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8 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Astralporing.1957 then juust tell me what is just wrong with the patch aside the pretty obviously and the bugs it get rn? (The obviously ones are Necro for sure and also for those who want to see it as a minus point that quickness and alac could now be shared by everyone)

*Sigh* sure, why not. The things i have noticed so far (this is by no means everything - not even close. I also do not touch PvP modes, but i heard some of the changes wreak havoc there as well)

Scourge you already heard about - to many issues to count them individually.

Druid: spirits are for all practical reasons dead. Alac upkeep is extremely problematic and requires some really inane gameplay.

Berserker: Arc Divider change, as predicted, was a massive dps nerf. Meanwhile quickness upkeep has significant issues due to quickness-giving trait having an internal cooldown that is not in sync with rotation required for keeping berserk state up.

Mechanist: mechanical Genius range penalty is even worse than before - and there's no grace period now, penalty kicks in immediately after mech gets out of range. Meanwhile Mech pathing and leashing is still as buggy as ever.

Mirage: PvE dodge nerfed as a "balance" to PvP-specific changes. Confusion changes and Chaos Vortex nerf are absolutely brutal.

Virtuoso: maybe i am missing something, but Unstable Bladestorm change looks to me like a massive nerf. Even if it's not, to work the target needs to remain absolutely stationary, because the "projectiles" do not seem to hit anything that's outside the vortex. I'm not going to comment too much on Bladestorm Requiem nerf, but i still see no reason for it in PvE - and it left the skill (and especially the associated trait) in a bad spot.

Ele: arcane skills ninja-nerfed for no good reason.

Meanwhile, deadeye and Spectre seemingly can upkeep their boons easily while retaining pretty much all their dps capability (i heard something about Spectre doing it at 37k dps, and heard that deadeye is doing even better).

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At least when it comes to warr I could defenitive say (after some pratice) The Arc Divider is a slightly DPS Nerf (right about 2k If im right could be slightly lower or Higher since im not that good in PvE rotation at least i could still Deal 35k DPS that fits the same as i do with spell and Bladesworn). The boon uptime just depends on If you Play power or condi (on condi it does fill perfectly while on power you will need to fill some concentraition so its a weird stat Comb but in the end it does same amount of dps as condi Version will do (right around 30k plus)). So all in all at least for warr it still is not that bad at all. For the rest i still have no Idea since warr is the only thing im playing rn ^^

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4 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:


At least when it comes to warr I could defenitive say (after some pratice) The Arc Divider is a slightly DPS Nerf (right about 2k If im right could be slightly lower or Higher since im not that good in PvE rotation at least i could still Deal 35k DPS that fits the same as i do with spell and Bladesworn). The boon uptime just depends on If you Play power or condi (on condi it does fill perfectly while on power you will need to fill some concentraition so its a weird stat Comb but in the end it does same amount of dps as condi Version will do (right around 30k plus)). So all in all at least for warr it still is not that bad at all. For the rest i still have no Idea since warr is the only thing im playing rn ^^

Power berserker was 42k before. Now, from what i understand, it will end around 37k. That's over 10% nerf. I'd definitely not call it "slight"

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9 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Power berserker was 42k before. Now, from what i understand, it will end around 37k. That's over 10% nerf. I'd definitely not call it "slight"

And if we now add how useful this AOE was for the enemies around the boss, we lost far more.

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Yea i mean its nothing you can't fix just by increasing its dmg. its now 2.5 Power scaling and I don't get why it needs to be this low...... it should just be 3.0 Power scaling instead since this is what every Burst Skill (Core Axe / GS against enemys under 50% life/ Berserker Axe) Deal but for some reason anet nerfed Arc Divider to 2.5 lol ^^

Edited by Myror.7521
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28 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:


Yea i mean its nothing you can't fix just by increasing its dmg. its now 2.5 Power scaling and I don't get why it needs to be this low...... it should just be 3.0 Power scaling instead since this is what every Burst Skill (Core Axe / GS against enemys under 50% life/ Berserker Axe) Deal but for some reason anet nerfed Arc Divider to 2.5 lol ^^

...yes, most of the stuff that got broken can be fixed. But my problem is that if they had any idea how to fix them without breaking other stuff in the process, those issues would not show up in the first place. Many of the issues could have been predicted easily way before, and the rest would immediately show up on even cursory player testing. So, forgive me for doubting that people capable of those recent (and not so recent, it's not the first such patch we've got) blunders might be trustworthy enough to fix the issues those very blunders caused. I mean, sure, there's that adage about apes, typewriters, and Shakespeare's plays, but Anet, as far as i know, does not have large enough number of monkeys and typewriters, nor do i have the time to wait for miracles to happen purely by accident.

