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Maybe the Scrapper needs a Class-mechanic for q-scrapper to be nice again?


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In another thread about qscrapper someone said the problem with scrapper is, that it has no class mechanic and I kind of think that’s true. So, I kept thinking about what scrappers mechanic could be. I didn’t really think about it too much in detail. (I did no math on how it would exactly have to work and which numbers are needed)

I think gyros could actually be the scrappers mechanic.

They could permanently replace the toolbelt-skills (let’s call them F1 – F5).

All working in the same way: When you activate a gyro they initially make a ranged AOE-effect, to come back to you and stay there permanently and pulsing some kind of support. The AOE-Effect will always be a kind of combo-finisher

The Deal is: you can have a maximum of 3 gyros in support-position. While u can always use 2 support gyros, the 3rd gyro can be temporally unlocked by „collecting scrap“ (or however it could be called). You collect scrap by executing combo finisher. Let’s say you need 100 scrap, e.g. a Blast finisher will give 20, a leap 10, a whirl 5 and a projectile 2. When you use the 3rd slot it will be locked until you collected 100 scrap again. You will lose scrap when you go ooc.

You Activate your gyro on gyro-slot 1 with clicking the connected button (F1 – F5), slot 2 with double-clicking the connected button, slot 3 with triple clicking. When used the used slot goes to a 20s cooldown. Gyros will pulse min for 20s, max till you get ooc. When a Slot gets out of cooldown the used Gyro can be overwritten.

The gyros could be:

F1: Shredder, AOE-Effekt: high Dmg, finisher 6x Whirl, Pulse: Swiftness

F2: Bulwark; AOE-effect: Stunbreak + some dmg, finisher: Leap to every ally or damaged foe in radius (max 5), pulse: Barrier

F3: Blast, AOE-effect: Stun+ some dmg, finisher: Blast, pulse: might

F4: Purge, AOE-Effect: Cleanse 2-3 conditions, finisher leap to every ally cleaned of condition, pulse: clean condition

F5: Special, AOE-Effect: x% reviving/ stomp, finisher: Blast, pulse: small healing (extra % reviving to downed ally), special: when reviving some1 it will not come back to you unless player is revived/ dead

Your skills will be wells around you, made by your function gyro. Wells are all combo fields.

Heal: Heal well => like medic gyro (water field)

Defense well => like Defense field (light field)

Poison well => poison field pulsing poison (poison field)

Fire well => fire field pulsing burning damage (fire field)

Offense Well => like spare capacitor (lightning field)

Elite:  Stealth well => like sneak gyro

For the traits there should be 3 new Grandmasters:
for support/healer: Now your gyro will go on cooldown instead of the Gyro slot. Gyros now give quickness on activation and on pulse.

For pdps: when activating a gyro you get 5s of 10% extra dmg

For cdps: finishing a combo-field will now cast damage conditions on enemies: projectile: bleed, whirl+leap: poison, blast burn. When activating a gyro, the gyro and for 5s every combo-fisher will interact with all your combo fields on the floor. (cooldown 10s)

Impact savant should give you 5% of your outgoing healing as barrier too, I felt like scrapper should be a little better at self-sustain there. (As a healer, its awesome with power-damage ofc)

For the master traits:

Replace rapid regeneration:

Gyros give extra support

F1: Shredder; initial: 6 extra whirl-finisher; pulse vigor

F2: Bulwark; AOE-effect: initial 1 stack of stability; more barrier on pulse

F3: Blast, AOE-effect: initial few stacks might, fury on pulse

F4: Purge, AOE-Effect: conditions get converted to boons

F5: Special, AOE-Effect: stronger reviving, resolution on pulse

The other 2 Master traits can stay (also minor)

For adept:

Replace mass momentum with:

When you have more then 80 Scrap your gyros recharge 20% faster

And system shocker on 3 gyros might be a lil over the top, so make it work with any gyro but a reasonable internal cd I guess

Gyroscopic acceleration can stay.

What is this aimed at?

