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New player here just wanted ask Warrior mains what are your favorite weapons for PvP and Openworld and why?


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Speaking in Open World PoV:

Longbow on Power Warrior in general.

You might think: "Wait a minute, Longbow is a condi weapon!" 

And you are not wrong, but it's better than rifle for a few reasons: Lb2 and 3 still hits hard as a power weapon, and lb4 brings on-demand cc onto the table. The only thing sucks about it is lb5 but depending on your build it could still be useful as a damage mod setup, never mind that it's also a soft cc.

Then there's Mainhand (and Offhand) Mace.

The damage is abysmal...if you are talking in a grand scheme of things, but as long as you are in Open World, it will still do enough damage to kill enemies in mere seconds. This is especially true if you are running Aggressive Onslaught, which allows your auto attack (aka your most damaging skill funnily enough) to be pretty fast, something that is an issue with the weapon otherwise. Aside from a pretty brutal last auto chain (weakness + big damage), on Berserker it also turns your f1 into an overhead slam that pretty much makes it impossible for mobs to hurt you due to a bunch of conditions baked into it (like blindness). You would think it becomes a condi weapon (and it is), but even as a power weapon it still does okay damage, especially considering it's a cc skill, and sometimes I manage to hit over 10k in a single hit with it. Offhand mace also got a buff where mace 4 hits really hard, and mace 5, despite being a dreaded projectile-based attack, is still a way to knock down multiple enemies, which can be helpful as you auto your way to victory.

Aside from that, I'm trying Sword/Dagger Spellbreaker at the moment, and it's got some funny skill cooldown interaction where you can line up two *big* damage skills in a combo via Sword 3 and Dagger 4. Again, these skills can also hit up to 10k in one hit, so unless you are soloing champs in the Open World, a lot of things will simply die to just these two skills alone. Sword 2 also brings mobility into play so that's cool.

Edited by NeverLoseGuy.3894
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Yes, even in Openworld. 

Simply because of all the CC synergies Warrior has. 

Quickness, might, Fury, stability, adrenaline, healing etc all you ever wanted and more. 

Either on Berserker with Rifle(Gunflame has a daze on it) or on Spellbreaker with Dagger/Mace. 

Add mobility with all the jumping going on. 

Pure fun. 

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17 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:


Yes, even in Openworld. 

Simply because of all the CC synergies Warrior has. 

Quickness, might, Fury, stability, adrenaline, healing etc all you ever wanted and more. 

Either on Berserker with Rifle(Gunflame has a daze on it) or on Spellbreaker with Dagger/Mace. 

Add mobility with all the jumping going on. 

Pure fun. 

Hammer and Gun sounds pretty cool. I have not tried the guns yet. 

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In Open World I have 3 builds I play depending on my mood...

The one I play most is main-hand sword w/ either off-hand mace or off-hand sword.  When you build sword for hybrid damage (power + condition damage), it's quite a strong weapon for longer fights such as with champions.  I like the game-feel of sword when paired with either the Arms trait Dual Wielding, or with the quickness boon.  Also, it meshes well with generating the might boon, which the Warrior can do quite a lot, and heal off of with the right traits.  The synergy is very solid.  It also feels pretty awesome to switch targets from current mobs knowing they're about to bleed to death.  I use the off-hand is mace or sword for the might generation that both give... though I'm leaning more towards favoring mace due to the vulnerability of the 4 skill and the break-bar and cc of the 5 skill being to me more useful more often than the torment damage, rip damage, and block of the sword.

The second one I play is dagger/dagger with Spellbreaker.  This also has great game-feel, w/o the need for Dual Wielding or Quickness.  It's a great weapon for a power-crit damage build... with the only drawback being the auto-attack hits 2 targets instead of 3... and getting attacked by groups of mobs is pretty frequent in OW.  Despite that, it spikes damage really well and is great for scything through easy enemies.  I play this when I want to just mow enemies down efficiently.

The last one I play is longbow, but with core traits instead of the more popular berzerker elite spec... mostly because I feel I get better trait synergy sticking with core traits.  This one is also built as hybrid damage, but focuses on generating and maintaining the quickness buff... again, mostly for the game-feel of attacking a bit faster.  The thing I find most attractive about the longbow is it's F1 burst procs on use all those traits that activate on F1 hitting for other weapons.  It's incredibly frustrating when playing a Warrior when your burst skills miss, especially when you have traits dependent on them hitting.  Longbow+quickness is just a nice change of pace to killing everything in melee.