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30 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:


Yea i mean its nothing you can't fix just by increasing its dmg. its now 2.5 Power scaling and I don't get why it needs to be this low...... it should just be 3.0 Power scaling instead since this is what every Burst Skill (Core Axe / GS against enemys under 50% life/ Berserker Axe) Deal but for some reason anet nerfed Arc Divider to 2.5 lol ^^

Bro you must be payed to be defending arc divider... you outhere dying on that hill for a skill that got straight up nerfed.

current arcing slice does in pve is 3,0 on minus 50% health 

meaning that for something under 50% health you better off using arcing slice. i don't care if "above 50% it does 0,5 more damage" it is a ultimate skill from a skill inside berserker it should do 3,0 Minimum if not serious rework to GS is needed.

Gs is not a great dps weapon you just go to it for 2 skills the burts and hundred blades and back to axes.

in wvw in zerg it became even worse cause the damage is not good in burst and can't hit as much.

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ANet, thank you for fixing some things like the Echovald Wilds Daily Spirit Slayer achievement. And I'm excited about the upcoming path to Legendary armor that doesn't require Raids or WvW. Very cool!! I'll probably buy the expansion in August because of that.

But everything else about the June 27 update is just depressing, especially the removal of so many unique & fun e-spec identities.

I'm not interested in new content yet---the game already has tons of it, and when it expands, the player base thins out more. The players' collective wisdom about the drawbacks of these balance changes is documented thoroughly in many places, and it feels like you didn't pay any attention to any of that. It'd be great if you would keep the handful of productive changes and just chuck the rest.

Edited by Ipomoea Jalapa.6897
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Hey Anet, it is known to you by now, how "Balance" your patch is especially with Revenant Profession-Herald taking zero to minimal damages in all game modes.

Guess what...a player took advantage of it and soloed Fractal in level 100


-Build Included

-you can do it too- 👍


stay tune for Thief Profession 

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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I just quit WvW, it is broken the Herald is barely, barely killable with 20-30 people.  Not much fun here. 

Don't think I will buy an expansion that has not been tested but nerfs have happened.

Send an email when it get fixed. Thx.

Re: Your Tweet in which I don't have twitter:


Edited by Gee.9827
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5 minutes ago, Gee.9827 said:

I just quit WvW, it is broken the Herald is barely, barely killable with 20-30 people.  Not much fun here. 

Don't think I will buy an expansion that has not been tested but nerfs have happened.

Send an email when it get fixed. Thx.

I am not buying the expansion too. Throughout the years including yesterday patch, Anet has once again proven that, profit comes first before the players experiences. 

I spend money in learning to progress, not in failing to progress

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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And this is exactly the point that makes us angry and sad.

Instead of listening to us and adapting the patch, it was just thrown out.
Now we have the disaster.
But even now, instead of Anet standing up, apologizing and making a rollback until this patch is matured, they will just muddle for weeks again.

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39 minutes ago, Gee.9827 said:

I just quit WvW, it is broken the Herald is barely, barely killable with 20-30 people.  Not much fun here. 

Don't think I will buy an expansion that has not been tested but nerfs have happened.

Send an email when it get fixed. Thx.

Re: Your Tweet in which I don't have twitter:





"A guild wars 2 Deimos raid boss, hand kiting build: This build has -105% incoming damage during Dwarf stance and -91 to -95.5% incoming damage during Glint stance. Damage reduction Breakdown: Dwarf: -10%(food)-33%(protection)-33%(resistance)-9%(6 stacks hardening presistence)-20%(Vengeful hammers) = -105% Glint: -10%(food)-33%(protection)-33%(resistance)-15%(10 stacks hardening presistence) = -91% (While under the effect of "rite of dwarf" 😞 the remaining 9% incomding damage is halved so you take -95.5% incoming damage in total."


