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PvE Achievements vs WvW Reward Tracks

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19 hours ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

I'm sure this has been discussed to Cantha and back, but on the pve hand you have something that requires a lot of effort and comes with much frustration. It's very lengthy and practically unnecessary in comparison to wvw reward tracks that give the same rewards with, basically, a small time commitment. You don't even have to be good at wvw. You can go there, cap a couple camps for a few hours and then a couple days pass by and you complete the reward track with zero issue - just 6-8 hours of your time capping camps in wvw. 

My question is why is this so lopsided. The pve route requires much skill and patience and knowledge, and gameplay over the course of several pve quests and achievement tracks. Where the wvw route requires very little skill, minimum patience and practically no knowledge of how wvw works, and you only have to enter the maps - you only have to figure out how to cap the closest camps; which can be done solo.

So, as others already said, WvW reward tracks are very different from PvE achievements. Yes, they do have some overlapping rewards, but those are few and far apart. 

You can play solo or with a team and see success in both achievements and reward tracks. It's true that you can do the WvW tracks really easily by yourself without much skill, note that you can even get reward tracks without even engaging in any PvP or objective captures in WvW. 

But that's true for mostPvE achievements as well. If you exclude adventures and races, most other achievements are either about completing events/killing bosses which because this is an MMO you'll rarely be alone which means you can just stand there and auto attack, or they are collections that can easily be solved by a quick search on the wiki. 

The only serious comparison you can make about the tracks and achievements are the Vision - Aurora collections because you can either do them from WvW tracks or achievements. And the achievement route is normally the most tedious. 

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21 hours ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

I'm sure this has been discussed to Cantha and back, but on the pve hand you have something that requires a lot of effort and comes with much frustration. It's very lengthy and practically unnecessary in comparison to wvw reward tracks that give the same rewards with, basically, a small time commitment. You don't even have to be good at wvw. You can go there, cap a couple camps for a few hours and then a couple days pass by and you complete the reward track with zero issue - just 6-8 hours of your time capping camps in wvw. 

My question is why is this so lopsided. The pve route requires much skill and patience and knowledge, and gameplay over the course of several pve quests and achievement tracks. Where the wvw route requires very little skill, minimum patience and practically no knowledge of how wvw works, and you only have to enter the maps - you only have to figure out how to cap the closest camps; which can be done solo.

Everyone have to unlock the reward track from PvE first before they can run the WvW related reward track.  I think WvW need to add more reward tracks like Raid reward track once we've unlocked it. 

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On 7/7/2023 at 6:47 PM, Jianyu.7065 said:

I'm sure this has been discussed to Cantha and back, but on the pve hand you have something that requires a lot of effort and comes with much frustration. It's very lengthy and practically unnecessary in comparison to wvw reward tracks that give the same rewards with, basically, a small time commitment. You don't even have to be good at wvw. You can go there, cap a couple camps for a few hours and then a couple days pass by and you complete the reward track with zero issue - just 6-8 hours of your time capping camps in wvw. 

My question is why is this so lopsided. The pve route requires much skill and patience and knowledge, and gameplay over the course of several pve quests and achievement tracks. Where the wvw route requires very little skill, minimum patience and practically no knowledge of how wvw works, and you only have to enter the maps - you only have to figure out how to cap the closest camps; which can be done solo.

I know This frustration. Have said this many times. No matter the suggestion. 1 (ONE) thing i asked for is coming and thats legendary open world armor. But for me it came too late. My interest in gaming is gone for a big part. Not only guildwars 2 but also call of duty and hearthstone. The only reason i would buy the xpack is because of the pre-order title. That i otherwise would miss. 
The comperison in effort (ratio) is a big fail. As i said before. Legendary armor. Ppl who like wvw can obtain legendary armor with the game mode they like. Same for raiders and pvpers. But open world not. While the game was made for open world in its basic design. But ppl cant imagine others situation and only look at themself. (Ego or selfish) but indeed. For legendary trinket we have to complete ALL ACHIEVEMENTS while wvw just select a different track then normally. It should be like event annual achievements that you can just finish 80% and not 100%  

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On 7/7/2023 at 6:47 PM, Jianyu.7065 said:

I'm sure this has been discussed to Cantha and back, but on the pve hand you have something that requires a lot of effort and comes with much frustration. It's very lengthy and practically unnecessary in comparison to wvw reward tracks that give the same rewards with, basically, a small time commitment. You don't even have to be good at wvw. You can go there, cap a couple camps for a few hours and then a couple days pass by and you complete the reward track with zero issue - just 6-8 hours of your time capping camps in wvw. 

My question is why is this so lopsided. The pve route requires much skill and patience and knowledge, and gameplay over the course of several pve quests and achievement tracks. Where the wvw route requires very little skill, minimum patience and practically no knowledge of how wvw works, and you only have to enter the maps - you only have to figure out how to cap the closest camps; which can be done solo.

The short version is to entice more people to play WvW. There are enough people who play OW PvE but not nearly as many people play WvW. It's one of the reasons I started playing WvW.

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10 minutes ago, Ben K.6238 said:

That, and the number of drops you get from WvW gameplay is a tiny fraction of what you get from PvE meta-events.

