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Hardware Ban the Cheaters/Wintraders. Fire Any Colluders. We need to Reset PvP


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23 minutes ago, MasterMind.3267 said:

Don't get me wrong, I do think Miaz is a bad person. No idea if he changed at all since the time that he did his things. I also believe Noody saying Miaz faked some screenshots. (Noody's no angel either for milking an obviously mentally ill dude, btw...) But that's a salty guy trying to mess up someone who he had completely unnecessary personal beef with. All of this kind of makes him the perfect candidate to know how all the other stuff works, though - where to look, who to talk to, how to manipulate them to leak information etc.

"As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us."

-Psalms 103:12 🙏

There exists no sin so heinous that it cannot be forgiven, no soul so lost that it cannot find redemption. Rather than condemn them for actions made in the past, they should really be judged for what they're doing now as they can still serve Him in righteousness, even unknowingly.

It was Markhutirios that leaked conversations from the private dev discord back when that happened and he's been one of Miaz's biggest talking points in his videos. One righteous deed goes a long way as without that, a lot of Miaz's points and even some of Noody's would just be baseless conspiracy theories. 

I still have those logs saved. I know they get deleted the moment they touch the forums but if anyone wants a copy 🤙

23 minutes ago, MasterMind.3267 said:

Throwing a bunch of ad hominem arguments at him doesn't invalidate his findings - aside from the fact that it's simply not the only evidence out there. A lot of what he does is even reproducable so everybody can go use his techniques and track accounts and show this stuff doesn't happen.

 As for Miaz, he probably knows there's no coming back from what he did and he's trying to take down the entire house of cards with him. At least nowadays he admits that he's an kitten and what he did was wrong. Apparently that's the kind of person it takes to dive as deep into that rabbit hole as he did. 🤷‍♂️

True, they could. I think it really just boils down to conviction, that. Most sensible people will just drop the game the moment they realize its manipulated and pointless. It takes a unique kind of person to go that extra mile and extend the effort for no personal gain to the benefit of the many.

Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane. 🙏

23 minutes ago, MasterMind.3267 said:

There's literally zero reason to make up a strawman by posting stream VODs, lol. But those people didn't even bother denying the allegations anyway (as far as I know), so I guess that's that.

The term "strawman" refers to mischaracterizing an opposing argument and subsequently attacking the mischaracterization rather than engaging with the actual argument. A video recording of someone cheating in a game is not a mischaracterization, it is evidence, and it doesn't really matter who provides that evidence because it cannot be reasonably argued against, only denied and censored.

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20 minutes ago, Ronald McDonald.8165 said:

Buddy, thank you for proving my point. If the best you can do to show all of this cheating and wintrading is a 10 month old video of Pheonix (who has been rightfully banned) hacking, that proves my point. If this was widespread problem that was destroying the quality of gameplay in a consistently meaningful way (as you said, its his most popular clip) with the hundreds of hours he has played since then there would be 30 more clips just like it. Of the hundreds of hours Naru has played, there would be dozens more clips just like it. But there aren't. Maybe you should Mckittening think about that for a second?

I'll let the words of one of Naru/Team USA's most infamous customers speak for me there.

"Everyone is a criminal, the trick is not getting caught."

That's also on top of Naru being banned already for account sharing during and selling MATs. Further evidence would just be redundant at that point, but Miaz still comes through, the madlad. Bless him.


The true will always triumph over the false. Divine blessings 🙏

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5 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

I thought shorts was caught match manipulating or wintrading a while ago

he might have been tbh its been like 4 months since I played

I've never seen shorts wintrade or considered him to be included in their evil cartel, but I wouldn't put it past him either with his ego, our very own Ninja from Fortnite minus the dyed hair

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On 7/7/2023 at 3:09 PM, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Shorts is probably the only clean streamer you just listed


Shorts & CJ had been win trading for a looooong time man.

These streamers just expose each other any chance they get.

Vallun was the one who exposed Shorts actually.

If any of these streamers deserve a kudos for being clean, it's Vallun. I've never detected even an ounce of bull**** while being in matches with him.

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15 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


Shorts & CJ had been win trading for a looooong time man.

These streamers just expose each other any chance they get.

Vallun was the one who exposed Shorts actually.

If any of these streamers deserve a kudos for being clean, it's Vallun. I've never detected even an ounce of bull**** while being in matches with him.

Vallun exposed Shorts for being an egotistical lying source of toxicity that takes the game way too seriously, iirc. Its been a while since I've seen it though, I may have to give it a rewatch sometime.
And I mean, its hard to argue with that really. Never seen or heard anything from Shorts that would suggest anything different to Vallun's accusations.

Vallun is not clean though. Look up "Popular Wintrader Exposed! Selling Wins for Keys in Ranked!" if you want a good laugh and a bit of perspective.

