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PvP as a returnee or newbie I guess


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So id like to give some insights on what its like to start with sPvp after years or basically a newbie take. 

I started with my main elementalist but god they feel so terrible right now if you dont play support you dont play elementalist right now and im not a fan of playing support so I switched to thief since I really like the playstyle I guess. 

Alright after getting pretty much the first few matches oneshot by everything I was like alright this is terrible so I watched a few videos on what few classes do. I mostly got melted by mesmers, Guardians, whatever ranger spec doesnt matter, some thiefs and here and there few revenants but those were far and few stretched honestly. 

After like taking some videos of my gameplay and analyzing them I looked at the classes combos and like at what point my hp went from 100 to 0 in a second. After about 10-20 further frustrating losses ( Im always pendling between S1 to gold 3 ranking and cant get higher by any means) I learned on how to deal with some of the oneshots especially mesmers guardians and the occasional revenantplayer and a few thiefs some still simply outplay me because they are more experienced or dont meme around with a troll spec like Deadeye and play seriously daredevil :x 

But my honest complain  is always ranger I just cant deal with this class at all. If its a druid with a staff that instantly kills me a soulbeast killing me at higher range then me or even close combat eitherway I feel outclassed by each and every ranger spec. I understand that a lot of it will come from git gut issue but feels like the class was made for infants? A lot of rangers do way better then a lot of idk mesmers as example or guardians that used to roll me all the time but cant anymore if I really try hard. 
Is the meta simply as it is right now or is it generally just no chance a deadeye has against whatever ranger spec because it outranges / outdpsses him anyday? 

Outside of that I feel like im just not making any progress as a newbie in pvp even after revising my matches etc helps me absolutely nothing. I Understand that theres more in a match then 1v1s and I need  to grasp the essence of what is our wincondition in that certain match but I feel like the high elo strategies dont work in mid silver low gold elo. 

So like what do I do as newbie to progress tips tricks anything? Id really love to climb but looks kinda sorta impossible rn.

Btw whoever said the game is for casual should take a potato to the mouth and not talk ever xD  

Oh yeah Edit: Overall I think PvP would be more fun if I know wha tim doing but its so unfriendly towards new players its insane honestly.  Its hard nothing is explained etc etc etc

Edited by chaoslordlol.3165
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just give up on pvp, the playerbase is extremely small meaning you will get matched with people across the entire rank spectrum and it's meta basically consists of infinity-blockers and oneshot specs. if you are getting into it at this very moment the best choice is to not get into it. i recommend getting a different game for your pvp needs as gw2s pvp is basically a rotten carcass of what it once was.

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Yeah, I feel the same. I just finish farming the chest I’m on. I came back to it just as you and I regret it. It became some of the worst shitshow I ever saw. And I don’t know what has happened to it. 

I get only one sided matches, most classes are unkillable or one shooting. The classes I used to main and play with success suck balls. I used to be in gold (like it mattered anyway) and sometimes got to platinum for a moment, now I’m stuck in silver and only dropping. This mode should really be deleted. It’s a waste of recourses. 

Edited by MichalAniol.5807
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On 9/6/2023 at 4:44 AM, zaced.7948 said:

just give up on pvp, the playerbase is extremely small meaning you will get matched with people across the entire rank spectrum and it's meta basically consists of infinity-blockers and oneshot specs. if you are getting into it at this very moment the best choice is to not get into it. i recommend getting a different game for your pvp needs as gw2s pvp is basically a rotten carcass of what it once was.

I wish anet would delight me with a response to your comment, but I expect disappointment, it's all a pvp gamer gets. 

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7 minutes ago, chaoslordlol.3165 said:

Instead of deleting the game mode it feels like the appropriate change would be weekly small balance changes instead of massive nerf hammers every month 

So monthly updates is not good enough... funny thing is we never had that. Not even close.


2019 - 5 updates - this is what used the be their average
2020 - 3 updates
2021 - 2 updates
2022 - 8 updates, this is the best year for patches by far. 2023 is shaping up to be average again.
Now imagine 11-12 updates a year... wouldn't that be awesome?

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11 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

They need to cap the MMR system so that people get more uqually matched games..

there are not enough players playing at any time to do that realistically without 30+ min queues.


2 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Yeah, that'd probably help.

in order to do that you would need a bare minimum of visual input as to what is happening. as it is now, more often than not you are dead the moment the opponents comes out of stealth.

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19 minutes ago, zaced.7948 said:

there are not enough players playing at any time to do that realistically without 30+ min queues.


in order to do that you would need a bare minimum of visual input as to what is happening. as it is now, more often than not you are dead the moment the opponents comes out of stealth.

I don't beleive that at all. On avg,  7/10 players in every game are true bronze to silver, and the other 3 or so are true gold+. The wide range of skill means newbs or lesser skilled players get 1 shot all the time, and they do (Im likely only true gold 2 or 3 max, and I one shot people all the time). It takes months, if not years to get good at this game, they will get 1 shot for a while by better players, its not fun. I still get royally kitten by plat players, as skill gap is still huge.


