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June 27 for Elementalist


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Just now, Exzen.2976 said:

Indeed. Small nerf to FA Weaver with no cd reduction given to arcane blast or shield. The offhand dagger buffs are pretty reasonable - but nothing to help Weaver in PvP compared to Catalyst. 

Yeah. The spectacular sphere change was nice, but other than that, I don't think this patch is going to change anything for elementalist. I'm losing interest at this point. 

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3 minutes ago, Helgaley.3619 said:

Yeah. The spectacular sphere change was nice, but other than that, I don't think this patch is going to change anything for elementalist. I'm losing interest at this point. 

Nice for Cata players, sure. But Catalyst didn't need a buff, especially in pvp/wvw, where it was already too strong. What they've done is buffed catalyst further into being the best ele spec. I hugely dislike the change tbh.

Edited by Exzen.2976
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1 minute ago, Exzen.2976 said:

Nice for Cata players, sure. But Catalyst didn't need a buff, especially in pvp/wvw, where it was already too strong. What they've done is buffed catalyst further into being the best ele spec. I hugely dislike the change tbh.

I'm just really tired of how the devs seem to consistently make balance decisions primarily based on what they enjoy and not what the players are asking for, or really even what would be healthy for the game. I don't feel strongly about these changes in particular as much as I care about their enduring pattern of balancing in favor of their own preferences. As a customer, I spend my time and money on the game because I want them to make it enjoyable for the players, not just for themselves, but after these past two years, I can't keep doing that. 

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First thing I looked : did they revert dagger leaps nerf ? No. Thumb down. 👎
But we might get a new cool churning earth + Arcane Prowess giving back fury like the old days + auras on signets!? Sounds fun.
Otherwise no real "rework" on alacrity or DPS tempest, catalyst identity, mobility ... but tweaks and their process to delete every CD reduction traits because reasons.

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30 minutes ago, bluberblasen.9684 said:

I don't like the cata buffs....

Because next patch we will nerfed very hard 😥

Needed a nerf in this patch tbh. They'll probably continue to just nerf core ele stuff to bring cata in line while leaving the rest unplayable. 

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Arcane prowess being changed back to fury is a huge buff to ele all across the board. Lately I’ve been forced to run a rune that grants fury and elemental lockdown just to obtain the boon. This will help ele so much when it comes to getting those crits without forcing ele into the air traitline. 

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I kinda like it. Doesn't change things drastically but the changes aren't nerfs either. Off hand Dagger buffs seem fun. Increased fury and quickness application was needed. Giving fury to core ele instead of just catalyst was a step in the right direction. (They're returning an old trait to it's previous function, so no points for originality, but still welcomed) 😊

Conjures still need buffs and Dagger 3 leaps are still lackluster. Other than that, I'm cool with it 

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7 minutes ago, Stallic.2397 said:

I kinda like it. Doesn't change things drastically but the changes aren't nerfs either. Off hand Dagger buffs seem fun. Increased fury and quickness application was needed. Giving fury to core ele instead of just catalyst was a step in the right direction. (They're returning an old trait to it's previous function, so no points for originality, but still welcomed) 😊

Conjures still need buffs and Dagger 3 leaps are still lackluster. Other than that, I'm cool with it 

I do enjoy the signet change!

Many many many moons ago back when it was the original trait - I am one for camping elements in lieu of the piano.

I was camping air and managed to kill someone in wvw doing so with air D/D - this camping build could get a resurgence with tempest with the a return to off meta glory days 😉

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I'm wondering how the Spectacular Sphere is supposed to work in PVP, since the boon granted is actually 5 seconds of Fury and a base 1.5 second (?) Quickness pulse per second.

And Signet of Earth finally changed to % damage reduction.

Edited by DrTenma.7249
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was hoping for more ways to alac on tempest outside of overload spam that contradicts heal tempest (dont overload water or you're locked out of your main source of heals for 20s)

churning earth change is nice, slight nerf but much faster cast, signet change is also nice.
biggest improvement imo is Tempestuous Aria since that trait was pretty much dead in the water but now actually a decent alternative (though you gotta sacrifice your stability on the most interruptible skills in the game).

overall, still a lot of work to be done on ele. babysteps currently

Edited by crosknight.3041
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Catalyst needed that usability adjustment which is great to see. Now one can actually use spheres for boons that are needed without always worrying about having air ready.

Pity tempest changes were somewhat lacking compared to say druid.

Edited by Serephen.3420
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so... the alternative DPS playstyle for tempest: one trait:  shouts give a damage buff... forcing us to spam one particular utility type on cooldown... 

while the whole thing about alacrity and quickness is to stop forcing people to spam one particular utility type on cooldown

i still think that Latent Stamina is overly redundant with all of the vigor giving traits. it could be replaced with a trait that causes Overloads to rip boons at start and end. Or a trait that detonates all applied auras at the start of an overload...

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Overall i quite like the changes. Change to churning earth looks really nice, extra cc on gale strike is also very welcome to boost its cc potential abit. Changes to Tempest seem to be very lackluster. Devs were talking about dps increase on aurashare, but dont mention any aurashare on written in stone or extra aurashare on Tempest, so do they want to force Tempest to take the aurashare trait in water now for a dps Tempest or does it need to run multiple shouts? Changes to twist of faith seem to be nice for pvp, but i really hope theyll fix the cd for WvW aswell.

