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The Solo-Q crisis


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Why are duoQ's allowed to play against soloQ? It's literally just not fair. That's the short of it.

I know the obvious answer is that I should just find a partner and sometimes I do. But I don't want to HAVE to.  I would gladly sacrifice the ability to party up if it meant I could guarantee I wasn't playing against premades. There's nothing worse than loading into a match with two players that have matching names and just getting demolished with no chance because they were able to coordinate on a level that I wasn't.

I don't have the data, but if ~85% of the population is soloQ only, why should we tolerate duoQ at all? It just distorts games and soils the integrity of the leaderboard. In fact, I would imagine that some high level players make money by carrying other people to give them titles. This abuse literally isn't fair. It shouldn't be possible. You could just pay someone to carry you, or coordinate to share boons, or whatever. It's just not the same game. SoloQ is a completely different game than duoQ, in fact it's so different that it's unbelievable that they share a leaderboard. A duoQ win is a massive handicap, and is an entirely different experience than soloQ win because they are controlling a massive variable that other players aren't. It's literally just not fair that ~85% of the population is totally subjugated to the organized minority.

DuoQ needs to be banished to unranked only. It's that poisonous. In fact I'm totally heated and upset that ANet has let it get this bad, or that they ever thought it was a good idea.


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we been asking for that since 2018, actually before, 2018 it was when I started playing, before that they have removed duo q and from what I heard the QQ was insane.

that was an official threads and  the alt accounts came into play to manipulate the results.

there were also "pros" saying they would quit the game if duo q was removed

good thing is, it's confirmed that you can exploit with duo q to get god of arena being a gold 3/plat 1 player, you just need nearly 24h free to play and some alt accounts to q snipe ppl that are higher than you in ranked and afk when you are in their team, even if they win against you, everytime they lose they gonna have to play at least 3 games to make up for the loss.

Edited by Khalisto.5780
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6 hours ago, gkoogz.3089 said:

In fact, I would imagine that some high level players make money by carrying other people to give them titles.

nope, they just account share and play on the account of whoever is paying for it, or they start a new account farm the title and RMT the account after that.

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Ben P knew DuoQ was a terrible idea for PvP and for any competitive game because it isn't competitive, it's an advantage. That's why it was restricted past 1600 rating in season 9 and the only people upset about it were the wintraders who no longer had a way to reliably win 80-100% of their games with minimal effort. Then they took to crying for 4 seasons straight, threatening to quit if DuoQ wasn't added back, yet still playing I should note.

Eventually Ben P caved because Arenanet not so secretly supports the wintraders, and added DuoQ back in without any restrictions. It hasn't changed since because CmC and Grouch have thus far, totally ignored everything that isn't profession balance(which I'm sure they've totally mastered by this point and aren't just throwing dung at the wall, hoping it sticks.)

It's been 25 seasons of this; over 5 real life years. It's safe to say they don't care. Not wasting another dime or moment of time until this game-killer gets addressed, and I don't care if that makes me like the wintraders. It worked for them after all.

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they need to redo the entire MMR and ranking system tbh, I won my first 6 games during placement matches and i'm fairly sure the game thought I was upper gold, so I ended up with a bunch of mfers who did all kinds of kitten I never seen before. short story they all got upset.

like fr it's nonsense that i'm in g1 this being my first conquest ranked season(I hit level 20 right before the 3v3 season started). this kitten is frustrating for literally everyone involved, me absolutely not having a good time ending up with players with years of experience and meanwhile I don't even know the names of these classes let alone what they actually do. it's bs and should really be changed, and tbh if you moved ascended shards of glory to unranked then people can simply play that to get some rewards, leave the titles for the competetive pvp'rs.

as a new player this entire system is just horrible to get into, and it's not just horrible for new players. i'm not the kittening type to go find out what the meta is, I just wanna play what is fun bro and get some rewards out of it in the long term, and only in ranked you can get some decent kitten out of it. 

do something, i'd say move ascended shards to unranked, so people who want to farm their skins in peace can do so without being an obstruction to competitive ranked players.

