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Valdhertz crypts (mini-dungeon) still bugged and is now a daily?

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24 minutes ago, Mrs Lana.2506 said:

@Rubi Bayer.8493 could we get some sort of confirmation that this is being looked at? Either it needs to be fixed or removed from the daily cycle. 

It's been out for a year and a half. These bugs have been reported before many times. Why this was then put in the daily cycle with that knowledge is honestly embarrassing.

Not sure you're going to get an answer on a Sunday but worth a try, I guess.


[EDIT] Man, I checked the wiki entry for this dungeon. There's so many different bugs that just make it completely unplayable. How this passed QA and not get fixed within a year and a half is kind of beyond me. I understand prioritizing fixes but this stings. Please don't keep this unfixed until the next major patch, or at the very least, remove it from the rotation until you can do something about it.

Edited by Dotveg.5108
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Same problem. Please give choices on daily. I sometimes play PVP or WVW but mostly PVE. Before, if there was an unachievable PVE item for daily, I could do a PVP run. Now,  if I want to do mostly PVE for daily, when there is a bugged event, I have no choice. Whose bright idea was this!!!!!! Please fix!

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There really needs to be more choices available. Or just put all the different kinds of dailies in instead of giving us a choice. There probably would have been a PvP one that wouldn't have required skill which would have allowed people to clear the daily even if they don't like PvP. I actually started with PvP toggled in, but as soon as I realized that there was gonna ones that require some skill, I toggled PvP off. Also, with the weeklies we don't have to do every single one of them for the chest, so why is it different with dailies?


Edit: Btw, do you think there's gonna be any kind of compensation, or are we just screwed out of the reward?

Edited by Venus Doom.1536
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Was just in a map where a commander tagged up went in to clear everyone out then everyone waited for them to be the first in. The commander did all puzzles and everyone tagged mobs and we got it. Very bad that this needs basically a coordinated group to finish.

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Would be better if they could give us mb 6 options, of which we need to complete 4 from the list. 
and once 4 are done, the others are marked as inaccessible? and daily list completed. 
A bit stupid to miss out on daily reward entirely due a bugged event, over a weekend where there are no devs 🫢

(oh and tried 7 map instances, at different times today, still bugged and a waste of time trying)

Edited by Mia.8695
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This has been bugged for me. I have tried for hours last night and again today and still isn't working. no mobs spawn. the door at end won't open for me. Seems like another issue like story mission disconnects Anet won't acknowledge or say they can reproduce so we are  just screwed. really wish daily had for example 5 out of 6 or 5 out of 7 mission you can complete so really difficult or buggy dailies you can skip. Instead they force you do to only the dailies available and all of them then assign you a bugged one no one can complete. If they actually acknowledged the issue maybe they could just re-assigned this for another daily or add an extra daily for today. but nope. we just don't get to have ours daily chest today and worst still, we waste hours of our weekend trying again and again and again. There other things I would have liked to do with my life, or other things I would have liked to do in this game. 

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1 hour ago, Doggie.3184 said:

This mini-dungeon has been a buggy mess since EoD launch with each bug reported many times by many people. The fact that they made this a daily without fixing it is highly disrespectful to the community. Very shameful and disappointing.

Yep same way they cannot and haven't bothered to fix the story mission disconnect for thousands of players including me who have to play a 1 hour story mission over and over to hopefully beat it without disconnect, yet never once do i get disconnected from any other content in GW2, my internet remains up the whole time. and no other games giving me issue. but without fail story missions disconnect you during cinematics.

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also another thing that would solve bugged maps like this is actually letting us switch instances like other MMO's. for example allowing instances to expire over time and creating new ones so we can at least jump into a new instance when it pops and do the dungeon. Why does GW2 have instances but we can't change or see them? Let me guess, "Immersion" is usually the excuse. 

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First try, first map, dungeon was totally empty, including no chests, and not resetting after waiting a while.

Then a guildie got me into a second map where there was a group already working on a (non-empty) version. Joined, did some of the later fights and puzzles, go to the last room, couldn't loot any chests, but still got my "daily completed" notification (and it was indeed completed).

It doesn't help that you need to do 4/4 to get the daily. In the past, when something bugged out, I could easily do another task or kill a veteran in WvW or something like that, and still get the daily done. It's a downgrade that there now is NO choice on what to do to get your daily done. I would prefer it if the daily was more like the current weekly or the previous daily: do "login" plus 3 out of five (or 4 or 6) to get it done.

Maybe look into what is put in the daily (and if that's working correctly, there are plenty of bugs mentioned on the wiki page) before throwing it into the rotation.

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We just managed to complete this!

The key was to get everyone out of the dungeon to reset it. 
We did this a number of times as it bugged in different rooms. Emptying the dungeon reset it each time. 

Pause before going into the new rooms to allow them to start.

Slow DPS if big group to allow all to get hits on enemies. 
1 commie to do puzzles. 

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Just now, DarthMags.2083 said:

The key was to get everyone out of the dungeon to reset it. 
We did this a number of times as it bugged in different rooms. Emptying the dungeon reset it each time. 

There should definitely be redundancies to allow for players to get kicked out of the room instead of having to beg for everyone to simply politely leave until a reset.

I feel this is a classic case of "it worked before going live, so it must work now", the thing bugging on day 1 of it going gold, and it being put in the backlog in order to develop Gyala Delve and finishing up on the release of Secrets of the Obscure.

No big deal, I get it, but I would've hoped that double checking the content you're including into a brand new reward system you are pushing forward as one of the keystones of a brand new expansion would be higher up the priority list. Hopefully this whole debacle pushes ANet to investigate further and check that everything the Astral Vault asks of the player can actually be accomplished.

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Tons of bugged instances on EU for today's daily, Echovald Wilds and the looting of the Grand chest in Valdhertz Crypt...

This mini dungeon is really bugged and progress halts either due to too many people, and/or killing the mobs in the rooms too quick, and in addition, it's often impossible for everyone to get credit to even be eligible to open the Grand chest anyway.

Time to revise your available daily obejctives!

Lots of people lost 40 Astral Acclaim today (10 for daily and 30 for completing all dailies).

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