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Scrapper is Still Incredibly Strong In Open World


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I spend a lot of my time in-game these days messing around doing open world build craft for random classes and then comparing them to what others in the community have come up with, but when I finished making my Scrapper build, I realized that many people think Scrapper isn't worth playing in open world right now, and I strongly disagree with that.

Therefore, I'm deciding to share my build despite not really spending that much time on Engi because I think the build is good.

It has everything I look for in open world:

  • high sustain/survivability
  • important offensive boons
  • condi cleanse
  • stun break
  • good cc
  • block/other reactive utility
  • decent damage
  • the ability to swap utilities and traits based on situation
  • is fun to play

And a plethora of other quality of life options are available to scrapper on this patch.

I was honestly blown away by how strong I felt playing it, so it surprised me that the universal consensus wasn't that Scrapper is good for open world play.

I think the key feature of this build that wasn't being considered by other buildcrafters that I saw is that celestial still works quite well on certain power builds, and scrapper is one of them because of its huge synergy with healing power and innate condition output and "free" crit-chance via traits.

And despite what people might say about kinetic accelerators, I found the blasting and leap finishing of my combo fields to happen quite organically, and I specifically designed the build to have extreme cushion when it came to quickness and fury uptime, so you definitely don't have to understand how to execute that part of the kit perfectly to play this build.

Here's a brief demo for the crowd who needs to see a build in action:

The video goes over the build components.

Stuff to note that I don't share in that video.

  1. You can use mortar kit as a ranged option over the crate drop when ranged is necessary.
  2. Shredder gyro and the the cleansing elixir are flexible utility slots, so you can put whatever you want in those slots if you find yourself needing something else.
  3. You can take object in motion if you don't need the extra healing for more dmg.
  4. You can take modified ammunition in events with lots of other players for a dmg increase.
  5. If you are getting fury from other sources, you can swap to glass cannon in explosives for more dmg.
  6. You don't actually need divinity runes, so you can pick a more aggressive rune set if you want.
  7. You could get away with not having chronomancer rune if you really know what you're doing and take another blast finisher.

And it was a super brief and low-effort demo, but there truly are an endless number of perks to playing this build. It honestly has so much going for it that I'm probably going to start playing Scrapper quite often.

Anyway, just thought I'd share. I wouldn't want anyone thinking Scrapper is actually bad in open world when it's this ridiculously strong, imo.

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So firstly, the term Open world can mean several different things.
- It could mean soloing tough events or soloing champion/legendary enemies.  

- It could mean doing group events like meta events or rifts. 
- It could mean farming or chain killing weaker enemies.  

Scrapper has always been and is still good for chain killing weak enemies and also doing group events due to power cleave damage and group quickness / speed.  However, ever since the impact savant butchery, it has been one of the worst specs in the game for soloing tougher content including champions or larger groups of elites etc.  This is due to power damage being much lower than conditions in solo situations for engineer, Scrapper having no access to permanent protection and also no other sources of damage mitigation, while simultaneously having lower sustain than Holosmith or mechanist.  

Soto actually buffed open world solo scrapper by a ton due to chronomancer relic.  You used to have to try hard to build quickness into an open world build and it always came at the cost of power, sigils, utility slots etc.  Now all you need it relic slot and wells.  

I made a celestial scrapper build that can deal 13k dps while also sustaining itself with rapid regeneration, impact savant, big boomer, blast shield, and other things.  I have no idea what the upper limits of cele scrapper is, this is just what I got. It works great for open world any kind of soloing.  But even so, Holosmith can deal 16k and mechanist can deal 19k dps solo and also are still tankier.  So while scrapper has gotten better at open world it’s still… not great.  But I respect any and all buildcraft as that’s one of my favorite things to do in this game.  

Edit:  Now that I saw your video your build is very similar to mine.  I am using scholar runes over divinity.  I couldn’t see the dps because the video is low res and I’m on my phone.  

Edited by Stx.4857
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While i d say the sustain of scrapper is fine (could be a little more after the barrier nerf), the damage of scrapper in open world solo is terrible, especially when we keep in mind that it has perma quickness. 

