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Do we really need skin items ( the usable item) ?


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I thought about this when I just got a few more of the sanctified weapon skins from the wizard's vault: I mainly get them for the unlock and completion. Yes: They also can be used as a one-time item to apply that skin. To save a transmutation charges. When deleting them it wants the confirmation for safety. (And there is a lot of other stuff that I find more important - where no confirmation is.) Pretty annoying here.

I wonder ... would not not be possible to abolish all the skin items? When getting one from some source (gem store, achievement - or other stuff) where it is not tied to an item (but only giving the skin item) ... it could just automatically unlock the skin (as it happens now) and adding +1 to the transmutation charges. (Why are there even still the items for those - when they are already in the wallet?)

This might not work for the non-bound stuff. (Skins that are allowed to be traded.) But here using them (not the acquisition itself) could trigger the same mechanics. The skin items from the AP rewards also seem to be a legacy thing. Probably from before the wardrobe system got changed. Probably nobody withdraws some new copies from the achievement window anymore - when you just can apply them directly from the wardrobe screen. (I checked - and it does say the cost to apply them is 0 charges while for other skins it is 1. So this is taken into account already there - that you get to use them for free independently.)

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Yes. I think that is the main/only reason against it - that I could see. From the point of vivew of ArenaNet. Gives more flexibility and skins that you actually might never use - would turn into kind of a free transmutation charge. I do not think we should move away completely from the transmutation charges system (as some other players suggested) + they probably do not plan to do this (otherwise the charges would not have been on sale recently).

This change would be kind of a middle way here. (While I mainly would prefer it for having the convenience to not have to type when deleting the skin always. For the stuff you can get in bulk - like the sanctified weapon skins now ... it is annoying.) A slight adjustment of other sources where you can get the charges for free by playing ... could make up for this. (If ArenaNet thinks this is needed.)

We have had a lot of smaller QoL changes in the past. I don't think it would be completely unrealistic to hope for changes here as well.

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It would be nice if there was a check to see if the skin was already unlocked, and then delete without the confirmation/type out the name box. If still locked, present the key-in box.

I need no weapon skins, have plenty of legendaries, so these are all highly annoying. 

Note: If you do key runs, toss all the unwanted "confirmation" junk on the temp character before you delete it.

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the skin consumables NEED QOL update to be able to delete without typing in the name... Obtaining the skin consumables automatically unlock the skin in the wardrobe. So there's no need to confirm the deletion through typing the name. (i know, people who buy the skins from the store will file support tickets asking where the consumable is after they delete the consumable)

i actually realized that i had over 60 consumables in my bank that i wanted to delete, and put it it off for years because of the confirmation dialogue, and ended up deleting a 5 year old character just to avoid the time consumption. (i took all those skins out of the bank and onto the character's inventory before deletion. then i only needed to confirm the character name instead of each. individual. item. ) it's sad when the lack of convenience is so great that someone who doesn't delete characters, deletes a character rather than deal with the inconvenience.

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I and others have been requesting for years now to be able to convert unlocked skins into transmutation charges.  It's not like I directly buy charges anyway.  (Indirectly, yes, they show up in bl chests upon occasion).  And it's not like I wouldn't buy new bank tabs any time the cap is increased because I like having a lot of stuff.  ANet would lose zero money from me if this change were made.  They might make even -more- money since at this point I choose not to buy skins or lounge passes simply because I don't want to give up an inventory or bank slot to them.

If I could clear out all current and future unlocked skins, turn them into transmute charges, and bonus mush all my teleport scrolls into one shared slot, I'd buy pretty much everything that looked halfway decent because it wouldn't use up space.  (I almost never spend gold on gems.  Money is much easier for me to gather than gold.  ANet is actively losing money by ignoring this QoL change, at least from me and from others who have made similar comments).

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