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any1 complaining that ranger isn't strong enough, or will be bad next patch is COPING


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@Trevor Boyer.6524 don't act like you knew I played Mirage when in your previous post you claimed with supreme confidence that I was a thief main. Not even an "oops my b" from you lmfao, just more spaghetti pasta with the ingredients of dismissal and deflection. Interacting with you is a real chore so I'm out.


35 minutes ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Seems strange to say given all the jumping, gliding, flying, vertical maps etc. we have. But I believe a large part of the issue is GW2 being based on a modified GW1 engine, which was never designed with vertical movement in mind. I'm sure I read somewhere once that even basic player jumping was quite the issue during development.

This so much. There are actual root problems in gw2 that affect all classes and it constantly has to do with the mesh, jumping, and general physics of it all. I don't hate pets, I hate how they've been implemented because of how restrictive the gw2 code is. This game has both the best combat out of any mmo I've ever played, and simultaneously, the most jank I've ever experienced.

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Just now, Waffles.5632 said:

don't act like you knew I played Mirage when in your previous post you claimed with supreme confidence that I was a thief main. Not even an "oops my b" from you lmfao, just more spaghetti pasta with the ingredients of dismissal and deflection. Interacting with you is a real chore so I'm out.

Bro you TOLD ME that you "only ever played Power Mirage" which is why I then knew that you had only ever played Power Mirage.

What are you doing right now?

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Great, here we go again.. 🙄

The trevor flow chart:

- Claims something as absolute fact. There can be no arguments.

- Gets proven wrong

- "Well actually, here is how I was right anyways, see Mirage is exactly like Thief, so like I said.."

- Gets told he's insufferable to interact with.

- "BRO!!?!?! wHaT iS wROnG??!!?!"


He literally does step 3 in his next post..😭

13 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I was wrong and you yourself stated that you had only played Power Mirage, ever. But I was still right in my estimation that the player who made the comment "you" had to have been a player who was playing something that gets hard countered by Rangers. Thief may be #1 on that list, but a Power Shatter would be #2.

My powers of observation & foresight usually have like a 90%+ level of accuracy as indicated from this forum example.


Edited by Waffles.5632
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Just now, Sandzibar.5134 said:

Potato, Potahto.

Maybe focus on refuting Trevs points over the "you got my prof wrong bro - so end of argument - GOTCHA" angle youve now doubled down on.

Once again, the class I play has little to nothing to do with what I said about Ranger. It's a good hill to double down on because it's entirely correct. It's very silly to dismiss someone because they play X class. By that logic, I can simply dismiss everything Trevor says about Ranger, because he plays Ranger.

It's called circular logic and you and Trevor need to google it.

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2 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

Great, here we go again.. 🙄

The trevor flow chart:

- Claims something as absolute fact. There can be no arguments.

- Gets proven wrong

- "Well actually, here is how I was right anyways, see Mirage is exactly like Thief, so like I said.."

- Gets told he's insufferable to interact with.

- "BRO!!?!?! wHaT iS wROnG??!!?!"


Dude, from your comment, I know the game and forums well enough, to know that the comment stated had an extremely high likelihood of coming from someone who plays a class that gets hard countered by Ranger. I assumed Thief because this is probably the strongest likelihood, the #1 guess.

I was wrong and you yourself stated that you had only played Power Mirage, ever. But I was still right in my estimation that the player who made the comment "you" had to have been a player who was playing something that gets hard countered by Rangers. Thief may be #1 on that list, but a Power Shatter would be #2.

My powers of observation & foresight usually have like a 90%+ level of accuracy as indicated from this forum example.

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Just now, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


Dude, from your comment, I know the game and forums well enough, to know that the comment stated had an extremely high likelihood of coming from someone who plays a class that gets hard countered by Ranger. I assumed Thief because this is probably the strongest likelihood, the #1 guess.

I was wrong and you yourself stated that you had only played Power Mirage, ever. But I was still right in my estimation that the player who made the comment "you" had to have been a player who was playing something that gets hard countered by Rangers. Thief may be #1 on that list, but a Power Shatter would be #2.

My powers of observation & foresight usually have like a 90%+ level of accuracy as indicated from this forum example.

"Well actually, here is how I was right all along! I know well enough that only a thief or mesmer could have said such a statement! I assumed thief ofc, even though I was thinking Mesmer as well. I was wrong, but you see I was also right as well because my powers of observation and foresight usually have like a 90%+ level of accuracy."

LOL thank you proving my point.

I'm wondering how you came up with that 90% statistic though. Where does it come from? Did you do any scientific experiments or math equations to reach that number or did you just make a guess since you know yourself best?


