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Block block block block invul invul full heal lol

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War with a shield, just stupid uptime with 0 downsides. Once you get them down low they just full heal and repeat the process. Really dumb gameplay, who approved this? I feel like the balance team is really gone at this point. IF YOU WANT TO KILL GAMEPLAY, MAKE IT SO THAT PLAYERS ARE IMMUNE TO EVERYTHING WITH MULTIPLE OPTIONS SO THEY CAN STAY THAT WAY FOR EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME <--- This is what Anet prefers it seems like, they literally think this is a good idea.

On another note, I haven't been here in a while. Just came on to say that the gameplay here is the worst I've ever seen it. Really not fun anymore, the balance is awful. The game mode is a joke and dead to me. I'm only here for two more legendary items and then I'm out forever.

I'm out.

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I think this is where the strategy part comes in which players ignore until they spend way more time in PvP: yes there are tanks in this game who can hold themselves even in 1v2 for a while if they're good, and this is why you're supposed to rotate around them or specifically pick a class to counter their build. If you're not a sidenoder or roamer just don't go home and don't try to duel if you don't have a good dueling build, just go +1 someone else and they will be forced to move out of the point, freeing it for you or someone else to take. And if they are so good that they can hold 1v3 indefinitely while the rest of the enemy bulldozes the other points, then they kinda deserve the win I guess?

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I think the whole concept of " this is a sidenoder, so you can never expect to beat it, unless you are sidenoder aswell" is just dumb and pretty bad for the average player.

"Every build giving the player the ability to beat any build, and it all comes down to personal skill is a way healthier approach."   

But that doesnt work inside of Conquest... which ultimately leads to my conclusion that Conquest is one of the many reasons this gamemode succs....

The whole balancing would be way healthier for the average player,  if SPvP wasnt focused around holding small circles.  And rather performance of builds fighting eachother.      You know.... the old  "X beats Y     Y beat Z     Z beats X" thingy....     

Right now its     "X beats A,B,C,D,E in a 1v1....        But when A,B,C,D and E have beaten  Y and Z at midfight, they can come and beat X together, because there is no other way to beat X, unless you outnumber it or also have a X that is better than their X"   

Just my 2 cts tho....     what am i even doing here man...

Edited by Sahne.6950
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1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

I think the whole concept of " this is a sidenoder, so you can never expect to beat it, unless you are sidenoder aswell" is just dumb. 

"Every build giving the player the ability to beat any build, and it all comes down to personal skill is a way healthier approach."   

But that doesnt work inside of Conquest... which ultimately leads to my conclusion that Conquest is one of the reason this gamemode succs....

The whole balancing would be way healthier for the average player,  if SPvP wasnt focused around holding small circles.  And rather performance of builds fighting eachother.      You know.... the old  "X beats Y     Y beat Z     Z beats X" thingy....     

Right now its     "X beats A,B,C,D,E in a 1v1....        But when A,B,C,D and E have beaten  Y and Z at midfight, they can come and beat X together, because there is no other way to beat X, unless you outnumber it or also have a X that is better than their X"    

Just my 2 cts tho....     what am i even doing here man...

Yeah, Conquest as the only game mode was a death sentence, it makes balance and build diversity way too restrictive and it even goes against the very nature of certain classes such as elementalist, engineer, revenant, which are meant to have a little bit of everything, aka be self-sufficient.
Anything that goes against the "philosophy" of how Conquest is meant to be played gets deleted from that game mode. The obsession with those community imaginary roles made everything worse (duelist, roamer, side troll, support, something, whatever).

>Only get one game mode for PvP
Essentially deleting the strengths of an MMO = Delete stat combinations, runes, sigils, traits, skills so that no one dares to use them ever again because they are bad for cOnQuesT.
No wonder WvW is still far more popular than PVP, and the only one that still gets some dev attention.

And I also love that response:
"Bro! The role of my build/class is to never die lose a fight! Just go somewhere else 5Head."

Edited by Sereath.1428
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7 minutes ago, Sereath.1428 said:

The obsession with those community imaginary roles made everything worse (duelist, roamer, side troll, support, something, whatever).

just because there's a meta game rather than game enforced roles doesn't mean it's imaginary, lol

24 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

"Every build giving the player the ability to beat any build, and it all comes down to personal skill is a way healthier approach."   

So long as a game has actual buildcraft and choices you have to make, you're not gonna avoid having strengths and weaknesses. Otherwise, everyone needs a teleport, an invuln, support, sustain, etc all in the same build, and that'd be pretty awful and unenjoyable. Almost no class/role based games do that for a very good reason.
What you want is for balance to be good enough to where you can beat someone if you outplay them hard enough, which isn't always the case currently.

But even in some mythical perfectly balanced game, you'd still have situations where things lose because of role mismatches, so long as builds weren't predefined. Counters are okay, favorable match ups are okay, they just can't be extreme.

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the fact that you're hitting through multiple blocks suggests that you're trying to hit through their shield 5, and if that's the case then sorry its a get good problem. the cd's like 25s while the invul utility has like 40sec sec.

what's exactly the issue? there's a very huge window to kill them with that level of cooldowns

Edited by BonggangKikay.9576
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