With other options with same or more sustain i kill Champions in less than half or ¾ of the time i need with scrapper. Examples here are condi weaver, cele Catalyst, condi renegade and even condi herald and condi deadeye (tho it used to be, it got nerfed to heavily, its daredevil now). These are at least the ones i played. And they all deal (far) more damage than scrapper while having same or more sustain. 

Scrapper is good for open world, but its not god tier or incredibly strong. 

There are far better options for open world Champion and legend solo. 


Anyway cool build. I also like buildcrafting a lot, especially when it comes to open world.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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Everything is good in Open World to be fair. 

But Yes, Scrapper can be a very smooth experience to play even after the nerfs. Chronomancer Runes lets you enjoy the old playstyle if you miss it. You can trait for stability so annoying CC mobs don't give you trouble. Anything below a Champion dies instantly. Champions are easy enough to solo. Legendaries and above will be difficult unless you build specifically for it, and even if you do, you'll fare better on Holo or Mech. 

Scrapper shines most when it comes to quickly chain killing enemies. It outclasses both Holo and Mech on that front. Since that's 90% of what you do in OW anyway (especially in meta trains), Scrapper ends up being a great choice for Open World content. 

If you like it, then play it. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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I'm not sure how you can claim scrapper is still good in open world, they don't have enough sustain without building bulky to solo bounties, with the quickness changes it's not all that fun to maintain quickness. 

And there damage is lack luster compared to other classes that can do the samething with much higher DPS output. 

There isn't enough passive damage increases in the engineer trait lines to make scrapper compete with any other build currently. Before the hard nerfs recently I was able to do 33k with perm quickness and superspeed. Now you can't keep up quickness very well without blowing your gyro for the now blast finisher. 


In WvW scrapper is sorta okay /good if your roaming

I personally and probably alot of others enjoyed the previous version of scrapper to current scrapper. 

With weaponmaster now a thing every other class with a hammer out performs scrapper with better options for most situations. 


They need to passively increase the damage for scrapper take the eternal cooldown off the quickness trait and let them finisher multiple fields at the same time to make up for the loses.  

Scrappers barrier trait needs to be buffed in PvE and give them alot more access to protection for them to be able to do solo bounty / champs. 

Hammer tempest can keep up buffed protection (45%) up like 95% of the time while keeping aloy of might and passive healing, quick herald can solo pretty much anything it wants with higher DPS than scrapper. 

While Anet has the golden child guardian scrapper is it's adopted burried and forgotten cousin that keeps getting kicked while already down. 

Yes I'm salty scrapper was my favorite class and play style and it's impossible to fill that void for me since it's no longer enjoyable imo. 

they need to add whirl combo finishers in to generate quickness, impact savont needs to be brought up to 12% and a health way to get easy access to protection. 

and i flat like 12-15% damage increase, to make them more competitive. 

Edited by Freedoms.2635
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6 hours ago, Freedoms.2635 said:

I'm not sure how you can claim scrapper is still good in open world, they don't have enough sustain without building bulky to solo bounties, with the quickness changes it's not all that fun to maintain quickness. 

And there damage is lack luster compared to other classes that can do the samething with much higher DPS output. 

I mean, I've tested a lot of these builds as this point for open world (and I mean A LOT). The sustain and defensive utility feels almost oppressively good to me. I think the build having so much passive sustain plus great non-essential and reactive defensive utilities (blocks, stunbreaks, condi cleanses, evade frames, heals, emergency prot, and being able to dodge whenever you want) makes up for the slightly lower dps output compared to some of the more broken open world specs.

But honestly, I think the feel of this build more than makes up for the lower dmg. It's fun to play and it does good power dmg, so you don't feel like you're just sitting there hitting like a wet noodle for the first however many seconds before your condis start actually hitting hard enough to matter (which 99% of your open world play will end of being like on the OP condi builds right now). It having perma-quickness is also a huge plus for me, because I really don't like how most classes play without it these days. It just feels like I'm playing GW2 on the wrong frequency when I don't have quickness.

