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Is matchmaking queue broken?


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I crawled my way to mid plat on scourge and im currently sitting in G2 as of 2 days of pvping. I've lost about 15-20 games and won about 4? The games i've lost, for the most part, havent even been close. Im talking like 300-400 point deficits. It feels like a team of silvers fighting a team of plats. I know I make mistakes and dont play perfect every game but this is just ridiculous. Here im thinking "ok maybe im just getting unlucky and bad team matchups" but ive literally gone 9 losses in a row tonight with the games not even being competitive. It's not a "oh we messed up rotating" or "well we lost that one important fight". My entire team just gets run over. Does anyone else go through this? Is there something with matchmaking queue that biases team comps and overall levels? This is the most unbalanced night of pvp ive ever had. Usually it's 50/50 w:l or close but this is kittening 100% loss rate.

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I'vehad this twice going fromhigh g3 to g1/2, in my case it was simply horrendous class balance being a completely off meta team vs a full blown meta comp.

Idk man I dont like the current system at all. Idk if its just impossible for the system to balance all the specializations or wether its due to the low participation.

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It happens, specially if you play at different times of the day

You said you were plat, then you most likely to be matched against another plat players but they playing duo and you lose

Or game simply places silver players in your games to balance against 2 low gold 3 players in the other team

Edited by Khalisto.5780
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There are different populations at different times and weekdays. Then population changes depending on holydays too. G3 level saturday evening vs tuesday evening is miles apart.

Keep in mind that one can rank in at any point during a season. So you may face a veteran that lost jis first placement game and is currently silver.

These factors should even out however and if you play enough games not matter at all.

If you go on long loose streaks you might have to factor in that you get tired and tilted and you cant notice this in the moment necessarily. Next time record one of your games then quite and watch the replay another day. You might notice that you actualy played worse that you thought at the time.

In the future coniser quiting the game and play on another day that way you might only have a 4 games lose streak.

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That might be volatility turning your matchmaking into a self-fullfilling prophecy. If you lose a lot, your rating is not fluctuating, it's plummeting - meaning your volatility is high. And the matchmaking wants you to find your rating quick, so it puts you on the team that's expected to lose every time. Sometimes that slight handicap is all you need to keep losing.

Volatility, the second best thing after duoQ. Quit sPvP today!

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Depends on the time you queue. I generally see the same leaderboard people duo spamming from 10-3am. Est

Maybe try around dinner time when there is a larger player pool. Or early mornings because they’re finally, presumably, catching up on sleep to repeat their exhausting shenanigans. 

The population has also just shrunk significantly. I really don’t think there are more than 40 people max, unique accounts and not alts, playing this mode.


With them not adding reward tracks and adding other sources of legendary gear soon I think it will continue shrinking because the pve’rs will just do other content to get whatever they’re after. 

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2 minutes ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

You cannot carry a game as scourge. What does it do?

Absorbs damage. For a short period of time before keeling over.

At least most of the ones I’ve seen. I don’t think this meta is really designed for scourge and with Ranger being in the state it’s in I would be hesitant. 

Probably better off playing bladesworn and facetanking twenty nukes while dashing through crowds and helping by dazing. 

Other than glassy dps harbs I haven’t seen many necros at all actually. A few reapers here and there. 

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Yes mm its absolute terrible and I'm done from ranked.Last week I climb to Gold 2 by win streaks then mm said "Ok buddy your climb ends here",Then gave me absolute monkeys of players and terrible team comb every game is absolute a shitshow.Last I played I lost 10 times back to back and demoted to silver 2 .Seriously F this game and F who design this mm.This is absolute a clown fiesta.No wonder people wintrading.

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7 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

That might be volatility turning your matchmaking into a self-fullfilling prophecy. If you lose a lot, your rating is not fluctuating, it's plummeting - meaning your volatility is high. And the matchmaking wants you to find your rating quick, so it puts you on the team that's expected to lose every time. Sometimes that slight handicap is all you need to keep losing.

Volatility, the second best thing after duoQ. Quit sPvP today!

So is it better after like 2-3 losses in a row to just quit for the night to avoid the volatility? Idk why this would be a thing cuz i placed G1 and grinded to plat1-2 and then over a course of 2 nights dropped to G2 cuz of a ridiculous loss streak of games not even being close. This was after about 50 ranked games.