Edited by atshadow.8695
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47 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

u post like 50 times a day tho

clearly that's not true

You've got some imagination and capacity to exaggerate the truth when it's publicly visible on my forum profile.

That imagination will do you well though. Should put it towards pretending you're playing a better game or pretending you have an actual point to make. 

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how comical. I remember you @Multicolorhipster.9751 telling me that rating new players at 1200 is not an issue, and not something that should be focused on. I believe you said:

"You've got way too much faith in the broken matchmaking and you couldn't be more wrong if you tried. When there's only a couple hundred people playing; even less at any given time, matchmaking might as well not even exist."

well, seems you're completely wrong. look at the experience of this new player:

58 minutes ago, atshadow.8695 said:

they need to redo the entire MMR and ranking system tbh, I won my first 6 games during placement matches and i'm fairly sure the game thought I was upper gold, so I ended up with a bunch of mfers who did all kinds of kitten I never seen before. short story they all got upset.

like fr it's nonsense that i'm in g1 this being my first conquest ranked season(I hit level 20 right before the 3v3 season started). this kitten is frustrating for literally everyone involved, me absolutely not having a good time ending up with players with years of experience and meanwhile I don't even know the names of these classes let alone what they actually do. it's bs and should really be changed, and tbh if you moved ascended shards of glory to unranked then people can simply play that to get some rewards, leave the titles for the competetive pvp'rs.

as a new player this entire system is just horrible to get into, and it's not just horrible for new players. i'm not the kittening type to go find out what the meta is, I just wanna play what is fun bro and get some rewards out of it in the long term, and only in ranked you can get some decent kitten out of it. 

do something, i'd say move ascended shards to unranked, so people who want to farm their skins in peace can do so without being an obstruction to competitive ranked players.

this is exactly what I'm talking about. this person is new & keen to pvp, but having to get play in gold is ruining their experience & they are getting flamed. this is happening to every new player to pvp, except most of them don't post about it they just quit.

removing duo or locking it after 1600 rating won't solve anything for the new peepos. the starting rating needs to be bronze, not gold. new player shouldn't have their first experience being farmed & flamed by jaded vet players. no wonder this mode never grows in pop. it's designed to make new players quit.

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18 minutes ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

how comical. I remember you @Multicolorhipster.9751 telling me that rating new players at 1200 is not an issue, and not something that should be focused on. I believe you said:

"You've got way too much faith in the broken matchmaking and you couldn't be more wrong if you tried. When there's only a couple hundred people playing; even less at any given time, matchmaking might as well not even exist."

well, seems you're completely wrong. look at the experience of this new player:

To clarify, I said rating doesn't matter whatsoever so long as the population is as low as it is, which I further explained in that post and you omitted so now I'll explain again.

It doesn't matter what rating they are when the population is so low that matchmaking is made totally random. Matchmaking for a 1200 rating player starts at 1200 rating, and that goes higher or lower depending  on how long they stay in queue, so a 1600 rating player could just as easily get into a game with that 1200 rating player simply because there's hardly anyone for that 1200 rating player to be matched against evenly, and for the 1600 rating player, even less so, as the plat population has been whittled down to only a small handful of players over the past few years.

You could make everyone start at bronze every season and it would be no different. In fact, starting everyone in and around the same exact rating would only substantiate the issue of people getting matched against other players that they neither want nor deserve to be matched against because then the matchmaker doesn't even have to wait to start matching people of wildly different skill levels against eachother when they're all in and around the same MMR. It's also a big middle digit to veteran players who would be forced to grind even more, and against players of much lower experience, just to slowly earn back the rating they rightfully earned.

18 minutes ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

removing duo or locking it after 1600 rating won't solve anything for the new peepos. the starting rating needs to be bronze, not gold. new player shouldn't have their first experience being farmed & flamed by jaded vet players. no wonder this mode never grows in pop. it's designed to make new players quit.