6 hours ago, Freedoms.2635 said:

There isn't enough passive damage increases in the engineer trait lines to make scrapper compete with any other build currently. Before the hard nerfs recently I was able to do 33k with perm quickness and superspeed. Now you can't keep up quickness very well without blowing your gyro for the now blast finisher. 

I'm assuming you're talking about quickness dps support scrapper in instanced content here, because 33k really isn't possible on a realistic open world build for any class. I'm not really sure what the dmg potential in instanced content has to do with me commenting on open world Scrapper.

6 hours ago, Freedoms.2635 said:

They need to passively increase the damage for scrapper take the eternal cooldown off the quickness trait and let them finisher multiple fields at the same time to make up for the loses. 

There is no internal cd on the quickness trait tho? It procs on every blast or leap finisher, regardless of how long you wait. At least as far as I'm aware.

And no, being able to blast and leap finish all active fields would not be okay. Not only do I think it would be unsupported by the system, but it would just be wildly broken and impossible to balance, because other players could then put down fields for you to multi-finish, so you wouldn't have to think about how to provide quickness at all, you'd just give perma-quickness by doing whatever rotation you wanted.

6 hours ago, Freedoms.2635 said:

Scrappers barrier trait needs to be buffed in PvE and give them alot more access to protection for them to be able to do solo bounty / champs

I solo'd a champion HoT hero point with incredible ease on this build in the video tho? And several others that I didn't record in my testing. None of them bothered me in the slightest, so I don't think this is true.

And the reactive prot is actually way cooler, imo. It rewards you for understanding what mechanics are actually hitting you hard and responding with the toolbelt protection apporiately. And the same is true with choosing which fields to finish. The malleability of the build is what makes it strong and interesting.

6 hours ago, Freedoms.2635 said:

While Anet has the golden child guardian scrapper is it's adopted burried and forgotten cousin that keeps getting kicked while already down. 

Yes I'm salty scrapper was my favorite class and play style and it's impossible to fill that void for me since it's no longer enjoyable imo. 

I'm sorry that you feel your build got weaker/more complicated, but I think I'm still sticking by my statement that Scrapper feels (and is) really strong in open world. At least in my opinion.

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10k DPS for open world is pretty low, with all the boons scrapper has access too in cele gear only 10k? 

Any ranger build or rev build for open world with Cele can do about 20k with high durability. 

Our opinions may differ but the fact is that scrapper isn't in a good spot. Sure your trying to give some possible light to scrapper, the build isn't more complicated, it's just less fun. 

Cele gear shouldn't be the bandaid to hold a class together.

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If you run a berserker setup scrapper build, then you might be able to kill trash mobs faster than cele Holosmith or cele mechanist, but there’s no way cele scrapper is doing that, the dps just isn’t there.  Cele holo has great burst for killing trash, and cele mechanist has decent power damage too.  

Cele scrapper for me anyway tops out at 13k dps on a golem.  Holosmith I haven’t been able to get higher than 17k and mechanist 19k although I have seen videos of 20k.  That’s not a small difference..  Does the fun aspect of playing scrapper make up for that dps difference?  Maybe, it’s up to you.  But it’s certainly not ‘god tier’ or even good.  

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2 hours ago, Freedoms.2635 said:

10k DPS for open world is pretty low, with all the boons scrapper has access too in cele gear only 10k? 

Any ranger build or rev build for open world with Cele can do about 20k with high durability. 

Our opinions may differ but the fact is that scrapper isn't in a good spot. Sure your trying to give some possible light to scrapper, the build isn't more complicated, it's just less fun. 

Cele gear shouldn't be the bandaid to hold a class together.

Scrapper does just fine with Zerker gear and Jade core Tier 10. Cele is overkill for survivability. 

For boon duration, try running Fried Golden Dumplings as your food. 

These give Concentration and 33% chance on crit to gain might. There's no ICD, so multi hits like Hammer 5, Shredder Gyro, and Nades, and FT kit get big value. Cleaving multiple enemies also gives more stacks. 

Pack Runes, Chronomancer Relics. Sigil of Force, and Sigil of Celerity. 