AS support/ heal this should be balanced as high utility and Decent heal/ Dps. (Somewhat like it was)

As a pdps this should be decent dps with some utility and good survivability. (Somewhat like it was)

As a cpds there should be a range. Decent dps to play in general, while high dps when you play it with many kits. (which will make it harder ofc) U probably will use all gyros and utility-skills for dps output so low utility and rather low survivability (since less barrier via pdps)

I liked scrapper, as it was easy to play, while doing its job. It just felt great to play, but still wasn’t op. I´d hope to get this feeling back, with a concept like this. On the other hand making use of combos was not a bad idea I think. The Idea above was aimed at resembling the scrapper as it was, while including a class mechanic, which again includes the special use for combos. Mostly a decent class that can do the job with a good easy of use.

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9 minutes ago, Jerus.4350 said:

Still is.

But they failed to address the problem which they said they want to address, which has been that we had specific skills forced into our builds which was restricting build options.

All they did was changing the type of skills you get forced into your build. Instead of gyros forced onto us, we have fields and blast/leap finishers forced into our builds.

Other classes have the boon generation tied to their class mechanic which they get for free, therefore there are no skills "forced into their skill bar". Because these skills were never a choice in the first place, they are just there. Like the druid celestial avatar skills, or bladesworn dragon trigger, or deadeye and their mark mechanic, or untamed and their ambush skills, etc.

If they want to free up our build choices, they would also have to tie the quickness output to a mechanic we get for free for picking scrapper.

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46 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

But they failed to address the problem which they said they want to address, which has been that we had specific skills forced into our builds which was restricting build options.

All they did was changing the type of skills you get forced into your build. Instead of gyros forced onto us, we have fields and blast/leap finishers forced into our builds.

Other classes have the boon generation tied to their class mechanic which they get for free, therefore there are no skills "forced into their skill bar". Because these skills were never a choice in the first place, they are just there. Like the druid celestial avatar skills, or bladesworn dragon trigger, or deadeye and their mark mechanic, or untamed and their ambush skills, etc.

If they want to free up our build choices, they would also have to tie the quickness output to a mechanic we get for free for picking scrapper.

You mean like a double leap  and combo field that is built into the scrapper hammer? After that we have a plethora of options and we can overcap past 200% uptime.  

We also went from typically taking 3 (sometimes more) specific skills to being really incentivized to take one specific utility skill (throw mine for power, flamethrower for condi).  But we still have options (medkit5, heal turret, acid bomb, blast gyro, rifle turret, and that’s not all, just the better Dps options).

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6 hours ago, Jerus.4350 said:

Still is.

Completely agree, its more than fine, its effective and far more interesting than gyro spam was - This is mostly mechanists looking to pollute the rest of the profession into the snorefest they just abandoned with the recent mechanical genius changes.

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8 hours ago, Endaris.1452 said:

Any idea that removes toolbelts from core skills is just going to completely mess with class balancing and build options. We've seen this on Mechanist, we definitely don't need that on scrapper as well.

Didnt know that. Still they should have figuered how to handle this by now i guess.

7 hours ago, Noxin.9276 said:

Completely agree, its more than fine, its effective and far more interesting than gyro spam was - This is mostly mechanists looking to pollute the rest of the profession into the snorefest they just abandoned with the recent mechanical genius changes.

i think to a certain degree we see it the same way. I get that u might like scrapper (and maybe mech too) more challenging. Me on the other hand, i dont want to put too much afford into it, but still wann be able too do most things (no raids or any cms, just t4 and nm strikes, stuff like that) with a somewhat decent class. (ofc it musnt be the most powerful build, no question) There should be place for both types in the game.

Scrapper was buidl in a way it could to the job, whie being easy and fun. So as it was it attracted the people that like this playstyle. Considering that situation I think changing that actually is bad decision making. In consequence ppl might turn their back on the class/role and you end up with ppl playing less support. Wont kill the game no question but it will be in a worse place then before.

If they need more challenging support chars... they just remade several elite specs... do it with them. Challenging and rewarding, im fine with that. But let my Scrapper stay fun.

