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All classes one race


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make one of each class.   spread the races out to get achievements. Did not delete them after because I just learned how they work and not let little things like size, looks, and animations bother me.   One exception being melee asura for acrobatics. That never stops being entertaining.

And because people hate it, I made a max bulk charr for wvw one time to prove a point.  

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7 hours ago, Kiki.9450 said:

There's a Mediterranean please near me that does up these lovely stuffed vine leaves. Bet you're feeling silly now! >:D

Well just becasuse a place make and sell expensive food from cheap stuff dont make it good.

For example

What foods contain sawdust?

Powdered cellulose is found in more products than you think, from shredded cheese to ice cream, manufacturers have been using it to cut corners and cost while saying their product is healthier than it is. Even foods like parmesan cheese uses sawdust as a filler. At what point is our bread no longer considered bread.


I almost fallen for it aswell, one place in my hometown started selling potatoe peels that they usualy throw away with cheese and bacon,

According to friend they were very jummy.

While I think that was mostly the added cheese and bacon that was the real taste bringers.

Edited by Linken.6345
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I mainly main sylvari because of the vastly pretty colors you can have them lean towards. My second most played is humans (which unironically are the ones I play PvP and WvW the most). Least amount of have are charr and norn because charr are just...boring to me, while with norn I did not find a concept that really stuck to me. However, because they do have such wonderful themes, I'm gonna try with making a second norn.

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Most of my characters are Asura and Sylvari, with Charr and Norn coming in second place. Asura actually have pretty great animations and the v/a's for both genders are fantastic. Same for the Sylvari. Charr I've started to fall out of love with since they changed the voice actors for both male and female. Aesthetically though, they're fun to mess around with. As for Norn... well, female PC's voice isn't my favorite, but who can say no to Matt Mercer's norn commander? I can't. Norn males are a *pain* to fashion though.

I have little to no interest in humans. I have one female, one male, and both are basically just mules/parked at jps forever collecting dust. I find their stories horribly boring.

Edited by Caitmonster.9036
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