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Ranger damage is ridiculous high - when its getting toned down? [Merged]


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On 8/11/2023 at 5:51 PM, Flowki.7194 said:

I do not care about your tiers and meta bs. There are more than a handfull of toxic specs that are massively over represented in ranked, and all have low skill floors in either dealing 20k+ damage, or tanking 20k+ damage. Soulbeast is one of them. 

Nah. The games in a good place right now tbh. Lots of professions have multiple options. Don't get caught.  Rangers fine btw. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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10 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Nah. The games in a good place right now tbh. Lots of professions have multiple options. Don't get caught.  Rangers fine btw. 

Mostly specs with low skill floors and moderate reward for minimal effort, which are not fun to fight against unless you play a similar spec.


Take SPBs, constantly crying how ''hard'' the spec is (it isn't) becuase it can be kited and its stunchains are broadcasted. All of hammer catas 5 combo swings are just as broadcasted, yet hammer doesnt get stunlocks. Hammer cata doing more dmg makes it more effective than SPB more of the time.. and then suddenly hammer cata is ''easier to play than SPB'' becuase thats what this playerbase does, confuses limitation with difficulty. Thats the playerbase, crying and crying that complicated specs were/are more optimal (as they should be) until they are nerfed so hard into the ground, specs like soulbest become possible. 


Notbody is convincing me soulbeast dmg is acceptable, same with chrono damage. Simply not hard to do, and even if it was hard to do, it wouldnt justify it.

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3 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Mostly specs with low skill floors

Its the other way around. Thats why everyone is crying. Cause people with low mechanical mastery cant get in on it. SB Damage is acceptable. Other classes do more. 

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1 hour ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Its the other way around. Thats why everyone is crying. Cause people with low mechanical mastery cant get in on it. SB Damage is acceptable. Other classes do more. 

Just about all dps specs do too much dmg.. thats a clear issue and why only 2 supports are even viable for so long. They are only viable for actual mitigation, since no amount of healing out does the rediculous 4 button burst across multiple specs. All people like you do, is justify dmg becuase its your crutch. Who needs to think about true mitigation and dodging when you can kill the target before you really need it?.. thats the avg group fight now, filled with low skill burst.


SB, power necro, chrono, scrapper, harb. All rediculously easy dmg.. and many players being carried by it across the avg game.


Put the avg player of the above on dagger/X power cata and see how they get on... apply that to DD thief also, who get low risk high reward mobility as a crutch.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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Waiting for another Feb 2020 situation with a lazy, cheap approach of globally nerfing damage instead of doing their job and actually balancing on a case by case basis.
Reinventing the wheel moment.

And suddenly supports are OP again.
"You know, lets just delete amulets with any healing or toughness."
And suddenly everyone starts dying too fast again.
"You know what? How about just deleting the rest of the amulets and runes! Divinity is the only popular rune anyway."

And just like that your spvp active population will go from 100 something to like 27.
What a great idea was to isolate sPvP that much from the rest of the game, by removing actual build/equipment customisation, in an MMORPG where that part is at least half the fun, just to try to achieve an imaginary scenario where everything is perfectly "balanced and equally represented" and for the same kittening gamemode in 10+ years.

"But the MATs man! Look at all that diVersiTy (Who gives a kitten about ranked, am i rite?)! It's so cool that low skill floor/low effort/riskless specs are as effective as others that have to go through twice as many skills and mechanics! Finally after years of lack of mAt representation. #equality"

Edited by Sereath.1428
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8 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Just about all dps specs do too much dmg.. thats a clear issue and why only 2 supports are even viable for so long.

Nah. They dont. Bots who play pvp and do not get out of the way of bursts are dying. To be honest, im loving every minute of it. This forum is an echo chamber of potato play and zero self-reflection. God bless the devs because I am sick to death of seeing it on here and I post very little - I cannot imagine it having to be my job to listen to a bunch of potatos drone on and on about how they just got wiped. No one posts "What can I do better" its always crying and whining and moaning and a lot of nonsense. Listen man - read my post history im pretty consistent across the board. Im saying the same thing I said about Scrapper, about Ranger. Its fine - and if ur constantly getting blown up its because you dont know how to play around dps. Lowering damage so you can feel like you are better than u are solves nothing. Balancing this game around people who have zero clue about their own engagements during a match is not helpful. Based on how mad you are on ur posts - im guessing u only play one class and you don't know how to avoid damage. That's a you problem. Balance is the best its been in awhile with many viable picks. Also FYI there are only two viable supports based on rez mechanics.

Here's a quote from a previous post of mine: 

(It hs nothing to do with "DaMAgE) Your blaming damage for the reason as to there are only two viable supports - you dont know what you're talking about and its exactly my problem with these forums. You're assigning the wrong reason, dont even know it, and then defend your ill-informed stance. Thus is the problem with these forums. 

