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Arc divider grand master to choose


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That would be weird.

Having a GM dedicated to a single Primal Burst skill would be wasteful. I would personally prefer it drastically changing *all* Primal Bursts on all weapons, but that would also make it even harder to implement, let alone balance for Anet.

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yeah just bring back the 3-hit arc divider, and revert the animation speed.


in fact they should revert the animation speed on headbutt and shield as well. they all make no sense now in today's iteration of the game.


don't know why they decided to revert arc divider to 1 hit, nobody wanted it, everyone loved the skill at 3 hits.


its not the damage, other classes have that damage at no delay and little to no resource investment, with range or enablers. arc divider pales in comparison.


its just a strange decision overall. also the whole reason for the change to 3 hits in the first place was because it was literally arcing slice with burning. now its a worse than arcing slice, it doesn't get the bonus damage from low health and they removed the burning.


they literally made it worse than what it originally was.

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36 minutes ago, eXruina.4956 said:

yeah just bring back the 3-hit arc divider, and revert the animation speed.


in fact they should revert the animation speed on headbutt and shield as well. they all make no sense now in today's iteration of the game.


don't know why they decided to revert arc divider to 1 hit, nobody wanted it, everyone loved the skill at 3 hits.


its not the damage, other classes have that damage at no delay and little to no resource investment, with range or enablers. arc divider pales in comparison.


its just a strange decision overall. also the whole reason for the change to 3 hits in the first place was because it was literally arcing slice with burning. now its a worse than arcing slice, it doesn't get the bonus damage from low health and they removed the burning.


they literally made it worse than what it originally was.

Arc Divider used to be 1.32 coeff, 2.31 coeff on targets under 50%.

Arc Divider does 2.5 coeff all the time now.

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52 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

much lower coefficients in competitive today not just with the coefficient split but also with the blanket power damage nerf and the overabundance of protection and other mitigation. compared to the damage and setting back during HoT days.

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10 hours ago, LaFurion.3167 said:

Make it a grand master trait for berserker to spin 3 times or once. Cos so many people love the old (middle actually) version rather than this new depressing version, and being able to choose between one spin and 3 in pve/pvp would be nice



No. No compromise. Give back the three spins. I'll tell you why by deconstructing your idea.

If you had to choose, which one would you pick? The 3-hit or the slow 1-hit? Of course, I'm sure you'll pick what fits you but here's the problem: you wasted a trait for no reason. Traits should have much general benefits for a class as possible, not just for a niche use.

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There are some significant reasons not to make it a 3-hit quick spinning strikes :

a) every hit can give u a stack of adrenaline which means anet would have to balance either adrenal health and zerker power around it or skill itself around adrenal health or zerker power

b) it probably would be the worst damaging skill of all time if it was sped up and had 3 spinning strikes

c)I know skill was fun however let's be real here we're talking about  something like 1/3rd of a cast time between these 2 versions

Now it may sound that I didn't like and never was a fun of 3-spins arc divider, but the truth is 1 - spin arc divider is just easier to balance and not become awful to deal with in general for other players. 

HOWEVER, I'd gladly make my own proposal - to add into Bloody Roar changes that could be applied to primal bursts - so arc divider would have 2 spins added to this 1 spin ver, gunflame would have an increased boom area, decapitate would have AoE effect rather than  hitting only one person, skull grinder something like range increased (obviously while keeping bloody roar's other things - such as 10% or 20% in pve damage increase and resistance) and other small but maybe meaningfull changes to other primal bursts aswell


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28 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

1 - spin arc divider is just easier to balance and not become awful to deal with in general for other players. 

This is exactly why it was changed and exactly why I'm unhinged about it. There's so much about power zerk that's already underwhelming, and you make it even less flexible, less pleasant to use so people running specs two, three times as strong have an easier time dealing with it?

Power zerk doesnt have the overhead to additionally handhold people that don't dodge.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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6 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Azure The Heartless.3261But why we're assuming that other spec are two three times better ?

Power zerker in particular hasn't had any presence in tournament or metabattle for years, probably dating back to before path of fire. 


In my opinion, because arc divider in comparison to it's core equivalent was much more different meaning that greatsword rework (which I hope will happen because of this change in particular) would have to be balanced around both at the same time.

What rework? Did Anet promise they'd rework greatsword in a way that justifies this at all?

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7 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Azure The Heartless.3261they have no reason to rework this primal burst other than that

There've been so many unreasonable nerfs in this game. Just look at all the boon rip and boon corrupt nerfs in the latest patch. What makes you think this particular nerf has to have a reason?

8 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

a) every hit can give u a stack of adrenaline which means anet would have to balance either adrenal health and zerker power around it or skill itself around adrenal health or zerker power

If Bursts were outstanding abilities, this might have been a reasonable point. But most Bursts aren't, so this point is practically just an empty cicada shell of an excuse. And Adrenal Health doesn't over-perform either.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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@Fueki.4753it surely doesn't overperform on longbow, same with cleansing ire

also boon rip nerfs I believe they tried to make these less oppresive in wvw (which obv is wrong bcuz it still won't make ppl attack each other) and about boon corrupt - I guess u're perma weakness necro enjoyer :I

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49 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

also boon rip nerfs I believe they tried to make these less oppresive in wvw (which obv is wrong bcuz it still won't make ppl attack each other) and about boon corrupt - I guess u're perma weakness necro enjoyer :I

Boon rip wasn't even slightly oppressive in WvW. The already too high boon vomit before the patch made sure of it. They simply nerfed boon rip which didn't need nerfs and increased the boon vomit that didn't need to be increased any further, because they love boons too much and don't want to have any reasonable counter.

And no, I don't enjoy any green profession of any kind.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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@Fueki.4753I know that. But they believe that bubbles created by spellbreaker elite are way too (I guess visually?) oppresive. They obv are doing it so casual players aren't going to stop you know fighting because of big yellow bubble. Now I'm not saying it's a good thing obviously but you wanted a reason why they did it.

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34 minutes ago, kerabera.7046 said:

give us back the 3 spins.

i 'm so tired of all this non-sense changes that nobody asking for.

did they really think it's a good idea to annoy player at 2 months of the launch of an extension ?????

Yes, to make ppl think that the expansion will change anything and prompt them to buy it

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