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11 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

This forum thinks everything is busted because they lost an engagement - they want to be the only meta around not loose fights because logic and then expect every1 else around to be here to provide them with free dopamine. Its absurd. Warrior is th farthest thing from "busted" this whole thread is just lol. 

Tell us you play warrior without telling us you play warrior

Edited by Deadmoose.6594
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@Deadmoose.6594 i think what he meant to say is.... Outside of this condi Berserker build the only real variable one left would be Bladesworn .... basicly an omegabunkery clown spec that some might love to Play but most i know not even like it at all^^. Now Dagger Sword Spellbraker is also a thing but carried by Sword 4 been on PvE Stats. And also CC spamerino warr .... very zzzzzz to Play. Over all there would be no real burst warr build left xD

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On 9/3/2023 at 10:36 AM, Flowki.7194 said:

Just about all condi builds are also tanky af, and there are limited counters to condi spam. If im not mistaken, antitoxin was a must in wvw which highlights the issue. In sPVP, even on vindi rev, which has the highest clense I am aware of.. you still can't out clense faster than it can be reaplied by a solid condi spec. Given that condi is applied over time, you can't ''just dodge'' it like a power burst, so their needs to be a decent mechanical counter, and their mostly isnt. The only real counter for a lot of powe specs is to kill the condi spec fast, which just tilts the power meta into burst and glass. Why play a power sustain class that has no condi clense?.. its asking to be hard countered against a condi sustain that often has decent power mitigation.


I played both condi and power btw, I don't mind the concept or playstyle of either

Not true at all. Some specs utilize Antitoxin so well that they are borderline immune to condis. Antitoxin is much more unhealthy for the game than rabid. 


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On 9/3/2023 at 2:52 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Some people are using them lately.

Since SOTO release, I'm seeing a lot of Rifle Serk play being used in ATs. Things have shifted in meta tactics to where the best strategy now, is which team can land a full team stealth gank before the other, to create snowball. Teams that zerg together with a ton of high DPS are absolutely smashing teams who are still trying to play classic job roles. Rifle Serk is actually good at this when he is rolling with a coordinated team that pushes in hard to give him opening.

The ones I've seen are specifically running that new relic that overcharges the might stack to +25% efficiency when they go to land their series of unblockables. It is an actual "one-shot" if you get hit by that gunflame. Even the condi burn side of it hits hard because of +25% might effect.

It's annoying because it's an easy jank play style. You have a situation where when he comes in like that, specifically if he follows around his stealthers like a Scrapper as example, the serker can be a relatively mediocre player who knows he's going to die, but he'll sure as hell put 2 people into downstate before someone puts him into downstate. This build is even annoyingly dangerous when it gets up on vengeance because all it has to do is tap you once.

The build is compromising for players who know they are going to get outplayed regardless of what they play. The Rifle Serk in this case is like "the suicide bomber" approach. If you know you're going to die, just make sure you have a method to take a person or two out with you. That's exactly what it is.

~ But about your discussion concerning sustain, I'm not exactly seeing sturdy sustain coming from these builds. They have what they need to survive long enough to do what they do, but their sustain is nothing in the realm of Condiserk or Bladesworn.

The fact that you use 'Serk' instead of Zerker makes this entire post discreditable. 

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1 hour ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

The fact that you use 'Serk' instead of Zerker makes this entire post discreditable. 

Don't look directly at it, you'll start imagining a Krait say it in your head.

Rifle Serk still fine even with the Mabon meme though. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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On 9/2/2023 at 7:10 AM, TheBigPlay.7504 said:

For god sakes, remove this amulet is so unhealthy for the game. 900 toughness on a heavy armor class.

No more deleting amulets, just nerf the numbers if it's too oppressive. We need more amulets not less.

Edited by gmmg.9210
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18 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Tell us you play warrior without telling us you play warrior

Bro this isnt a slick funny or intelligent comment. This is a childish goofy thing to say. First of all I play many many classes its called multiclassing. If you had an actual comprehension of my posts you would not deduce that I play warrior - you would deduce that I play many classes. That's assuming that me posting in opposition of a nerf equates to I play that class - in reality, I'm just opposed to useless nerfs and to bot head kitten people such as yourself (numerous goofy posts from) deciding the direction of the game. 