All that said, in Feb I think is when we're getting a new weapon: the staff.  There was a recent beta trial of it, and I found myself pretty impressed with it.  I almost exclusively play PvE anymore, and almost all of my builds are designed to stand up to most Champions... and the staff looks like it will be a great weapon to build around for survivability given its capacity to consistently grant the boon regeneration, and inflict the condition weakness. 

I hope all that helps and makes sense.


P.S. I like to do a lot of build experimentation... it's one of the things I love to do and keeps me playing the game.  My recommendation is to build around your weapons.  It seems obvious, but you might be surprised how often there are complaints about how this-or-that weapon sucks largely because the person just swapped out a weapon on a build they had known worked and the weapon didn't perform as well.  Warrior gets a lot of good synergy within the core traits, more so than what I've experienced in many other professions.  It gives you a lot of options for effective and fun builds no matter the weapon you play... so long as you keep the weapon in mind when selecting traits and even utility skills.

Edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643
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44 minutes ago, Quickpawmaud.6374 said:

Thanks will try it out some time.

Just to note, the relic of the midnight king is really important to make the build work. If you don't have it yet, I recommend playing [For great justice!] instead of the Signet of might. For the Fury. 

Also, getting more Boon Duration is something I recommend too. So you don't have to play it at high APM. 

Have fun. 🤗


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3 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Just to note, the relic of the midnight king is really important to make the build work. If you don't have it yet, I recommend playing [For great justice!] instead of the Signet of might. For the Fury. 

Also, getting more Boon Duration is something I recommend too. So you don't have to play it at high APM. 

Have fun. 🤗


My Warrior is only like level 20 right now lol I have nothing.

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6 hours ago, Quickpawmaud.6374 said:

My Warrior is only like level 20 right now lol I have nothing.

Then you should take your time to test individual abilities and see with ones you like.

Testing builds (be it your own creations or other players' builds) should come after you hit 80 and unlocked elite specializations.

Nothing good comes out of rushing to 80 and instantly going for numerically highest performing builds.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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On 12/29/2023 at 6:58 AM, Fueki.4753 said:

Then you should take your time to test individual abilities and see with ones you like.

Testing builds (be it your own creations or other players' builds) should come after you hit 80 and unlocked elite specializations.

Nothing good comes out of rushing to 80 and instantly going for numerically highest performing builds.

I mean I just made this thread to ask what other people like to do so I could have ideas on what to try out later. My Guardian is already level 80 and I am trying out stuff for them too. Most of the top builds on the main sites are not really that interesting to me at the moment.

On 12/29/2023 at 6:58 AM, Fueki.4753 said:



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I personaly play mostly meta stuff..... Aside PvP cause god kitten they feel so braindead to Play....big no thx xD. I prefer having fun while been useless over just play the best you could and feel like pain xd.


For Open World i actually love to play stuff to do good amount of dmg while also semi supporting guys around me soooo. Condi quickness zerker Lord Hizen is my way to go. If i gonna play solo just to kill champs n stuff i prefer Bladesworn cause i simply love big Numbers (also on Sword for extra Mobility)

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3 hours ago, Quickpawmaud.6374 said:

I mean I just made this thread to ask what other people like to do so I could have ideas on what to try out later. My Guardian is already level 80 and I am trying out stuff for them too. Most of the top builds on the main sites are not really that interesting to me at the moment.

If that is the case...
Greatsword, Dagger MH, Axe MH, Axe OH, Hammer, and Sword MH are all fun but at varying levels of effectiveness in any given content.
Mace MH on Berserker is fun. Rifle and LB on Berserker are fun as well.

Warrior offers lots of weapon styles to choose from, but each is very one dimensional. Staff once they work some kinks out will be very fun.
I suggest just playing through the PvE story with a warrior, trying out each of the weapons as you do so. I personally really loved Greatsword while leveling my warrior way back in the day. If I were to level a warrior again (and I did three times on alt accounts 😉) I would use GS + Axe/Axe and a rifle for ranged fights. Hammer also feels really great while playing through the story. Sword+Torch/Longbow is classic for condi builds, but you can do it on power as well, just don't take that as a power build into instanced end game content.


Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
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On 12/31/2023 at 4:42 AM, Sifolstour.3210 said:

For every single game mode my personal choice is Greatsword. It's a well rounded weapon that fits the mighty spirit a warrior should have.

It also fits the current "balance" and design philosophies of Warrior being buggy, clunky, mostly one-dimensional and underpowered.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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