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will anet add lf Q

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24 minutes ago, LadyKitty.6120 said:

Problem with raid buff: if you don't somewhat standardise the gear, to get soldier's sword Berserker (build Kitty still sees nightmares about) do enough DPS, you'd need to give pretty much 200% buff. And since that buff would be given to everyone as per your suggestion, skilled players with metabuilds would end up doing 100-120k DPS. You can prolly see the problem with that. If you have any ideas on how to realistically actually implement that without causing massive issues, Kitty would like to read them.

If you have a raid or Fractal CM achiv , you get less bonus damage maybe ?


Edit:I say not implant it for 1-2 expansion and let the community vote as i typed in the previous post .

If the vote against reach 10% , then the company creates a blogpost to protect herself  and there should some backfires if some1 rigs the elections



Edit2: it will be better not to create new instanced content population if they becoce like this these guys in the video (40:00-43:50)

( id dint know lararity is a catlady in ff14 (33:15) . You are great , dont listen to those dog lovers !)

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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1 hour ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

1-2)Or we give  the players the raid buff that increase damage , in order not force them into cookie cutter builds or use Berserker. And also give them invisible 50% vulibility stacks to even die from critters.


People don't have a problem with dying (Amytas) ,but they don't like to be forced to do more damage to succed(Soo won)


(Tanks are not needed, because originally we didn't have ones (raid mechanic with healers + kiters to carry 6 people.

By reducing boons , it will not be mandatory , and instead  we create a code that if previous elite is killed in more than 5 min you get "morale boost" and you are dealth increased damage

Healers are also optional , because downstate and Rez skill will do the job , vanilia style .

But the opinion of Vayne is valid about toxicity . But when people talk about toxicity they mean kicking other for DPS meters issues ? Or the casual are generally toxic ?)


Edit:I say not implant it for 1-2 expansion and let the community vote as i typed in the previous post .

If the vote against reach 10% , then the company creates a blogpost to protect herself  and there should some backfires if some1 rigs the elections

This is just another ploy of the elite. They want me to have to press a button or do it with a buff so they can say we are bad and point at us with thier arcdps cheats. I will not be satisfied or stop my crusade to end ANY toxic qualifier to ANY GROUP. The Devs need to fix our game. ANY build should be fine in ANY content. PERIOD.

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3 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

Auto scales every char from 1 to max making swapping char easier with 0 gear requirements as all installed by the neck thats auto given

If you at least knew how it works, then it wouldn't be so sad. So you have this PvP tab in your Equipment where you actually select sigils and amulet which give you "extra" stats you know like in PvE where you have gear with presets. Also do you know how current LFG tool even work? Currently LFG tool is limited by char lvl to even be able access certain content you need to reach certain lvl. Again system which is already in the game.

3 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

Doesnt demand any level of trinity system. 

Isn't reliant on boon uptime. 

While pve has now been balanced to demand all these things without ease of accessibility to builds.

Adding few checkboxes to PvP LFG tool is not really that hard is it. Instanced PvE in GW2 is casual difficulty. How many really hard fights do you have in game? Harvest temple CM, what else? So PvE is not balanced and demand all boons with 100% uptime. Years ago you did not even had alacrity in the game. Most instanced bosses die in few mins and few mins is 5 mins some even in 2 mins.

3 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

So why are you making these claims? Lol pvp has no gear system, has no minimum level and doesn't need a tank/ healer. 

PvE actually now does demand this without the accessibility pvp provides. The reason u avoid this question. Is because theres simply no answer where u csn be right.

Gw2 would need serious modifying in pve content to make this possible. 

The game has no trinity system, there is no offical comps no offical roles everyone is considered a dps in this game. They cant make a lfg system that can puy a group comp together due to those factors lol, theres simply no way the lfg system would know ur anything more then a dps.

Why I can not take PvP matchmaking system make minor modification to it and use it for PvE? I am also not sure what question I avoid. Auto LFG was added to majority of old MMOs and some players of these MMOs also posted how impossible is it and after it was added *suprised pikachu face*.

You can take PvP matchmaking system add several checkboxes so ppl choose role they want to play and yes in GW2 you have roles for all instanced content. You modify options from PvP where you choose what content you want to queue and add conditions for party make-up. 


Btw do you know they added dungeon NPC and you can use it to get teleport to any dungeon you want? It was also seen as impossible and teleporting/walking into the dungeons was only way. 