DuoQ makes matchmaking so much worse, and is absolutely an issue for new players and old heads alike. I can agree, it shouldn't be locked behind a rating threshold, it should just not exist. Period. Or, if that's too much for the delicate sensibilities of players that need help to accomplish what the majority of players can do on their own, then they could split the queues into both solos and teams as other competitive games have done.

DuoQ in this game uses an average of the 2 player's ratings when matchmaking and there is no restriction on how far apart two players can be in rating to queue together. This means a 1600 rating player queued up with a 1200 rating account has an effective MMR of 1400(gold3) and they can roll over players in and around that division like it's nothing.

Couple that with the fact that 2v1 is inherently unfair, especially so to new players trying to learn the game, and it becomes evident that DuoQ is the issue. I don't say that to spite newbies, I say that because DuoQ is most oppressive to those new players, and it exists so that the 'jaded vet players' you speak of can mindlessly farm them without challenge.


I hoped that helped to clarify. God bless you, and kitten DuoQ 🧑‍🤝‍🧑👉🚪 

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Anet, solo que = ranked with a low population. 


If your game has a high population, which it does not, then duo q would be more viable. Running solo que at a high rating is rating suicide because there is duoq and you will be matched against a high rated duoq at like 1530+, guaranteed, and because the game is low population the people that will get top spots know that the only way to get rating is to farm the weaker players and the ones that just want to get stoned and game. 

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This kind of brings up a memory. Remember the time Anet did a straw poll whether or not class swapping pre-match should be allowed or not? 58% was in favor of class swapping prior to game start...

Now after the fact... I wonder how many top players simply made/used alt accounts to vote on the forums in favor of class swapping. I guarantee you the majority of players between Bronze and Gold2 don't multiclass. 

Anyways. I'm surprised Anet doesn't feel embarrassed for having their Chicken tenders in the hands of these top pvp players for literally years lol. They might as well release a statement that says, "yeah we don't know how to handle the situation uh... stop paying them for titles I guess idk."

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It isn't fair and Guild Wars 1 didn't allow it because it's very obviously not fair, we had full premade team pvp modes and full solo player team pvp modes there that ran all the time. Never had to take a 2 week break when your mode wasn't running and never had to worry about your full solo player team versing an organized premade team, no idea why they let it happen here...

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On 8/11/2023 at 9:18 AM, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

To clarify, I said rating doesn't matter whatsoever so long as the population is as low as it is, which I further explained in that post and you omitted so now I'll explain again.

It doesn't matter what rating they are when the population is so low that matchmaking is made totally random. Matchmaking for a 1200 rating player starts at 1200 rating, and that goes higher or lower depending  on how long they stay in queue, so a 1600 rating player could just as easily get into a game with that 1200 rating player simply because there's hardly anyone for that 1200 rating player to be matched against evenly, and for the 1600 rating player, even less so, as the plat population has been whittled down to only a small handful of players over the past few years.

You could make everyone start at bronze every season and it would be no different. In fact, starting everyone in and around the same exact rating would only substantiate the issue of people getting matched against other players that they neither want nor deserve to be matched against because then the matchmaker doesn't even have to wait to start matching people of wildly different skill levels against eachother when they're all in and around the same MMR. It's also a big middle digit to veteran players who would be forced to grind even more, and against players of much lower experience, just to slowly earn back the rating they rightfully earned.

DuoQ makes matchmaking so much worse, and is absolutely an issue for new players and old heads alike. I can agree, it shouldn't be locked behind a rating threshold, it should just not exist. Period. Or, if that's too much for the delicate sensibilities of players that need help to accomplish what the majority of players can do on their own, then they could split the queues into both solos and teams as other competitive games have done.

DuoQ in this game uses an average of the 2 player's ratings when matchmaking and there is no restriction on how far apart two players can be in rating to queue together. This means a 1600 rating player queued up with a 1200 rating account has an effective MMR of 1400(gold3) and they can roll over players in and around that division like it's nothing.