This will give you plenty of boon uptime when solo. You'll be able to pump out WAY more than 10k damage. The set-up is also dirt cheap on the AH. 


Scrapper's damage is frontloaded, which makes it perfect for chain killing. There's virtually zero ramp time, so you can immediately start blasting, and use your superspeed to fluidly chain kills together. Impact Savant doesn't make you immortal like it used to, but it's still a good buffer shield. Vet mobs and below are dead before your Blast Gyro or Hammer 5 stun even wears off so the damage you end up taking in most cases is minimal. 

When those run out, you can also fall back on your Flash Shell for pulsing blinds, spare capacitor for daze, and Hammer 3 in a lightning field for daze. Enemies can't kill you if they can't hit you. 


Some specs like Cele renegade will out DPS you in longer fights, but 95% of enemies die before their backloaded condi damgage will start to overtake you. 

Scrapper is still doing fine in OW. (Even tho I'm still salty about the Impact Savant nerf).

People are low-key trolling themselves by trying to force cele builds to work on it. Scrapper doesn't benefit from cele as much as other specs do. 


If you really want some extra bulk, try mixing in some Dragon, marauder, or commander stats. You really don't need a lot of toughness/vit on Scrapper compared to other specs. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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3 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Scrapper does just fine with Zerker gear and Jade core Tier 10. Cele is overkill for survivability. 

For boon duration, try running Fried Golden Dumplings as your food. 

These give Concentration and 33% chance on crit to gain might. There's no ICD, so multi hits like Hammer 5, Shredder Gyro, and Nades, and FT kit get big value. Cleaving multiple enemies also gives more stacks. 

Pack Runes, Chronomancer Relics. Sigil of Force, and Sigil of Celerity. 

This will give you plenty of boon uptime when solo. You'll be able to pump out WAY more than 10k damage. The set-up is also dirt cheap on the AH. 


Scrapper's damage is frontloaded, which makes it perfect for chain killing. There's virtually zero ramp time, so you can immediately start blasting, and use your superspeed to fluidly chain kills together. Impact Savant doesn't make you immortal like it used to, but it's still a good buffer shield. Vet mobs and below are dead before your Blast Gyro or Hammer 5 stun even wears off so the damage you end up taking in most cases is minimal. 

When those run out, you can also fall back on your Flash Shell for pulsing blinds, spare capacitor for daze, and Hammer 3 in a lightning field for daze. Enemies can't kill you if they can't hit you. 


Some specs like Cele renegade will out DPS you in longer fights, but 95% of enemies die before their backloaded condi damgage will start to overtake you. 

Scrapper is still doing fine in OW. (Even tho I'm still salty about the Impact Savant nerf).

People are low-key trolling themselves by trying to force cele builds to work on it. Scrapper doesn't benefit from cele as much as other specs do. 


If you really want some extra bulk, try mixing in some Dragon, marauder, or commander stats. You really don't need a lot of toughness/vit on Scrapper compared to other specs. 

Good post, Scrapper has this weird situation where bringing more survivability can actually lower your survivability because of how impact savant works.  But, the barrier only takes you so far, and past that point I feel like Holo/Mech start to pull away as better options.

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1 hour ago, eutha six.5647 said:

I was farming and saw a scrapper solo a legendary bandit- he never even lost any health-no idea what the build was but I have seen that bandit wipe groups all the time. I think I might make a scrapper just to see now because it was impressive.

You can actually do that with pretty much every class if you have the right build and gear and dodging the big dmg attacks.

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2 hours ago, eutha six.5647 said:

I was farming and saw a scrapper solo a legendary bandit- he never even lost any health-no idea what the build was but I have seen that bandit wipe groups all the time. I think I might make a scrapper just to see now because it was impressive.

On that note, here's a pro tip. 

Scrapper is extremely annoying in competetive modes because it can kite circles around you with superspeed while tossing nades or mortars 180 degrees behind them. You can abuse this against mobs too to get safe damage on them while avoiding their big spells. Then move back in when your cooldowns are up and it's safe to do so. 