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1 hour ago, LadyKitty.6120 said:

Replying for 1234th time to same question: the LFR from WoW/FF14 wouldn't work well for GW2 due to special roles many bosses require and due to how the tanking works. Also, due to GW2 not having similar more-or-less fixed stats gear-wise and traits+weapons+utility skills affecting the build a LOT, it'd be hard for LFR to distinguish roles and that people would even theorethically have synergetic enough build for the role. To make LFR work, you'd need to 1. force fixed builds in LFRable content, most likely by forcing HTD trinity and 2. change the mechanics in dungeons and bosses so they could reliably be done by same standard comp and 3. actually actively create new instanced content at decent pace. In other works, it'd require rework of build system and most bosses as a whole. And even then, people likely wouldn't LFR harder content but use old LFG or discord instead.

So, considering those factors, it's extremely unlikely that they'd do the required reworks and even then it has a good chance of people not using it anyway and probably causing an exodus of casual players in the process due to how it'd affect builds. And Kitty personally would quit GW2 for good as it'd take creative buildcrafting and meme builds away.

What are those special roles for all normal strikes, dungeons, fractals and DRMs if you do not count healer, alac/quick provider and dps? Also in majority of games you can have "wrong" builds or bad players doing minimum dmg and that is not issue of auto LFG tool to fix. Auto LFG tool automate creating groups that's it.

Btw I played several games where they added auto LFG system in game and overal quality of groups went down at first due to influx of new players which never did instanced content. Later you had bigger pool of players actually doing instanced content.

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7 minutes ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

Auto LFG was added to majority of old MMOs and some players of these MMOs also posted how impossible is it and after it was added *suprised pikachu face*.

Requesting source/s for this

4 minutes ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

Btw do you know they added dungeon NPC and you can use it to get teleport to any dungeon you want? It was also seen as impossible and teleporting/walking into the dungeons was only way. 

How was it "seen impossible"? They were already doing this with strike missions in their respective player hubs.

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26 minutes ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

What are those special roles for all normal strikes, dungeons, fractals and DRMs if you do not count healer, alac/quick provider and dps?

You already asked that in the past and you received the responses in this thread:


26 minutes ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

Also in majority of games you can have "wrong" builds or bad players doing minimum dmg and that is not issue of auto LFG tool to fix. Auto LFG tool automate creating groups that's it.

In that case your "lfg issue" is solved by making "everyone welcome" groups, where you don't need to sort anyone or care about any role or build joining your squad. I think the easier and more useful idea would be to allow commander to mark people in their squads as whatever role, so they can easier see who's still missing (especially when someone leaves without a word).

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 minute ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

What are those special roles for all normal strikes, dungeons, fractals and DRMs if you do not count healer, alac/quick provider and dps? Also in majority of games you can have "wrong" builds or bad players doing minimum dmg and that is not issue of auto LFG tool to fix. Auto LFG tool automate creating groups that's it.

Btw I played several games where they added auto LFG system in game and overal quality of groups went down at first due to influx of new players which never did instanced content. Later you had bigger pool of players actually doing instanced content.

VG - Condi DPS
Matthias - Reflect (requires specific utility, weapon or relic)
Deimos - Handkiter (unless you have 2nd healer as HK which means only one healer on group which ramps up the difficulty quite a bunch)
Samarog and SH - Pusher
Q1 - Kiter, Pull/push
Q2 - 3 kiters

Most of other bosses would be technically doable by almost any 2 healers+8 DPS groups with any class combo but...many would still require to have some people to take some specific utilities and to know how to use them which is very far from guaranteed to happen due to requiring knowledge of how some rarely used stuffs work (and when to use them).

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1 hour ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

If you at least knew how it works, then it wouldn't be so sad. So you have this PvP tab in your Equipment where you actually select sigils and amulet which give you "extra" stats you know like in PvE where you have gear with presets. Also do you know how current LFG tool even work? Currently LFG tool is limited by char lvl to even be able access certain content you need to reach certain lvl. Again system which is already in the game

It's sad u act as if I don't know something while u actually don't

Given I stated u use necklaces instead of gear. 

Lol please stop, 

Yes level restricted im stating on players swapping chars to fill roles. Which in pve demands alot more then pvp 

My statement is clear:

In pve you have to manually level every class to partake in the event to swap characters

Every build demands a full set of gear for ur character u csnt simply swap stats out unless u own legendary armour. 

Raids / strikes demand tanks, healers, and boon builds. 

In PvP

U can use builds without making any gear through its pvp stat features. 

You can go in from level 1 and be scaled to max maximum levelling requiring no effort into alts. 

System doesn't revovvr around boons, tanks or healers. 