Couple that with the fact that 2v1 is inherently unfair, especially so to new players trying to learn the game, and it becomes evident that DuoQ is the issue. I don't say that to spite newbies, I say that because DuoQ is most oppressive to those new players, and it exists so that the 'jaded vet players' you speak of can mindlessly farm them without challenge.


I hoped that helped to clarify. God bless you, and kitten DuoQ 🧑‍🤝‍🧑👉🚪 

this is such a nonsensical take.

why do you think the small population means MMR doesn't matter for a new player, because the population is so low- and also think that people can use duo queue to artificially lower MMR and get easier games...

those two things can't both be true.

it is literally impossible for MMR not to matter for a new player, & for a duo queue to be able to use MMR to match manipulate. both the duo queue and the new player play the same game, with the same pop, in the same region. it is impossible for the population to be too small for MMR to matter for the new player, and for the population to be big enough for MMR to allow duo queue to match manipulate at the same time because it's the same population.

so either new players shouldn't be placed at 1200 rating where they have to face experienced players (and the duo queues who are artificially lowering their rating), or MMR doesn't matter so new players can be 1200 and duo queues can't match manipulate to get easier opponents. I personally think it's the former, but it can't be both.

furthermore, if the plat population is low and you think 1600 players are being matched with 1200 players, well isn't that just more reason that new players in ranked shouldn't be 1200 rating? I don't think them having to fight plat players on their first ranked games is going to make them want to play more pvp.... I don't think fighting Narus duo queue is the best new player experience. if anyone does think it's good that new players get brutally farmed in ranked I would love to know why.

Edited by Bunbury.8472
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On 8/10/2023 at 10:32 PM, Bunbury.8472 said:


this is exactly what I'm talking about. this person is new & keen to pvp, but having to get play in gold is ruining their experience & they are getting flamed. this is happening to every new player to pvp, except most of them don't post about it they just quit.

removing duo or locking it after 1600 rating won't solve anything for the new peepos. the starting rating needs to be bronze, not gold. new player shouldn't have their first experience being farmed & flamed by jaded vet players. no wonder this mode never grows in pop. it's designed to make new players quit.

And might I add that I have some previous action combat mmo team based pvp experience but I was in the exact same boat. Actual new to pvp people will absolutely be disheartened by this while doing placement matches.

it needs a rework for sure. As a new player this is something that can make or break your experience.

Edited by deathdealer.2197
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4 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

this is such a nonsensical take.

why do you think the small population means MMR doesn't matter for a new player, because the population is so low- and also think that people can use duo queue to artificially lower MMR and get easier games...

those two things can't both be true.

Yes they can. The only nonsensical take is believing those two facts to be mutually exclusive. They are not.

From https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Matchmaking_Algorithm

"The first phase, called filtering, gathers players based on their current MMR. The primary purpose of this phase is to both reduce the number of players being considered for a match, and to ensure that the match is appropriate given each player's skill level. Over time, padding is added to your player rating. While this may decrease match quality, it helps ensure that outliers still receive matches."

When the population is low enough, everyone becomes an outlier. In general, yes, it's going to start matchmaking at your effective MMR, but the longer the player spends in queue, the further from that effective MMR it's going to search. Couple this with the low population and matchmaking is hardly even relevant. If it didn't do otherwise, most of us would be waiting in queue 30-40 minutes per match like in Overwatch 1, and generally speaking, people prefer actually being able to participate in matches over matches that are fair and evenly balanced in terms of rating. Speaking from a neutral perspective, this game's population prefers quantity over quality.


As to DuoQ being used to artificially deflate ratings
DuoQ in this game uses an average of both player's rating for the sake of MMR. There's also no cap on how far apart players have to be to DuoQ, meaning a legendary division player can queue with a bronze or silver tanked alt to intentionally snipe whatever effective MMR they want.