"Guardian and Ele can rez downed allies. Its really that simple. No amount of healing or anything else makes up for that. Any support must have the ability to rez if a different support can rez otherwise choosing the proff with out rez is the weaker choice. Whenever I see a support tempest and their not running rez signet it tells me that they don't plan on keeping their eyes out for downed allies to turn the tides in clutch group fights. That rez is literally a game-changer and can turn an entire match around. If they say something to the effect of  "i don't need it" then they are communicating they lack fundamental concepts of snowballing, momentum on the map, and key plays in matches. More often than not and especially at high play matches are won or lost by just 1-3 engagements. 


TLDR: Support without rez is pointless. Add that to other classes you want to be viable for support or its pointless. "

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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7 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Nah. They dont. Bots who play pvp and get out of the way of bursts are dying. To be honest, im loving every minute of it. This forum is an echo chamber of potato play and zero self-reflection. No one posts "What can I do better" its always crying and whining and moaning and a lot of nonsense. Listen man - read my post history im pretty consistent across the board. Im saying the same thing I said about Scrapper, about Ranger. Its fine - and if ur constantly getting blown up its because you dont know how to play around dps. Lowering damage so you can feel like you are better than u are solves nothing. Balancing this game around people who have zero clue about their own engagements during a match is not helpful. Based on how mad you are on ur posts - im guessing u only play one class and you don't know how to avoid damage. That's a you problem. Balance is the best its been in awhile with many viable picks. Also FYI there are only two viable supports based on rez mechanics.

Here's a quote from a previous post of mine: 

(It hs nothing to do with "DaMAgE)

"Guardian and Ele can rez downed allies. Its really that simple. No amount of healing or anything else makes up for that. Any support must have the ability to rez if a different support can rez otherwise choosing the proff with out rez is the weaker choice. Whenever I see a support tempest and their not running rez signet it tells me that they don't plan on keeping their eyes out for downed allies to turn the tides in clutch group fights. That rez is literally a game-changer and can turn an entire match around. If they say something to the effect of  "i don't need it" then they are communicating they lack fundamental concepts of snowballing, momentum on the map, and key plays in matches. More often than not and especially at high play matches are won or lost by just 1-3 engagements. 


TLDR: Support without rez is pointless. Add that to other classes you want to be viable for support or its pointless. "

You project and assume way too much. I've just finished a game playing chrono, sitting back spewing out rediculous burts, doing 50% team damage. I play something like hammer/dagger cata.. and its impossible to achieve that kind of damage, and cata is way harder ontop of that. Low skillfloor burst is horrendous in this game, and it makes playing something like tempest, which has a high skillfloor, a lot more effort in comparison.. in order to survive or mitigate that bs.


And no, res is not the key thing that makes support viable.. thats GW2 talk. Support are first and foremost, to support and stop your team from dying, and only 2 specs can reliably do that due to high block and aura mitigation. Rev support is also very good, and vindi support is the only support I have played that can actually out heal moderate damage.. but it cannot outheal burst of 1 spec, only CC or immune/block/los abuse can deal with that. Their is no real need for coordination in the avg match, you just wait till a player exhuasts their mitigation then spew out a burst and they die. Its not clever game play.. its not team work, and its not impressive.

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29 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

You project and assume way too much

Nah. Your posts reveal you. 

29 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

And no, res is not the key thing that makes support viable..

Yes it absolutely is. The fact that you dont know that reveals my point about this forum. Bro - you have no idea what you're talking about. You don't understand clinches, snap rezes, and snowball mechanics, the flow of a match etc. If you think rez's are not relevant you are not aware of the game mode you are playing lol. 

"If they say something to the effect of  "i don't need it" then they are communicating they lack fundamental concepts of snowballing, momentum on the map, and key plays in matches. More often than not and especially at high play matches are won or lost by just 1-3 engagements. " 

You are this guy in a match lol.

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12 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Nah. Your posts reveal you. 

Yes it absolutely is. The fact that you dont know that reveals my point about this forum. Bro - you have no idea what you're talking about. You don't understand clinches, snap rezes, and snowball mechanics, the flow of a match etc. If you think rez's are not relevant you are not aware of the game mode you are playing lol. 

"If they say something to the effect of  "i don't need it" then they are communicating they lack fundamental concepts of snowballing, momentum on the map, and key plays in matches. More often than not and especially at high play matches are won or lost by just 1-3 engagements. " 

You are this guy in a match lol.

And your posts reveal you...


Im not your bruh, and reses are not the defining factor of support, its only so important in GW2 becuase the dmg is out of control. I don't even like the idea of res, their is already a downed state where players should find mitigation ways to pick up, rather than spamming a stability item then resing from range. But, res is just another element of this game that is out of hand, just like dps. 


You have become acustomed to the way Gw2 is, and you are entitled to see it as ok the way it is, but do not talk down to me as if their is no room for viable opposing opinion.

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Another thread with silver's getting bodied by a flavor of the month build.  Makes me wonder what kind of salt is about to flow when hammer is finally useable on Soulbeast 😂.