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Just now, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

This is the most Mesmer-like **** I have ever seen. You are actually trying to spam clone arguments for distraction right now, in light of the obvious fact that you have a biased opinion on Ranger performance because you have only ever played Power Shatter, and Power Shatter builds get hard countered by Ranger builds lol.

I knew you would claim I'm derailing next, so here you go:

1 hour ago, Waffles.5632 said:

 ..I actually think atm Ranger is the most balanced class, with untamed being a slight outlier. The point is, the class is consistent, easy to learn, hard to master, and performs very well in literally all areas. You can recommend to new players, and experienced players alike.)

Yeah, I sure am biased against ranger alright.

Once again, Trevor emotionally claims something as absolute fact. Gets proven wrong.

Like somehow the issue is still what class I play, and not what Ranger actually brings to the table. I don't need to be a Mesmer to confuse you bro, you do that all on your own ty.



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1 hour ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 i mean did you ever try Duell a ranger in Open field as a Full melee class? For real if the Ranger is not dump He should win that Duell. Im not saying its an easy duell but he should.  (To be fair its hard af against bsw)

Nah, between myself and Eurantien participating in the 1v1 ladder, we could not devise builds that could beat Spellbreaker 1v1 builds. Considering Bladesworn & Condiserk now after buffs and after Ranger was nerfed, it would be an even worse 1v1 match up for Ranger.

This is considering top 5 participants though, all old p2+ players. Like I've stated multiple times now, Ranger feels very strong in middle to lower tiers where people are not optimizing play and have l2p issues. But in higher tiers where players actually understand how to utilize LOS/environment, exploit bad AI pathing, and in general don't fall for such telegraphed gimmicks, Ranger's efficiency takes a seriously steep dive, which is why you rarely see Ranger representation in MAT finalist teams or even runner up teams.

And yes, of course I've played against as Ranger as melee class. But your question and my answer is even more testimony to the facts that I've given you. I am no Daredevil or Spellbreaker main, but when I play a Daredevil or Spellbreaker, I can absolutely **** all over any Ranger because I know the Ranger class so well. I know exactly what you need to do to absolutely cripple its strengths & cycles. <- This is what I'm talking about. When you get to this level of play, you are able to see things like this, and any cheap advantage the Ranger once had in middle to low tiers don't work on you anymore because you've recognized how to easily avoid those.


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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Nah, between myself and Eurantien participating in the 1v1 ladder, we could not devise builds that could beat Spellbreaker 1v1 builds. Considering Bladesworn & Condiserk now after buffs and after Ranger was nerfed, it would be an even worse 1v1 match up for Ranger.

This is considering top 5 participants though, all old p2+ players. Like I've stated multiple times now, Ranger feels very strong in middle to lower tiers where people are not optimizing play and have l2p issues. But in higher tiers where players actually understand how to utilize LOS/environment, exploit bad AI pathing, and in general don't fall for such telegraphed gimmicks, Ranger's efficiency takes a seriously steep dive, which is why you rarely see Ranger representation in MAT finalist teams or even runner up teams.

And yes, of course I've played against as Ranger as melee class. But your question and my answer is even more testimony to the facts that I've given you. I am no Daredevil or Spellbreaker main, but when I play a Daredevil or Spellbreaker, I can absolutely **** all over any Ranger because I know the Ranger class so well. I know exactly what you need to do to absolutely cripple its strengths & cycles. <- This is what I'm talking about. When you get to this level of play, you are able to see things like this, and any cheap advantage the Ranger once had in middle to low tiers don't work on you anymore because you've recognized how to easily avoid those.


Might want to tell CMC about this 1v1 ladder, as clearly, he doesn't agree with any of this 🤣.

Or maybe he was participating in it, and someone killed him...unsure?

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6 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Say what you like about his decision to re-engage, his poor reaction time, Ranger downstate etc. The point he was making was that the pet completely missed a stationary target with its CC charge. When he popped the skill the Rev was just starting his stomp wind up and would have been launched and interrupted.

Would it have changed the final outcome? Possibly not, his teammate was staying committed to the capture point. Chances are he would still have come in and finished the stomp, but that still isn't the point here.

It's one thing for pet skills to be a bit janky and have poor timing and/or tracking, it's another entirely when it misses a completely unmoving target at point blank range. It's almost comical the way the pet appears, looks at the Rev, turns 45 degrees to the right, then yeets istelf into the wall... gg wp.


Watch the clip again. Rev 100% got CC'd.

my b, I was taking about rock gazelle

Edited by vilesoldier.9826
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24 minutes ago, vilesoldier.9826 said:


Watch the clip again. Rev 100% got CC'd.

Nah, Wyvern whiffed 1000% . He got cced by call lightning, but the chain cc failed.

