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Ranked System Needs to be Reworked. It's Terrible


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4 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

this is what starts happening:

  1. You got P2 worthy playing with S2 worthy and this equates to highs and lows winning and losing the same games together. So you have players who are worthy of being P2 if the population was high and players who would be S2 if it was high, but due to P2 worthy always being in the same game as the S2 worthy, they end up at roughly the same rating.
  2. The algorithm is PUNISHING you for getting ahead even a little bit in rating above everyone else, so it starts making you carry alone with a bunch of S2 worthy.
  3. When the P2 worthy is getting +8s on wins and -19s on losses "this was just happening me today", but the S2 worthy is getting +17s on wins and -7s on losses, since the P2 and S2 are all in the same games together all the time, it ends up making P2 worthy and S2 worthy, result in both of those guys being like G2-G3, which is just busted and all wrong when very clearly the P2 worthy is far far far better of a player than the S2s.

This is just cope. Sorry not how matchmaking works. The reason for what you describe is generous Padding and Match manipulation. The other possible reason is you get more easy matches then hard matches and the matchmaker does what it is supposed to do. Every other explanation is just cope.

Rating is irrelevant for you (and Op) anyway. You are on the leaderboard. You see the people with a higher rating, either they are more effective at winning the game then you or they manipulate the game. Simple as that, everything else is cope.

4 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

They've got to do something different if they want the pvp scene to survive with a breath of life at all past the next quarter here.

Why should they care about the game if the player do not. Look at you lobbying for a couple of irrelevant Rating points on the forums while PvP as a whole crumbles into dust. Look at the PvP forums: People look down on new and average player with disdain. In this very Post unfairly blaming them for their problems. Why should the dev's prop up an unpopular game mode that is populated with people outright hostil to new players. The PvP "Scene" is you and another 299 people.  Who cares.

Edited by SlayerXX.7138
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35 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

This is just cope. Sorry not how matchmaking works. The reason for what you describe is generous Padding and Match manipulation. The other possible reason is you get more easy matches then hard matches and the matchmaker does what it is supposed to do. Everything other explanation is just cope.

Rating is irrelevant for you (and Op) anyway. You are on the leaderboard. You see the people with a higher rating, either they are more effective at winning the game then you or they manipulate the game. Simple as that, everything else is cope.

Why should they care about the game if the player do not. Look at you lobbying for a couple of irrelevant Rating points on the forums while PvP as a whole crumbles into dust. Look at the PvP forums: People look down on new and average player with disdain. In this very Post unfairly blaming them for their problems. Why should the dev's prop up an unpopular game mode that is populated with people outright hostil to new players. The PvP "Scene" is you and another 299 people.  Who cares.

Everything you say indicates you as a clear Team USA lacky alt gaslighting blanket statement custodian.

You throw one statement after another in attempts to act like these things aren't happening, even if what you say has to be complete nonsense.

Look man, everyone notices what's going on. Just stop.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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25 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Everything you say indicates you as a clear Team USA lacky alt gaslighting blanket statement custodian.

You throw one statement after another in attempts to act like these things aren't happening, even if what you say has to be complete nonsense.

Look man, everyone notices what's going on. Just stop.

Are you out of your mind? I clearly and repeatedly stated Padding and match manipulation are the problem. If anything you are The USA lacky blaming bad players. You are just grasping at straws here.

Pls point me at the part of my argument that indicates these baseless statements you are throwing out. I'm willing to clarify it for you if you got confused.

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23 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

If you lose a single match because your team is trash, you lose massive rating when in platinum and fall right back to gold 3. Just for context in other games you can steadily climb ranks as long as you're winning more games than you're losing. But here, you can win 10 games in a row, lose one, then oops you lost a kitten ton of rating. This is poor design that forces players to cheese the system. The rating loss shouldn't be as extreme in higher ranks, that way we could actually see more than one Legend rank every season because that player wintraded with his duo at the tail end of the season.


Make it require effort to be placed in gold. You should work your way up from bronze into silver, gold, then platinum if you're very good. Then only the best players become Legends. Right now the vast majority of people are stuck in gold because the system is DESIGNED to place players in gold. You have to be beyond garbo to be any lower. 


