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PVP NEEDS a /votekick option to deal with AFK or abusive teammates


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AFK teammates are pervasive and disruptive part of the PVP experience. Please give the team the option to kick them out. Ideally, they would be replaced with a bot, but just having them out of team and sustain a dishonor timer, so you don't que with the same group of people again and again, would be enough. The reporting system isn't enough, and players need some agency to police their own ranks!

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A lot of AFK is also tied to rage-quitters--giving them the power to votekick would be bad if they are also in duo with a friend/alt.  You'd go to votekick them and end up getting kicked yourself or waste enough time on the whole process that you lose the game anyway.  

My latest experience with AFK happened at end of game too, the aforementioned rage quit.  Had a BS that wanted to hero far all game, kept dying, cost us the game as they could have been literally anywhere else contributing--gets mad, afk's and blocks rest of team.  Not sure how vote kick solves that type of issue.  

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8 hours ago, mziven.2095 said:

AFK teammates are pervasive and disruptive part of the PVP experience. Please give the team the option to kick them out. Ideally, they would be replaced with a bot, but just having them out of team and sustain a dishonor timer, so you don't que with the same group of people again and again, would be enough. The reporting system isn't enough, and players need some agency to police their own ranks!

Without reading any of this and just going by your title, a vote kicking system will get abused no matter what. If a person sucks, vote kicked.

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I have seen some pretty pissed players try and kick people from WvW Zergs so I don't think it is a good idea. 

Over the silliest things like not committing to a push and standing to far back or even commiting to much and dying. 

I could see a situation where if you are not playing a Meta build or even if you are playing it badly you get kicked. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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  • 8 months later...

A recorded heat map over time would be better and the system could then match together players that AFK often vs other AFKers.

Also... MAYBE don't put rewards in PvP n WvW that PvErs want, like the upcoming Janthir Wilds armor, all you get is people that don't even wanna be there messing the whole thing.

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Oh wow! So youre saying I could vote kick someone once I start losing matches, and potentially not lose rating? Golly gosh!!

Or maybe I could snipe people on an alt account and try to convince people vote kick them?  Goodness gracious!

Edited by Endo.1652
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On 12/4/2023 at 8:53 PM, mziven.2095 said:

AFK teammates are pervasive and disruptive part of the PVP experience. Please give the team the option to kick them out. Ideally, they would be replaced with a bot, but just having them out of team and sustain a dishonor timer, so you don't que with the same group of people again and again, would be enough. The reporting system isn't enough, and players need some agency to police their own ranks!

i by now think this be good.  just what happens if a top player fighting for season win against some others and now to win the season the friends of of the #2 kick the current season leader in votekick to destroy his score to make sure he cant win the season but their friend who is placed second will?

the concerns here is such kick function can be used to manipulate the competition in top ranks.


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they could add an afk timer when majority of players try to kick somebody and that timer gets removed when a player deals/receives damage. we are talking about afk players here.

getting rewards for individual performance could also work. so if a player is more active/useful even when losing, then he will get rewarded more.

Edited by Chaos God.1639
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This system as others said will be easily abused - heck, the current system already is abused when you think about it, after all a lot of those AFKers are doing it to "punish" their teammates for some perceived wrongdoing (the classic "ok gg then").

Maybe having a victory actually mean materially more than a defeat would help. People who afk clearly already don't care about ranked rating, and they still get pips anyway. But of course, removing pips for a loss also hurts people who are actually playing, so no perfect solution here - but it doesn't change the fact that there is an incentive problem aside from just a bad attitude problem.

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In an ideal world, a vote kick option would be great indeed, thing is, this is not an ideal world, we're playing online against other "human being", this system would be systematically abused in the worst possibles ways by wintraders and bad faith frustrated players. It can't work sadly, it will never work

Edited by whooot.5784
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I feel like the afking thing is due to how seriously long it takes for a stomp to actually win the match. 
Through point ticking alone, it's 3 points per 2 seconds if all 3 points captured and no kills happening.

If you get outmatched by opponents, you have to wait upwards of 5 to 7 minutes for the points to tick to 500. That's insanely suffocating for a team that's being spawn camped due to simply being not good enough. One could also feed kills to speed it up but realistically people with go next mentality are gonna just spend the time watching youtube than manage their game. 

Edited by Jobber.6348
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