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On 9/3/2023 at 11:30 PM, TheBigPlay.7504 said:

And you're the type of player who plays condi bunker builds yikes...  @Rainbow Dragon.7268

actually i play vipers in wvw glass cannon die or kill them style cause its funny i play like a cringe lord cause i am a cringe lord  dive into a zerg down some nerds then die in wvw i used to play condi bunker mirage when chaotic transference gave toughness convert damage but when that was removed i thought f it just play full damage condi and i haven't played bunker since.

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18 hours ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

The fact that you use 'Serk' instead of Zerker makes this entire post discreditable. 

Embarassing yourself is cool.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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22 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

FWIW, interactions with Longbow Bursts and Adrenal Health aside the rest of that sustain on Berserker is only happening when they are inflicting damage on you. Deny the damage and you deny the healing...


I get what you are saying, but zerkers have a very good amount of mobility, their are not many popular specs used that can out kite them. Mitigating the damage fair enough, but thats a universal thing that all classes suffer to, its not a zerker thing. Infact it can be less so for warrior, for example, the warrior heal on hits taken, if you continue to dmg, he gets health, if you stop, he stops taking damage.. so its either a full hp heal (+overheal basically makes it an immunity), or a small hp heal + a few seconds of immunity (essentially), neither are bad options. Id take that heal mechanic for a ''god spec'', its one of the best. If they stop attacking, the amount of damage you could have took in those few seconds, far outweighs the 2k or so less healing, autos crit for 2k on most specs now ;p.


I know its slightly off the topic, but its always the case that warrior mains are quick to point out the flaws in the class and ask for buffs, and ignore the very powerful tools that are also there, that would quickly make them OP as hell.


I have to be honest, im not sure why zerker is deemed so bad? I never find a good zerker to be an easy kill, infact they are one of the harder specs to kill due to mobility, and if  you underestimate their dmg for a second, youre in serious trouble. So what exactly is it that should be buffed on zerker, and not send it absolutely op?

Edited by Flowki.7194
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3 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:


I get what you are saying, but zerkers have a very good amount of mobility, their are not many popular specs used that can out kite them. Mitigating the damage fair enough, but thats a universal thing that all classes suffer to, its not a zerker thing. Infact it can be less so for warrior, for example, the warrior heal on hits taken, if you continue to dmg, he gets health, if you stop, he stops taking damage.. so its either a full hp heal (+overheal basically makes it an immunity), or a small hp heal + a few seconds of immunity (essentially), neither are bad options. Id take that heal mechanic for a ''god spec'', its one of the best. If they stop attacking, the amount of damage you could have took in those few seconds, far outweighs the 2k or so less healing, autos crit for 2k on most specs now ;p.

There are two heals here at play (three really), Blood Reckoning, Lesser Blood Reckoning from the traitline, and Defiant Stance. BR and LBR are great as they heal off of the condi ticks, so you can heal while kiting, but if the damage is denied then the healing is denied. Defiant Stance you can counter with a stow if you are power, but if you are running condi, well then that is SOL for you. These two types of heals are not unique though. Guardian and Herald both have heals of either type.  If the Berserker is running DS, CC them and walk away and if you are running condi save your spike for after DS ends. If it is BR and/or LBR, deny their damage with dodges, evades, blinds, invulns, CC, weakness, and condi cleanses as needed. Both types of heals have low upfront healing and their main healing can be denied so there is counter play to them.

3 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I know its slightly off the topic, but its always the case that warrior mains are quick to point out the flaws in the class and ask for buffs, and ignore the very powerful tools that are also there, that would quickly make them OP as hell.

The mains also very quickly point out what does and does not have counter play. BSW's sustain has little to no counter play, and you see mains point that out and make suggestions on how to nerf it. However, when counterplay does exist the mains also go out of their way to point out what the counter play options are, case in point above ^^^^. There are large swaths of the profession that still need updates and exist in a poor state, so when there is anything remotely successful that has counterplay that gets QQ'd about, that QQ is going to be met with pushback, as it should be. FWIW, each profession deserves strong and effective builds, so long as those builds have counterplay. I will defend builds that have counterplay irrespective of profession and discuss critically what needs to be adjusted on builds that have no counterplay irrespective of profession.

3 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I have to be honest, im not sure why zerker is deemed so bad? I never find a good zerker to be an easy kill, infact they are one of the harder specs to kill due to mobility, and if  you underestimate their dmg for a second, youre in serious trouble. So what exactly is it that should be buffed on zerker, and not send it absolutely op?

