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Physically Challenged having a Tough Time with Rise and Shrine


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On 9/5/2023 at 12:44 PM, LesserHellspawn.3160 said:

The carts could do with a little wider area to count per cart. I've managed to finally do it in the 10th try or so, but it was kitten hard. One error with the skyscale, and it takes too long to get it moving into a new direction.

I have completely given up on #35 though, the very last. I never get the second pillar. The skyscale always clings to it instead of getting on top of it, and by the time I've launched into the air and convinced the Skyscale to go down with C, time runs out. I've tried this one so many times that I ragequit it. I've completed my masteries with other options. Thankfully we only need 58/65 mastery points to get them all. I sincerely hope I don't have to revisit this with the new mastery coming in the second update.

I agree, took me hours to get the carts done because I couldn't see the last point way down the cliff. And when I managed to activate the last point I couldn't get on the cart to open the chest. Was so panicked that it would dissapear after all those tries. I give up on 35 as well I can't get to the second pillar in time.  Skyscale is so clunky. Slow to turn and grabs on to everything.

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11 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Maybe the game can make some "disable" person having trouble on precise content , but 0 accesssibility ? really ? the power and condi creep is now like every class who plays to deal damage  do it with +25+30% more efficiency , the hp of all mobs haven't change , proof : just do a kryptis rift in an old map like Orr , and compare the hp of your vet undead vs a normal kryptis , the vet has less hp than the normal kryptis.

I don't know what you want but the open world combat style is pretty easy enough , you have ofc some classes who aren't suited for open world like berserker ele with sword , but there is a fair enough amount of accessible builds with pretty easy gear to have who require a very low apm , just play power mecha with rifle , the thing burst trough mobs like butter and is freaking easy to play .

As for having a disabled person in their company , i am for recruiting the most skilled worker , not pushing up a freaking agenda or quotas ... , if you have a guy in a wheelchair but this guy can speak binary and eat net codes for breakfast , well you recruit him because he will be an asset for your company , you do not recruit him because "heh , take him he is in a wheelchair , that will be more 'inclusive' and give our company a good picture" that kind of nonsense is literally utter disrespect to that person to me , because you use a person disability to earn something , you should use his skills instead , stop pointing out the disability and point out that person skills !

You are free to think what you will , but this is how you sink a company , because your company is now flooded with incompetency because you cared more about having diversity over efficiency.

We are talking about one, expanded to two, activities in one set of shrine guardians. Checking for game activity compatibility with colour-blindness (about 8% of the male population) and for people with hand disabilities (no stats) is unrelated to your comments about "diversity hires". This is not about giving a company a "good picture", it's about having a product that takes the needs of the consumer base into account.

About 12% of the population suffer from migraines, so that could be taken into account when designing visual effects in this game (unrelated to the two shrine activities, but another point about general game design problems).

I am genuinely happy for you that you don't have a disability that causes you problems in playing the game. Those of us commenting in the thread do. Please reflect on that.

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Wow thanks for all the support.  I did not intend for this to become a divisive thread.  Was just trying to ask for a longer time frame on this particular event.  If they add 5 to 10 seconds to this particular encounter it will still require some manual dexterity but just eliminate some of the pressure that is caused by it.  Not asking for a pass just a wee bit more time.  Of all games I have never encountered such a vibrant and outgoing Abled body demographic so sensitive to others particular's challenges and it is really awesome )  @ANET thanks again for an awesome expac


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12 hours ago, Squid.1704 said:

Wow thanks for all the support.  I did not intend for this to become a divisive thread.  Was just trying to ask for a longer time frame on this particular event.  If they add 5 to 10 seconds to this particular encounter it will still require some manual dexterity but just eliminate some of the pressure that is caused by it.  Not asking for a pass just a wee bit more time.  Of all games I have never encountered such a vibrant and outgoing Abled body demographic so sensitive to others particular's challenges and it is really awesome )  @ANET thanks again for an awesome expac


Franckly i doubt they will do any change to this , this is why i proposed the portal trick , i understand why you need this so much as there is a mastery point behind.

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21 hours ago, Squid.1704 said:

Wow thanks for all the support.  I did not intend for this to become a divisive thread.  Was just trying to ask for a longer time frame on this particular event.  If they add 5 to 10 seconds to this particular encounter it will still require some manual dexterity but just eliminate some of the pressure that is caused by it.  Not asking for a pass just a wee bit more time.  Of all games I have never encountered such a vibrant and outgoing Abled body demographic so sensitive to others particular's challenges and it is really awesome )  @ANET thanks again for an awesome expac


I may have helped turn this into a conversation about Anet's general failure to account for accessibility needs, but I think it's a necessary conversation to keep having until they listen.


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As a professional jumping puzzle ninja I went and tried this one. It had already annoyed me after the first fail cuz skyscale kept getting stuck on rope and did it with just normal gliding only outside of the ledge part, but I could easily see why it would be frustrating for others. The timer really is too short but even something like 2-5 seconds would be a huge improvement. Would be kinda hard to help people cheese it, I can only set two portals at most with one having high CD. If you have the small jade bot glide boost it might help speed it up over messing with mount.

On 9/7/2023 at 12:56 AM, Hesione.9412 said:

About 12% of the population suffer from migraines, so that could be taken into account when designing visual effects in this game (unrelated to the two shrine activities, but another point about general game design problems).

This one would be me and why I spent years requesting "hide other player's effects" till it finally happened. And why their removal of being able to turn off post-processing was just awful (thankfully reverted).

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