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Rifle and Longbow


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13 minutes ago, HeliosMagi.9867 said:

Longbow is used in Condi Berserker builds in PvE and is part of a meta Zerg build in WvW.

And for WvW has the same problem as rifle, it's only played because of the F1 as berserk, everything else sucks.

Yeah, for PvE almost every single weapon works, the slow projectiles and skills still questionable for this weapon.

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Good question,I literally saw a thief dodging my arrows from a certain distance just by moving left and right xD

Riflezerk got wrecked so no more 14k damages from F1.

Warrior was never supposed to have strong range capabilities but with the current nerfs to the warriors melee capabilities I no longer know where to sit xD

New expansion comes,staff warrior which if I have to guess will be some kind of support instead of a Spartan type will possible do some major changes with new traits probably.

Right now warrior is on hold project and only the time will tell if it will be capable again or not.

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4 minutes ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

Why not?

Because if you wish for a ranger type warrior you got the Ranger,I haven't seen ever a single ranged warrior archetype other than Rangers which are supposed to snipe xD
Warriors are melee frontline fighters who either cause havoc in the enemy line or protect the weaker teammates with drawing the attention of the enemy on them.
Now we as warrior don't have any of the above mentioned.No havoc and no defense. not even some proper speed/jump/port to properly get in and out of action.(For example in vanilla WoW you got Charge ,intercept and intervene,I remember when I first used Intervene, my teammates were scarred that I was hacking xD)

Sometimes for fun I use this https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Imminent_Threat   but the range is way too small for PvP but in PvE you can do some nice tanking but this is another topic

If you check any expert level Guild Wars 2 warrior on youtube/tiwtch/tiktok/etc very rare you see any of them with range weapon other than which use the proper builds around them like Condi-longbowzerker and riflezerker.

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55 minutes ago, Gerebos.1065 said:

Because if you wish for a ranger type warrior you got the Ranger,I haven't seen ever a single ranged warrior archetype other than Rangers which are supposed to snipe xD
Warriors are melee frontline fighters who either cause havoc in the enemy line or protect the weaker teammates with drawing the attention of the enemy on them.
Now we as warrior don't have any of the above mentioned.No havoc and no defense. not even some proper speed/jump/port to properly get in and out of action.(For example in vanilla WoW you got Charge ,intercept and intervene,I remember when I first used Intervene, my teammates were scarred that I was hacking xD)

Sometimes for fun I use this https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Imminent_Threat   but the range is way too small for PvP but in PvE you can do some nice tanking but this is another topic

If you check any expert level Guild Wars 2 warrior on youtube/tiwtch/tiktok/etc very rare you see any of them with range weapon other than which use the proper builds around them like Condi-longbowzerker and riflezerker.

Do you think Warrior launched with both Rifle and Longbow as ranged weapon options by accident? Rifle even had the longest range attack in the game with Kill Shot at 1,500. It's literally a sniper shot that forces you to kneel down.

Don't confuse your personal class fantasy of a "Warrior" with the actual class presented in-game. 

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1 hour ago, Gerebos.1065 said:

Good question,I literally saw a thief dodging my arrows from a certain distance just by moving left and right xD

That is just the game being silly. Same is true for most slow moving projectiles. You can do the same to thief's shortbow Auto attacks.

Kill shot is one of the most disappointing skills. That has no business of doing so little damage, in PvE especially. More like Cuddle Shot.

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On 7/15/2023 at 3:28 PM, Zizekent.2398 said:

Why do rifle and longbow has to be the worst ones amongst other classes longbows and rifles?

Slow projectiles, questionable skills, making the skills ammo skills won't fix anything.

Welcome Brother \o/ You have just stumbled across some content that is no longer supported. (Warrior.)

But don't worry, instead of updating any of the skills or traits, or heaven forbid, even giving us a res' trait ANet will continue band-aiding on Minimally-Viable-Product 2H weapons like Gunsaber & Staff!

Please continue to give them your money, or just play Ranger, Guardian, or Revenant. All of which are "better, more updated, versions of Warrior" at this point.

Or better yet, Play a different game.

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15 hours ago, Gerebos.1065 said:

Because if you wish for a ranger type warrior you got the Ranger,I haven't seen ever a single ranged warrior archetype other than Rangers which are supposed to snipe xD

Ranger has never meant "range fighter," it's someone who ranges a land. That's been true since the very beginning of RPG games.
Fighter's also been a better actual archer since basically forever too. 

Also like, the entire point of this game is that each class can cover basically any role/archetype?