TLDR it's too easy to be in gold and too difficult to climb past plat 1.

Hey, same thing I notice... when I'm in plat, because of the matches I'm getting, every loss is 14 - 18 point loss... my wins are all routinely 9-10.  Meaning I need 3 wins to offset two losses.  MEANING I'm better off not playing and doing the minimum since the game tries to even your win loss ratio.

At least you have friends and can duo q 🙂.  That ensures at least one other person on the team is useful.

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4 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Are you out of your mind? I clearly and repeatedly stated Padding and match manipulation are the problem. If anything you are The USA lacky blaming bad players. You are just grasping at straws here.

Pls point me at the part of my argument that indicates these baseless statements you are throwing out. I'm willing to clarify it for you if you got confused.

Dude everything you say is weird bonkers goalpost changing things that doesn't hold consistency with the prior things you've said or is just plainly derailing correct feedback. You do it in every thread I've watched when you argue with people.

For example: 

4 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

This is just cope. Sorry not how matchmaking works.

Everything I detailed is like exactly how the match making works ^^

That's the entire reason why gmmg wrote up this thread.

I mean anyone who is an old p1-p2 player who doesn't cheat who still plays ranked, can clearly vouche that what I've said in that statement, that it is 110% true.

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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Everything I detailed is like exactly how the match making works

No that is how you think it works, but it is just faulty logic.
So by your own logic low skilled player get unfair amount of rank points, why does that not affect you? You are not top 10 I assume, so the same noob boosting principal should apply to you too.
If it affects everyone why does it even matter? You are on the ladder if it makes your climb harder the same applies to everyone else. Besides the cheater of course, which you should be able to name by now,  you are better off to lobby to get them banned then changing the ranked system because you think it is at fault.
Besides fearing about your Q times, why exactly do you refuse to believe padding is at fault?Why do you think you get matched with bad players? They are all are somehow boosted? Why are they still winning games? All these boosted player are somehow equally sorted in both team to magically get carried into your elo? Also why does that apparently only happen in your elo? People drop through tiers all the time, but somehow plat players can't push silvers out of their Games? Sound like a lot of cope to me.

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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Dude everything you say is weird bonkers goalpost changing things that doesn't hold consistency with the prior things you've said or is just plainly derailing correct feedback.

I did that not once you fool. It is just your inability to comprehend reality. Your game mode is dying. You can kick and scream all you want. Nobody wants to join this mode anymore. Maybe you even get the devs to spend valuable dev time on the imagined Problem of "bad players ruining your game", but the reality is this: Not enough player play the game and a lot of top player cheat. But hey lets discuss how the ranked system is the problem.

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2 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

No that is how you think it works, but it is just faulty logic.
So by your own logic low skilled player get unfair amount of rank points

Just... come on. This is what I was referencing in my last post. Do you even play GW2?

Incase you aren't trolling and are being serious, let me explain:

  1. I queue a game and get Bob on my team who is a well known low tiered player, along with a bunch of other random low tiered players stacked with me.
  2. Best case scenario I go against a team exactly like mine, where there is some old P2+ guy like Yerloqq and he is being made to carry a 4x Bob team like I am.
  3. The circumstances in which I can win the game rely on me finding ways to win 1v2s on nodes and never die while holding those nodes, as well as generating kills like 1 kill per 30 seconds at least. If I die even once and my presence isn't there to hard carry the match, my team immediately gets triple capped and goes under the water. Bob and the other players on the team are going to die repeatedly and probably generate 5 to 10 deaths each individually and won't be able to effect much in the match. In all reality, those 4 low tier players encompass maybe 50% of our team's potential strength whereas I encompass the other 50% alone. I can't expect them to do anything more than stall node decaps and caps just long enough for me to be able to move around and do the real work. For the sake of example, let's say Yerloqq is on the other team against me, experiencing the exact same thing conditions for win.
  4. In the first game I win. I get +8 rating, but Bob and the other randoms get +16 or +17 because they received a win vs. Yerloqq.
  5. I queue another game and Yerloqq is on the opposite team again. I also have Bob again with me, a common occurrence to keep seeing the same randoms in your games several games in a row. We have a few different random names with us but Bob is still there. This time I lose vs. Yerloqq. I get -18 yoinked  from me, but Bob only gets -8 yoinked from him.
  6. Do your math. Understand that between the two games I received +8 and then -18 and this is overall -10. Between the two games Bob received +17 and then -8 resulting in a +9 for Bob. Yerloqq, between the two games played against me, has also successfully generated a positive above par gain for all his Bobs, probably somewhere around the same margin of +8 or +9, but Yerloqq has also successfully taken some kind of a -10 dip just like I did.
  7. What I said was true about how we all play the same games together now, and that regardless of division in an extremely low population, the strong players and weak players are eating the same wins & losses together. This results in feeding people like myself and Yerloqq down into bottom plat G3 margins, and feeding otherwise what should be S2 players up into G2 margins right under us. And EVERY game we win with those guys, just feeds them into higher ratings than they should be and this exasperates the problem and keeps feeding them into our games over and over.
  8. Let's say Yerloqq and myself grind queues into each other all morning for 4 hours straight, mixing and matching those other 10 guys who are queueing same time we are, but population is so low that's the only guys we have to queue with so we are taking turns exchanging these guys between teams each match, but it will never put Yerloqq on my team because we are the only Plat+ guys online so it will always make sure I am against Yerloqq. By the end of this event, because Yerloqq and I only ever lose rating instead of gain it with a 50% win rates but the low guys actually are GAINING rating from Yerloqq and I when they have 50% win rates, THIS is what feeds it into some stupid situation where guys like Yerloqq and I are hanging G3 having a real hard time even holding bottom P1 nowadays, but a bunch of dudes who should be S2 are up in mid G2 due to being in Yerloqq and mine's games all morning.
  9. Do you seriously think that the way Glicko is handling this is fair or makes sense at all for accurate rating in a competitive game mode? Consider asterik/bullet point #3, It details how players like myself or Yerloqq are ultimately contributing roughly 50% of our team's umph whereas our 4 Bobs collectively together contribute the other 50%. If you were to watch these games streamed, you'd see these messed up demonstrations of how insanely large the margin of skill is between myself & Yerloqq and then our Bobs. You'd see situations where we were winning 1v2s and pulling up 1v3s, stalling, and eventually actually winning while holding a node at least neutral, or escaping and distracting 3 for elongated amounts of time while never dying once a game. Then you'd see our Bobs exploding on contact from every combat all over the place, walking around in the bushes off node figuring out their WASD keys, getting mad and AFKing. Do you seriously think it makes sense that at the end of day, due to how these point gains & losses work, that the system has made me and Yerloqq chew each other down into top G3 whilst elevating a bunch of low tiered players into G2?

So yeah my dude, to answer your question, the low skilled players are DEFINITELY getting unfair amounts of + rating gain, and people like me or Yerloqq are getting unfair amounts of - rating loss.

All in all, when really sitting here and typing it out and looking at it, I almost done blame the win traders for win trading. The way the system works, if they weren't queue dodging each other and rigging games, they'd also be locked right into Plat1 Gold3 just like what Yerloqq was describing in his OP post.

We can INB4 "Well why don't you just queue with Yerloqq" because unlike the guys who complain about duo queue being unfair advantage, who I strangely never see queueing ranked btw, they don't seem to understand one thing. When you duo queue, it gives you even worse Bobs than when you solo queue. Even if we did duo queue, it'll just throw us at some other duo queue in the same situation that we are in, and the same thing will happen. We'll grind our ratings down while bringing up the Bobs.

Look man, when population is really high, there are enough people to make a realistic rating skew from low silver maybe even bronze all the way up to actual 1800+ positions. The algorithm isn't bad when population is high, I remember it years ago. But when population is extremely low like it is now, the highs and lows have to play together all the time and eat the same wins & losses all the time. This results in no longer having bronze up to legend ratings, but rather this weird incredibly tight small margin of difference in ratings between very strong players and weak players, looking more like P1/G3 down to bottom G2. It becomes highly unrealistic for every mathematical reason with the algorithm, to seriously attempt to play past about 1550, and even 1550 the way things are now, you better log in at a time where no one is win trading and hope you get a bit lucky.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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3 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Just... come on. This is what I was referencing in my last post. Do you even play GW2?