Since matchmaking starts at the effective MMR of any individual player and grows broader with more time in queue, that artificially deflated DuoQ is most likely to be the first choice for being matched against since their effective MMR is closer to these new players that you pretend to care so much about than it is to the tiny handful of players actually in and around their skill level.

So long as DuoQ exists alongside SoloQ; unrestricted, they will always be able to do this. It doesn't matter what the effective MMR of newbies are because these abusive duos can; as they choose, queue in and around the same MMR regardless of what it is.

4 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

so either new players shouldn't be placed at 1200 rating where they have to face experienced players (and the duo queues who are artificially lowering their rating), or MMR doesn't matter so new players can be 1200 and duo queues can't match manipulate to get easier opponents. I personally think it's the former, but it can't be both.

1200 rating for a new player that won 6/10 of their placements isn't even that extreme. Not even in the slightest really. There are 11 division in ranked and being gold 1 isn't even making it half way through them. It can be both because it already is. This is a perfectly reasonable starting position for new players, and DuoQs can still cheese the matchmaker to snipe them, just as they could if they started in bronze or silver because DuoQ is broken and has no right being thrown in with SoloQs.

As I've said from the start, it's a non-issue. DuoQ is the real issue, it always has been. Without it, ranked would be alright.

4 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

furthermore, if the plat population is low and you think 1600 players are being matched with 1200 players, well isn't that just more reason that new players in ranked shouldn't be 1200 rating?

The population of plat players is low, lower than it has ever been, and that standard only drops every season. I agree, they shouldn't be matched against gold 1 players, but when there's so few of them, that's all there is for them to be matched against, but that isn't the fault of gold 1's for being gold 1's. It's a combination of a pathetically low plat population and DuoQs being able to pick and choose who they get matched with and against.

4 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

I don't think them having to fight plat players on their first ranked games is going to make them want to play more pvp.... I don't think fighting Narus duo queue is the best new player experience. if anyone does think it's good that new players get brutally farmed in ranked I would love to know why.

I doubt they do either, hence why I am fervently and unflinchingly against DuoQ being mixed with SoloQs unrestricted. It isn't even just new players, though they have it the worst without a doubt. Fighting 2v1 against fake 'top players' like Naru and his duoq is stupid and boring regardless of your rating and experience. It's dumb 💩 like that which made me give up on this game despite having spent almost half my mortal lifespan playing it. For new, unbiased players, I can hardly imagine how big of a turnoff that really is.

It's hard to tell where you even stand tbh. These points are so contrary. Fr, what do you even want?

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7 hours ago, deathdealer.2197 said:

And might I add that I have some previous action combat mmo team based pvp experience but I was in the exact same boat. Actual new to pvp people will absolutely be disheartened by this while doing placement matches.

it needs a rework for sure. As a new player this is something that can make or break your experience.

pretty much dude. pretty much. I can't see how any new player is going to want to enjoy the mode after their initial experience.

as for you, @Multicolorhipster.9751 I think I understand why you don't understand my point. it's because you go on and say "1200 rating for a new player that won 6/10 of their placements isn't even that extreme. Not even in the slightest really." so I assume you think that I think new players are getting rated at 1200 because they are wining placement matches, but this is not the case. 1200 is actually the default rating for a new account in ranked. this is why we have two separate players in this thread, both @deathdealer.2197 and @atshadow.8695 who are both complaining about having to fight skilled veteran players in their placements as new players. maybe you think that because I think this is a more important issue for new players than duo queue, that I don't think naru duo is an issue- well it obviously is, but I would contest it's more of an issue for existing experienced players trying to climb the ladder. new players don't get that far, they run into teams of gold players on classes and builds they dont know or understand, get farmed and quit. I doubt they even make it far enough to know who the top players are. so go ahead, get rid of duo- it will make it way easier to be in top 100 for me, I don't care, but neither will the new player who has to fight me on game one and never plays ranked again after that.