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Data prove that scrapper players are in a big decrease numbers after the patch (for endgame content , i don't know about wvw or pvp , but you don't give quickness in those modes so...) , so maybe some of you are happy with the change , but mainstream is not , anyway as a scrapper quick dps what other utility did you use ? still a gyro , and the detonate mine instead of blast gyro , so what was the point of reducing blast gyro cd ? now while you were keeping your aoe combo field for cc you use them off cd to put quickness , put the off cd somewhere else, it's called just moving a problem to another place , but here it seems to be in a real bad place.

Anet had a tunneled vision of this patch , every alacrity and quickness source need to be with the class mechanic ! ohhh too bad scrapper has no class mechanic (i don't count the f5 thats too poor to be a class mech) , so thats why we are here with that cluncky mechanic , meanwhile we have rev spitting and vomitting out might and quickness with 0 Bd with 1 button press every 10 secs... data proves again revs (especially herald) are more and more played almost doubles in % for raids and strikes countrary of the scrapper whose numbers are below 2% more than 2 times less than before the patch.

Personnaly it was my favorite offensiv tank for raids (due to high barrier uptime) but now i just use it to speed Desmina on the river of souls , but i agree i left scrapper also because herald is such a beast now.

Some class were leftover and some shine again , not everything can be equal i guess .

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Personnaly it was my favorite offensiv tank for raids

i'm using it as qheal tank for w1-w7 right now, after all that buffs 😄

i plan to hard carry with it on cm fractals/strikes, but need get proficient in them first


Data prove that scrapper players are in a big decrease numbers after the patch

Thats not mean class by itself isint good, you can look on ele low player number, even tho tempest/cataclist are on top dps bench


Scrapper is now a bit more dificult for ppl that are not experienced in it, but in same time more rewarding in boons 

as qdps scrappeer now your using skills for quickness that you normaly use for dps, so it's kinda 2in1, thay made your utylites free to pick, as most engineer skills are combo field or blast

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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I had a similer thought like this and made a post about it but idk where that post is now. My idea was to make Function Gyro as a active Gyro type pet that keeps pulsing boons in combat & does dmg in a 240 radius AOE around us and the tool belt skills to be replaced by a charge meter like warrior/necro has so that everytime the charge is build up, we could use function gyro's ultimate attack! (btw, Function gyro is always hovering on our right shoulder if you look closely but does nothing)

Also giving scrapper weapon swap ability! This was my idea.

This is how i want Function Gyro's Ultimate to look like.


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On 8/4/2023 at 7:54 PM, Wurzy.5182 said:

I think gyros could actually be the scrappers mechanic.


They could permanently replace the toolbelt-skills (let’s call them F1 – F5).


3 years ago I would have agreed. But Mechanist came out since, and it really showed me what happens, when you take away the toolbelt skills. The utility choices become extremely limited, because some skill are just horrible, without their toolbelt skill.


On 8/7/2023 at 4:04 AM, August.5934 said:

My idea was to make Function Gyro as a active Gyro type pet that keeps pulsing boons in combat & does dmg in a 240 radius

We used to have Gyro pets, that used to follow the Engineer. It was horrible. The less a spec has to rely on AI, the better it is.


On 8/7/2023 at 4:04 AM, August.5934 said:

btw, Function gyro is always hovering on our right shoulder if you look closely but does nothing

It disappears when you use it, and only reappers, when you can use it again. It's mostly an RP thing, but it indicates when the skill is up.

Offtopic/side note: I like how every topic about Scrapper becomes an arguing ground about the Quick Scrapper changes. The change was horrible, but it did bring me content at least.🍿

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If I remember right I believe Scrapper had a unique mechanic in their original design during their development stage which we saw a bit of it in the HoT Announcement Trailer but it was changed to what we got in HoT release due to unknown reasons.

Edited by EdwinLi.1284
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9 hours ago, wasss.1208 said:

We used to have Gyro pets, that used to follow the Engineer. It was horrible. The less a spec has to rely on AI, the better it is.

no it wouldn't! We already have Function Gyro following us around all the time. if you look closely, he always hovers above your right shoulder. It's like it is attached to you. So making him do the work instead of just keep hovering isn't a bad idea. Think of it like a Herald's Signet that pulses boons and will also deals small AOE damage every sec 240 radius around us. The only time i am against AI is when it has it's own body to move around. i.e: Mechanist's Robot & Ranger's pets.