Anyway, all this would be shocking, but half of you were getting destroyed by pets back in the day when they still can't find their way up a flight of stairs.

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1 hour ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

No your not. Your a bot crying on a forum. Good luck bot. 

You are clearly a person who got good at low skill burst and don't want things to change, in a matchmaking system that puts plats agaisnt silvers. Man, youre so cool. Wish I wasn't a bot so I could be more like you, bruh.

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On 8/20/2023 at 1:12 AM, jdawgie.1835 said:

Nah. The games in a good place right now tbh. Lots of professions have multiple options. Don't get caught.  Rangers fine btw. 

I can't actually tell if you're being sarcastic.  I think you are in which case I emote laughy face.  If you are being serious then I give confused-y face.

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Yes, scary:

Think this was second sPvP game I've played since February 2023, using same Druid build but with terribad Eclipse instead of ancient seeds AND I totally derped that Lunar Impact (seriously what the hell)---still won the point fairly easily.  

The soulbeast seemed good too, was doing all the bursty things soulbeasts do.  Just one problem, once the burst is done...so are they.

Going back to reading the wiki now! 😂

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A ranger won against a ranger..... ergo ->  ranger is balanced.  

You finally convinced me!


But the thing is....


you won against some ranger that was using a selfmade build!

However people are mad about the Melee Stancebeast

This Soubeast was not running skirmisher, nor was he running the boar... he was not running griffonstance.... He was not running sicem..... He was not running OWP....    

Its simply a completly diffrent build...   Wrong pets/wrong traits/wrong utility skills/ wrong weapons....... 

" LOOK GUYS I KILLED A SOULBEAST! " 🏆  "He was even good! he did all the Bursty things that soulbeast does!!!" 

*doesnt realize this guy wasnt doing any of the burst at all (he did Wh4 without any setup... thats it....) and he wasnt even running OWP and Sicem....* *also doesnt realize this Soulbeast didnt press the dodgekey once that whole fight*

Edited by Sahne.6950
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8 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

However people are mad about the Melee Stancebeast

You really linking me a meta-battle build that's easier to counter than what I just did? Because it uses a Boar? 😂

I'd actually hate to be a boar that you encounter IRL with the number of topics you post about them in.  

Anyway, all I'm reading is copium here. 

If you can't see from a literal video they were running Sw/Wh, OWP, and obviously Skirmishing (because of Strider trait and damage output) you either being purposefully obtuse or really need to do some more gameplay study before filling the forums with posts about meta-battle builds.  

I just can't stop lol'ing at: 

8 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

you won against some ranger that was using a selfmade build!

Here's a news flash, if someone who actually thinks about the game and crafts their own stuff isn't beating me, a meta-battle meme'r isn't either.  

Anyway, after playing against burst SLB on a Druid build that's been nerfed to oblivion and has no blocks, invulns, etc. of any kind, I can say it seems balanced to me.

But feel free to keep complaining and get it nerfed so a huge source of team DPS is gone (as this particular burst build is way, way deadlier when you aren't looking); that way I can kill the complainers much easier. 

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3 hours ago, veritech.1048 said:

My man posts a vid of him struggling for his life against a scrubbeast playing un-optimally and not even using any of the overtuned skills and acts like he's hard.

At least quote me bro...

Anyway, not sure if I should be honored or not at this as you seem to only post once every year or so passively aggressively complaining about something.  

Regardless, should probably visit more often to know that both Pounce and Serpent Strike were used there and from reading these forums definitely count as 'overtuned skills'.  

Please, keep the copium coming while you locate your dodge key 😃 (I know you are not used to finding it since you main ele and guard two of the most notorious boon spam classes).  

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On 8/25/2023 at 11:51 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Please, keep the copium coming while you locate your dodge key

Tell me what to do in this situation.

Just dodge?

preemptively blow all my defenses in the hope to catch his opener?

What was the right play there? 


Because if you dont have a ping under 30 there wasnt enough time to stunbreak any of this.   So the only option, would be to blow all my defenses just because i see a Soulbeast stealthing....    But what if he just waits and then opens 3 seconds later?



People are quitting left and right, because of this kitten.   And your bias is not helping one bit.  

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3 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Tell me what to do in this situation.

Just dodge?

preemptively blow all my defenses in the hope to catch his opener?

What was the right play there? 


Because if you dont have a ping under 30 there wasnt enough time to stunbreak any of this.   So the only option, would be to blow all my defenses just because i see a Soulbeast stealthing....    But what if he just waits and then opens 3 seconds later?



People are quitting left and right, because of this kitten.   And your bias is not helping one bit.  

Okei im old and my eyes are atm not that good but did autoattacks 4,5 k? xD 

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6 minutes ago, Burial.1958 said:

🤡 needs a hotfix i guess. Got also randomly oneshotted out of nowhere yesterday in WvW.


That kitten is going on since 2 patches... 


If that doesnt say: "we dont care about pvp"....    i dont know what does.

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