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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Requesting source/s for this

What do you mean by this? There is hardly a mmo out there without one. Wow, ff, added in New world last year and is getting expanded to cross realm I think. Destiny 2 also added one for normal strikes, it was sorely needed there because if there was one game that makes it harder to group than gw2 it was Destiny.

Why some players want to portrait this game as some super complicated snowflake mmo where nothing can be done. It is not. Its not all or nothing also. Raids and cms can be excluded, everything else is fine.

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6 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

What do you mean by this? There is hardly a mmo out there without one.

Check what's underlined in the quote. And then... source for that.
I want to see what was -according to his post- judged as "impossbile" by some of the players and how it was addressed that made those players so surprised.

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2 hours ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

Why I can not take PvP matchmaking system make minor modification to it and use it for PvE? I am also not sure what question I avoid. Auto LFG was added to majority of old MMOs and some players of these MMOs also posted how impossible is it and after it was added *suprised pikachu face*.

You can take PvP matchmaking system add several checkboxes so ppl choose role they want to play and yes in GW2 you have roles for all instanced content. You modify options from PvP where you choose what content you want to queue and add conditions for party make-up.

Lol I feel like the real issue is u simply dpnt understand. 

In pvp I can walk in as a level 1, use the pvp template and function identically, it means 0 effort is demanded to swap builds or use other builds. 

In PvE, you have to level every individual class and require to physically have to gear to fill the role, as pve does no have those same options to remove that requirement from the game. 

The average player who demands something like queue. Also is unlikely to carry several sets of gear, because if they were carrying several sets of gear and of that nature they would be in premades. 

Players don't demand queue because they fill roles and can play their class dynamically, players demand queues to remove the control from players to allow engagement under their own terms. 

Acting as if ur average casual has multiple classes at max level and geared, to swap characters on the fly to fill roles in PvE content is simply ludicrous lol. And that sorta expectation on the casual audience is laughable at best. 

The game has no roles, whjch means its impossible for a system to divide up builds to create a group comp. Which means the player has to do it, auto queueing would remove that dynamic while not repairing the first. 

2 hours ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

What are those special roles for all normal strikes, dungeons, fractals and DRMs if you do not count healer, alac/quick provider and dps? Also in majority of games you can have "wrong" builds or bad players doing minimum dmg and that is not issue of auto LFG tool to fix. Auto LFG tool automate creating groups that's it

No you can't? Lmfao. 

I'd love to see ffxiv raids even ones with a auto group finder to be cleared without a tank lmfao, I'd love to see even their dungeons done with strictly only dps. 

Same with WoW. 

This is a outright lie, other mmorpgs have a trinity in place to allow their auto group finders to enforce a tank and healer into every group. 

I'm sorry but thr only one who really doesn't understand is you



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26 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Check what's underlined in the quote. And then... source for that.
I want to see what was -according to his post- judged as "impossbile" by some of the players and how it was addressed that made those players so surprised.

Well in wow for LFD players were sceptical about roles, how those will be enforced. It was non issue. And keep in mind not having properly geared tank and heals there is pretty much a hard stop, not like here where roles are much softer. And that was in woltk when we still had proper talents and builds. Dont remember if defence tanking was still a thing then. For those that dont know, wow in the past had a tank stat and if you were below treshold you got crushed immediately.

Raids are different story, those had to be simplified and thats why I dont advocate for raids and cms.

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39 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

What do you mean by this? There is hardly a mmo out there without one. Wow, ff, added in New world last year and is getting expanded to cross realm I think. Destiny 2 also added one for normal strikes, it was sorely needed there because if there was one game that makes it harder to group than gw2 it was Destiny

Ffxiv and WoW both have trinity systems which allow a auto finder to happen. 

New world and destiny have 0 healer or tank functionality and simply are balanced off the back of these things not existing. 

Gw2 is balanced off a tank healer and support builds existing in a non-offical manner. 

4 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Well in wow for LFD players were sceptical about roles, how those will be enforced. It was non issue. And keep in mind not having properly geared tank and heals there is pretty much a hard stop, not like here where roles are much softer. And that was in woltk when we still had proper talents and builds. Dont remember if defence tanking was still a thing then. For those that dont know, wow in the past had a tank stat and if you were below treshold you got crushed immediately

Roles aren't much softer?! Lol. 

Honestly. Try do a strike with the average playerbase without healer / tank / boons present, you will wipe lol. 

I'd argue their more demanded here then those games in alot of ways. 

Your entire class is balanced off the back of boons doubling both ur sustain and dps lol. The game has completely integrated the demand for these roles to be present, they just haven't make the trinity system offical.

