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On 2/10/2024 at 4:48 AM, CafPow.1542 said:

You have a point.

but on the other hand, buying the expansions brings you way more, way more important stuff.

a lot of story, new maps, mounts, gliding etc. pp. So „selling the xpac“ is not just about the e-specc. That’s why i think it would be a mistake to neglect 9/36 (or 1/4) spec-options. But maybe, anet thinks exactly the way you tell it. 

Just because there are more ways they push you to buy expansions doesn't mean neglected core classes isn't one of them. I mean, certainly you would not believe that people part of whose job it is to do stuff like monitoring profession usage statistic, and they do that for a living (8+ hours a day) and are paid to think about it don't realize that for example core elementarist, core engineer or core revenant are professions not viable in 2 out of 3 game modes (PvP and WvW).

It's equally hard to imagine they are aware of it, but don't know the solution. The most obvious answer is that they are aware, but why would you fix the problem if the problem existing allows you to sell more expansions? 

Competitive game mode players are easiest to milk. If you are running around eternal battlegrounds with your core guardian and get one shot by burst willbender, it's very easy to persuade you into the thought process of "I can spend $ and have that burst willbender too".

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On 2/10/2024 at 4:48 AM, CafPow.1542 said:

You have a point.

but on the other hand, buying the expansions brings you way more, way more important stuff.

a lot of story, new maps, mounts, gliding etc. pp. So „selling the xpac“ is not just about the e-specc. That’s why i think it would be a mistake to neglect 9/36 (or 1/4) spec-options. But maybe, anet thinks exactly the way you tell it. 

Just because there are more ways they push you to buy expansions doesn't mean neglected core classes isn't one of them. I mean, certainly you would not believe that people part of whose job it is to do stuff like monitoring profession usage statistic, and they do that for a living (8+ hours a day) and are paid to think about it don't realize that for example core elementarist, core engineer or core revenant are professions not viable in 2 out of 3 game modes (PvP and WvW).

It's equally hard to imagine they are aware of it, but don't know the solution. The most obvious answer is that they are aware, but why would you fix the problem if the problem existing allows you to sell more expansions? 

Competitive game mode players are easiest to milk. If you are running around eternal battlegrounds with your core guardian and get one shot by burst willbender, it's very easy to persuade you into the thought process of "I can spend $ and have that burst willbender too".

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On 2/10/2024 at 4:48 AM, CafPow.1542 said:

You have a point.

but on the other hand, buying the expansions brings you way more, way more important stuff.

a lot of story, new maps, mounts, gliding etc. pp. So „selling the xpac“ is not just about the e-specc. That’s why i think it would be a mistake to neglect 9/36 (or 1/4) spec-options. But maybe, anet thinks exactly the way you tell it. 

Just because there are more ways they push you to buy expansions doesn't mean neglected core classes isn't one of them. I mean, certainly you would not believe that people part of whose job it is to do stuff like monitoring profession usage statistic, and they do that for a living (8+ hours a day) and are paid to think about it don't realize that for example core elementarist, core engineer or core revenant are professions not viable in 2 out of 3 game modes (PvP and WvW).

It's equally hard to imagine they are aware of it, but don't know the solution. The most obvious answer is that they are aware, but why would you fix the problem if the problem existing allows you to sell more expansions? 

Competitive game mode players are easiest to milk. If you are running around eternal battlegrounds with your core guardian and get one shot by burst willbender, it's very easy to persuade you into the thought process of "I can spend $ and have that burst willbender too".

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31 minutes ago, SpaceMarine.1836 said:

Just because there are more ways they push you to buy expansions doesn't mean neglected core classes isn't one of them. I mean, certainly you would not believe that people part of whose job it is to do stuff like monitoring profession usage statistic, and they do that for a living (8+ hours a day) and are paid to think about it don't realize that for example core elementarist, core engineer or core revenant are professions not viable in 2 out of 3 game modes (PvP and WvW).

It's equally hard to imagine they are aware of it, but don't know the solution. The most obvious answer is that they are aware, but why would you fix the problem if the problem existing allows you to sell more expansions? 

Competitive game mode players are easiest to milk. If you are running around eternal battlegrounds with your core guardian and get one shot by burst willbender, it's very easy to persuade you into the thought process of "I can spend $ and have that burst willbender too".

Sure. But in my opinion they are wrong. Simple as.

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On 12/9/2023 at 12:25 AM, AlexndrTheGreat.8310 said:

Make the Class Mechanic traitline (things like Beastmastery, Arcane, Soul Reaping, etc) mutually exclusive with Elite Specs and only usable in the 3rd slot instead of creating an entirely new elite spec for core would be the simplest way to do that.

Causally murdering my last +30% movement speedn I have on my ranger 😞

(And my Aoe Burn from virtue of justice while at it)

My personal woes aside, a sort of core Espec, available to people with no expacs, could have went long way to balance core and especs, and it would make sense for said core espec to be enhancing core class mechanic, that especs are altering, and argument could be made that introducing new traitlines for that, when we already have traitline improving class mechanic, would be redundant, and the existing traitlines instead should be uplifted.

The only issue that is still there is that there is alot of fun espec builds (to my knowledge big chunk of them far from meta) that are benefitting from interaction of core traitline improvement ontop of espec alteration, that would be obliterated by such change.

(sorry for tagging you like this so many months after the og message, but with thread being revitalized, and me not following this forum when the post was made at all, I thought I could still give some opinions on the subject at hand)

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11 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

(sorry for tagging you like this so many months after the og message, but with thread being revitalized, and me not following this forum when the post was made at all, I thought I could still give some opinions on the subject at hand)

LOL no worries I’m glad my comments are still sparking discussion about this 😂

11 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

The only issue that is still there is that there is alot of fun espec builds (to my knowledge big chunk of them far from meta) that are benefitting from interaction of core traitline improvement ontop of espec alteration, that would be obliterated by such change.

Yea this is definitely a weak point in my suggestion. Some classes or elite specs benefit vastly differently with their “core” traitline. In a raid/PvE setting Elementalist wouldn’t use Arcane and Engineer usually won’t use Tools, but Berserker, Power Soulbeast, DPS Rev, and Necromancer all greatly benefit from Discipline, Beastmastery, Invocation, and Soul Reaping respectively. It would hit those builds pretty hard and entirely remove some combinations that people have relied on since elite specs were introduced, but hopefully the collective power creep in the game could be brought down and more specific adjustments could be made to the builds that were most affected to not leave them crippled.

On the other hand Anet could create entirely new elite specs that maybe double down on what the base class focused on. Maybe a Beastmaster+ specialization that lets Ranger have 2 pets out and Pet Swap lets you temporarily summon a 3rd or something. Things along those lines. But I don’t expect that to be easily done for some classes like Elementalist, what’s the mechanic that base Ele does that a new specialization would focus on and emphasize. In a lot of cases yea, it would be pretty much what the current “core” specialization line already does so it sounds pretty redundant.

Edited by AlexndrTheGreat.8310
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