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Purchased both expansions, used LVL 80 Boosts, Now what?

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Hello all, as the title says, now I am lost. I don't have waypoints, I don't have mount, I only have access to few areas and that's it. I only have access to Dry Top and Silverwastes. Can I play the expansions? there is a story line that starts at LVL 80 and gets me there?

I watched Youtube, I like world bosses and events but I can't go to any because I don't have waypoints. Should I run like a week or so to discover all waypoints so I can go to events or what should I do?

I can't use LFG because there is no summon option like in WOW. I must know the locations already. I am lost.

I found http://gw2timer.com/?page=Chains

But still can't go to world events because

Thank you for any good advices.

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I know you just used your lv80 boost, I can't say enough there are things that should happen 'before' that.

  • Map complete a starter-zone (This will teach you a few things)
    • Basic movment
    • Basic combat skills/dodges
    • Basic Gathering
    • Renown Hearts
    • Real Time events
  • Run around! Check out each racial city & Lion's Arch, get a few WP's outside of each city.
  • Go into your character menu and start the HoT or PoF Story - enjoy the newer content!

The best way to learn is to get out and explore, but put in the hour or two of "tutorial" and you'll be setup to succeed when you start looking to join a guild and get into the true end game concept.

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There is a misconception that you need to be lvl 80 quickly. GW2 is different then most mmo's and I personally believe the instant 80 item should be locked out untill you have a level 80 toon.

At launch I remember a lot of players that rushed to 80 without looking and then realised there is not much content at that level and quit. The reason is that leveling up in GW2 gives you more things to do, but not less. This is a new approach and devaluates the max level. When I go to Queensdale and do the worldboss there. I still have fun. It is interesting for me to go there and I feel compelled to it. in many other mmo's the starter area's are for low levels, but not in GW2.

There are dungeons in starter mapsThere are world bosses in starter mapsThere are living world events in starter maps.

The game doesnt start at 80. It starts at level 1. You only gain opportunities.So yes. go explore the world. Go for map completion. Do the events you encounter. Have fun!

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Short answer: Yes you should run around uncovering waypoints and finding the locations for stuff you're interested in.

Long answer: Getting to level 80 is actually just one (relatively small) part of what you need to do to be ready for everything in this game. More important is learning the game - where things are, how events work, how to find people when you need them, how to decide what to do etc. Normally you'd do that while levelling but there's no reason you can't do it now, it just means it might be a little bit disjointed if you're focusing on your level 80 characters.

One thing to know, especially if you're coming from WoW - ALL the content in the game is available to you, even at level 80. A lot of those world bosses you're interested in are actually in starting zones designed for characters below level 15, but they're predominantly done by level 80 characters. In case you're not aware GW2 uses level scaling, which means your stats will be automatically reduced to match the area you're in. This means you can play a level 80 characters anywhere in the game and still get useful XP and items, but it also means you won't be able to one-shot everything, the fights will still be a challenge. Playing a downscaled character is still easier than playing one of that level because you have more skills and traits, but it's not like in WoW and some other games where you can obliterate everything without thinking about it.

Which means there's no need to focus on level 80 areas. You'll actually find that "end game" content like world bosses, rare item collections and achievements will send you to lower level maps, but you might also want to do a lot of the stuff in the maps themselves, because it's fun and can be rewarding.

Secondly before you get into the habit of waypointing everywhere it's worth knowing there are free options to get you a long way across the map. If you push the crossed swords icon at the top of the screen you'll get the PvP menu, which has a button to take you to the PvP Lobby. When you're there look for a pink swirl icon (east of where you appear if I remember correctly), that's an Asura Gate which will take you to Lion's Arch - the main city. When you get there look for a group of 6 pink swirls (just east of the Trader's Forum and Grand Piazza) - those will take you to each of the racial cities which are spread across the map.

If you want to focus on one of the expansions then the best thing to do is follow the story. To access it press H to open the Hero Panel, select the star (Story Journal) icon on the left, click on either Heart of Thorns or Path of Fire and click the big 'Play' button. Then follow the green text that will appear on the right side of the screen. (If you do that however be aware that both expansions were made for people who had completed the core game so they're deliberately harder. I think PoF is more forgiving than HoT, but I know some people think the opposite. Either way except to die a lot, but that's ok because dying isn't a big issue in this game.)

Also I recommend joining a guild so you've got a group of people to help you, answer questions, introduce you to stuff to do etc. but also feel free to ask any questions you might have on this forum. People are generally pretty friendly, and don't mind answering questions.

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@"Paulica Nebunu.6843" said:Hello all, as the title says, now I am lost. I don't have waypoints, I don't have mount, I only have access to few areas and that's it. I only have access to Dry Top and Silverwastes. Can I play the expansions? there is a story line that starts at LVL 80 and gets me there?

I watched Youtube, I like world bosses and events but I can't go to any because I don't have waypoints. Should I run like a week or so to discover all waypoints so I can go to events or what should I do?

I can't use LFG because there is no summon option like in WOW. I must know the locations already. I am lost.

I found http://gw2timer.com/?page=Chains

But still can't go to world events because

Thank you for any good advices.

Thats why i as many other players dont reccomend to boost to lvl 80 on your 1 or 2nd character. Lvl the normal way first

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1 - you can get to Lion's Arch pretty easily from a portal or just travelling.2 - once there, launch the PoF storyline and get your mount.3 - once you have a raptor, running around to get WPs etc. will be a breeze.

OR, just use your lvl 80 as if it were lvl 1. Since you get scaled to the map anyway it's just like playing a new toon on easy mode.

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While the Lvl80 boost is nice and quick, I don't really like them because it allows you to skip the first step of exploring your character and learning the basics of the game. I would recommend to return to the starter area and begin your personal story, explore the starter zones until map completion and do not worry about the later content yet.

First experience the basics a bit, learn the different skills and which weapon set you like to play on your profession. Each weapon brings new skills so just try a bit until you found something that fits your play style. In the end, if you want achievements you want to complete these low-level areas anyways so not much time is lost by just playing them.

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