I think the major difference with Vallun is that he's a nice, generally good-natured, and a pleasant person to interact with. Still a wintrader, but someone you might commend in your evening prayers regardless. 🙏

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3 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Vallun exposed Shorts for being an egotistical lying source of toxicity that takes the game way too seriously, iirc. Its been a while since I've seen it though, I may have to give it a rewatch sometime.
And I mean, its hard to argue with that really. Never seen or heard anything from Shorts that would suggest anything different to Vallun's accusations.

Vallun is not clean though. Look up "Popular Wintrader Exposed! Selling Wins for Keys in Ranked!" if you want a good laugh and a bit of perspective.

I think the major difference with Vallun is that he's a nice, generally good-natured, and a pleasant person to interact with. Still a wintrader, but someone you might commend in your evening prayers regardless. 🙏

If he was ever involved it must have been lightly. I personally never seen anything suspicious from vallun. Shorts on the other hand, I think you've missed a lot of what the community has exposed on shorts. Dude is not clean.


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8 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Vallun exposed Shorts for being an egotistical lying source of toxicity that takes the game way too seriously, iirc. Its been a while since I've seen it though, I may have to give it a rewatch sometime.
And I mean, its hard to argue with that really. Never seen or heard anything from Shorts that would suggest anything different to Vallun's accusations.

Vallun is not clean though. Look up "Popular Wintrader Exposed! Selling Wins for Keys in Ranked!" if you want a good laugh and a bit of perspective.

I think the major difference with Vallun is that he's a nice, generally good-natured, and a pleasant person to interact with. Still a wintrader, but someone you might commend in your evening prayers regardless. 🙏

Wasn't the Vallun thing stupider then that, like someone in chat offered keys if he played some dumb build and he lost but not cause he wanted to, but because he got his kitten beat.

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43 minutes ago, Vancho.8750 said:

Wasn't the Vallun thing stupider then that, like someone in chat offered keys if he played some dumb build and he lost but not cause he wanted to, but because he got his kitten beat.

I made that video 😂

It was pretty dumb but that was intentional as I don't hate Vallun ❤️


That's not to say there wasn't any truth to it. Allowing his viewers to pay him to play any build they want in ranked was always a bad idea, because they pretty much always ask for something terrible and absurd that stands no chance at the upper-rankings that Vallun plays at. It put his team at a significant disadvantage and the enemy team at a considerable advantage, and all to Vallun's personal gain. 

He even acknowledged that it was wintrading/match manipulation, and I don't think he does it anymore. The only part of his response that irked me, was he tried to place all the responsibility on the viewer, not owning up to his mistake and part in it. While its true the viewer is partially responsible by capitalizing on it, he was still enabling them and providing them a platform to do so. He could have done that in unranked and been absolutely fine, but it wasn't unranked.

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  • 2 months later...
On 7/7/2023 at 8:12 AM, Ronald McDonald.8165 said:

I have to say, this response is kind of wild. You're spending all this time making excuses for not trying instead of just playing and having fun. You are just regurgitating things you have heard without any experience of it yourself. There are plenty of streamers who are near the top of the leaderboards that you can watch stream for hours on end. And you're not going to see a single match wintraded in a 3+ hour stream. 

NotoriousNaru - Twitch

Boyce's Videos - Twitch

Grimjacke - Twitch

Shorts_Gaming - Twitch

Here is hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of top level matches. Show me all the wintrading. Show me all this terrible stuff that is going to happen to you when you reach their level. 

There are people in this very thread here who will instead of taking responsibility for not winning matches come up with any excuse they can to validate their placings on the leaderboard. People who I have played against and people who I have watched streamers dumpster in matches as if they were any other gold PUG. 

The fact that you end your post with a list of some of the most blantant wintrading, AT selling scums of the earth is beyond a meme. 

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On 7/7/2023 at 7:12 AM, Ronald McDonald.8165 said:

I have to say, this response is kind of wild. You're spending all this time making excuses for not trying instead of just playing and having fun. You are just regurgitating things you have heard without any experience of it yourself. There are plenty of streamers who are near the top of the leaderboards that you can watch stream for hours on end. And you're not going to see a single match wintraded in a 3+ hour stream. 

NotoriousNaru - Twitch

Boyce's Videos - Twitch

Grimjacke - Twitch

Shorts_Gaming - Twitch

Here is hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of top level matches. Show me all the wintrading. Show me all this terrible stuff that is going to happen to you when you reach their level. 

There are people in this very thread here who will instead of taking responsibility for not winning matches come up with any excuse they can to validate their placings on the leaderboard. People who I have played against and people who I have watched streamers dumpster in matches as if they were any other gold PUG. 

Types in name on streams, finds not to be on main account. Doubts.

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