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Did anyone else notice that the turtle is once again unusable?

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Using the turtle on the bot with max boosts, a passenger, and every buff I got to actually work I managed around 30k consistently. Which is amazing. Being able to spam the slam attack actually gave the mount a purpose. Not to mention going through the older maps that less people are doing actually became viable again. Not to mention how fun it is to attack things with a plush tank. 

I took the turtle back to the bot today, same buffs, same build everything. 2k dps. It also seems like it is a lot weaker. I found most enemies were knocking me off the turtle in Brisban wildlands near the start of each interaction. This really sucks because the whole reason I got back into the game was for the turtle. But seeing as my lv 50 mesmer can do more with auto attacks it really just makes the turtle this awkward attention grabbing thing. Which really sucks because I like the new jade skin for it. But I'm not going to spend money on something I will see less often than a warclaw in maguma.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yeah, 30k dps on Brisban Wildlands would be absolutely insane, and calling for instant nerf.

I think the OP was hitting 30k DPS on the test golem previously, and is now hitting 2k on the same test golem. They are then saying that they are also getting knocked off the turtle on easy old maps where they would not have before.

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I think what this shows is that it isn't only written feedback that ANet will ignore. I get that removing the cooldown completely even with tier 1 of the Turtle Pilot Booster was probably unintentional, especially as it wasn't documented, but there must be data from the game showing how much more use the turtle was getting/which maps it was getting used in, etc. This was a popular change that hurt no-one, allowed for fun and creative challenges like this, and made sense to coincide with the turtle being easier to obtain and being used in a timed meta event with several siege sections. If we consider the time this bug/buff was active for a playtest, that test was successful and the cooldown should be removed as standard, added as a documented feature to the Pilot Booster, or even moved to the Siege Enhancer so that it has a benefit whether you're piloting or riding the turtle.

It's also in ANet's best interest to buff the turtle. People won't buy premium skins for a mount they don't enjoy using/only use in specific events. The more widely relevant the mount is, and the more fun it is to players, the more it can be monetised in the gem store.

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I mean it WAS absolutely busted with the new tier 3 booster. But it was very fun to be top DPS on a turtle. I wish they found a better middle ground though. Maybe making the attack slightly faster with the booster instead of removing the ability to rapid attack all together.

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With T3 for both Pilot and Booster, I think the cooldown should be removed, and then set cooldowns for T2 and T1. Did make for interesting play on some encounters, 3 sec delay now with offensive and defensive overcharge boosters. Hopefully they will revisit this for a more acceptable middle ground, they giveth and then taketh away the fun.. 😂

Also if you are going to revert it, then at least put it in the release notes. 

Sorry to have confused whoever, don't take it too seriously.. 

Edited by dmone.5631
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19 hours ago, Westenev.5289 said:

Did you use the mount on the same map? I doubt anyone is hitting 30k DPS when scaled down to level 15-25.

17 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yeah, 30k dps on Brisban Wildlands would be absolutely insane, and calling for instant nerf.

Yeah I worded that a bit odd. Using the same golem same character same food, everything the turtle got 30k last week and now gets around 2k due to the lag between attacks and the inability to recharge ammo without running away and running back. When I said Brisban wildlands I meant that while I was killing tendrils there I was getting one shot off the turtle (I think it was doing like 150 in Brisban). Which considering the whole point of it is to be a tank is dissapointing.

The other thing is that Gyala delve is pretty much impossible now. You're supposed to be on your turtle for it, but if you are you are almost guaranteed to fail. every time I've tried, we nearly all get wiped.

It's the most disappointing thing about this dumpster fire of a rebuild, which is saying a lot since I main warrior and scrapper and cannot stand the EoD elite specs.

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