Incase you aren't trolling and are being serious, let me explain:

  1. I queue a game and get Bob on my team who is a well known low tiered player, along with a bunch of other random low tiered players stacked with me.
  2. Best case scenario I go against a team exactly like mine, where there is some old P2+ guy like Yerloqq and he is being made to carry a 4x Bob team like I am.
  3. The circumstances in which I can win the game rely on me finding ways to win 1v2s on nodes and never die while holding those nodes, as well as generating kills like 1 kill per 30 seconds at least. If I die even once and my presence isn't there to hard carry the match, my team immediately gets triple capped and goes under the water. Bob and the other players on the team are going to die repeatedly and probably generate 5 to 10 deaths each individually and won't be able to effect much in the match. In all reality, those 4 low tier players encompass maybe 50% of our team's potential strength whereas I encompass the other 50% alone. I can't expect them to do anything more than stall node decaps and caps just long enough for me to be able to move around and do the real work. For the sake of example, let's say Yerloqq is on the other team against me, experiencing the exact same thing conditions for win.
  4. In the first game I win. I get +8 rating, but Bob and the other randoms get +16 or +17 because they received a win vs. Yerloqq.
  5. I queue another game and Yerloqq is on the opposite team again. I also have Bob again with me, a common occurrence to keep seeing the same randoms in your games several games in a row. We have a few different random names with us but Bob is still there. This time I lose vs. Yerloqq. I get -18 yoinked  from me, but Bob only gets -8 yoinked from him.
  6. Do your math. Understand that between the two games I received +8 and then -18 and this is overall -10. Between the two games Bob received +17 and then -8 resulting in a +9 for Bob. Yerloqq, between the two games played against me, has also successfully generated a positive above par gain for all his Bobs, probably somewhere around the same margin of +8 or +9, but Yerloqq has also successfully taken some kind of a -10 dip just like I did.
  7. What I said was true about how we all play the same games together now, and that regardless of division in an extremely low population, the strong players and weak players are eating the same wins & losses together. This results in feeding people like myself and Yerloqq down into bottom plat G3 margins, and feeding otherwise what should be S2 or S3 at best players up into G2 margins right under us. And EVERY game we win with those guys, just feeds them into higher ratings than they should be and this exasperates the problem and keeps feeding them into our games over and over.
  8. Let's say Yerloqq and myself grind queues into each other all morning for 4 hours straight, mixing and matching those other 10 guys who are queueing same time we are, but population is so low that's the only guys we have to queue with so we are taking turns exchanging these guys between teams each match, but it will never put Yerloqq on my team because we are the only Plat+ guys online so it will always make sure I am against Yerloqq. By the end of this event, because Yerloqq and I only ever lose rating instead of gain it with a 50% win rates but the low guys actually are GAINING rating from Yerloqq and I when they have 50% win rates, THIS is what feeds it into some stupid situation where guys like Yerloqq and I are hanging G3 having a real hard time even holding bottom P1 nowadays, but a bunch of dudes who should be S2 and up in mid G2 due to being in Yerloqq and mine's games all morning.
  9. Do you seriously think that the way Glicko is handling this is fair or makes sense at all for accurate rating in a competitive game mode? Consider asterik/bullet point #3, It details how players like myself or Yerloqq are ultimately contributing roughly 50% of our team's umph whereas our 4 Bobs collectively together contribute the other 50%. If you were to watch these games streamed, you'd see these messed up demonstrations of how insanely large the margin of skill is between myself & Yerloqq and then our Bobs. You'd see situations where we were winning 1v2s and pulling up 1v3s, stalling, and eventually actually winning while holding a node at least neutral, or escaping and distracting 3 for elongated amounts of time while never dying once a game. Then you'd see our Bobs exploding on contact from every combat all over the place, walking around in the bushes off node figuring out their WASD keys, getting mad and AFKing. Do you seriously think it makes sense that at the end of day, due to how these point gains & losses work, that the system has successfully made me and Yerloqq chew other down into top G3 whilst elevating a bunch of low tiered players into G2?