Power zerker is in an awkward state, while condi zerker has found a decent footing. The angst is more from Anet having released 3 melee mostly power based especs for warrior, which is galling since Berserker was the first one. Most of the awkwardness is in how Berserk Mode is handled, outdated core traits, and outdated weapons. Berserk Mode costing adrenaline, but not counting as a burst is a big sticking point. The fact that so many of the traits key off of hitting with a burst while said bursts for the most part are highly telegraphed and thus easily mitigated to deny the trait procs is also a big sticking point. Warrior has the most weapons, but only a few are viable and many compete in the same design space. Weapons like warrior greatsword were fine during a 2012 era of the game but have not kept up with the times. Warrior has mobility skills sure, but the state of the game now features a multitude of teleports, shadowsteps, and leaps that are far faster in execution than what Rush can keep up with not to mention that newer mobility skills appear to not suffer from Rush's longstanding issue where it goes in the wrong direction hindering its reliability. CMC even joked that he fixed Rush when making the Vindicator GS skill, but guess what didn't get ported to Rush?

Now, what would I change to make Berserker better without making it super OP? I would make Berserk Mode not cost adrenaline but giving it separate durations based on the amount of adrenaline held at time of entry. So, you could enter at 0 adrenaline but it would not last very long. How long those durations would be is up for debate. I would also rework Greatsword, OH mace, and maybe a few skills on the other weapons to fix long standing issues. Not to increase the damage values directly, but things like reducing the cast time on Hundred Blades, removing overly long aftercasts, turning Tremor into a cone AoE, and other things of that nature. 

Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
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17 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

There are two heals here at play (three really), Blood Reckoning, Lesser Blood Reckoning from the traitline, and Defiant Stance. BR and LBR are great as they heal off of the condi ticks, so you can heal while kiting, but if the damage is denied then the healing is denied. Defiant Stance you can counter with a stow if you are power, but if you are running condi, well then that is SOL for you. These two types of heals are not unique though. Guardian and Herald both have heals of either type.  If the Berserker is running DS, CC then and walk away and if you are running condi save your spike for after DS ends. If it is BR and/or LBR, deny their damage with dodges, evades, blinds, invulns, CC, weakness, and condi cleanses as needed. Both types of heals have low upfront healing and their main healing can be denied so there is counter play to them.

The mains also very quickly point out what does and does not have counter play. BSW's sustain has little to no counter play, and you see mains point that out and make suggestions on how to nerf it. However, when counterplay does exist the mains also go out of their way to point out what the counter play options are, case in point above ^^^^. There are large swaths of the profession that still need updates and exist in a poor state, so when there is anything remotely successful that has counterplay that gets QQ'd about, that QQ is going to be met with pushback, as it should be. FWIW, each profession deserves strong and effective builds, so long as those builds have counterplay. I will defend builds that have counterplay irrespective of profession and discuss critically what needs to be adjusted on builds that have no counterplay irrespective of profession.

Power zerker is in an awkward state, while condi zerker has found a decent footing. The angst is more from Anet having released 3 melee mostly power based especs for warrior, which is galling since Berserker was the first one. Most of the awkwardness is in how Berserk Mode is handled, outdated core traits, and outdated weapons. Berserk Mode costing adrenaline, but not counting as a burst is a big sticking point. The fact that so many of the traits key off of hitting with a burst while said bursts for the most part are highly telegraphed and thus easily mitigated to deny the trait procs is also a big sticking point. Warrior has the most weapons, but only a few are viable and many compete in the same design space. Weapons like warrior greatsword were fine during a 2012 era of the game but have not kept up with the times. Warrior has mobility skills sure, but the state of the game now features a multitude of teleports, shadowsteps, and leaps that are far faster in execution than what Rush can keep up with not to mention that newer mobility skills appear to not suffer from Rush's longstanding issue where it goes in the wrong direction hindering its reliability. CMC even joked that he fixed Rush when making the Vindicator GS skill, but guess what didn't get ported to Rush?

Now, what would I change to make Berserker better without making it super OP? I would make Berserk Mode not cost adrenaline but giving it separate durations based on the amount of adrenaline held at time of entry. So, you could enter at 0 adrenaline but it would not last very long. How long those durations would be is up for debate. I would also rework Greatsword, OH mace, and maybe a few skills on the other weapons to fix long standing issues. Not to increase the damage values directly, but things like reducing the cast time on Hundred Blades, removing overly long aftercasts, turning Tremor into a cone AoE, and other things of that nature. 