9 hours ago, wasss.1208 said:

It disappears when you use it, and only reappers, when you can use it again. It's mostly an RP thing, but it indicates when the skill is up.

makes totally sense, the skill function gyro could also work like it's ultimate Skill, since that's how signets also works, It's passive is gone if you use it and when u put it on CD.


4 hours ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

If I remember right I believe Scrapper had a unique mechanic in their original design during their development stage which we saw a bit of it in the HoT Announcement Trailer but it was changed to what we got in HoT release due to unknown reasons.

I would like to know what changed, would u tell me please.

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9 hours ago, August.5934 said:

I would like to know what changed, would u tell me please.

scrappers used to be able to press F when targeting a downed ally/enemy and resurrect/finish them from 1000 unit range while still retaining F5 toolbelt.

it was later changed into the F5 we all know today.

Edited by Luche Lenardon.4951
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45 minutes ago, August.5934 said:

So guys, after carefully looking at my own idea like 100th time, i realized that our elite skill has no Toolbelt skills! 😳

they removed it after scrapper reworks years ago in the past. Scrapper used to have normal engi F5 before it was changed into AoE function Gyro.

Edited by Luche Lenardon.4951
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20 hours ago, Luche Lenardon.4951 said:

scrappers used to be able to press F when targeting a downed ally/enemy and resurrect/finish them from 1000 unit range while still retaining F5 toolbelt.

it was later changed into the F5 we all know today.

not to mention we see in the trailer the Scrapper was using the drones differently than they started in hoT. 

We can see the Drone hovering around the scrapper for some kind of unknown function we never got on full release since it was just development stage Scrapper being shown.

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On 8/4/2023 at 9:54 AM, Wurzy.5182 said:

In another thread about qscrapper someone said the problem with scrapper is, that it has no class mechanic and I kind of think that’s true. So, I kept thinking about what scrappers mechanic could be. I didn’t really think about it too much in detail. (I did no math on how it would exactly have to work and which numbers are needed)


I think gyros could actually be the scrappers mechanic.


They could permanently replace the toolbelt-skills (let’s call them F1 – F5).


All working in the same way: When you activate a gyro they initially make a ranged AOE-effect, to come back to you and stay there permanently and pulsing some kind of support. The AOE-Effect will always be a kind of combo-finisher


The Deal is: you can have a maximum of 3 gyros in support-position. While u can always use 2 support gyros, the 3rd gyro can be temporally unlocked by „collecting scrap“ (or however it could be called). You collect scrap by executing combo finisher. Let’s say you need 100 scrap, e.g. a Blast finisher will give 20, a leap 10, a whirl 5 and a projectile 2. When you use the 3rd slot it will be locked until you collected 100 scrap again. You will lose scrap when you go ooc.


You Activate your gyro on gyro-slot 1 with clicking the connected button (F1 – F5), slot 2 with double-clicking the connected button, slot 3 with triple clicking. When used the used slot goes to a 20s cooldown. Gyros will pulse min for 20s, max till you get ooc. When a Slot gets out of cooldown the used Gyro can be overwritten.


The gyros could be:


F1: Shredder, AOE-Effekt: high Dmg, finisher 6x Whirl, Pulse: Swiftness


F2: Bulwark; AOE-effect: Stunbreak + some dmg, finisher: Leap to every ally or damaged foe in radius (max 5), pulse: Barrier


F3: Blast, AOE-effect: Stun+ some dmg, finisher: Blast, pulse: might


F4: Purge, AOE-Effect: Cleanse 2-3 conditions, finisher leap to every ally cleaned of condition, pulse: clean condition


F5: Special, AOE-Effect: x% reviving/ stomp, finisher: Blast, pulse: small healing (extra % reviving to downed ally), special: when reviving some1 it will not come back to you unless player is revived/ dead


Your skills will be wells around you, made by your function gyro. Wells are all combo fields.


Heal: Heal well => like medic gyro (water field)


Defense well => like Defense field (light field)


Poison well => poison field pulsing poison (poison field)


Fire well => fire field pulsing burning damage (fire field)


Offense Well => like spare capacitor (lightning field)


Elite:  Stealth well => like sneak gyro


For the traits there should be 3 new Grandmasters:
for support/healer: Now your gyro will go on cooldown instead of the Gyro slot. Gyros now give quickness on activation and on pulse.