In their words "like fr it's nonsense that i'm in g1 this being my first conquest ranked season(I hit level 20 right before the 3v3 season started). this kitten is frustrating for literally everyone involved, me absolutely not having a good time ending up with players with years of experience and meanwhile I don't even know the names of these classes let alone what they actually do. it's bs and should really be changed"

if we want the population to grow & pvp to improve obviously this element of the new player experience needs to be changed. the matchmaker shouldn't intentionally put a new player with gold & plat players on their first game. they should be bronze because they are new. they should be able to have fun with the low skill frogmen & learn the game and climb. feeding them to the wolves on game one is pretty stupid. removing duo is not enough to fix the experience for new players, they also should not have to play against the veteran population.

so yeah, my point is deeply simple @Multicolorhipster.9751 new players shouldn't be rated 1200 by default. even if duo queue is removed, they are still going to have to play against gold players and they will get farmed because this is their first time in ranked and they are probably on some build they made up, like core paladin dagger necro.

put new players in bronze, hope they don't quit and that the scene grows, or keep ranking them gold 1 & see how long it takes for the top 250 to be the entire pvp player base.

Edited by Bunbury.8472
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1 hour ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

pretty much dude. pretty much. I can't see how any new player is going to want to enjoy the mode after their initial experience.

as for you, @Multicolorhipster.9751 I think I understand why you don't understand my point. it's because you go on and say "1200 rating for a new player that won 6/10 of their placements isn't even that extreme. Not even in the slightest really." so I assume you think that I think new players are getting rated at 1200 because they are wining placement matches, but this is not the case. 1200 is actually the default rating for a new account in ranked. this is why we have two separate players in this thread, both complaining about having to fight skilled veteran players in their placements as new players. maybe you think that because I think this is a more important issue for new players than duo queue, that I don't think naru duo is an issue- well it obviously is, but I would contest it's more of an issue for existing experienced players trying to climb the ladder. new players don't get that far, they run into teams of gold players on classes and builds they dont know or understand, get farmed and quit. I doubt they even make it far enough to know who the top players are. so go ahead, get rid of duo- it will make it way easier to be in top 100 for me, I don't care, but neither will the new player who has to fight me on game one and never plays ranked again after that.

So you think Naru and his purposefully tanked duo are only being matched against players of similar rating and never against these g1 players?

Even though that narrows down their competition to like 10 other players at most and their effective MMR to whatever they want, since DuoQ uses an average of both player's rating to determine effective MMR?

You at least acknowledge that the experience is painful to mid-level plat players. What happens when they all go away, as most of them have already? Who do Naru and his duo get matched with then? The matchmaker is going to stick them against someone. It has to, that's how it works. You can view exactly how it works by following that link I provided and reading that quote from it.

Removing DuoQ would be to the benefit of all but fake top players like Naru and his duo, because it's players like that which have turned the capacity to play with friends into a tactic for abuse. It doesn't even have to be removed. Ranked could be split into two different leagues, each with their own respective leaderboards. One for solos, one for premades. The only excuse one could make as to why they wouldn't want that is specifically because they want to use DuoQ to farm lower-rated players. To cooperate with other top-ranked players, rather than ever going against them. There is no other reasoning.

1 hour ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

In their words "like fr it's nonsense that i'm in g1 this being my first conquest ranked season(I hit level 20 right before the 3v3 season started). this kitten is frustrating for literally everyone involved, me absolutely not having a good time ending up with players with years of experience and meanwhile I don't even know the names of these classes let alone what they actually do. it's bs and should really be changed"

if we want the population to grow & pvp to improve obviously this element of the new player experience needs to be changed. the matchmaker shouldn't intentionally put a new player with gold & plat players on their first game. they should be bronze because they are new. they should be able to have fun with the low skill frogmen & learn the game and climb. feeding them to the wolves on game one is pretty stupid. removing duo is not enough to fix the experience for new players, they also should not have to play against the veteran population.

so yeah, my point is deeply simple @Multicolorhipster.9751 new players shouldn't be rated 1200 by default. even if duo queue is removed, they are still going to have to play against gold players and they will get farmed because this is their first time in ranked and they are probably on some build they made up, like core paladin dagger necro.

put new players in bronze, hope they don't quit and that the scene grows, or keep ranking them gold 1 & see how long it takes for the top 250 to be the entire pvp player base.