Against tough enemies I like to kite with nades or mortars, then dump my CC onto their break bar, dump my melee burst onto the target, then go back to kiting with nades/mortars. That's one way how Scrappers can take down some legendary foes without taking a single point of damage. 


Edited by Kuma.1503
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On 10/3/2023 at 9:16 AM, Kuma.1503 said:

Scrapper does just fine with Zerker gear and Jade core Tier 10. Cele is overkill for survivability. 

For boon duration, try running Fried Golden Dumplings as your food. 

These give Concentration and 33% chance on crit to gain might. There's no ICD, so multi hits like Hammer 5, Shredder Gyro, and Nades, and FT kit get big value. Cleaving multiple enemies also gives more stacks. 

Pack Runes, Chronomancer Relics. Sigil of Force, and Sigil of Celerity. 

This will give you plenty of boon uptime when solo. You'll be able to pump out WAY more than 10k damage. The set-up is also dirt cheap on the AH. 


Scrapper's damage is frontloaded, which makes it perfect for chain killing. There's virtually zero ramp time, so you can immediately start blasting, and use your superspeed to fluidly chain kills together. Impact Savant doesn't make you immortal like it used to, but it's still a good buffer shield. Vet mobs and below are dead before your Blast Gyro or Hammer 5 stun even wears off so the damage you end up taking in most cases is minimal. 

When those run out, you can also fall back on your Flash Shell for pulsing blinds, spare capacitor for daze, and Hammer 3 in a lightning field for daze. Enemies can't kill you if they can't hit you. 


Some specs like Cele renegade will out DPS you in longer fights, but 95% of enemies die before their backloaded condi damgage will start to overtake you. 

Scrapper is still doing fine in OW. (Even tho I'm still salty about the Impact Savant nerf).

People are low-key trolling themselves by trying to force cele builds to work on it. Scrapper doesn't benefit from cele as much as other specs do. 


If you really want some extra bulk, try mixing in some Dragon, marauder, or commander stats. You really don't need a lot of toughness/vit on Scrapper compared to other specs. 

Commander gear will tank your dps faster than celestial.  Berserker works for chain killing weaker enemies, but for large groups of tough veterans/elites or champion/legendary mobs, berserker scrapper will fall over and impact savant won’t save you.  That’s why celestial works because it still gives you all the dps stats you need just less of them and also gives you all the defensive stats.  Dragon gear won’t increase your sustain or your mitigation, commander gear will increase your mitigation but not sustain or effective health, and it tanks your dps.  Celestial gear does everything at once, even if you don’t use Condi damage.  Scrapper in full celestial still has 3200 power.  

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On 9/29/2023 at 10:58 PM, mandala.8507 said:

I spend a lot of my time in-game these days messing around doing open world build craft for random classes and then comparing them to what others in the community have come up with, but when I finished making my Scrapper build, I realized that many people think Scrapper isn't worth playing in open world right now, and I strongly disagree with that.

Therefore, I'm deciding to share my build despite not really spending that much time on Engi because I think the build is good.

It has everything I look for in open world:

  • high sustain/survivability
  • important offensive boons
  • condi cleanse
  • stun break
  • good cc
  • block/other reactive utility
  • decent damage
  • the ability to swap utilities and traits based on situation
  • is fun to play

And a plethora of other quality of life options are available to scrapper on this patch.

I was honestly blown away by how strong I felt playing it, so it surprised me that the universal consensus wasn't that Scrapper is good for open world play.

I think the key feature of this build that wasn't being considered by other buildcrafters that I saw is that celestial still works quite well on certain power builds, and scrapper is one of them because of its huge synergy with healing power and innate condition output and "free" crit-chance via traits.

And despite what people might say about kinetic accelerators, I found the blasting and leap finishing of my combo fields to happen quite organically, and I specifically designed the build to have extreme cushion when it came to quickness and fury uptime, so you definitely don't have to understand how to execute that part of the kit perfectly to play this build.

Here's a brief demo for the crowd who needs to see a build in action:

The video goes over the build components.

Stuff to note that I don't share in that video.

