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Virtuose, how much can we hate fight against it ?


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On 11/15/2023 at 6:20 AM, whooot.5784 said:

Imagine beeing a dev: "Hey guys, I have a super idea, let's give to this spec ALL the degenerated defenses mechanics in the game, in the SAME TIME, that could be fun right ? Right ? What do you think about that? That will be fun to fight against, right ..? That should be fun.. no ? "

Let's see....

More aegis than a core guard, check!

Block by billions ?Also check! (even worse now they can use shield)

Invu by trillion ? Check !

Stealth ? Blind? Reflect? Check, check and check !

Teleporte, mobility? Check!

Oooh and let's make their f1,2,3etc also unblockables if treated, like that when he's power, he just can blow up 10k in your teeth, and if it's condi, 20+stacks of confu and he just one shot you with condibomb.

Okay now I've waited all this degenerated things to go off, maybe I can play the game ? GET JUKED SON!!  He has already all his cd back! And there we go again, block block block block block block, invu invu invu invu invu invu invu, dodge, blind, block block block block block, stealth.....

I am not saying this is op or something, I am just saying this is one of the most degenerated spec I've ever seen.

A spec like that shouldn't exist in spvp, period. Pve, I don't care, no one cares, but get ridd off this abomination in spvp plz, and don't EVER EVER dare make it meta by buffing it, I beg you, we beg you, my own cat begs you.

Proof me wrong. Try to defend this abomination.


I'm trying to decide if it's the mesmer classes that have all this or bladesworn, I honestly think bladesworn is worse, but the mesmer's invulnerability from "20sec" is apparently annoying.

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In the begining, Anet had the chance to put the game in the right direction with reworking two of the most Toxic Bad Design Professions-Thief Profession and Mesmer Profession yet they chose not to give a Kitten care.

11 years later; Anet increase their Toxicty with their specializations including increasing the remaining Professions Toxicity, just to Justify their dominance in the game.

In other word; Anet used Thief Profession and Mesmer Profession Toxic Dominance, to set the stage of making the remaining Profession to be Toxic.

If you didn't catch what I just wrote; the key word is Dominance....unlike the remining Professions. 

Then, Anet secretly added a new Toxic Bad Design Profession-Willbender as the new contender on the list, to create an Illusion that Thief Profession and Mesmer Profession Dominance is not real.

I have followed Anet Psychological Mindgames for years and see all their Manipulative patterns. This why, I absolutely have no problem to call Anet behaviors out and to warn The Community of  their real intentions.

This is why I continue to ask Anet to fire those who are responsible with Toxic Bad Design Professions. 

Anet clearly know that, once Thief Profession is taken out-delteled, Mesmer Profession will go down with it too. 

To all players including The Community; the damage has already been done until there is a New Philosophy, New Vision, New Mission and New Leadership whose goals is to eliminate Toxic Bad Game Design,  putting the Player experienc first and to make them matter by giving them, Healthy Competition that they deserved in the first place  

Warning- Prepare for Anet to fight for Thief Profession and Mesmer Profesion to the teeth next year, to prove us wrong.

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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On 11/15/2023 at 6:20 AM, whooot.5784 said:

Imagine beeing a dev: "Hey guys, I have a super idea, let's give to this spec ALL the degenerated defenses mechanics in the game, in the SAME TIME, that could be fun right ? Right ? What do you think about that? That will be fun to fight against, right ..? That should be fun.. no ? "

Let's see....

More aegis than a core guard, check!

Block by billions ?Also check! (even worse now they can use shield)

Invu by trillion ? Check !

Stealth ? Blind? Reflect? Check, check and check !

Teleporte, mobility? Check!

Oooh and let's make their f1,2,3etc also unblockables if treated, like that when he's power, he just can blow up 10k in your teeth, and if it's condi, 20+stacks of confu and he just one shot you with condibomb.

Okay now I've waited all this degenerated things to go off, maybe I can play the game ? GET JUKED SON!!  He has already all his cd back! And there we go again, block block block block block block, invu invu invu invu invu invu invu, dodge, blind, block block block block block, stealth.....

I am not saying this is op or something, I am just saying this is one of the most degenerated spec I've ever seen.

A spec like that shouldn't exist in spvp, period. Pve, I don't care, no one cares, but get ridd off this abomination in spvp plz, and don't EVER EVER dare make it meta by buffing it, I beg you, we beg you, my own cat begs you.

Proof me wrong. Try to defend this abomination.


daze go brrrrr(im a main virt xd)

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Other than some core specs, I think virt has never won an MAT on NA. Every other elite specialization has lmao.

But I agree virt that is degenerate gameplay. The blade shatter's have clunky design which would be complete garbage without the traits backing them up to make inspi virt obnoxious.

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On 11/18/2023 at 7:42 PM, Frequency.6407 said:

Ignore virtuoso and it will die of negligence.


22 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

then suddenly gets buffs because less played 😂


5 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:
8 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

the kind of stuff you'd write after snorting gunpowder


17 minutes ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

virt has never won an MAT on NA. Every other elite specialization has lmao.

Behold, the quadtcych. 

All of this is true. Virtuoso is annoying, but it isn't overpowered. (Welcome to the thief table, @Terrorhuz.4695. You're gonna be here a while.) Its annoying quality lies in the fact that it doesn't play the same game as most other classes (it is infinite stall/1v1 winner instead of win/lose), but it is also really really slow, so it can't do that very flexibly in more than one place at a time. This is also almost certainly a design oversight that will lead to it getting buffed when the devs realize slow classes that win 1v1s but nothing else aren't really viable for more than 2v2/3v3, and seeing virt number go up is important enough.

Of course, there is a reasonable way to balance this (remove distortion on virt, tie unblockable bladesongs/psychic riposte to skillful play again and not just raw dodging, rebalance blurred inscriptions, return the block for bladeturn and make it more robust, then give it more mobility so it can duel more than it stalls), but the chance we reach that timeline is slim. It shipped more balanced than it is now, but then was made easier for some reason...


Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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