All in all, when really sitting here and typing it out and looking at it, I almost done blame the win traders for win trading. The way the system works, if they weren't queue dodging each other and rigging games, they'd also be locked right into Plat1 Gold3 just like what Yerloqq was describing in his OP post.

We can INB4 "Well why don't you just queue with Yerloqq" because unlike the guys who complain about duo queue being unfair advantage, who I strangely never see queueing ranked btw, they don't seem to understand one thing. When you duo queue, it gives you even worse Bobs than when you solo queue. Even if we did duo queue, it'll just throw us at some other duo queue in the same situation that we are in, and the same thing will happen. We'll grind our ratings down while bringing up the Bobs.

Look man, when population is really high, there are enough people to make a realistic rating skew from low silver maybe even bronze all the way up to actual 1800+ positions. The algorithm isn't bad when population is high, I remember it years ago. But when population is extremely low like it is now, the highs and lows have to play together all the time and eat the same wins & losses all the time. This results in no longer having bronze up to legend ratings, but rather this weird incredibly tight small margin of difference in ratings between very strong players and weak players, looking more like P1/G3 down to bottom G2. It becomes highly unrealistic for every mathematical reason with the algorithm, to seriously attempt to play past about 1550, and even 1550 the way things are now, you better log in at a time where no one is win trading and hope you get a bit lucky.

What rating are you currently queuing at teevor 

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9 minutes ago, ccccc.4963 said:

What rating are you currently queuing at teevor 

Oh it's pretty low after I was running into Naru & Cjay all morning yesterday. I'm like top Gold 3 right now. Waiting for a time when Team USA isn't on funkin up the queues so I can reclimb, if it's even possible to do this season after such low population. It really has gotten bad after the D4 release. We lost a lot of people.

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27 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Oh it's pretty low after I was running into Naru & Cjay all morning yesterday. I'm like top Gold 3 right now. Waiting for a time when Team USA isn't on funkin up the queues so I can reclimb, if it's even possible to do this season after such low population. It really has gotten bad after the D4 release. We lost a lot of people.

yeah, but you've got enough of a reputation on NA thru flaming and going afk after the first midfight that I know a ton of people who throw games when they see you on your team cos they just don't like you.

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16 minutes ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

yeah, but you've got enough of a reputation on NA thru flaming and going afk after the first midfight that I know a ton of people who throw games when they see you on your team cos they just don't like you.

Yeah it's true, I get a lot of harassment from Team USA due to my voice in the forum and in-game. They try to mess with and discourage the ones who have a loud enough of a voice to speak out about what they do. This is no secret.

What isn't true about your statement however, is that I only AFK when I see obvious win trades. Everyone should actually. Don't feed their twitch streams. The best thing we can do when we see obvious alt throw activity is to just AFK. Don't grant them footage worth watching.

100% serious ^ it's like the best deterrent vs. their cheating that we as the community can do.

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18 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

What isn't true about your statement however, is that I only AFK when I see obvious win trades. Everyone should actually. Don't feed their twitch streams. The best thing we can do when we see obvious alt throw activity is to just AFK. Don't grant them footage worth watching.

100% serious ^ it's like the best deterrent vs. their cheating that we as the community can do.

dude you think any time you are losing it's a wintrade, then you go afk.

if I had the ability to block you from my games I would. all you play is longbow soulbeast, which is zero value in the current anti projectile high mobility burst meta and go afk when the enemy team has the upper hand because you're delusional and think it's a wintrade. neither your build or your attitude are conducive to a win.

you've even insisted that me and the person who has got me to come on NA to duo with them are team USA alts. to this day I can't decide if confusing my WvW player peepo warrior gameplay with a monthly winner is supposed to be a compliment or not kekekekeke

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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

In the first game I win. I get +8 rating, but Bob and the other randoms get +16 or +17 because they received a win vs. Yerloqq.

I get that logic. Its is the following parts:

1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Yerloqq, between the two games played against me, has also successfully generated a positive above par gain for all his Bobs, probably somewhere around the same margin of +8 or +9,

For that to happen all the bobs need to be very conveniently aligned. If there ratings where really that boosted you would be very often be paired with other plat candidates and push them out. Like it happens on every other rating bracket. It is not Bob's boosted rating, it is the big padding that puts low ranked player into you game. Bob is probably a decent player but the matchmaker casting the net to wide pulls him in games he shouldn't be.

