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New patch note bad typography?

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I don't won't be a monster but whats up with the new patch note typography look like, all over the place diffrent font and size of letters also looks like Guardian is Enginier specialization if u don't know better. Look like copy past from diffrent topic not very profesional. I guess Anet is busy with rushing half of expension.

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1 hour ago, Randulf.7614 said:

The profession categories are in smaller font Vs previous notes. That's it. Not really a big deal

Some classes don’t size  is messed up under Engineer they have Guardian as the same size as the Elite Specs under Engi instead of Guardian being large to show a break to another class, Same with Revenant under Ranger

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2 hours ago, Mic.1897 said:

Any chance you could elaborate on this because I've read it three times and don't understand 

If u look closly u will see the format problem looks like all nots/info where taken from diffrent topic and copy/past to make patch note. Not profesional way. If its hard for anet to format clean good looking text then gl with 20th July update about relic and new expension x.x

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15 hours ago, Silesium.5623 said:

If u look closly u will see the format problem looks like all nots/info where taken from diffrent topic and copy/past to make patch note. Not profesional way. If its hard for anet to format clean good looking text then gl with 20th July update about relic and new expension x.x

I suspect that's exactly what happens - each team or individual submitting changes that will be in the patch write the patch notes for their changes and then one person compiles all the notes and posts them.

I do a similar role in my job, collecting stories for newsletters and other updates, and part of the job is making sure everything is properly formatted but even I think this is a very minor thing to worry about.

Maybe they have to deal with something like I do where one person always treats the word limit as optional or does stupid things like meets a requirement for 'maximum 1 page of text' by putting it all in 7pt font with no paragraph breaks, knowing that just means I have to edit it then they complain I've cut out the wrong bits and we both waste time trying to agree on an edit. After dealing with that I'm much less inclined to worry if Word has once again decided one paragraph should be ever so slightly bigger than the rest. (Or don't have time because we've hit the deadline.)

And no, it doesn't say anything about their ability to do their actual job. The person in my example is an excellent ecologist and one reason they struggle to be brief is they're very enthusiastic about their work. That's why copy editing is a different job (and why 'Science Communication' is a whole profession).

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