No Progress

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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1 hour ago, Scarlet.8964 said:

"Balance 101"

Is it sad that I honestly believe Anet would leave a bug like that in if they were to give us a PTS?

I still think it's time we get a Public test server though. At the very least we can see the butchering for our very eyes.

Edited by Thevaultdwellinggamer.4267
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Its amazing how every single balance update is continuously a nerf to Mesmer. 

Every other class "here's a new toy or twelve"

Mesmer: We lowered your defenses & removed a block from an ability (which was its primary function)

Like even adding the fifth skill was a nerf bc it threw off the bonuses from f4/f5.

I came here because I got the newsletter about the expansion, so was hopeful that they'd show some love after 3+ years of consistent nerfing. 

Was hopefully CMC would do a better job after the fiasco, for other classes he might've. Mesmer has consistently been less fun to play every single balance update.

Going back to Elder Scrolls Online, but will keep an eye out to see if someday Mesmers aren't completely kicked in the teeth every single prof update. 

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21 hours ago, cubed.2853 said:

Please fire your balance team. Seriously the changes are once again just ridiculous....! Never seen in any game such a chaos. Since the release of the game you make the same mistakes, over and over again. One could write a thesis about how balancing does not work featuring only gw2....

This just needs amplified again and again because its spot on. There is no reason for this at all at this state. Its constantly griefing your player base.

Instead of logging in excited, players get kicked in the teeth and log in hoping its not as bad as it sounds. Just for it to be that bad, you guys promise to do better, and then do the same crap again.

Just make the game FUN instead of constantly punishing your base with illogical decisions. 

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13 hours ago, ericpeggy.8206 said:

If you have full harrier or minstrel equipments, you don't need to use six or more points of upkeep all the time.

Lol but the upkeep is the problem .. Why would you want to have upkeep skills on to drain your energy? You have 0 reactivity with that if you are low on energy and it forces Qdps players to just auto attack only and healers to maintain a bubble just for the sake of upkeep ?? It's just such a bad design which doesn't contribute anything at all. Before the patch it was nice, I just see 0 reason to do it like this. it's not fun and unplayable as healer if people fail a mechanic which other healers would just heal through but if you are low on energy rip xd

(also i'm just gonna ignore how changing the trait completely broke how herald takes damage somehow)

Edited by Ekko.9854
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Lmao, this sorry kitten balance patch went through without any adjustments. What happened to "we will monitor for your feedback"? That's right, that's just pr talk. They dont listen to feedback because if they did, they would have seen this 50+ thread and realized that the vast majority did not want these changes. 

Also, its outright hilarious that Anet is selling a half-assed, 1/3 of an expansion on release with quaterly updates to follow. When we know they couldn't release a full expansion, everything included at launch BECAUSE they redistributed their resources to their unannounced project. 

You are paying more for less. ThE yEaR oF Gw2 is effectively dead for me. 



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Surprise surprise, the scrapper changes feel just as bad as expected.  Loving the undocumented change to mechanist mace as well , and the fact that the distance penalty on the mech is instant again.  Really super.  /s

I'm not really sure why I should be forking up money for the new expansion when the approach to balancing is so terrible.  I mean, I just don't think taking a sledgehammer to classes and then saying "we'll fix it later" is something that has been working.  The evidence is clear.  Why lie and say you heard the feedback and made adjustments to the patch when you very clearly didn't?  Whoop-dee-doo, you fixed the daredevil staff auto dps loss.  How groundbreaking.

Scourge is awful to play now.  Mirage has been struggling for months, now the grave was just dug deeper.  And the virtuoso nerf could have easily just been for PvP modes, if it was really that oppressive.  The change to warrior sucks.  There's just so much to hate here, it's not worth the few things that are okay.

Don't worry though, we can all just play herald and take no damage I guess, that's balanced and fair. 

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