Yeah fair enough.

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5 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Embarassing yourself is cool.


Embarrising yourself is cool

1. It's called sarcasm 

2. Zerker is common video game slang. No one kittening says serk. 


American pronunciation
Sounds like
Edited by WhoWantsAHug.3186
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5 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Embarassing yourself is cool.


I still hate it and will make fun of it,

I don't make the rules for this I just swing axe 💀

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46 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Power zerker is in an awkward state, while condi zerker has found a decent footing. The angst is more from Anet having released 3 melee mostly power based especs for warrior, which is galling since Berserker was the first one. Most of the awkwardness is in how Berserk Mode is handled, outdated core traits, and outdated weapons. Berserk Mode costing adrenaline, but not counting as a burst is a big sticking point. The fact that so many of the traits key off of hitting with a burst while said bursts for the most part are highly telegraphed and thus easily mitigated to deny the trait procs is also a big sticking point. Warrior has the most weapons, but only a few are viable and many compete in the same design space. Weapons like warrior greatsword were fine during a 2012 era of the game but have not kept up with the times. Warrior has mobility skills sure, but the state of the game now features a multitude of teleports, shadowsteps, and leaps that are far faster in execution than what Rush can keep up with not to mention that newer mobility skills appear to not suffer from Rush's longstanding issue where it goes in the wrong direction hindering its reliability. CMC even joked that he fixed Rush when making the Vindicator GS skill, but guess what didn't get ported to Rush?

Now, what would I change to make Berserker better without making it super OP? I would make Berserk Mode not cost adrenaline but giving it separate durations based on the amount of adrenaline held at time of entry. So, you could enter at 0 adrenaline but it would not last very long. How long those durations would be is up for debate. I would also rework Greatsword, OH mace, and maybe a few skills on the other weapons to fix long standing issues. Not to increase the damage values directly, but things like reducing the cast time on Hundred Blades, removing overly long aftercasts, turning Tremor into a cone AoE, and other things of that nature. 

This sounds like a nice idea but I keep getting complaints about power zerk when someone gets decapped to death. I would rather awkward and being able to lmao people for being outplayed, than briefly good, then dead for 3 more years like how this normally goes. 

There's people in this thread already trying to devise an excuse for why Power Zerker is unfair.  Far be it from me to ever allow them to be justified though 💀

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2 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

This sounds like a nice idea but I keep getting complaints about power zerk when someone gets decapped to death. I would rather awkward and being able to lmao people for being outplayed, than briefly good, then dead for 3 more years like how this normally goes. 

There's people in this thread already trying to devise an excuse for why Power Zerker is unfair.  Far be it from me to ever allow them to be justified though 💀

Allowing oneself to be Decapped to death is about the same level of bad as allowing oneself to be Heart-Seekered (Heart-Sought? 🤔) to death. Or standing inside of the full cast of Hundred Blades without doing anything. Show those players where the counterplay is. Constructively. If a player is unable to respond to move spamming that doesn't include CC then no amount of nerfing anything will help them. Each of us need to at some point as the question, "Is this interaction completely unfair, or am I missing something?"

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5 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Allowing oneself to be Decapped to death is about the same level of bad as allowing oneself to be Heart-Seekered (Heart-Sought? 🤔) to death. Or standing inside of the full cast of Hundred Blades without doing anything. Show those players where the counterplay is. Constructively. If a player is unable to respond to move spamming that doesn't include CC then no amount of nerfing anything will help them. Each of us need to at some point as the question, "Is this interaction completely unfair, or am I missing something?"

If they had the foresight to ask themselves "why did that hit me" and then adjust their behavior, they would have the critical mental position that would prevent them from complaining at getting hit by decap to begin with   🍹 💀🪑


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58 minutes ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

Embarrising yourself is cool

1. It's called sarcasm 

2. Zerker is common video game slang. No one kittening says serk. 


American pronunciation
Sounds like

I'm having a hard time reading what you're doing here. Not sure if you were trying to be funny or were trolling me.

Regardless, I can say that I do not prefer to phonetically misspell things like a 1st grader, tyvm.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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