Yes, I see now the terrible injustice of a gold player being matched against other gold players. I don't know how I could have been so blind in retrospect.

Instead of raising the ranked level requirement or adding rewards to unranked for players that cannot or do not want to participate in the ranked grind, we should just start everyone at the bare minimum to make ranked even more grindy. That way Naru and his smurf can skip the rating-tanking phase entirely, and just start out at bronze from the get-go.

Whether your proposal is implemented or not, couldn't care less tbh. Like I said before, it's a non-issue in my eyes. So long as DuoQ goes because DuoQ is the problem. For players of all levels of experience, DuoQ makes the ranked experience miserable. A vet player going against top-player poopstacks is going to be just as discouraged as a new player going against top-player poopstacks, and the more vet and new players alike that quit, the more likely everyone is; regardless of MMR, to be unfairly matched against these poopstacks. Bronze, silver, gold, plat, doesn't matter.

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Just now I got out of a match with Notorious Naru partied with a new account made last week. DuoQ is getting out of hand. He literally runs other people on fresh accounts to sell titles to them. Partnering with a fresh account means that Naru's extremely high MMR is averaged down to Gold/Silver tier so he can steamroll noobs. He can just run like 10 consecutive placement wins with the partner and that partner will get a title.

Any Golds or silvers that are steamrolled along the way are just minnows that ArenaNet is willing to feed to the sharks. 

It's completely nasty that ArenaNet allows such egregious abuse of their players.


It makes me sick to my stomach, i spit on the ground.

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8 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:


so yeah, my point is deeply simple @Multicolorhipster.9751 new players shouldn't be rated 1200 by default. even if duo queue is removed, they are still going to have to play against gold players and they will get farmed because this is their first time in ranked and they are probably on some build they made up, like core paladin dagger necro.

put new players in bronze, hope they don't quit and that the scene grows, or keep ranking them gold 1 & see how long it takes for the top 250 to be the entire pvp player base.

also, in terms of experience, being placed in bronze 1 will make you feel alot better climbing up towards silver, gold etc. being placed in g3 and only dropping for the season isn't a feel good moment for most people. some personal trackable progression in terms of your skill is a nice indicator of where your actual skill level is at.

perhaps add rewads for bronze, silver and gold aswel, all the end of season rewards are just for the top 250, I don't think there is a title like the 3v3 contender either but there should be some reward for continuously participating in a pvp season. 

afaik most games have a similar rating, where you build from the ground up.

Edited by atshadow.8695
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lmao you are being incredibly bad faith. You were upset in map chat and were told both our accs are in the top 10(no one is being boosted) and then come to the forums to lie. Both accs showing the lb with normal winrates. These issues are all population related. The one thing I agree with you is that duo q should not exist. The skill gap is too big between tourny level players and average ranked qs, and the population is too low having 2 on one team will result in very one sided games. Personally i stream and get sniped with alts all the time who are duo'd i much prefer solo only ranked even at the cost of coordination / team building because the population cannot take it. Maybe theyll revisit that, but to lie and say maw(my duo) and I are cheesing you when both are in the top 10 is insanely bad faith.

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7 hours ago, Eddie.9143 said:

Join gw, get kitten on by top players selling carries for titles, leave gw.


Geeeee I wonder why the spvp population is so low!?


If gizmos and titles werent locked in a position where you needed to win vs teams that orchestrate throwing (perhaps by alllowing them to be grinded out) the market would collapse, but that may not be the most elegant solution. 

That and easier player organization may help newbies stick around. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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