''True'' Bronze and silver players should never, ever find themselves in a game with gold or plat, and their is enough bronze/silver players where those game times will barely change. They will get a much better pvp experiance, and be more likely to play on, get better, and make it into true gold.


In true gold, support will actually be worth playing, since their is a far higher chance dps know what they are doing. If support is viable, that will retain players who like playing support. Currently support is not viable, and where are all the supports?. Those true golds will then have more fun, get better, and make it into plat. Gold will wait 10 min per game, maybe less.. but Im fine with that, quality over quantity for sure. Plats would have to wait longer, but only untill the players in gold make it upto plat. I think there are many plat level players trapped in gold due to the current system. Over time, the game will attrackt or retain more pvp players (new content would help) and eventuially more people make it upto plat level.


The fear of making plat playrs wait longer is strangling the life out of sPVP. Make them wait.. and if they do quit, you lose less players than the current system. Nobody but sweaty wintraders, or 1v1 heros who care not for team work, benefit from this current system.




Edited by Flowki.7194
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Don't bother with ranked. There's a group of people with alt accounts that just spend 24/7 manipulating matches for guildies/friends.

Don't bother with unranked - they ego farm this mode too. 

There's a good 20-30 people who apparently do not work, eat, sleep, or do anything other than spam queues and have 2-3 alt accounts. 

And due to neglect, like nearly every other game mode, players have ran off in droves so the population is pretty much the same people day in and day out. At least, if you're new, you have evaded the probably 2 years of rampant bots we had in nearly every match. (And teleport hacks.)


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59 minutes ago, Bast.7253 said:

There's a group of people with alt accounts that just spend 24/7 manipulating matches for guildies/friends.

Don't bother with unranked - they ego farm this mode too. 

oh hey i know you
you're the guy who said i'm part of the "wintrader cartel" and someone's alt because i.... queued an unranked for dailies

have you ever considered just maybe conspiracy theories have ruined your brain


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But honestly what is killing me mostly is that when I go into a ranked game and I see someone with a title that requires you to be in the top 10 or top 100 or top 250 and im like eh im gold elo why is he here.
I thought that AGS is terrible at balancing a game like new world. GW2 seems to be something else

Edited by chaoslordlol.3165
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2 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

oh hey i know you
you're the guy who said i'm part of the "wintrader cartel" and someone's alt because i.... queued an unranked for dailies

have you ever considered just maybe conspiracy theories have ruined your brain


They're everywhere!

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6 hours ago, chaoslordlol.3165 said:

But honestly what is killing me mostly is that when I go into a ranked game and I see someone with a title that requires you to be in the top 10 or top 100 or top 250 and im like eh im gold elo why is he here.
I thought that AGS is terrible at balancing a game like new world. GW2 seems to be something else

well considering low pop 250 rank can now be reached within g3 where before it used to be high p1 to mid p2

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6 hours ago, chaoslordlol.3165 said:

I thought that AGS is terrible at balancing a game like new world. GW2 seems to be something else

People have already said it, but I'll remind you again: low population.

The matchmaking algorithm does initially attempt to match people of similar MMR together; but after it fails to within a certain window, it just opens up the MMR range and slaps together a match. This is not a problem the matchmaker can solve.

Anet would have to rework sPvP somehow to attract more players legitimately interested in the mode, not just afk reward seekers and cheaters. I'm not sure that's even possible at this point.

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22 hours ago, zaced.7948 said:

in order to do that you would need a bare minimum of visual input as to what is happening. as it is now, more often than not you are dead the moment the opponents comes out of stealth.


Just using melee burst ranger as it's the hot topic:

The big bear is Maul--it roars.  

GS block is ranger holding it vertically, kick afterward looks like...a kick

Sic' Em yells 'Sic Em!', Doylak Stance has a distinct grunt sound, and OWP distinct howl--though they could use visual cues.

Smoke Assault is very easy to tell once you see it, it looks just like it sounds.  

Smoke field is the smokescale spinning in a circle basically pooing smoke.

The two sword leaps don't really have a visual tell outside of serpent strike being green--this is anets fault for ruining the weapon in the name of 'deeps' though--used to have very easy visual tells on each sword skill.

Boar maul has no tell neither does smokescale KD--outside of a spinning kick, but its so fast that not really useful.

But the 'agree' part is I find other classes to have less tells--like I have no idea what the hell willbender is doing half the time, or really how to tell the different purple puke things mes can do.  Ele similar 'wtf is going on rn' but at least has visual cues for the attunements.