Condi weaver seems to solidify itself as a LI build for dps. Cd reduction on signet of earth cd should be enough to provide enough dps increase to compete with GoEP and GoLE. So its basically just free extra surviveability+some extra aura's on top. I really do not understand however why they specifically talk about toughness causing some unwanted tanking problems, yet simultaneously do not fix it for rock barrier at the same time. 

I dont fully understand the changes they made to spectacular sphere. It applies all existing Boons (the might, Vigor and aegis and quickness) but they reduced its quick dura to 2 seconds and is now applied to all spheres. So whats the new description going to be then? Apply quickness when you apply a sphere, also apply a boon depending on your attunement, fire=might, water=Vigor, earth=aegis, air nothing??? Or is Vigor coming over from water and is regen being added to water?? They mentioned they wanted the uptime on quick roughly the same on stream so the 5 sec of quick on air should be deleted then i guess? Incase the quick dura on air remains it seems completely busted since the cata can run empowered empowerment in that case.


Overall it seems like they gave some QoL updates to ele, mostly smoothening out the builds that are already working quite fine. Yet simultaneously it seems like they didnt touch any of the real problems that the ele currently has imo (singularity delay on overloads still to long, overload fire still to small radius, condi weaver being locked out of CC skills, catalyst's empowered empowerment only working @ 10 stacks)


Overall i do kinda dislike this new direction of dps support style. Seems like all boon dps are just running regular rotations while taking 1-2 traits to get their desired Boons.


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13 minutes ago, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

Overall it seems like they gave some QoL updates to ele, mostly smoothening out the builds that are already working quite fine. Yet simultaneously it seems like they didnt touch any of the real problems that the ele currently has imo (singularity delay on overloads still to long, overload fire still to small radius, condi weaver being locked out of CC skills, catalyst's empowered empowerment only working @ 10 stacks)


This is my biggest issue - the changes are fine, but nothing is getting fixed, and we NEVER seem to get the changes that we're actually asking for. Like the OH dagger changes, just what was the point? Has anyone been on the forums actively requesting for QOL changes for OH dagger? They aren't going to break anything, but they certainly don't fix anything.

The written in stone change? It's another option for auras, so that's certainly a thing that they did. Our signets are still going to be worse when compared to virtually every other profession that has them, and their CDs should have been reduced years ago. The glyph changes are also just whelming. 

It's none of what we asked for, it reverts changes that, again, nobody asked for when they were initially made years ago, we're not getting any of what we actually wanted, and none elementalists fundamental problems that have been around for years are getting addressed. 

It's just a dud of a patch. 

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4 minutes ago, Vennyhedgie.5369 said:

Air Sphere is now gonna apply fury like in PvP. But now all spheres give 2 seconds baseline quickness, 4 with grandmaster.

Air sphere already provides Fury by default in PvE and spectacular sphere added the extra quick duration on top. They mentioned they want to keep the other buffs, so whats going to happen in air sphere then? More quickness? Double Fury? Superspeed/swiftness/Vigor? 


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Also, just a side note I want to drop in here, when staff weaver was nerfed, it benched maybe 35-41k on small to average hitbox golems. It's still an elementalist, so it's as fragile as ever, and we all know weaver has no utility other than it's DPS. Today, a quickness harbinger can dish out 35k dps and provide 100% quickness uptime.

There is absolutely zero reason that, out of everything, they couldn't have at least thrown us a bone and reverted those ridiculous staff nerfs that weren't even needed in the first place.

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1 hour ago, Helgaley.3619 said:

Also, just a side note I want to drop in here, when staff weaver was nerfed, it benched maybe 35-41k on small to average hitbox golems. It's still an elementalist, so it's as fragile as ever, and we all know weaver has no utility other than it's DPS. Today, a quickness harbinger can dish out 35k dps and provide 100% quickness uptime.

There is absolutely zero reason that, out of everything, they couldn't have at least thrown us a bone and reverted those ridiculous staff nerfs that weren't even needed in the first place.

It actually still deals quite abit of dmge, think someone recently posted a vid of a 43k bench on large Golem. On small boxes its probably only in the range of ~39-40k definitely worth to check out sometimes 

Edited by the krytan assassin.9235
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48 minutes ago, Helgaley.3619 said:

This is my biggest issue - the changes are fine, but nothing is getting fixed, and we NEVER seem to get the changes that we're actually asking for. Like the OH dagger changes, just what was the point? Has anyone been on the forums actively requesting for QOL changes for OH dagger? They aren't going to break anything, but they certainly don't fix anything.

The written in stone change? It's another option for auras, so that's certainly a thing that they did. Our signets are still going to be worse when compared to virtually every other profession that has them, and their CDs should have been reduced years ago. The glyph changes are also just whelming. 

It's none of what we asked for, it reverts changes that, again, nobody asked for when they were initially made years ago, we're not getting any of what we actually wanted, and none elementalists fundamental problems that have been around for years are getting addressed. 

It's just a dud of a patch. 

The changes to ele mostly affect PvP. Signet catalyst was a thing for a brief time and it seems cmc wants to push a side node play style since he is a d/d fan

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