No people were skeptical of the players they'd end up with, the roles were well established in WoW and by this the auto queue finders are able to be coded to demand specific roles to fill every slot.  

If people could make a sane argument for auto queue finder without lying about something, honestly it may carry more weight lol 

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22 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

Ffxiv and WoW both have trinity systems which allow a auto finder to happen. 

New world and destiny have 0 healer or tank functionality and simply are balanced off the back of these things not existing. 

Gw2 is balanced off a tank healer and support builds existing in a non-offical manner. 

Roles aren't much softer?! Lol. 

Honestly. Try do a strike with the average playerbase without healer / tank / boons present, you will wipe lol. 

I'd argue their more demanded here then those games in alot of ways. 

Your entire class is balanced off the back of boons doubling both ur sustain and dps lol. The game has completely integrated the demand for these roles to be present, they just haven't make the trinity system offical.

No people were skeptical of the players they'd end up with, the roles were well established in WoW and by this the auto queue finders are able to be coded to demand specific roles to fill every slot.  

If people could make a sane argument for auto queue finder without lying about something, honestly it may carry more weight lol 

Again outside of raids and CMs and lets say HT and Boneskinner.

There is no tank requirement. OLC tank is nice but not required for normal. I've 2 manned OLC normal btw and I'm far from good player.

Alac/quick are player constructs and not required for anything normal. We are talking about content without enrages. Only HT has soft enrage on normal and I would not put HT in queue system, although it's not that hard as some want to portrait. Players learn if you give them a chance but for some reason some here just don't want to give them a chance.

So you need 2 heals 8 something (ill not even call it DPS because we have no enrages). So you ask for 2 heals and 8 something. Or 1 heals and 4 something for 5 man stuff. Now you will say players will join as heals and they won't heal to cheat the system. So what? We had the exact same situation in wow when LFD and LFR were introduced, before streamlined roles. Did some players cheat queues? Yes. Did it matter in the big picture? No. Because a group without proper roles will die and it is a futile cheat. Besides we have no inspect, players could do it through LFG also but they dont.

It is even arguable if you need healers for most content. Dungeons, low tier fractals are any ran without healers anyway. Half of IBS strikes hardly require healers. Yeah you can argue me on that but it certainly doesn't require good healers. Hey healers are hardly healers in this game, they devolved (or call it evolve) into half heal dps boon supports and tanks where required. Maybe having true healer would be OP in the end if you don't care about speed. I haven't played a true healer since 10 man cap nerfs but I bet a true healing tempest or druid can still sustain a 10 man group solo through the most damaging phases way beyond what I am talking about being suitable for queues.  

Edited by Cuks.8241
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9 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Again outside of raids and CMs and lets say HT and Boneskinner.

There is no tank requirement. OLC tank is nice but not required for normal. I've 2 manned OLC normal btw and I'm far from good player.

Alac/quick are player constructs and not required for anything normal. We are talking about content without enrages. Only HT has soft enrage on normal and I would not put HT in queue system, although it's not that hard as some want to portrait. Players learn if you give them a chance but for some reason some here just don't want to give them a chance.

So you need 2 heals 8 something (ill not even call it DPS because we have no enrages). So you ask for 2 heals and 8 something. Or 1 heals and 4 something for 5 man stuff. Now you will say players will join as heals and they won't heal to cheat the system. So what? We had the exact same situation in wow when LFD and LFR were introduced, before streamlined roles. Did some players cheat queues? Yes. Did it matter in the big picture? No. Because a group without proper roles will die and it is a futile cheat. Besides we have no inspect, players could do it through LFG also but they dont.

It is even arguable if you need healers for most content. Dungeons, low tier fractals are any ran without healers anyway. Half of IBS strikes hardly require healers. Yeah you can argue me on that but it certainly doesn't require good healers. Hey healers are hardly healers in this game, they devolved (or call it evolve) into half heal dps boon supports and tanks where required. Maybe having true healer would be OP in the end if you don't care about speed. I haven't played a true healer since 10 man cap nerfs but I bet a true healing tempest or druid can still sustain a 10 man group solo through the most damaging phases way beyond what I am talking about being suitable for queues.  

If that's really what you think then, again...

3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

In that case your "lfg issue" is solved by making "everyone welcome" groups, where you don't need to sort anyone or care about any role or build joining your squad. I think the easier and more useful idea would be to allow commander to mark people in their squads as whatever role, so they can easier see who's still missing (especially when someone leaves without a word).

...you don't need some queue/auto lfg to easly fill squads with random players.

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15 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Again outside of raids and CMs and lets say HT and Boneskinner.