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16 hours ago, Iridi.8473 said:

I crawled my way to mid plat on scourge and im currently sitting in G2 as of 2 days of pvping. I've lost about 15-20 games and won about 4? The games i've lost, for the most part, havent even been close. Im talking like 300-400 point deficits. It feels like a team of silvers fighting a team of plats. I know I make mistakes and dont play perfect every game but this is just ridiculous. Here im thinking "ok maybe im just getting unlucky and bad team matchups" but ive literally gone 9 losses in a row tonight with the games not even being competitive. It's not a "oh we messed up rotating" or "well we lost that one important fight". My entire team just gets run over. Does anyone else go through this? Is there something with matchmaking queue that biases team comps and overall levels? This is the most unbalanced night of pvp ive ever had. Usually it's 50/50 w:l or close but this is kittening 100% loss rate.

Unfortunately, matchmaker has always been like this.

If you 50/50 how were you in "mid plat" (assuming plat 2)? Unless you were midway into plat 1 which might as well still be gold 3.  

Considering the bottom half top 250 is like 1425 now should say a LOT about the number of people playing.  If your top 250s are barely scraping g3 then the volatility is going to be wild anyway because even in gold ppl play like dum dums a lot.  

Ya can never discount your own mistakes too--last night we lost a close game cause at the end I panic and went to try to decap far instead of a YOLO fight for home to try to win by score (we had mid but they were decapping and was 500-461 at end); while either option is whatever I consider it a blown rotation by me as I ended up getting 2v1'd far anyway.

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Unfortunately, matchmaker has always been like this.

If you 50/50 how were you in "mid plat" (assuming plat 2)? Unless you were midway into plat 1 which might as well still be gold 3.  

Considering the bottom half top 250 is like 1425 now should say a LOT about the number of people playing.  If your top 250s are barely scraping g3 then the volatility is going to be wild anyway because even in gold ppl play like dum dums a lot.  

Ya can never discount your own mistakes too--last night we lost a close game cause at the end I panic and went to try to decap far instead of a YOLO fight for home to try to win by score (we had mid but they were decapping and was 500-461 at end); while either option is whatever I consider it a blown rotation by me as I ended up getting 2v1'd far anyway.

I was halfway into plat 1. I hit 1550s before the great descent back to 1350. Mind you, of the 20+ losses, there were only 2 wins (barely wins). 

And i do not discount my mistakes (see original post). But there's a difference between losing like you mentioned (500-461) due to a bad decision and losing 500-100. Pretty much most of my games were the latter which regardless of how bad im doing shouldnt be that far of a deficit assuming the teams are roughly even.

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1 hour ago, Iridi.8473 said:

I was halfway into plat 1. I hit 1550s before the great descent back to 1350. Mind you, of the 20+ losses, there were only 2 wins (barely wins). 

And i do not discount my mistakes (see original post). But there's a difference between losing like you mentioned (500-461) due to a bad decision and losing 500-100. Pretty much most of my games were the latter which regardless of how bad im doing shouldnt be that far of a deficit assuming the teams are roughly even.

I get it, 2/4 of my games yesterday blowout losses, the one close loss, and then one win that started badly but then we turn it around and half their team went afk, including two people with 'X of arena' titles in their names.

But sPvP has had a low pop for such a long time now which is why I said it's always been that way.  Even when you do get a good time and people are on, DuoQ screws everything up because it's an automatic imbalance if both sides don't have a duo.  

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9 hours ago, Iridi.8473 said:

What do you mean damage numbers being far too high? As in im doing too much dmg as a scourge? Yeaaa i dont think that's the problem.

what I mean is that if one team is instantly killing every member of the other team then how does the other team even play the game? In such a scenario you can only expect snowball games to occur.

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If you are a scourge player, like someone mentioned that spec doesn't 'carry' much, so from that I can assume you are a gold skill player probably usually around g2-3. To be comfortable in plat solo q you need to carry your team, to be in high gold you need to not pulldown your team in a proper game.

So from your story it seems you had a winstreak to early plat that you called grind but brough you slightly above your usual skill lvl. If someone has a winstreak, usually its followed by a loss streak because you aren't able to maintain that rating. Winstreak was luck on  your side bringing you  higher than usual and your loss streak was slightly bad luck if it brough you lower than usual.

Edited by youle.5824
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22 minutes ago, Dickinson.7368 said:

Skill lvl on SPvP :D
Its either you play in premade and get plat at very least or you play solo and stay at gold.

Some players, can easily solo q to high plat 2, I can, some can solo to plat 3. Dont assume everything is rigged against you and maybe try getting better?

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