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On 9/10/2023 at 2:29 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


it does not matter because stealth is not broken until hit. and the moment the hit occurs, you are already dead. the moment you can see, the fight is over. and please don't tell me to listen for sic'em when 6 other players in my direct vincitiny are clobbering each other with guns and explosions and stuff. on top of that, who is the soulbeast gonna oneshot? should i use up a dodgeroll or two just in case in order for the soulbeast to attack someone else?

ps: i don't even think the soulbeast is the worst offender here, it can delete a single target. scrapper f.e. just deletes everything in a certain radius out of stealth. and even after 10 years i basically have no idea what any mesmer spec is doing because when they start pressing buttons it's like somebody threw a purple flashbang grenade into my face. the entire game is so insanely epileptic, having burst builds with access to stealth on top of that is like trying to extinguish a fire with a nuclear bomb in regards to new players. and that's what this is all about after all.

i personally don't really care that much about it. i've been playing for a long time, i can adapt, i can play around, i can still win. and if push comes to shove i can just join them. the main problem here is the player population being so extremely low that proper matchmaking cannot occur. to solve this problem you would need new players to participate in pvp. and only an extreme masochist is gonna let themselves get oneshot over and over again in more than 10-15 matches without any indicator as to what they did wrong while being bombarded with effects already barely being able to discern what's going on before they say kitten it and quit the game mode forever in order to play pve. and that's how we arrive at the situation we're in right now, hence my recommendation to just not bother with pvp in this game if you are a new player.

while this recommendation might be the worst for pvp, it's definitely the best for the player.

Edited by zaced.7948
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20 minutes ago, zaced.7948 said:

it does not matter because stealth is not broken until hit. and the moment the hit occurs, you are already dead. the moment you can see, the fight is over. and please don't tell me to listen for sic'em when 6 other players in my direct vincitiny are clobbering each other with guns and explosions and stuff. on top of that, who is the soulbeast gonna oneshot? should i use up a dodgeroll or two just in case in order for the soulbeast to attack someone else?

A lot of this depends on reaction time and build.  The sound cues are there for a reason though, ignoring them weakens the point as they are part of the game and a big part of how you tell when to start burning defensives.

Anyway, personally I don't have any issues with stealth one shots as my build can handle it and is built to handle it because that's the meta we're in.  

New players may be fine with this too--many FPS are fast paced such as Valorant.  Just depends on what they've played before--and if they can't adapt then can always play WvW where unkillable bunker is very much a thing.  

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2 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

A lot of this depends on reaction time and build.  The sound cues are there for a reason though, ignoring them weakens the point as they are part of the game and a big part of how you tell when to start burning defensives.

Anyway, personally I don't have any issues with stealth one shots as my build can handle it and is built to handle it because that's the meta we're in.  

New players may be fine with this too--many FPS are fast paced such as Valorant.  Just depends on what they've played before--and if they can't adapt then can always play WvW where unkillable bunker is very much a thing.  

if the state of pvp is so fine and good, why are there only like 2 and a half players left?

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1 minute ago, zaced.7948 said:

if the state of pvp is so fine and good, why are there only like 2 and a half players left?

These forums are active enough to get replies daily (and it's not even reddit where most people are), so there are more than 2.5 players in sPvP lol.

I'm not sure I want to know how we're arriving at half players now either 😂

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On 9/11/2023 at 3:59 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

A lot of this depends on reaction time and build.  The sound cues are there for a reason though, ignoring them weakens the point as they are part of the game and a big part of how you tell when to start burning defensives.

Anyway, personally I don't have any issues with stealth one shots as my build can handle it and is built to handle it because that's the meta we're in.  

New players may be fine with this too--many FPS are fast paced such as Valorant.  Just depends on what they've played before--and if they can't adapt then can always play WvW where unkillable bunker is very much a thing.  


There is no melee based spec I have played yet where it was so common to kill a person and still have 90-100% hp, on players who are not just newbs. Its not just about 1 shots. I would also add some term of ''bursting a target down while taking little dmg in return''. Even chrono cannot really achieve this, as invuln will use up clones which will reduce burst.. thats not a compromise SB has to make, which is why it broken even still, in my eyes.


The nerfs don't really change much. I use LB instead of GS, pot shot barrage from 1500 with knockback to push them back into it (why not try) then combine OWP+hunters call+LB-2 from 1200 and they are blowing dodges if they have any sense. Then you have sicem into smoke assault > dodge right after incase they counter dodge > call of the wild to setup takedown > pounce > serpent strike. Huntres call is now back on CD, swap to pig or w/e new pet for CC before repplying it, then swap back to LB for knockback+rapid, attempt a stealth shot, then open again with another rapid, or even drop barrage ontop of yourself from stealth if its a melee, then rappid. I mean thats if they survive that long.. and its takes what, 15 seconds? (many die in the first 5) and you are mostly unhitable unless they have stability.


And ofc the meta build still works well from what I tried.. while hammer isn't a bad option over GS to offer more sustain+stun/daze/root, and the dmg isnt bad, 3 k auto crits with mara.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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