  1. You can use mortar kit as a ranged option over the crate drop when ranged is necessary.
  2. Shredder gyro and the the cleansing elixir are flexible utility slots, so you can put whatever you want in those slots if you find yourself needing something else.
  3. You can take object in motion if you don't need the extra healing for more dmg.
  4. You can take modified ammunition in events with lots of other players for a dmg increase.
  5. If you are getting fury from other sources, you can swap to glass cannon in explosives for more dmg.
  6. You don't actually need divinity runes, so you can pick a more aggressive rune set if you want.
  7. You could get away with not having chronomancer rune if you really know what you're doing and take another blast finisher.

And it was a super brief and low-effort demo, but there truly are an endless number of perks to playing this build. It honestly has so much going for it that I'm probably going to start playing Scrapper quite often.

Anyway, just thought I'd share. I wouldn't want anyone thinking Scrapper is actually bad in open world when it's this ridiculously strong, imo.

Have you seen holo's build? Reaper? Warrior? Mesmer?Revenent? this all classes do very high dmg in Open World and they have very high survivability. Scrapper might seems tanky but it's dmg is far from been strong. On warrior i can just 2 shot a vet mob/s while in scrapper i must use every single skill on my skill bar. On reaper, i melt everything and reaper is far tankier then scrapper.

While many scrapper are distisfied with spec in general for not having a class mechanic and doing avg to below avg dmg, you made a post about "Scrapper is Still Incredibly Strong In Open World" 

https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks Scrapper not even on Top 20 in DPS benchmark now...i don't even see scrapper...

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2 hours ago, August.5934 said:

Have you seen holo's build? Reaper? Warrior? Mesmer?Revenent?

Nope. Never heard of them. 🙂

On 9/29/2023 at 5:53 PM, Stx.4857 said:

Scrapper has always been and is still good for chain killing weak enemies and also doing group events due to power cleave damage and group quickness / speed.  However, ever since the impact savant butchery, it has been one of the worst specs in the game for soloing tougher content including champions or larger groups of elites etc.  This is due to power damage being much lower than conditions in solo situations for engineer, Scrapper having no access to permanent protection and also no other sources of damage mitigation, while simultaneously having lower sustain than Holosmith or mechanist.  

Not to single you out with this, because it's more a response to the thread as a whole, but I simply don't agree that the sustain is bad or that this build is somehow terrible for harder solo content.

I'm actually not all that interested in a build's ability to solo Path of Fire legendary bounties, T3 rifts, and the like when I'm considering the strengths of an open world build. I understand that there are many condi builds out there that put the dps potential of Scrapper to shame on these extended fights in the hands of skilled players, but most of those builds are hilariously unfun in day-to-day casual open world play, which is more my focus.

I also don't put much weight behind the strength of builds that require rigorous mechanical turnover or that are reliant on spammy, unintuitive, or complex/convoluted skill prios to maintain perfectly optimized boon uptime and passive sustain. Most people who play this game will either fail miserably to achieve the requisite apm for the build to function or will refuse to learn the skill priority well enough and just end up pressing random buttons in an order that nullifies any of the build's strengths or skill synergies.

Builds without ample breathing room on boon uptime or tolerance for improper skill ordering ultimately fail to satisfy players below a certain skill threshold, and these are the players who I think open world buildcraft should be catered toward, as they are the vast majority.


If the "worst spec for soloing tougher content" is in the room with us somewhere, it hasn't been anywhere near me:

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3 hours ago, mandala.8507 said:

I understand that there are many condi builds out there that put the dps potential of Scrapper to shame on these extended fights in the hands of skilled players, but most of those builds are hilariously unfun in day-to-day casual open world play, which is more my focus.

I think whats fun is different to everyone. What may be fun to you may be unfun for someone else and vice versa.

I'm thankful you posted this build with a Video. I won't use it because i generally craft my own builds but each e spec offers multiple builds to defeating Champion/legendary enemies. And it is fun and interesting for me to find New ideas in doing so. I run scrapper in open world too. Cele pistol/pistol alchemy+firearms is the way for me. 

