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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Potential idea for something I've seen a lot of people ask for in the creative area of the fandom: a photo/poser mode. Something where you could freeze your character (and NPCs/etc in story instances) in place and enter a mode where you can move the camera freely and rotate through various emotes and pause/play them at will. Weaponskills too because some of them are so gorgeous/cool. Perhaps some preset shaders/effects/etc. Being able to mess with lighting brightness, etc, would also be fantastic.

I ask for this for a few reasons; one being that GW2 has some of the most beautiful scenery I've seen, and I'd love to be able to take more dynamic pictures of my characters within that scenery outside of the few persistent emotes and their idles, something to make them feel more like they're in the world and doing something. Places like the Grove, Old Lion's Arch, Draconic Mons, Orr, Shiverpeaks, literally anywhere in the Maguuma Jungle or Grothmar for instance are such gorgeous locales that deserve to be flaunted more in screenshots! I can't tell you how much time I've spent scouting out the next best place for a pretty screenshot with some stylish lighting or interesting effect.

Another reason being that it makes gaining references images so much easier for creatives! It's tough to get a proper grasp on some of my characters or NPCs more precise details to illustrate them when I can't do things like zoom in as far as I like to see their face or if they are too small/tall for me to see at a decent angle, and a fully moveable camera would solve that. Fanartists would rejoice!

It would be especially nice if such a mode could allow you to 'pause' mid battle to take screenshots of your character fighting whichever enemy they're up against without taking damage and dying. (I imagine if you could enter the mode and take no damage in overworld/strike/raid/etc it would lead to a lot of griefing (and make AFK bots even more annoying, possibly destroying Lake Doric forever), so this would be story instance only. Even if it's locked to solo party.) I think this could probably cause some atrocious bugs or allow you to break/cheese some things though so I could see it not working. Otherwise, being able to only enter Photo Mode in a story instance while out of combat would be perfectly fine, to allow you to take pics of areas you might not get access to otherwise, or with NPCs you associate with your character. In overworld, etc, you would take damage from enemies nearby if you decided to enter the mode in an enemy-infested area.

While I'd want a feature like this to be in the game itself as an option free to all players, I also do know that those who are in it just for the gameplay won't really care about something like this, so I'd be willing to pay something like 2~3k gems for something like a 'Personal Photo Booth' item that allowed me to swap to photo mode and spend even more hours simply taking pretty screenshots of the sylvari legion I've slowly been building.

And after all, since this is Fashion Wars, I'm sure those of us who've been meticulously selecting our character's wardrobe would love to have even nicer ways to show them off 😉

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There is Gemstone item: Build storage expansion which is also in Wizard Vault, there is aproblem that the builds from one class are visible in another class which is totally useless, as we cant use skills from guardian in warrior.

Fix: Make it so there will be separete list for each class. So you only see the templates you can use.

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2 hours ago, evilcat.6817 said:

There is Gemstone item: Build storage expansion which is also in Wizard Vault, there is aproblem that the builds from one class are visible in another class which is totally useless, as we cant use skills from guardian in warrior.

Fix: Make it so there will be separete list for each class. So you only see the templates you can use.

The build storage is account wide so yea you will see all your saved build on every character mate.

Its more so you can save builds you might want to use on some of your characters no matter on what character your currently playing.

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New skyscale or griffon skin: Flying Pig.

The model exists: Pig

The wings exist: Wings

Replace the heart trail with strips of bacon. Also please give it a proper curly tail instead of leaving that Ankylosaurus-looking thing. 🤦‍♂️


Of course, it'll only happen when pigs fly.

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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