Sure for meta-events but I did use WvW tracks especially to get the meta map reward for LS3+4 maps that were needed for Vision and Aurora. If you have to do that in PvE then you'd have to complete the meta achievements for those maps. The meta achievements take a lot longer than the WvW reward track.

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I think what the greater realization about this post is that I never expressed any kind of frustration or negative attitude. Yet, I have been accused of being a certain way or made to look like I think wvw players have it easier or pve players don't have access to things wvw players have open gates to. And all of that has nothing to do with the point I was trying to make - in which my only mistake was not being more specific. 

All in all - I was working along the pve achievement path for the corsair leggings. As I was scanning the achievements I needed to complete to get the reward, I felt like it had already been long and tedious and it was going to be more of the same. While reading the wiki it said I could get them from a wvw reward track. I played wvw shortly when the game first released and had fun but I hadn't played since then so I thought it was as good a time as any to dip my toes back in. After getting a humbling refresher course, I quickly realized that to get the reward I wanted, I could basically just frolic around for a couple hours a day over a few days and passively earn the reward. And it was really passive. After earning said reward I couldn't help but wonder that it was so much more painlessly easier to earn the reward from wvw instead of pve that it just felt silly in comparison. It almost didn't make sense. I instantly thought about what else could I earn this way 🤔

I thought I would come here and post because while I know that the differences between pve and pvp players are a hot and polarizing topic, I thought my post would be off to the side a little bit because I wasn't necessarily criticizing the player but more so the content. I dislike pvp because I have never played a pvp game that didn't come with a toxic environment. And I'm not lumping GW2 into that mindset - it's just what mainly kept me from wanting to experience the pvp element in GW2. To my surprise, while I was anxious at first entering wvw, I realized I didn't have to be good at all or really even try, specifically related to earning the reward. I could literally just shamble around passively and be rewarded - and thats basically what I did. Now, this is MY (not everyones) very real experience and I think it's a very real topic of discussion. While I did engage in some pvp, I didn't really have to, and almost all of it was over quickly because either I was vastly outnumbered or they were vastly outnumbered. Rarely was I engaged 1v1 and when I was it was mostly a dance until one of us left or lost. The pvp element of wvw wasn't competitive or engaging it more or less just felt like a minor consequence that simply slowed you down.

Now you can click the confused and sad emojis if it satisfies you, or you can acuse me of being salty or assume I have an agenda here - whatever. But I meant to have a more productive discussion. I didn't come to insult or praise players based on their preference, so I'm a bit confused why I've been subject to it based on misinterpreted perception. Some of you are projecting.

The point stands in this specific instance and I think its worth considering. It was jokingly much easier for me to earn the corsair leggins from the wvw reward track than the pve achievement path and I'm just wondering why that one thing is so out of balance. Take the players and their egos out of it and we can likely have a productive discussion. 

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The reward tracks were anet throwing a bone to the wvw/pvp community for an update that was 100% pve. In the end if you get the reward that way, you miss out on all the ap associated with doing it the pve method. Ap is more rewarding than a random skin because it adds passive bonuses that makes aquiring xp, gold, rare item, and karma faster.

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55 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

The reward tracks were anet throwing a bone to the wvw/pvp community for an update that was 100% pve. In the end if you get the reward that way, you miss out on all the ap associated with doing it the pve method. Ap is more rewarding than a random skin because it adds passive bonuses that makes aquiring xp, gold, rare item, and karma faster.

Right. But the achievement path can still be done after the reward is earned. I mean, for me anyway - getting the reward is not the endgame, I'm still going to complete the achievement path to continue my AP progress. Sure, I already have the end piece, but you don't need to even complete every part of the achievement path to earn the reward, so still having 10 or so more achievements to complete - does a pve player simply stop there...especially when all you're really getting is AP....it's kinda the same difference.

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20 hours ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

I think what the greater realization about this post is that I never expressed any kind of frustration or negative attitude. Yet, I have been accused of being a certain way or made to look like I think wvw players have it easier or pve players don't have access to things wvw players have open gates to. And all of that has nothing to do with the point I was trying to make - in which my only mistake was not being more specific. 

You need to be careful in here and very specific, otherwise you start the "enmity near time investment located, target expresses disapproval" sub routine of the NPC's. Try a couple more Posts clarifying you are willing to work for the reward, maybe it shuts down that program. Abandoning the Post may be the smarter idea.

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2 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

You need to be careful in here and very specific, otherwise you start the "enmity near time investment located, target expresses disapproval" sub routine of the NPC's. Try a couple more Posts clarifying you are willing to work for the reward, maybe it shuts down that program. Abandoning the Post may be the smarter idea.

I dont think I need to appease the mob here. I made that statement, because while GW2 has a reputation for being a welcoming community, it's forums have slowly seen the infection seep in. But, I think in general that's what you get with game forums. Lots of strongly opinionated people who want to "tell" rather than communicate. 

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7 hours ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

I dont think I need to appease the mob here. I made that statement, because while GW2 has a reputation for being a welcoming community, it's forums have slowly seen the infection seep in. But, I think in general that's what you get with game forums. Lots of strongly opinionated people who want to "tell" rather than communicate. 

In the end, the majority of the people who come to the forums, come here because they are upset about something in the game. So yeah, that makes game forums what they are.

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