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Weekly Black Lion Supply Package

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I just purchased this item in the gem store,Weekly Black Lion Supply Package, for 400gems. The main thing I wanted was the Guaranteed Dye Unlock. I have 8 dyes undiscovered (5 that are rather pricey and 3 that I assumed were account bound as they were not on the trading post( Gloom, Savage, Predation, Anguish, Torment, Cherry Vanilla, Orange cream and lemon sherbert). upon using the ticket I got the response of  "All currently eligible wardrobe items unlocked. Future updates may add more." I , as I am guessing,  am like most players and will not know that those dyes will NOT unlock with this guaranteed dye unlock. There should be some notice or fine print of dyes you may have locked still but this item won't unlock them. As it stands , it is decieving to people like me buying it for the dye unlock and it unlocks NONE of my remaining locked dyes. I hope there is something support can do to avoid this with future buyers of this item.

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I agree. I assumed that ALL of the dyes were in the Guaranteed Dye Unlock

Edit: After some replies, I should clarify that I did not think that all of the dyes would be unlocked with a single Guaranteed Dye Unlock. Just that all of the remaining locked dyes would be possibilities.

Edited by Mountain Man.1659
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Posted (edited)

I did say, I , like some other players will see locked dyes under the dye tab and see the guarantee ticket, the warning could be more prominent for those of us that wouldn't think of having to research it. just saying maybe a warning in the package that stands out so dummys like me see it  😄 not asking for anything like a refund, just a suggestion for us that read just the title and think it unlocks all of them. I wouldn't think I'd have to research it. but as I said, I, part of the tired sleepy & ditzy croud, could a bigger in my face warning.  😄



Edited by satans plea.1704
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I shouldn't have to tab out of the game for clarification on in-game items.  If it says guaranteed dye unlock it should specify what it does not unlock.  There are plenty of people that play GW2 that never use any external sites.  My opinion doesn't matter to ANet though since I can't afford to spend money in game.

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I agree they could make it clearer what exactly is included - maybe add a preview option that lists which dyes (or at least which dye kits) are included. The gem store is an embedded web browser (linking to a dedicated site) so it should be possible to add a pop-up or something.

The Monstrous Dye Kit should be added at some point, I suspect it was left out because it was the newest one (and possibly still on sale) when the Weekly bundle was added. They often do that with Black Lion unlocks.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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Posted (edited)

ya, and the reply did say it may work for future releases of dyes so it's not garbage, just have to wait. but again, that comes 'after' you buy it. a warning that it may not unlock a dye you need could be right there in the package.


Edited by satans plea.1704
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Perfect example as to why you read first before buying.

1 hour ago, Mountain Man.1659 said:

I agree. I assumed that ALL of the dyes were in the Guaranteed Dye Unlock

1 hour ago, satans plea.1704 said:

I did say, I , like some other players will see locked dyes under the dye tab and see the guarantee ticket, the warning could be more prominent for those of us that wouldn't think of having to research it. just saying maybe a warning in the package that stands out so dummys like me see it  😄 not asking for anything like a refund, just a suggestion for us that read just the title and think it unlocks all of them. I wouldn't think I'd have to research it. but as I said, I, part of the tired sleepy & ditzy croud, could a bigger in my face warning.  😄

1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I agree they could make it clearer what exactly is included - maybe add a preview option that lists which dyes (or at least which dye kits) are included. The gem store is an embedded web browser (linking to a dedicated site) so it should be possible to add a pop-up or something.

The Monstrous Dye Kit should be added at some point, I suspect it was left out because it was the newest one (and possibly still on sale) when the Weekly bundle was added. They often do that with Black Lion unlocks.

Hovering over the Guaranteed Dye unlock in the Weekly Black Lion Supply Package says "Consuming this will unlock one random dye color in your wardrboe that you do not already have". If you click on the preview it will say "This item will unlock one of the following wardrobe options. Previously Unlocked wardrobe items are removed from the list."

Read before you buy, don't blame Anet for not willing to read what you're about to buy.

It is explained clearly that you're getting only one dye.

Edited by IAmNotMatthew.1058
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I've made 2 separate posts about this. The problem is that nowhere other than in the wiki does it state what the limits are for the unlock. It should have been able to unlock Monstrous dyes. And you can't preview the item until after buying it. I have a few sitting in my bank right now, just waiting for whenever they unlock the 3 dyes I'm missing.

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Click on the "weekly black lion supply package" in gemstore, which will move you to a window showing its contents. Then click on "guaranteed dye unlock" and -as far as I understand- it shows you what dyes it can unlock for you. I have ~40 dyes locked, clicking on guaranteed dye unlock shows 32 dyes. I'm assuming it doesn't show the ones that are listed in wiki as "not included".
I'd agree with your complaint if that preview wasn't available, but... it is there.

Inspect things before you buy them.


