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No weapons. What a huge disappointment.

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3 minutes ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

When was this dissapointing news droped? I'm a pvper so the new weapons is like 80%-90% the reason I only care about this expansion, and now I find out the one feature I was looking forwards to has been removed? Well this expansion gets a 1/10 for me.

Like half a year ago.

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5 minutes ago, Ganogati.8963 said:

In general, advertisements for products will contain some kind of fine print or other asterisk to alert the reader that there is a caveat to what was advertised. That goes far beyond the "twitter age" to back in the 1980s.

If an MMO expansion advertises that the expansion increases the level cap by 10 levels, or adds new weapons or items, it is generally not necessary to then have to fact check that advertisement to see if its telling the truth or not.

While I myself am not upset, because I spend time on the forums and thus knew about this, I think it's pretty silly to say that we're now in an age where you have to go down every feature, line item by line item, and confirm that its truthful or not.

It's kind of like the announcement of weapon master training. It clearly states


Bold emphasis mine. What if the game launched and required that to use the weapon from the elite spec you actually needed the elite spec, and thus needed the expansion, despite this clearly saying you don't need the e-spec's expansion to use that weapon? Would that be on the customer, who read the announcement and made the mistake of believing it without fact checking?

I dunno, its a weird situation. I don't like the idea that feature announcements are now something that you have to do in-depth research to ensure are being honest.

I don't actually even understand the bolded part. It seems to contradict itself. Can I buy just SoTO, and then use longbow on my core guard, or do I need to also own HOT and unlock dragonhunter? 

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7 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Like half a year ago.

New weapons were announced 2 months ago....https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/combat-in-guild-wars-2-secrets-of-the-obscure/...so wtf you taking about 6 months ago? Between June 27,2023 and now when did they say they werent releasing the new weapons?

Edited by Eddbopkins.2630
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5 minutes ago, Ganogati.8963 said:

In general, advertisements for products will contain some kind of fine print or other asterisk to alert the reader that there is a caveat to what was advertised. That goes far beyond the "twitter age" to back in the 1980s.

If an MMO expansion advertises that the expansion increases the level cap by 10 levels, or adds new weapons or items, it is generally not necessary to then have to fact check that advertisement to see if its telling the truth or not.

While I myself am not upset, because I spend time on the forums and thus knew about this, I think it's pretty silly to say that we're now in an age where you have to go down every feature, line item by line item, and confirm that its truthful or not.

It's kind of like the announcement of weapon master training. It clearly states


Bold emphasis mine. What if the game launched and required that to use the weapon from the elite spec you actually needed the elite spec, and thus needed the expansion, despite this clearly saying you don't need the e-spec's expansion to use that weapon? Would that be on the customer, who read the announcement and made the mistake of believing it without fact checking?

I dunno, its a weird situation. I don't like the idea that feature announcements are now something that you have to do in-depth research to ensure are being honest.

I mean, the announcement was hardly fine print or obscured.  And I don't really think it's silly at all to stay informed, and even regarding this it doesn't require a line item check.

The only real problem is I suppose most casual players wouldn't read the blogs, and the launcher doesn't really link to it (I dunno, never tried)

Also, your example doesn't really work because that would be an obvious error. (It would be impossible to implement as such, by requiring a spec only accessible by the expansion)

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If it's what I'm thinking of. Not being able to use specific profession weapons on other professions isn't available at launch? Honestly. Assuming that Arenanet is doing their due diligence, it probably isn't a horrible thing. Odds were that giving scrapper hammer to a power mech etc, was going to throw a huge wrench in the game's balance. Then again, it could just be ArenaNet being utterly deceptive douchebags who are just dripfeeding for the sake of it. I don't know.

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7 minutes ago, Judge Dread.9078 said:

If it's what I'm thinking of. Not being able to use specific profession weapons on other professions isn't available at launch? Honestly. Assuming that Arenanet is doing their due diligence, it probably isn't a horrible thing. Odds were that giving scrapper hammer to a power mech etc, was going to throw a huge wrench in the game's balance. Then again, it could just be ArenaNet being utterly deceptive douchebags who are just dripfeeding for the sake of it. I don't know.

no, thats in the game. the new core class weapons are not

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5 hours ago, Ganogati.8963 said:

To be fair, if you go to the secrets of the obscure official site, it says

I understand that in a blog post and on forums there was some fine print saying "Not at release", but I can definitely see how a casual player would look at the announcement site for an expansion feature and make the mistake of thinking the expansion had that feature. This kind of thing isn't something you see very often. I doubt A-net meant anything malicious by it, but the picture painted to a casual observer would definitely cause some confusion here.

That can come across as a little shady I think, purposely leaving out important details like "eventually" or "not at first but later". Most new players are going to see the expansion, see what it includes, and think if they open their wallet and give Anet money for the expac, they unlock access to all of that immediately. 

It'd be like buying a Tesla, and then trying to drive it home and they're like "Oh wait...you wanted to drive it today? No no no....you get to own it today, but the ECU doesn't actually get installed until 2 months from now, so it's not drivable yet....didn't you read the fine print?"  I feel like most people here wouldn't put up with that type of omissive marketing. 

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6 hours ago, Raknar.4735 said:

Doesn't inform themselves about content -> preorders -> complains about things they didn't read about -> blames someone else

He thought it was like most game expansions , like most people who might not follow every little thing on the forums.  I can bet money there are gonna be lots of returning players who saw "Expansion, Guild Wars 2!", bought it thinking it was a typical expansion and are probably not happy with this year long model.

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They clearly said new weapons for each class would be in the second update, and that all classes would be able to pick any current weapon with any elite from day one, so they didnt lie.

Well you have to do the weapon master training first, but its still an option. . 

Edited by Rose.2593
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