For pdps: when activating a gyro you get 5s of 10% extra dmg


For cdps: finishing a combo-field will now cast damage conditions on enemies: projectile: bleed, whirl+leap: poison, blast burn. When activating a gyro, the gyro and for 5s every combo-fisher will interact with all your combo fields on the floor. (cooldown 10s)


Impact savant should give you 5% of your outgoing healing as barrier too, I felt like scrapper should be a little better at self-sustain there. (As a healer, its awesome with power-damage ofc)


For the master traits:


Replace rapid regeneration:


Gyros give extra support


F1: Shredder; initial: 6 extra whirl-finisher; pulse vigor


F2: Bulwark; AOE-effect: initial 1 stack of stability; more barrier on pulse


F3: Blast, AOE-effect: initial few stacks might, fury on pulse


F4: Purge, AOE-Effect: conditions get converted to boons


F5: Special, AOE-Effect: stronger reviving, resolution on pulse

The other 2 Master traits can stay (also minor)

For adept:


Replace mass momentum with:


When you have more then 80 Scrap your gyros recharge 20% faster


And system shocker on 3 gyros might be a lil over the top, so make it work with any gyro but a reasonable internal cd I guess


Gyroscopic acceleration can stay.


What is this aimed at?


AS support/ heal this should be balanced as high utility and Decent heal/ Dps. (Somewhat like it was)


As a pdps this should be decent dps with some utility and good survivability. (Somewhat like it was)


As a cpds there should be a range. Decent dps to play in general, while high dps when you play it with many kits. (which will make it harder ofc) U probably will use all gyros and utility-skills for dps output so low utility and rather low survivability (since less barrier via pdps)


I liked scrapper, as it was easy to play, while doing its job. It just felt great to play, but still wasn’t op. I´d hope to get this feeling back, with a concept like this. On the other hand making use of combos was not a bad idea I think. The Idea above was aimed at resembling the scrapper as it was, while including a class mechanic, which again includes the special use for combos. Mostly a decent class that can do the job with a good easy of use.

So... kind of like catalyst?

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16 hours ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

not to mention we see in the trailer the Scrapper was using the drones differently than they started in hoT. 

We can see the Drone hovering around the scrapper for some kind of unknown function we never got on full release since it was just development stage Scrapper being shown.

The 1st iteration of every gyros were not Well skills that follow you, but pet-summon-to-do-something skill, like guardian's Spirit Weapon and Renegade's Kalla Legend stance., They're pretty much scrappers commanding the small gyro that fly over their shoulder to do something for a duration, they then became targetable units with health and no defiance bar... so they are very, very, prone to any kind of CC, which was very much the most complained of the skills at the time.

Shredder and Purge used to summon gyro to spin/cleanse at target location. If they were CC or/and killed before the duration ended, they're instantly explode, doing ignorable damage

Blast used to summon a bomb-attached gyro at YOUR location, it then ran toward your target at the speed of OOC character in swiftness.... and yes it had pathing issues like every pets in the game. not to count that ANY cc will disable it and make it exploded at lower damage with no stun at all.

The best out of the bunch was Bulwark Gyro since it took 33% damage on behalf of 5 allies in its AoE, it tends to die very fast tho since its HP is very limit.

Edit : Forgot to mention Sneak, it summoned a VISIBLE gyro that follow scrappers around and grant stealth in AoE. it used to have a very big duration, like 30s stealth, but the gyro flew slower than players with swiftness and have a bit of delay on following scrappers' location so you ended up walking > pause for gyro to follow > walk when using it in most contents. It was also useless in PvP/WvW because, you know, enemy could see the fricking gyro

and oh, when any gyro was on the field, the small one on your shoulder vanished, very cool role-play design on that.

Now a day, it's you small gyro on the shoulder doing everything in a circle around you.