There is no tank requirement. OLC tank is nice but not required for normal. I've 2 manned OLC normal btw and I'm far from good player.

Alac/quick are player constructs and not required for anything normal. We are talking about content without enrages. Only HT has soft enrage on normal and I would not put HT in queue system, although it's not that hard as some want to portrait. Players learn if you give them a chance but for some reason some here just don't want to give them a chance

I'm sorry, but i have a dps meter installed, I see what the average players are running dps wise etc etc, and I dont beleive the average player can do, 

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9 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

If that's really what you think then, again...

...you don't need some queue/auto lfg to easly fill squads with random players.

Queue system is not only about filling squads. Its quality of life, time saving for mostly fast and trivial content. And it streamlines the grouping procedures and brings them in line with todays player expectations. 

At least for me filling the group is the least of added value. But Im used to forming groups manually for over 20 years, some players are not.

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6 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Can do what? Content without dps requirements. Again no enrage content

I'm saying they couldn't do the encounter without healing at a minimum the average player cannot dodge damage. They will swallow every hit almost lol

And with aggro flying around madly due to no one having stacked toughness, they will flop fast and hard. 

That's discluding the fact 50% of em will queue and afk upon entering. 

Edited by Puck.3697
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8 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Queue system is not only about filling squads. Its quality of life, time saving for mostly fast and trivial content. And it streamlines the grouping procedures and brings them in line with todays player expectations. 

At least for me filling the group is the least of added value. But Im used to forming groups manually for over 20 years, some players are not.

You still need to choose content you want to play with the system you're proposing, the same way you have to choose that content in current system. You still have to press a button to join a queue, the same way you currently need to either join or create an "all welcome" group if you don't care about any role like you've said in your posts. So what great value or expectation is supposed to be fulfilled here exactly?

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3 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

I'm saying they couldn't do the encounter without healing at a minimum the average player cannot dodge damage. They will swallow every hit almost lol

And with aggro flying around madly due to no one having stacked toughness, they will flop fast and hard. 

That's discluding the fact 50% of em will queue and afk upon entering. 

That is not my experience from other games. Also this game doesn't have aggro mechanics (or relevant aggro mechanics) outside raids and CMs.

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8 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Queue system is not only about filling squads. Its quality of life, time saving for mostly fast and trivial content. And it streamlines the grouping procedures and brings them in line with todays player expectations

Getting thrown in groups where half of the raid afk the other half swallow 95% of damage and downstate every 4 seconds. Doesnt save time. 

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Just now, Cuks.8241 said:

That is not my experience from other games. Also this game doesn't have aggro mechanics (or relevant aggro mechanics) outside raids and CMs.

Other games qllow u to continously overgear content. Guild wars 2 doesn't. 

Also please tell me one game as a example. Because WoW and ffxiv both auto groyp will litterally not allow 5 dps to be matched, a tank and healer role is absolutely enforced. 


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4 hours ago, Jedrik.3109 said:

ANY build should be fine in ANY content. PERIOD.

Parity, viability or acceptance?  The only way to accomplish parity would be to remove builds and gear and simplify rotations to the point that messing up doesn't mean much.  Viability?  We have that to some degree.  Acceptance? Good luck changing human nature.

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3 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You still need to choose content you want to play with the system you're proposing, the same way you have to choose that content in current system. You still have to press a button to join a queue, the same way you currently need to either join or create an "all welcome" group if you don't care about any role like you've said in your posts. So what great value or expectation is supposed to be fulfilled here exactly?

For me personally.

I wouldn't need to port to hub.

I usually wait in hub until group is full so I don't make others wait. Thats time wasted. If its 1 minute for one daily strike, its like 15-20% of overall time. Sometimes its more than 1 min. But ok I could not do that and play somewhere else until group is full but than I would waste others time.

After the instance I need to move back to where I was playing. More time wasted. I hate wasting time, especially now when I'm older and I have very limited game time. If I do 3 daily strikes that like 15 mins of content and lets say 3 mins of useless prep/waiting/loading screens (can be longer, even much longer, can be shorter but not that much shorter). Thats a huge chunk of the overall meaningful playtime.  

There is a thread in "helping players" forums. A new guy asking how to enter fractals. Look it up if you're interested. A nice insight in how this game needlessly complicates grouping. There are full several step guides for something that should take 2 clicks and should be intuitive to a 4 year old.

I also think LFG is utter kitten, below any standards for a game that has online multiplayer and came out after cable internet was widely available. Just getting LFG to a respectable level would be a huge step forward. Actually I would prefer that to a queue system and most of the QOL systems could be solved only through that. 

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