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Updraft and Leyline break Griffon Flight [Merged]

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Yes I know I touched a leyline, no I don't have it trained, yes I am aware that there is a mastery line for it please stop popping up a box every single time I brush one of these things. 

After reading this I may not bother continuing that mastery line and just keep to updrafts. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Bump and agree. Griffon never needs leylines. In some areas they will start dragging you downward so even if you manage to escape it's already too late to salvage any altitude. Updrafts are marginally useful but I've noticed that I can't dive thru them, they override the commands I directly give my griffon. Here's my idea for a fix which isn't perfect but it would be a start.

1: Momentum should override leylines. If you are zooming then your griffon should ignore leylines until you slow down on them. 2: Diving should override updrafts. If I command my griffon to dive thru an updraft I shouldn't get any guff from the wind tunnel pushing me back up because I'm the boss.

If this was the way it worked it still would be flawed because griffon has to "rise" occasionally and lose it's speed, which would make it vulnerable to being snatched again. But I think this system would help a lot and feel good, too. IMO this should be the base mechanic, in addition to a toggle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was excited about this mastery initially but now I regret training it. It's great for skyscale but for griffon it has overwhelmingly been the opposite of helpful. I get a really good zoom going and then am snagged out of the air in a direction I didn't want to go by a leyline that is awfully hard to see when moving at high speed. Even if it's one taking me about where I want to go, the momentum becomes all wonky and its more likely I lose my height inertia.

Has there been any discussion of a way to toggle this mastery on/off? It would be great if you could simply opt in/out by mount but failing that I'd just like a way to turn it off completely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gotta give credit where credit is due, Anet... Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!

  • An option to disable griffon and skyscale mounts from flying on ley lines has been added. This function is toggled via the default F1 skill while mounted on either the griffon or skyscale mounts if the player has the Ley-Line Acclimation Mastery unlocked in the Secrets of the Obscure Flight Training Mastery track.
    • Disabling or reenabling flying mounts on ley lines persists permanently and is a shared setting for both flying mounts. (For example, if you disable it on your griffon and log out, the next time you log back in and mount your griffon or skyscale, it will be disabled until you reenable it.)
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Thank you, anet! Just 1 thing, tho. I haven't tried it yet but the update text suggests the on/off toggle is a crossover between the griffon and skyscale, rather than being able to toggle them separately? Like, if I want to turn it off for griffon but leave it on for skyscale? Seems like that would be simpler to manage, imo. Nevertheless, a very welcome update.

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It's a toggle that you see while mounted. You can even decide to disable and/or re-enable mid flight. 
It only has a 1 second cooldown.

F1 disable, do NOT want that leyline...
F1 Enable but I DO want THAT leyline.

That enable/disable is for both mounts at same time, is likely a programming solution to keep it simple.
I tested it and love it. 
One thing to consider when using it (NOT an issue for me) I hovered in a leyline while disabled. And click Enable. Instantly the leyline moved my skyscale.
Then disabled it while still in ley line, it will not stop you. Dodging out of leyline and back in, it did not pick me up again.

So keep that in mind, that if you enable it, and disable while being carried, you still need to escape it yourself.

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18 hours ago, Resident.7421 said:

Thank you, anet! Just 1 thing, tho. I haven't tried it yet but the update text suggests the on/off toggle is a crossover between the griffon and skyscale, rather than being able to toggle them separately? Like, if I want to turn it off for griffon but leave it on for skyscale? Seems like that would be simpler to manage, imo. Nevertheless, a very welcome update.

It's not too bad, in fact it sort of gives you more control since you can toggle it in the middle of riding a leyline too. But to best of my knowledge it is a global setting for both mounts that is remembered even between logins.

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