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ArenaNet lying to the playerbase


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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

In about the same way as someone that asked for something to warm him up and has been set on fire. In short, no, Rifts was not what people asked for. Monkey's Paw style deliverance of wishes is never good.

No, in the way where those people said they don't care what it is as long as they can slowly chip at the acquisition by playing in ow.
Again, trying to claim that -for example- the proposed grinding world bosses would be perfectly fine and not boring, but rifts/conv are too grindy/boring doesn't make much sense. The main difference there is that people need to play the game, incliuding moving around to get to the rifts, as opposed to logging in, tagging, logging out on the hour in the same place every time.


2 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

SOTO brings barely more than free icebrood saga.

So this content is bad because... In the past you got some content for free? In the release schedule that was deemed unsustainable?
As a sidenote, I think this is a decent presentation of the reality behind those occasional claims saying something along the lines of "players would spend more if they got more free gems/gemstore items from anet". 😉 

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Most twitchable, yes - because casual, ow-style playerbase does not watch twitch. Most replayable? not by a long shot. There's still players doing core map world boss trains (even though those are not really rewarding at all). HoT metas are still going strong. And all those are very old content.You just don't hear about it too much, because you listen to twitch, where mostly instanced content is being streamed.

That's because it's primarily the instance content/PvP lovers that are doing the judging. Or, to be more precise, that voice their judgment in any other way than with their feet. In the end however the game rises (or falls) on the backs of its casual playerbase, not hardcore one.

My view on it however is the exact opposite. They failed to get bigger because they always kept waffling about which playerbase they should aim for. Even though the strongest point of the game compared to its competitors was always Open World content (and the content aiming at casuals) Anet visibly kept pushing for hardcore players they could never satisfy enough anyway. Mixed messages are always the worst type of content advertising, because it invariably ends with both sides thinking the game might not be for them.

I understand your point of view and I already said that most people in every MMO are open world casuals. Yes, meta train are a thing and people are doing them for gold or achievements but this more of a grind than actual interacting fun content that is why I did not mention them as called it out as events. There is only one meta ( Dragon's End ) final boss which actually interactive and could be considered different but all the rest are events.

What am I trying to say?
Instance content, PvP and WvW are far superior by repayabllity because its interactive. Open world meta events for the most part are linear and not interactive at all, you can easily afk, watch some random videos and be successful even if you were bad or one of the best ones. Everything else in open world is for the most part "been there done that".

As for twitch there is a reason why casuals are not interacting with this platform.

Open world should exist obviously but they need to feed these platforms ASAP, HT CM was a huge success and they should be continue with raids, pvp and wvw and even create a specific expansion for these platforms because at the end of the day this content will keep pumping while all these story one touch maps are basically a one hit dopamine thing.

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41 minutes ago, Dean.3056 said:

HT CM was a huge success and they should be continue with raids, pvp and wvw and even create a specific expansion for these platforms because at the end of the day this content will keep pumping while all these story one touch maps are basically a one hit dopamine thing.

If HT CM , is a Strike , then strikes is something that is already supported . We should strive  create the same difficulty 

Now because  they lost the Encounter guy , they cannot do that currently.


But yeah , if an next expansion can  focus to divert resources in WvW , then atleast 1/3 of the minority of the community will be happy . Then we focus every single instanced encounter to be like Soo-Won , then 2/3 will be happy

Now if they get Raiders get burned because , lke soo-won none wants to do that after a while , then they will have completed their mission of increasing the  twitch numbers and Teapot having some1 to play 


(but because of the Sollar incident for nerfing 52k eles , 6-moth whining about 37%Enginner  participation in Raids , and P2W relic in steam , the rewards shouldnt be some beautiful , or we ban raid selling . Something must be lost )

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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