1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Let's say Yerloqq and myself grind queues into each other all morning for 4 hours straight, mixing and matching those other 10 guys who are queueing same time we are, but population is so low that's the only guys we have to queue with so we are taking turns exchanging these guys between teams each match, but it will never put Yerloqq on my team because we are the only Plat+ guys online so it will always make sure I am against Yerloqq.

Yeah this is a problem about the matchmaker padding the range out(Like I keep saying). Like do you think there is some plat player hiding somewhere? Bob at the end of the day won against player better then himself and should be awarded accordingly. Because Bob only gets big rating if his rating is a lot lower then the average. Bob only loses little rating if his rating is a lot lower then the average. Bob is decent player and still wins games when the plats don't play. That is why you see bob and not the people worse then Bob, lets call them bobbys. Bob beats Bobbys. After the suggested change Bob still beats the bobbys and there are still no plats for you to fight. In addition to that you don't carry 4 people through conquest, their contribution matters. 1 Afk is a death sentence if your opponents doesn't throw. These bobs carry some of the weight of the game.

Also there is a 3rd kind lets call them leeches. I met a lot of unranked player all pretty good, all different names. All at the end of the season🤔. Leeches who are plat+ and play on their 6th account are the one who steal your points. Because their low rating is because of trickery, bob rating is based on honesty and should you affect way less if at all.

Leeches cost you rating not bob.

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@gmmg.9210 I remember some myth running that if you duo it took the higher rated player MMR for both so this kinda solves the smurf alt account boosting thing going on, if Anet locks the rating range for the game search it will make the queues longer for some people but it will force them to actually play against eachother and that 4 AM grind ain't gona happen, and again people spent so much time rig the leaderboard a Discord chat message saying lets play now seems easier, they might start wintrading because they will be the only people at some rating but personally I would not care if they corral themselves away from people that play for enjoyment.

There is also the remove duo queue thing  that Anet tried and the leaderboard was cleaner at the time, I don't get why they dropped it. 
This doesn't fix the big issue with population since everyone starts at G2 and gets rolled if they are new and drop PVP or the game. I Still think the changes that Anet made around the tournaments with the short seasons start at G2 kittened with the retention and the desire of people to play PVP. Also the  lobby sucks kitten.  

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35 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Bob at the end of the day won against player better then himself and should be awarded accordingly.

This is where you're wrong though, the Bobs aren't really doing anything. They explode on contact and die consistently through the match to the point all the Bobs are dying like 5x to 10x each, every game. Their rotations are entirely botched. They have no idea how to play conquest or keep up in combat mechanics. What the match is really boiling down to, is me vs. Yerloqq, and who can work around their PUG's mistakes better than the other. <- This is very important to point out, that games nowadays for the Plat+ player is about nothing else other than, who can play around their PUG's critical errors better than the Plat on the other team, and carry the Bobs on their back like the God Atlas for a win. It used to be like Plats with Golds and low Golds at worst, where as the Plat, to carry those Golds, you just needed to give em a bit of nudge. But nowadays, the Plats literally have to carry the Bobs on their back for a win. Like the Bobs are actually up on your back doing nothing, just taking a ride, and letting you do all the work. That actually very seriously feels that way in late 2023 GW2 pvp, the population is so low.

So in other words, Bobs aint winning nothing bro, their wins & losses are massively contributed to if they get a plat in their team to carry them, and if that plat is against another plat, can he carry them harder than the other plat is carrying his team? This is how things usually work, 90% of games queued nowadays.

42 minutes ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

all you play is longbow soulbeast

I'm known waaay more for playing Druid than Soulbeast. I actually might be the best Druid player in the game between NA and EU. The only people who could contest that claim legitimately without win trading and other tomfoolery, would be Eurantien & Boyce.

Regardless, if you didn't realize I was like the biggest Druid meme in the game, I question your credentials on NA knowledge to be claiming I AFK in all my games.

You know because it makes sense that I play into Plat+ margins even in this terrible match quality environment by AFKing in my games.


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21 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

This is where you're wrong though, the Bobs aren't really doing anything. They explode on contact and die consistently through the match to the point all the Bobs are dying like 5x to 10x each, every game.