Edited by Luche Lenardon.4951
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18 hours ago, Luche Lenardon.4951 said:

The 1st iteration of every gyros were not Well skills that follow you, but pet-summon-to-do-something skill, like guardian's Spirit Weapon and Renegade's Kalla Legend stance., They're pretty much scrappers commanding the small gyro that fly over their shoulder to do something for a duration, they then became targetable units with health and no defiance bar... so they are very, very, prone to any kind of CC, which was very much the most complained of the skills at the time.

Shredder and Purge used to summon gyro to spin/cleanse at target location. If they were CC or/and killed before the duration ended, they're instantly explode, doing ignorable damage

Blast used to summon a bomb-attached gyro at YOUR location, it then ran toward your target at the speed of OOC character in swiftness.... and yes it had pathing issues like every pets in the game. not to count that ANY cc will disable it and make it exploded at lower damage with no stun at all.

The best out of the bunch was Bulwark Gyro since it took 33% damage on behalf of 5 allies in its AoE, it tends to die very fast tho since its HP is very limit.

Edit : Forgot to mention Sneak, it summoned a VISIBLE gyro that follow scrappers around and grant stealth in AoE. it used to have a very big duration, like 30s stealth, but the gyro flew slower than players with swiftness and have a bit of delay on following scrappers' location so you ended up walking > pause for gyro to follow > walk when using it in most contents. It was also useless in PvP/WvW because, you know, enemy could see the fricking gyro

and oh, when any gyro was on the field, the small one on your shoulder vanished, very cool role-play design on that.

Now a day, it's you small gyro on the shoulder doing everything in a circle around you.

I know that since I played GW2 since day one even played on day one of HoT.

I am talking about the Announcement trailer which had the Gyros function much differently from how we got it during the early days of HoT when it was just minions. 

Scrapper, from the announcement trailer, appeared to have a much different function than the Minion summon function it had on HoT release where the Gyros will hover around the Scrapper instead but it was changed at some point during development before release to what we got in HoT. What the original Alpha development function of Gyros was we will never know due to how it was changed during development.


Edited by EdwinLi.1284
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3 hours ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

I am talking about the Announcement trailer which had the Gyros function much differently from how we got it during the early days of HoT when it was just minions.

sadly we won't ever know what it was at the time.

btw would you mind pointing the time lapse where they show the alpha gyro?, I'm really interested in seeing it, but I can't gind when it was shown in the vid.

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3 hours ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

I know that since I played GW2 since day one even played on day one of HoT.

I am talking about the Announcement trailer which had the Gyros function much differently from how we got it during the early days of HoT when it was just minions. 

Scrapper, from the announcement trailer, appeared to have a much different function than the Minion summon function it had on HoT release where the Gyros will hover around the Scrapper instead but it was changed at some point during development before release to what we got in HoT. What the original Alpha development function of Gyros was we will never know due to how it was changed during development.


i don't see any thing about scrapper. I saw scrapper using bulwark gryro, blast gyro & torpedo gryo at once and then used rocket charge.

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On 8/12/2023 at 6:56 AM, EdwinLi.1284 said:

I know that since I played GW2 since day one even played on day one of HoT.

I am talking about the Announcement trailer which had the Gyros function much differently from how we got it during the early days of HoT when it was just minions. 

Scrapper, from the announcement trailer, appeared to have a much different function than the Minion summon function it had on HoT release where the Gyros will hover around the Scrapper instead but it was changed at some point during development before release to what we got in HoT. What the original Alpha development function of Gyros was we will never know due to how it was changed during development.


I think scrapper was also initially supposed to have some kind of resource management.

In the blog post in which they advertised scrapper for the first time, they specifically mention that gyros will have fuel and if said fuel is running out, they will explode. Then we got shown the minion gyros and the fuel was literally just an icon on the gyro which showed the duration the gyro does it's thing until exploding.

I also believe scrapper might have been an early concept of the heat system of the holosmith. Fuel and the fiery animation of rocket charge makes me think that the class wasn't supposed to have the electrical theme it has now, but was supposed to work with flames and explosions initially.

Rocket charge just sticks out like a sore thumb in the hammer kit. All other skills have the electrical theme, except rocket charge. I think they just kept this skill with an explosive theme because they already presented it to the players and therefore HAD to keep it.

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