I still agree with a lot of stuff you said, like lots of boons, a lot survivability and high cc.... And i agree its worth giving it a try if someone may find that damage output is not too important. 

But: i still disagree with the one Statement that it is "ridiculously strong" or "incredibly strong" because imo it really lacks damage to get this title.

It has boons, a fast gameplay because of quickness, lots of cc and a lot of survivability. But it has no incredible damage. 

Don't get me wrong, the damage is "okay", its just not incredibly strong.

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11 hours ago, mandala.8507 said:

Nope. Never heard of them. 🙂

Not to single you out with this, because it's more a response to the thread as a whole, but I simply don't agree that the sustain is bad or that this build is somehow terrible for harder solo content.

I'm actually not all that interested in a build's ability to solo Path of Fire legendary bounties, T3 rifts, and the like when I'm considering the strengths of an open world build. I understand that there are many condi builds out there that put the dps potential of Scrapper to shame on these extended fights in the hands of skilled players, but most of those builds are hilariously unfun in day-to-day casual open world play, which is more my focus.

I also don't put much weight behind the strength of builds that require rigorous mechanical turnover or that are reliant on spammy, unintuitive, or complex/convoluted skill prios to maintain perfectly optimized boon uptime and passive sustain. Most people who play this game will either fail miserably to achieve the requisite apm for the build to function or will refuse to learn the skill priority well enough and just end up pressing random buttons in an order that nullifies any of the build's strengths or skill synergies.

Builds without ample breathing room on boon uptime or tolerance for improper skill ordering ultimately fail to satisfy players below a certain skill threshold, and these are the players who I think open world buildcraft should be catered toward, as they are the vast majority.


If the "worst spec for soloing tougher content" is in the room with us somewhere, it hasn't been anywhere near me:

Okay well I guess I’m not understanding what your point is then.  If you’re not interested in demonstrating the usefulness of scrapper against tough open world content, then what is the point of making the claim it has great sustain and isn’t a bad open world build?  For trivial things like chain killing weak enemies in groups, sure scrapper is great but so is every other power spec in the game.  

Not every other build is complex either like you are implying.  Holosmith can be played with celestial using the build where you don’t even need to manage heat, and it will do more damage than scrapper, and is still tankier due to permanent protection, heals from heat therapy, among other things.  Oh and Holosmith also has great power damage burst for killing weak trash so it’s not like that’s a weakness of the spec.  Mechanist in celestial gear also has great power damage for trash, is easy to play if that’s you’re thing, and has much higher damage overall and the mech also tanks enemies for you so it’s one of the easiest builds to survive on in the game.  

It sounds to me like the premise of your video and post should have been that Scrapper is capable of surviving tough mobs, not that it’s a great open world spec in general, because it’s really only good in groups or when farming weak enemies, and it’s not even really top tier for that so…

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Scrapper does not feel like a real elite spec... And what does it even mean "strong in open world". What cant be strong in open world?

Scrapper need a total rework, since the hammer can be play on all spec now, Ive lost completly the reason to play scrapper. I only run it for quickness and then play excatly like a core engi with an hammer...

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7 hours ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Scrapper does not feel like a real elite spec... And what does it even mean "strong in open world". What cant be strong in open world?

Scrapper need a total rework, since the hammer can be play on all spec now, Ive lost completly the reason to play scrapper. I only run it for quickness and then play excatly like a core engi with an hammer...

For PVE I think it’s fine.  Still plenty of superspeed and barrier with power builds.  It’s a simpler pDPS compared to Holo or Core at a minimal damage loss that I think is well worth the QoL gains.  (Holo has forge in addition to the standard rotation, and core has dodges and positioning requirements)

For PVP/WvW though, yeah feels like it’s been hit in every direction and just a shadow of what it is in PVE and was before.  Not terrible but feels terrible.

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12 hours ago, Gendalfs.7521 said:

If I got this right, Scrapper was Engie with gyros. Gyros granted special uniqueness Super speed>Quickness. Plus ofc Hammer. Now they played with gyros and gave hammer to everyone. What is Scrapper now?

Engi core but with superspeed basically, that how scrapper feel to me.

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