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Where to get recipe for Harrier (or Mordent) weapons?

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I've googled,  searched websites, etc and no joy.    Can someone point me to the recipe for harrier weapons?   or a how-to guide?

I have had all crafters at max level, most for 10 years, so have a basic understanding of crafting.    I've crafted a lot of different weapons and armor.   

Can someone help ?

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Thanks very much.  I got your post shortly after you posted it,  and was chagrined that I'd not seen those lines on that very page.   "Read the fine print" is a rule I skip more times than I should.

An hour later I had two Mordent weapons,  having chased down a missing Awakened skin and then did just normal crafting.

I then started to mail it to an alt account but that failed.    The weapons are account bound!    WHAT?  EXOTIC weapons gear is account bound!?    What a breakage of their operating game theory.    Crafting is generally built around the fact that you can't craft and sell ASCENDED but can for Exotic.   (No pay to win for the best stuff)

This time there is no fine print to read telling me they are account bound.     Just a sudden surprise.   

I'm not raising a weaponsmith just to craft two pieces of gear for an account. 



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4 hours ago, Michael.9403 said:

I then started to mail it to an alt account but that failed.    The weapons are account bound!    WHAT?  EXOTIC weapons gear is account bound!?    What a breakage of their operating game theory.    Crafting is generally built around the fact that you can't craft and sell ASCENDED but can for Exotic.   (No pay to win for the best stuff)

This time there is no fine print to read telling me they are account bound.  

That has not been true for many years. Being account bound is also on the item description

The unbound versions are named drops. They give the same skin and all have the superior sigil of severance. The ones associated with an elite spec collection are expensive.


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I've been in this situation a couple of weeks ago. Friend returned to the game, wants to play meta and asked me to craft gear. Harrier is in a rather weird spot, as you have already noticed.

Here is a work-around. In order to reduce confusion, I only list every weapon-type once (= the cheapest). All of these are available on TP, some can be crafted, all can be mailed to other accounts:

Option 1 - Mordant Exotic weapons with Harrier stats
Mordant Axe
Mordant Mace
Mordant Scepter
Mordant Focus
Mordant Shield
Mordant Torch
Mordant Warhorn
Mordant Shortbow
Some of these weapons are very expensive. But as you can see below, there is no cheaper alternative, yet. 

Option 2 - Iron Legion Exotic weapons with stat-select
Iron Legion Greatsword 
Iron Legion Pistol 
Iron Legion Rifle 
Iron Legion Sword 
Iron Legion Staff  
Those can be bought from TP for an acceptable price or crafted. Crafting however requires Stabilized Prophet Crystals, which can be bought of TP as well or exchanged for Strike currencies. Sadly there are only these 5 weapons of that kind. As far as I remember, most of the Harrier builds require at least a staff so you get that one covered for sure.

Option 3 - Forged Exotic weapons with Harrier stats
Forged Longbow
Forged Dagger
Forged Hammer
Less impressive skins, some are cheaper than the Iron Legion weapons, some are more expensive. Those are however TP only.

Note: I have made a similar list for celestial-weapons a while ago. Just in case. 

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