Granted, 1 cc for downstate is what most classes get, and he used it too early. Rev has no stab on shiro. If he had waited for the stomp the pet would have had plenty of time to get to him, or he could have ported it by lickwounds/directing an attack so it lined up properly, then he would have had MORE cc between that and wing buffet or whatever the wyvern launch is called.

So yes, it whiffed. The fact he feels entitled to it working (and that it didn't work is indicative of the class not having a really strong downstate) is where the joke is. 

A minor joke but yknow.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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8 hours ago, Waffles.5632 said:

Ah yes, the perfectly reasonable and sound logic of "I don't have a problem with it, so there must not be a problem!" followed immediately by "You're just mad"

This is the propaganda I'm talking about. 😔


If it has actually been fixed then great tbh. As for the video, again it's propaganda. The actual reality is Ranger is the ONLY downstate in the game that has access to 3 CC's AND can self rez themselves via the pet. There is literally no comparison. At the very least rangers should not be able to pet swap while downed.


Propaganda? I don't have a problem with it and no one else does either. L2R
Did you happen to notice how no one here agrees with you?

I've spent so many countless hours reading the gw2 forums. And there has never been an outcry to nerf Ranger rez.

Welcome to MMO's where everyone doesn't have the same abilities. You should of seen how hard counter classes were in Dark Ages of Camelot.

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2 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

you are able to see things like this, and any cheap advantage the Ranger once had in middle to low tiers don't work on you anymore because you've recognized how to easily avoid those.


Its not even that difficult. Seems to me that the OP doesn't understand the Role of Stability, stealth or quickness.
All of which will quickly get the stomp, vs oh...let me see.. ANY FKING CLASS IN THE GAME INCLUDING RANGERS! lol.

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4 minutes ago, EnderzShadow.2506 said:

Propaganda? I don't have a problem with it and no one else does either. L2R
Did you happen to notice how no one here agrees with you?

I've spent so many countless hours reading the gw2 forums. And there has never been an outcry to nerf Ranger rez.

Welcome to MMO's where everyone doesn't have the same abilities. You should of seen how hard counter classes were in Dark Ages of Camelot.

Okay boomer.

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7 hours ago, Waffles.5632 said:

I have only ever played power mirage in pvp and nothing else lol. My perspective is entirely unique from anyone else here, even yours. Nice attempt though trying to just dismiss me like that, as if me playing thief or not has anything to do with Ranger strengths and weaknesses.

Like I said, Ranger isn't the best, but it's definitely one of the best atm and will be until at least Nov 28th after which everything gets shaken up, so can't really tell where classes will actually land, but even then it's still hard to imagine Ranger will rank low simply due to the nature of the class and how it plays. It's a very safe class for every game mode simply due to the pet+longbow. (and you know this)

Anyone who pvps intuitively knows this because ranger is almost always on one of the teams. Like seriously it's the class I've seen most consistently throughout all matches, but in fairness I will give you that almost nobody plays Soul Beast atm since it seems like untamed does everything better.

Now you can dismiss this again but it won't make it any less true. You talk about ele's having bias but yours is so obvious here.

Where do you rank ranger currently btw if not top? Are you seriously trying to convince people that Ranger is B tier or something? 😆

Ranger Pet AI and CC has been a long contention amongst many pvpers and here I can show you my bias.

I absolutely hate pet AI and pet CC. Why do I as a Mesmer, have to literally sacrifice my entire class identity around mixing myself with my clones, simply because the pet AI will always target the real mesmer?

Pet CC is also free. It cost the ranger nothing, yet grants some of the most powerful tools that sway team fights. In the visual mess that gw2, there is no pvper that can actively see the pet and react to it in time. Not unless it's a 1v1. I refuse to believe anyone can reliably and consistently keep track of PET animations in pvp fights let alone large scale wvw battles.

Such powerful tools shouldn't be given to AI companions, and if they are, they should come with serious drawbacks, otherwise everyone would just play ranger because the pet does everything; See mechanist on EoD launch.

So, by the inherent nature of Ranger, it has to be nerfed in all areas. Rannger should never be as mobile as thief, it should never be as tanky as warrior, it should never do as much damage as willbender or mesmer burst, because again, if it did, it would be better because it also has pets.

For the most part, ranger follows this exact philosophy, but then there's untamed and all EoD specs which were purposefully designed to break traditional balance.

So you want ranger buffs? Well the pet CC has to go then, so then Anet can move that power over to Ranger. (which I'm fine with, I actually think atm Ranger is the most balanced class, with untamed being a slight outlier. The point is, the class is consisent, easy to learn, hard to master, and performs very well in literally all areas. You can recommend to new players, and experienced players alike.)

Ranger is the most underpowered class now and have been for a few months.

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