Not my experience and I'm only 1 tier below you(right now). People seem reasonable competent. But then again I'm Eu. Seems like NA is even more toxic then EU. I guess NA population decline is even more dire? Maybe it is a NA only thing? If your population is declined that much the only solution is 10 mins queues. Sorry my dude.


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10 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

But then again I'm Eu. I guess NA population decline is even more dire? Maybe it is a NA only thing? If your population is declined that much the only solution is 10 mins queues. Sorry my dude.


I would totally be willing to wait 10-15 minutes for better games, absolutely.

If Arenanet were wise, they'd go ahead and do this. A 15 minute wait would encourage people to leave the pvp lobby and run pve maps or something during the wait. A 15 minute wait would likely give lobby trolls who otherwise would never the leave the lobby, a reason to go do other things during their queue wait. In other words, it would funnel more people into pve maps, just like how Arenanet wants it.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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being able to queue into +/- 500 if your rating is insane in a game that can't even fill legendary ranks

spvp has become nothing but ascension farming simulator

also the way you can hard counter classes by class swapping in the lobby is incredibly lame and imo the lobby logout system should be completely removed

Edited by Maytry.8523
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17 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

dude you think any time you are losing it's a wintrade, then you go afk.

if I had the ability to block you from my games I would. all you play is longbow soulbeast, which is zero value in the current anti projectile high mobility burst meta and go afk when the enemy team has the upper hand because you're delusional and think it's a wintrade. neither your build or your attitude are conducive to a win.

you've even insisted that me and the person who has got me to come on NA to duo with them are team USA alts. to this day I can't decide if confusing my WvW player peepo warrior gameplay with a monthly winner is supposed to be a compliment or not kekekekeke

I think Trevor usually plays Druid... Barbie I think.  It's an annoying build to fight so I remember it.  You sure you got the right guy?   

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17 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

I get that logic. Its is the following parts:

For that to happen all the bobs need to be very conveniently aligned. If there ratings where really that boosted you would be very often be paired with other plat candidates and push them out. Like it happens on every other rating bracket. It is not Bob's boosted rating, it is the big padding that puts low ranked player into you game. Bob is probably a decent player but the matchmaker casting the net to wide pulls him in games he shouldn't be.

Yeah this is a problem about the matchmaker padding the range out(Like I keep saying). Like do you think there is some plat player hiding somewhere? Bob at the end of the day won against player better then himself and should be awarded accordingly. Because Bob only gets big rating if his rating is a lot lower then the average. Bob only loses little rating if his rating is a lot lower then the average. Bob is decent player and still wins games when the plats don't play. That is why you see bob and not the people worse then Bob, lets call them bobbys. Bob beats Bobbys. After the suggested change Bob still beats the bobbys and there are still no plats for you to fight. In addition to that you don't carry 4 people through conquest, their contribution matters. 1 Afk is a death sentence if your opponents doesn't throw. These bobs carry some of the weight of the game.

Also there is a 3rd kind lets call them leeches. I met a lot of unranked player all pretty good, all different names. All at the end of the season🤔. Leeches who are plat+ and play on their 6th account are the one who steal your points. Because their low rating is because of trickery, bob rating is based on honesty and should you affect way less if at all.

Leeches cost you rating not bob.

The point is, in a low population scenario players who are in the top will have mostly games where the average MMR is lower than theirs.  That means their losses will be disproportionately bigger and their gains smaller for winning.

In a decent population where there are many plat players, half your games your going to be below the MMR average and half of them above... so your gains and losses are going to average out with each other over time.

We're in a unique situation where by having such a wide range of MMRs in your matches, the higher ranked players basically have the odds and system set against them to cause them to drop.

This is because a win will do much less of them than a loss... and they'll only have games like that.  Also they are with such a wide range of players on their team that their individual contributions won't matter on the plus side, more than the poor playing of their team will. So they can't really signficantly influence outcome.

Is that clearer?

As a side effect of having such poor players in with high tier players it has really emphasised and unfortunate strategy.  What happens is the good players try to figure out who the silver is... and do nothing but farm the living crap out of them.  The winner becomes the team with the least worst bob.

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