16 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

And you can't preview the item until after buying it.

Maybe they added it recently (I don't know, didn't care about that bundle anyways), but you can preview them in the store.

Source: checked a minute ago.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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 I had the same problem. trying to preview it does nothing. I only figured out now that trying to preview it when you have everything just does nothing. only figured that out because my alt account, which I logged into to see what shows for him after your preview post, can preview it. so again, instead of a message stating you have all unlocked when trying to preview, it jkust does nothing, making people think you just can't do it until you buy it. just sayaing, need clearer details.

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7 minutes ago, satans plea.1704 said:

 I had the same problem. trying to preview it does nothing. I only figured out now that trying to preview it when you have everything just does nothing. only figured that out because my alt account, which I logged into to see what shows for him after your preview post, can preview it. so again, instead of a message stating you have all unlocked when trying to preview, it jkust does nothing, making people think you just can't do it until you buy it. just sayaing, need clearer details.

Ok, if the preview window just shows nothing then it could be made better and state that you have all available dyes unlocked, agreed.
...even though I'd still check wiki to make sure 😄

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I don't disagree with you that researching would be the smart thing to do, but not everyone thinks of that. they go by what info is availible in the sale window cause why would info be left out at the point of sale but be in the wiki with no warning that you 'should'  check the wiki. agree with you, not the smartest thing but people tend to believe what they are given at point of sale.

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3 minutes ago, satans plea.1704 said:

I don't disagree with you that researching would be the smart thing to do, but not everyone thinks of that. they go by what info is availible in the sale window cause why would info be left out at the point of sale but be in the wiki with no warning that you 'should'  check the wiki. agree with you, not the smartest thing but people tend to believe what they are given at point of sale.

You don't need to check the wiki for it.

Anet shouldn't have to put 17 different warnings because some people can't read. Lack the basic thought of looking at what you're about to buy? Your issue if it turns out to be something other than what you wanted, especially if it's literally described IN GAME.

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6 minutes ago, satans plea.1704 said:

I don't disagree with you that researching would be the smart thing to do, but not everyone thinks of that. they go by what info is availible in the sale window cause why would info be left out at the point of sale but be in the wiki with no warning that you 'should'  check the wiki. agree with you, not the smartest thing but people tend to believe what they are given at point of sale.

But as I said in the previous post, there is a preview window ingame.

Can somehow maybe post a screenshot of a preview window when every dye is unlocked already?

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Just now, Mountain Man.1659 said:

I know that. I was saying that I (incorrectly) assumed that all of the locked dyes on the account would be included.

I'd understand that complaint if there was no preview, but there is one.

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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

But as I said in the previous post, there is a preview window ingame.

Can somehow maybe post a screenshot of a preview window when every dye is unlocked already?

The preview window just doesn't open at all if you own everything. So yes, it would have been better if there was some kind of message or an empty window, because if you don't know that this is how the preview works for every unlocker, you might just think it's bugged.

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12 minutes ago, Schimmi.6872 said:

The preview window just doesn't open at all if you own everything. So yes, it would have been better if there was some kind of message or an empty window

Ok, so I agree that this should be changed, thank you.


9 minutes ago, Mountain Man.1659 said:

Regardless of the presence of the preview window and the wiki page, every criticism seems to boil down to "you should have known"

False. If the preview is there but you're not using it, it's on you. If the preview doesn't work when you have everything unlocked then it's on devs and should be fixed.
Trying to bring it down to some made up "every criticism seems to boil down to 'you should have know'" is dishonest -or a misunderstanding- and isn't what I'm saying at all.

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Posted (edited)


and when buying from gem store, this is the info given. WHY would anyone think they even NEED to go look somewhere else!  it does not state that ANY dyes are excluded at the point of sale. in your own words, THAT is dishonest!


Edited by satans plea.1704
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8 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

If the preview is there but you're not using it, it's on you.

Still sounds like "you should have known" to me....

That's not the point, though. What I'm saying is that there's no reason there can't be an extra little warning in the item description or on the gem store that says there are dyes that can't be unlocked with it. That's all.

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39 minutes ago, Mountain Man.1659 said:

I know that. I was saying that I (incorrectly) assumed that all of the locked dyes on the account would be included.

Especially since the tooltip reads:


Double-click to consume.
Consuming this will unlock one random dye color in your wardrobe that you do not already have.

There is no indication that any dyes wouldn't be included.


1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Ok, if the preview window just shows nothing then it could be made better and state that you have all available dyes unlocked, agreed.
...even though I'd still check wiki to make sure 😄

For what it counts, when the item first came out the wiki didn't indicate that there were exclusions to what it could unlock. I somewhat agree that nowadays it's easier to avoid by reading the wiki, though there isn't really a reason to go read it if you are just looking to buy an item that does what the tooltip says it does. I also agree the preview function should be updated to some sort of message if all possible unlocks are already open. 

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