Anyways warrior's longbow has quite possibly the slowest projectiles in the game, overall. LB5 has some of the worst tracking in the game for a targeted skill, lol. Pretty disappointing. If not for on-burst traits in spvp and Scorched Earth in wvw zergs it'd be pretty much useless in pvp.

pewpewing fire at people is extremely cool thematically, wish it were more fun of a weapon outside of condi zerk pveing.

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19 hours ago, Gerebos.1065 said:

Because if you wish for a ranger type warrior you got the Ranger,I haven't seen ever a single ranged warrior archetype other than Rangers which are supposed to snipe xD
Warriors are melee frontline fighters who either cause havoc in the enemy line or protect the weaker teammates with drawing the attention of the enemy on them.
Now we as warrior don't have any of the above mentioned.No havoc and no defense. not even some proper speed/jump/port to properly get in and out of action.(For example in vanilla WoW you got Charge ,intercept and intervene,I remember when I first used Intervene, my teammates were scarred that I was hacking xD)

Sometimes for fun I use this https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Imminent_Threat   but the range is way too small for PvP but in PvE you can do some nice tanking but this is another topic

If you check any expert level Guild Wars 2 warrior on youtube/tiwtch/tiktok/etc very rare you see any of them with range weapon other than which use the proper builds around them like Condi-longbowzerker and riflezerker.

I really don't get it, and why do ranger has to be so good when it comes to ranged?

Let me guess, because it's in the name "Range"r?

So, by that logic, "War"rior should be really strong in war things and that includes ranged lol.

Jokes aside, the game says that warrior is the master of weaponry and yes, that includes ranged weapons.


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Hmm I prepared some elaborated answer even for those two above but I don't feel like it worths it xD

The idea is:GW2 is a game and as a game every class must have ups and downs if Warrior would be good with everything the rest of the classes would have no role or need.It's simple as that.(Look at the guardian for example he got it all the pvp and pve is flooded with them.)

So even if warrior got some ranged capabilities won't ever be even close to a class designed for ranged combat but the difference is that for example Ranger got some very viable melee specializations which puts him on par with a warrior but warrior did not got any ranged improvement not in traits and nor in specialization an this is one of the rages of warrior main players because lately every other profession got everything but the warrior is left behind by a lot.

Anyway Anet does not seems concerned about the ranged capabilities of the warrior and without them a forum post won't change a thing on that matter.

Have a nice week all!

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42 minutes ago, Gerebos.1065 said:

Anyway Anet does not seems concerned about the ranged capabilities of the warrior and without them a forum post won't change a thing on that matter.

They literally just buffed Warrior Rifle this last balance patch. I can personally attest that it's still not enough in PVE but Anet definitely is at minimum "concerned about the ranged capabilities of the warrior".

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I suggested some changes in an earlier post.

There are a few problems with warrior rifle:

1. all physical skills are melee (not that big of a problem)

2. #2 rifle skill is way slow and most aa are faster.

3. #5 rifle skill requires you to be in melee range.

4. having ammo on all rifle skills and explosion on #3 skill limits it's use to just bladesworn.

5. Aa is as slow as some utility skills with much much less effect.

6. Kill shot does barely any dmg and the rest of the rifle skills do not have the same range meaning in most situations that you won't move the extra 300 range.

7. barely any core traits even improve these things. Only crack shot (increases aa dmg by a miniscule amount) and a bunch of bladesworn traits

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On 7/17/2023 at 2:17 PM, Gerebos.1065 said:

Hmm I prepared some elaborated answer even for those two above but I don't feel like it worths it xD

The idea is:GW2 is a game and as a game every class must have ups and downs if Warrior would be good with everything the rest of the classes would have no role or need.It's simple as that.(Look at the guardian for example he got it all the pvp and pve is flooded with them.)

So even if warrior got some ranged capabilities won't ever be even close to a class designed for ranged combat but the difference is that for example Ranger got some very viable melee specializations which puts him on par with a warrior but warrior did not got any ranged improvement not in traits and nor in specialization an this is one of the rages of warrior main players because lately every other profession got everything but the warrior is left behind by a lot.

Anyway Anet does not seems concerned about the ranged capabilities of the warrior and without them a forum post won't change a thing on that matter.

Have a nice week all!

So we are stuck with melee in a game that increasingly makes ranged playstyles prefered if not even mandatory in fights?

Dunnow man, either they are either gonna have to increase melee damage to make it worth it or buff ranged builds to make it compatible with the game. And powercreep is already a major issue with the game.

Edited by WingSwipe.3084
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